Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
In this message, Bible teacher Marilyn Poston discusses the importance of surrendering and submitting to God's will. She emphasizes that as kingdom citizens, we need to come under the authority of Jesus and surrender our desires, flesh, and way of doing things. Poston encourages listeners to make a decision to give up their lives for Jesus and acknowledge him in all their ways. She explains that when we fully surrender to God's will, we gain love, acceptance, peace, joy, fulfillment, victory, and success. Poston reminds us that God only has good plans for us and wants us to live a good life. She encourages listeners to not conform to the ways of the world but be transformed by renewing their minds with the Word of God. Overall, Poston urges us to submit to God's authority and live according to his plan and purpose for our lives. Welcome everybody I'm Bible teacher Marilyn Poston and this is Study in the Word Make with Make Today Great. I hope everyone's having a great day in the Lord and that you are open to hearing a word from the Lord on today. We're going to go to we're going to start in James chapter 4 verse 7. My topic for this lesson is I surrender all. You know that's a song hymn that we have sung in the church for many years all to Jesus I surrender you know and then we sing I give myself away and we sing all of these songs but you know God is asking us today do we truly surrender all to him? Do we truly give him our all? Are we truly surrendered and submitted to his will? James chapter 4 verse 7 says submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you. You know many times we focus on the last verse but rather the last phrase of that scripture resist the devil and he will flee from you but sometimes we do not look at that first part of the verse. Submit yourself to God. Submit means to come under the authority it means to surrender yourself and we are so quick to focus on ourselves and we do have to take care of ourselves I'm not talking about it in that sense of the word but if we are focusing on ourselves and not focusing on God as being kingdom citizens so we're talking I'm talking to people that are in the kingdom that belong to the kingdom have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Jesus when we are kingdom citizens we have to surrender submit ourselves come under the authority of Jesus who is our King so submit come under the authority of another surrender what do we need to surrender as being kingdom citizens what do we need to bring subject to Jesus our will our desires our flesh and our way you know we want what we want as as human beings we want what we want we want things the way we want it when we want it and how we want it but once we have been birthed into the kingdom then it comes to comes time that we have to make a decision we have to decide are we really going to surrender to Jesus are we really going to submit to God so that he can use us for his service and for his purpose Matthew 16 and 24 then Jesus told his disciples if anyone will come after me let him deny himself see we see self we got to deny our self that means again our will our desires our emotions our flesh our our way of doing things and submit to God's authority submit must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me if we are going to say that we are kingdom citizens then we have to submit to the authority of Jesus we have to come under God's authority we have to come under his we have to come subject to his will to his way and to his plan and to his purpose it's easy to sing a song I surrender all but do we really surrender all do we really and I heard it in church on this fast line to give myself away do we really give ourselves away ourselves our desires our flesh our way so that God can use us God needs true holy people that he can use in these last and wicked days because there's so much false teaching so much trouble so much that is just wrong God needs some people some submitted people that he can depend on in these last and evil days that's going to surrender to his will that's going to surrender to his command that's going to do it it's not just about living right but it's about doing his will yes we got to live right so we can do his will because souls are at stake people souls are at stake in these last days people are there are people who are still looking for answers there are people who are still looking for truth there are people who still looking and searching for God and if they don't see it in us as kingdom people they're not going to see it because we are his voice we are his hand we are his feet we have to show his love we have to show his grace and his mercy we have to show people who Jesus is if we're not submitted to him it's a minute to his way it's a minute to his plans surrendered to him to God then we are missing the mark you know because this walk this kingdom being a kingdom citizen it's not about money it's not about wealth it's not about it's not about all those things God said you seek me in my kingdom first he said I'll add all these things to you but if we're chasing after money we're chasing after fame we're chasing after making a name for ourselves then we have the wrong idea of what it means to be in the kingdom Matthew 16 and 25 says for whoever would save his life will lose it but whosoever loses his life for my sake we'll find it are we in this walk for our sake are we in it for his sake yeah he said if we but we give up our life for him we'll find it we'll find eternal life but many people you know when I go to church because you know that's what my family does that's what my mama did that's what my grandma did and so I go to church and you know I pay my tithes and I do what Serena I do my duty it's not about duty it's about God and his plan and his purpose his plan is that all should come to repentance God planted a son Jesus because he wants sons to be birthed into the kingdom he desired a family the family are the family of God but we have to be willing to lay down our life for his he laid down his for us we have to be willing to lay down our life our way our will our desires for his as kingdom citizens it comes down to making a decision are we going to give up our life for Jesus are we going to acknowledge him in all of our ways allow him to direct up I see we you know with this walk with Jesus is not forced it's not we're not we're not bound in chains we have to make a decision that we are going to follow Jesus we're going to do his will we're going to do the things that he asked us to do we're going to give him our life and do as he leads us and guides us we have to be willing to give up our will to do his will to fulfill his plan for our lives to complete the mission he created us for to achieve his divine destiny for our lives God has a divine destiny for each and every one of us but we won't fulfill it if we're not willing to truly surrender we're not really truly if we're not going to submit to his authority if we're not going to submit and become subject to the Word of God then we're just playing church and it's time out for playing church we need to get real about what we need to be doing for God what he called us for what he created us for we get focused on the wrong things get wrapped up with the wrong stuff instead of submitting and surrendering our lives to Christ so that he can use us as he sees fit when we 100% surrender to his will we gain much more than we lose we lose pain suffering heartache disappointment discouragement and failure that's what that's the stuff we're giving up and who wants any of that pain suffering discouragement disappointment failure we don't who wants any of those things but when we submit our lives to Christ when we surrender to his will he said everything that we need for life and godliness he will he's gonna provide for us he has provided it for us we just have to do his will live according to his plan and his purpose and we also we gain love doesn't compare us to the love of Christ acceptance healing peace joy fulfillment victory and success God only has plans that are good not evil we know that from Jeremiah 29 11 he said I know the plans I have for you plans of good not of evil to bring us to our expected in God only has good plans for us you know we yes things are going to happen we're going to have trouble but I'm a whole looking at the big picture God wants us to live a good life he wants us to live a life of peace things are going to happen but it shouldn't just be constant we're constantly going through constantly struggling constantly suffering that's not God's will he said I come that you might have life and that life more abundantly and that just doesn't mean in the sweet by and by that that means in the here and now he wants us to have but many times we're suffering and going through things because we're not submitted to God we're not submitted to his plan and his purpose we're not doing things his way we're doing things our way and our way leads us down a path of destruction leads us into trouble leads us into problems leads us into debt leads us in Tibet we lead ourselves into these bad situations then we want to say oh look what got God no he didn't he didn't do that we get ourselves in trouble then we want him to get us down when if we will submit to his will submit to his plan a lot of these pitfalls a lot of these traps and snares that we find ourselves then we would avoid if we surrender and submit to God he wants us to do things his way Romans 12 and 2 says do not be conformed fashioned after this world but be transformed or changed by the renewing of your mind that you may know what the will of God is what is good acceptable and perfect God will show us his will he will show us his plan he will reveal to us his purpose if we don't conform ourselves to this world that means fashion ourselves or do things the way the world does them if we are kingdom citizens we can't you can't have it both ways you can't be a kingdom citizen and do things the way of the world and it's not just about how we dress but it's how we carry ourselves our character are we see the world says if it feels good do it the world says whatever makes you happy indulge yourselves to capacity to overflow or whatever satisfies your flesh that's what the world says but Jesus wants us to conform to his way he wants us to conform to his path he will show us our will his will but we have to keep our minds renewed by constantly feeding ourselves the Word of God we cannot live if we are in the kingdom we cannot live according to the world's standards we can't live according to the world's principles we have to live by God's principles and by God's standards which we find in his word but if we're not searching his word for not reading his word we're not studying his work we're not listening to his work we're not going to know what to do and then when something crazy happens and it's all we're not going to recognize it because we will accept anything as being truth and that's what's going on today in in Christendom people are just you know saying this and saying that saying this and saying that and everybody's like oh yeah uh-huh because people are studying the world we are to be governed and guided by the Word of God we need to submit ourselves to the standards and the principles that we find in God's Word and it becomes easy when we keep our minds renewed and focused on the Word of God not focused on the flesh this flesh this flesh should take us to hell this flesh will take us to destruction put us in the pit if we allow our flesh and when I say flesh I'm not talking about this skin but that our desires are the sinful nature we allow that sinful nature to rule and reign we will end up separated from God we will end up in sin and if we don't repent and get back in right standing we will hold those people end up going to hell because we won't submit ourselves to God in his way we have to renew our minds with the mortified kill this flesh not this flesh flesh but that fleshly nature that sinful nature got to kill it with the Word of God that's why it's important to keep our minds renewed with the Word of God then Proverbs 3 5 through 6 very familiar passage trust in the Lord with all your heart don't lean to your own understanding how do we live a surrender and submitted life don't lean to our own understanding because God tells us my ways are higher than your ways my thoughts are higher than your thoughts but we still want to lean to our own finite thinking our own polluted corrupted because we've allowed the world system to pollute our thinking in our mindsets that's why we got to renew our mind to get our mind uncontaminated by the world's way of thinking the church has allowed the world to come in and corrupt everything that God has for his people but we have to get that stuff out we have to get our minds right with the Word of God trusting him with all of our hearts don't lean to our own thinking our own understanding acknowledge him in all of our ways so God what do you want me to do in this situation everything he said in all of our ways do we really acknowledge God in all of our ways everything because if we did a lot of trouble that we find ourselves in we would not be in if we truly acknowledge God in all of our ways he would direct our path he's not gonna lead us into danger he's not gonna lead us into trouble he's gonna lead us into life he's gonna lead us into joy he's gonna lead us into abundance he's gonna lead us and guide us so that we can do the work of the kingdom so that we can lead this and that and this is the work of the kingdom leading others to Jesus telling others what they must do what must they do to be saved that is the work of the kingdom we can't force them can't make them we have to show them and tell them show them and tell them how can we do that if we ourselves are all over the place doing what we want to do see it and it's the time now is to make a decision what's it gonna be if there is no middle ground with Christ one foot in you know people say that but it's really not true you either in or out choose you this day who you gonna serve choose you this day which way you're going to go choose you this day if you're going to surrender all to Christ choose you today we got to make a decision each of us has to make a decision for ourselves are we going to do this thing God's way or not enough so that's the two choices his way or not at all because if his way are the devil's way there's only two sides of this walk his way or the devil's way there's no middle well I'm in today I'm out tomorrow one foot in the church one it's really not true you either on the Lord's side or you're not he's acknowledged him in all of our ways and he would direct our path so what are we allowing to hinder us or stop us from totally submitting and surrendering to our all for real not just a song that we sing but for real for real what are we allowing to stop us or hinder us from surrendering our all to Jesus sometimes it well I got church hurt Jesus didn't hurt us people hurt us but even still you got to forgive got to forgive so something so well you know I got hurt in the church so I ain't going back to church or family petty argument beefing with somebody and they say money lack of money focused on the wrong thing unwilling to effectively work with others with so many things that we allow to hinder us from surrendering and submitting to God I know people over at that church ain't right well first of all that's not the only facility where we can go that you can go to so if you're not in a good church get in a good church but we are in the kingdom and Jesus is the king in the kingdom and he hasn't hurt us he hasn't mistreated us he's still God and he's still on the throne he still loves us so you know a lot of this what we call church hurt a lot of that's because we're not submitted to God and I'm not saying that's the case in every case because it's some stuff bad stuff going on out here in some of these churches so but we can't hold that to God's account we can't hold that against God and the kingdom so long that we are in a kingdom yes we go to churches but we are in the kingdom for such a time as this in a lot of the things that we are allowing to hinder us we do not realize that it's stopping us from helping somebody be birthed into the kingdom souls are at stake we seem to have forgotten that that's people's souls are at stake including our own because if we're not living up to what God tells us to live up to if we're not living a surrender submitted life then our own soul is at stake hell is real brother you know we want to talk about it or not but God doesn't he wants all to be saved and come to repentance that's what he died for so that mankind might have eternal life and we are not submitted we are not surrendered we don't know whose soul we are hindering because each of us has that been commissioned to go and to tell the whole world about a risen Savior that's our call that's our duty to let people know that Jesus loves them so let people know that he died on the cross and he rose again that all might have a right to eternal life that we can have a life of joy a life of peace a life of health and wellness that's available to all mankind that's what's at stake when we get caught up with petty differences and doing our own thing and not wanting to surrender to God and not willing to compromise with others to work not compromising the work but compromising our ways and our thoughts so that we can work to do the work of the kingdom that's what's important that's what matters so whose path will you choose to follow your own or God's which path do you think really leads it only leads to eat only one of those paths leak leads to eternal life you follow your own path where does that lead only the path that God directs us down it's going to lead to eternal life which path is set by the one who knows all the one who knows the future and the one who can't fail that's Jesus he holds our future he knows the beginning from the end he wrote the story he is the author in the finisher of our faith and he knows how it's all going to turn out he is all knowing all seeing all white the only wise guy so why would we go with anything else why we subject ourselves to any other thought or way that it's I mean saying we're in the kingdom we people are short-sighted we are driven by fleshly desires our emotions we make decisions based on the moment we normally lead ourselves down paths of destruction James 1 and 22 says do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves do what it says time out for plan we are in the last days I mean just look around you look I don't even watch the news like that but just we act but even I you know we can see we should be able to see clearly that we are in the last days we are in the end times and some people say I've been hearing that for years do you think you believe the Word of God or you don't so we are in a time where we cannot just hear the Word of God and not do it we can't keep this hearing it because if you really hear it if you're really hearing it if you're really getting it understandings that we can hear something and we can know something intellectually but it do we have a real understanding what's where she says and all by getting get an understanding we have to know and understand what God is saying in these days and in these times so we can't merely hear the word if we're gonna be live a surrendered submitted life let's do what it says so we can hear a lot of stuff we hear all kind of crazy stuff but what we do is what we're committed to what we believe truly in our hearts is what we're going to do so are we doing what the Word of God says are we just hearing it and just make it making our mouth say what sounds good so you know we can go to church on Sunday we can sing in the choir we can be on the praise team we can even be preaching the word every Sunday and not live in it what that is that's no good and you know we're deceiving ourselves into thinking oh yeah you know because of grace and mercy I can just live the way I want to do the way I want to we're going to sin but it's time out for living a lifestyle of sin if we say we are in the kingdom we have to do what the Word of God says that's a true submitted surrendered life to the plan the purpose and the will of God you know we get lazy sometimes we get tired and we're like I'm not trying to do this I'm not trying to do that but what is God calling us to what has he called you to what has he told you he wants you to do who has he sent you to help who has he sent you to lend a hand to who has he sent you to lay hands on people need deliverance people need healing people need help who is going to do it if we don't do it as kingdom citizens we do not do the work of the kingdom it will go undone yes God will raise up another he's not gonna raise up somebody to do what he sent me to do because he has a plan and a mission and a purpose for each one of us and only I can do what God has called me to do what he has commissioned me to do only you can do what God has called and created you for only you can do that because there's only one you there's only one of each of us and he has a plan and a purpose for our lives James 4 and 10 says humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up Matthew 6 and 33 seek first his kingdom and his righteousness we can't keep seeking our own way we can't keep seeking our own path we can't keep trying to do whatever we think we want to do either it's gonna be his way or no way you know we can deceive ourselves if we want to I'm not trying to deceive myself I'm not I'm not trying to deceive myself into thinking that you know I'm just doing what I want to do I'm gonna go my own way I'm gonna try to do what Philippians 2 5 through 8 said let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death even the depth of the cross therefore God also has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name so Jesus humbled himself then he had this mind that I'm gonna do the will of the Father is that really where we got our minds today that what we really have set in our hearts I'm gonna do the will of God I don't care what it takes what it calls me if it costs me giving up whatever it costs me to give up I am going to do the will of God that's what it means to be submitted that's what it means to be surrendered to have that surrendered life that's what it truly means to I give up I give up my way I give up my thoughts I give up my plans I give up my purpose and I'm gonna do what it says in first Peter 5 6 through 10 therefore humble humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God the hate he may exalt you in due time casting your care upon him for he cares for you be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour resist him steadfast in the faith knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world but may the God of all grace who called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after you have suffered a while perfect established strength and settle you we got to surrender all we got to be steadfast we got to be vigilant and we got to make up our minds to do to do his will or not we can't just keep doing things our way we can't keep following our own path if we say we are kingdom citizens and we say I surrender all I surrender all I mean is it do you really do we really surrender all have we really made a decision I'm going to come under the leadership of Christ I'm going to do what he asked me to do I he says he's divine this is in John 15 he's divine we are the branches and we need to bear fruit but we can't do it separate from him we cannot bear fruit separate from him we cannot be who he wants us to be going our own way doing our own thing not surrendered and not submitted to his authority you got to make a decision each of us we have to make a decision do we really surrender all do we really give it all up for him our desires our will our way because souls are at stake people are dying and going to a devil's hell and we as the kingdom the Ecclesia the called-out one have we truly surrendered all so that we can do his will so that we can see soul saves it's a choice it's a decision just as it is each day to make it great it's a it's up to us it is truly this a choice to make each day great despite irritation aggravation trouble bills marital problems kid problems job problems despite all of that we still have a choice each day to make each day great because each day is the day that the Lord has made and we can choose whether or not we're going to be glad in it I pray that you choose to make each day great before we go father in the name of Jesus I pray for your people God I pray that we will make a decision each person will make a decision to surrender to your will surrender to your way so that we can see souls birth into the kingdom and father I thank you for your blessings I thank you for your love I thank you for your mercy God we acknowledge you in all of our ways direct our path make them straight before us God I pray for those out there who are suffering with sickness in the name of Jesus you purchased our healing I speak healing health wealth prosperity over your people in the name of Jesus so that we can be focused God I'm doing the work of the kingdom so that we can be a light shining in darkness the city that's been on the hill that cannot be hid that will let your light so shine that me and they see our good works and glorify you God we lift your name on how we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise in the mighty name of Jesus amen amen and amen make today great God bless you and I love you all