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Marilyn Poston



Make Today Great - Study in the Word. Sunday Feb. 2, 2024 Delivered- Colossians 1:9-14

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In this episode of Make Today Great, Meryl Poston discusses the importance of deliverance and walking in the light. She emphasizes that as kingdom citizens, we have already been delivered from darkness and should live in freedom. Meryl encourages listeners to know and believe that God loves them and wants them to be delivered from pain, sickness, and emotional distress. She shares personal experiences and advises staying in God's word, spending time with Him, and following Jesus' example to walk in deliverance. Meryl assures that though the process may take time, deliverance is possible and relief from pain is attainable. Welcome, I'm Meryl Poston, and this is Make Today Great, Study in the Word. Today is Sunday, February the 4th, 2024, and I am so glad to be here to share some insights from the Word of God. This is titled, Delivered. You know, living in these days and times, there are so many things that can come in our lives to try to bind us, to stop us, to hinder us, to delay us from doing what God has called us to do, but we have to be delivered. We have to be set free. Jesus wants us to be delivered so that we can help deliver others, so that we can share with others how God, the power of God, is able to deliver us. So I want to start today by going to Colossians chapter 1, starting at verse 9. For this reason also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will and all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God, strengthened with all might according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy, giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us, has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated or conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, talking about Jesus, in whom we have redemption through His blood and the forgiveness of sins. It is time for the kingdom citizens to know and to walk in our deliverance, to know that we have been delivered from the kingdom of Satan, that we have been translated into Jesus' kingdom. We are kingdom citizens, and we are a delivered people, and if we don't know that, then we can continue to allow Satan to bind us, we can continue to allow him to stop us, to hold us back from going forward in God, from advancing in the kingdom of God. If we in the kingdom are bound, how can we help others be delivered? So today we want to talk about being delivered. Psalms 34, 17-18 says, The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit. We have to walk in deliverance. If we cry out to God, He has already provided deliverance for us. He provided it at the cross, so we have to learn how to walk in that deliverance. We have to learn to know that God has already delivered us, that He has already paid the price for our deliverance, and walk in that deliverance, so that we can be able to help others to see the light, and to know that they can too be delivered from sin, sickness, hell, death, and the grave. So we have to know how to walk in the deliverance that has already been provided for us if we are kingdom citizens. There are many people who are struggling in their physical bodies, who are struggling emotionally, mentally, but that is not God's will for His people. He does not want us as kingdom citizens to be sick. He does not want us to suffer from emotional turmoil. He does not want us to suffer from mental distress. He has already purchased our deliverance. So we have to walk in that deliverance. We have to know that we have already been delivered, but we have to know how to walk in it. So we have to know what God's word tells us how to walk in that deliverance. God does not cause sickness. He does not cause pain. He does not want us to be stressed. He does not want us to suffer from things that have happened. Many people are suffering from things that have happened to them in their past, of hurts from the past, pain. He came to heal the brokenhearted. He came to set at liberty them that are bruised, and as kingdom citizens, we are to be offering the same hope, the same deliverance to others, because God does not intend for us to live this life in suffering. He does not intend for us to live this life depressed. He does not intend for us to live this life being stressed out and full of anxiety. He wants us to live a life free, delivered. If you're delivered, you're free, you're set free, and when you are set free, you can help somebody else. When you are set free, you can be full of the joy of the Lord. You can have the peace of God reigning in our hearts when we are free. We don't have to allow past tragedies, tumult, crisis, trouble, pain. We don't have to allow those things to hold us captive, but God has given us deliverance. God, first of all, we have to know, excuse me, that God loves us. He has a great love for us. We are greatly loved. We are his beloved. In Romans 5 and 6 through 8 tells us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Why? Because he loves us. He loves us so much that he laid down his life for us. That's why he wants us to be delivered. He does not want us to be bound by sickness. He does not want us to be bound by pain, by tragedy, by turmoil, by past hurts that people have done to us or that Satan has caused in our lives. He wants us to walk in deliverance that he has already provided for us because he has great love for us. He loves us so much. In Zephaniah 3 and 17, it says that he sings over us. He rejoices over us. The scriptures tell us we are the apple of his eye. He holds us in great esteem. He loves us so much and he wants us to be delivered. Satan is the one who brings pain and trouble. He works through people. He works through situations. He works through things that happen in our lives to bind us, to keep us bound so that we cannot be the people that God wants us to be, so that we do not know we have an inheritance as being kingdom citizens. We have an inheritance of life, not darkness. Deliverance is freedom from the darkness. Depression is darkness. Sickness is darkness. Pain is darkness. Pain from our childhood, pain from bad relationships. We have deliverance available to us. We have to know it. We have to know that God loves us. He does not want us to be bound in all of these things that Satan wants to cause. So God loves us. Know that you are the beloved. You are greatly loved by God and that he wants all of us that are in the kingdom to be delivered from pain, to be delivered from trouble. So deliverance may not always happen right then. Sometimes it is a process, but in that process of learning how to walk in our deliverance, to get to that state where we are totally delivered, we have to be patient. We have to stay in the word of God. We have to stay in a place with God where we can know his love, where we can come to know him. We have to come to know God. We have to come to know him by being in relationship with him, by studying his word, by spending time with him, by being in his presence, by fellowshipping with the saints. That's how we come to know that we are delivered. That's how we come to walk in the deliverance that has already been made available for us. And I know for some, it may seem that you are in your darkest hour and you may not believe that you are going to come out, that your pain is so devastating, that what has happened to you is so devastating that you are not going to be able to come out. But I want you to know today that deliverance is available to you. Deliverance is possible for you. You can come out of your pain. It doesn't mean that you forget it, but the hurt of it, I know from personal experience, the hurt of that pain can be relieved. It can be eliminated in your life if you allow yourself to walk in the deliverance that God has provided for us. So you say, okay, how do you do that? It's not easy. Because sometimes when we have been so hurt, and we have been through so much, I know in a time in my life when I was so hurt that I couldn't see that I was ever going to recover. I know for about two years I went through what probably would have been classified as clinical depression, but God brought me out. It didn't come overnight. It took time. It took prayer. It took faith. It took staying with God. You got to stay with God and believe that your deliverance is nigh. Believe that your Redeemer lives and that He can bring you out no matter how deep the pain may be, no matter how hurt or how devastated you may be, God can bring deliverance. It's already been provided, but we have to know how to receive it. We have to know how to walk in it. We have to know how to accept it. First John 1 and 15 says, this is the message we have heard from Him and proclaimed to you that God is light and in Him there is no darkness. We have to learn how to walk in the light. We have to learn how to live in the light, and God is that light. He is the light of the world, and He has, He said He has given us His light. When we come into the kingdom, we're no longer in the kingdom of darkness, but the kingdom of Jesus is a kingdom of light. It is a kingdom, and light brightens up everything. Light expels the darkness. You can't get, light removes all of the darkness. Light erases it. It casts it away. We have to learn how to live in the light. We have to learn how to live in the light of God's love, His peace, His comfort. He is the light. John 8 and 12 says, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness. If we want to be walking our deliverance, we have to walk in Him. We have to follow Christ. We have to follow His commandments. We have to follow His direction. We have to follow His word. That's how we come out of darkness and walk in the light. Follow after Jesus. Follow after His example. He set an example before us, how to live as kingdom citizens. He gave us His words for us to live by. He said, My words, they are spirit, they are life, and they are the truth. We have to walk and live in the light of God. We have to live the way He tells us to. That's one way to come out of darkness, to come out and be able to walk in your deliverance is to walk in the light, to live in the light, to be light. We are light. Psalms 119 and 105 says, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. We want to walk out of darkness and walk into the light, walk into our deliverance. We have to let the word of God guide us. We have to let the word of God be a lamp to our feet. That way we'll see trouble. We will see things that are about to happen before they happen. We won't have to fall into these pits of depression. We won't have to fall into these pits of trouble where we become bound and where we become depressed and where we become stressed and full of anxiety because God's word is lighting up our pathway. We'll see where we're going. We can avoid these obstacles and these pitfalls. I'm not saying we'll never stumble, but you know what, when we stumble, God is there to uphold us. He is there to uphold us with His righteous right hand, and we do not have to stumble and continue to fall into the trap of the enemy, into the snare of the enemy because God is our light. He said His word is a lamp to our feet. Make the word of God your best friend. Spend time daily in the word of God. Let it light up your spirit and light up your soul and light up your path and give you the wisdom that God has for us. Deliverance has been made available. We have to walk in it, and we do that by walking in the light of God's word, knowing that He is our light and that He has given us light when we are in the kingdom. Light in the light, you will not stumble. Your path will be straight. You will see every obstacle, every hindrance if we walk in the light. God is here today to wake us up and let us know we don't have to live in darkness. We don't have to live in a place of being bound, bound by fear, bound by trouble, bound by anxiety, bound by sickness. He has given us deliverance. We can walk in deliverance as being kingdom citizens. That is what is available to us, but we have to walk in the light of Christ. Matthew 5 and 14 says, you are the light of the world. You are like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hid. We, when we are in the kingdom, we have the light of Christ in us. His light is in us. He has given us light so that we don't have to be bound so that we can be free, free to do His will, free to live the joyous, complete, satisfying, contented life that He has provided for us. We have the light in us so that not only can we be delivered, that we can help others be delivered. We don't have to stay in this place of slumber. We don't have to stay in this place of sleep. We have to walk in our deliverance, our deliverance from pain, our deliverance from sickness. We may feel that we are in a state of decomposition where we are just breaking down and decaying, but today God wants to refresh us. He wants to renew us. He wants to revitalize us so that we can be the people of God that He wants us to be. He wants us to be the light of the world, the salt of the earth, so that we can lead others to Him, but when we are bound, when we are in a state of pain, when we are struggling and we don't see a way out, we can't help anybody else, but God wants us to be free. He wants us to be delivered. He wants us to be free from everything. We may feel like the smallest particle of dust that we have been broken down so much by hurt, so much by being troubled by things that have happened to us. I know that feeling when you feel like you have been broken down and you can't get yourself up or you just down to the smallest particle of dust. I know that feeling when you feel when you have been abandoned, when you have maybe been molested, when you have been talked about, when you have been put to shame, when you have been beat so beat down, but God is bringing the light. He has brought the light. He wants to bring deliverance. He wants you to walk in that deliverance that He has provided for us as being in the kingdom. We have been conveyed, moved, translated, bought out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Jesus, which is a kingdom of light, a kingdom of deliverance. Distress, hurt, they come to bring death and it's not coming from God. Saint John 10 and 10 says that Jesus came to give us life, an abundant life, but it is Satan, the thief, who comes to steal, to kill, and destroy. It is Satan who wants to keep us bound. Why does he want us to keep us bound? First of all, he doesn't want us to see Jesus. He doesn't want us to see Jesus. He doesn't want us to love Jesus. He wants to keep us bound, but Jesus said, I come to give you life and that life more abundantly. Acts 10 and 38 out of the New Living Translation reads, and you know that God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power. Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil. It is the devil who wants to oppress us. He wants to keep us living in the past. He wants to keep us reliving the hurt and the pain and the devastation and the tragedy and the crisis that has happened to us so that we will stay bound, so that we will not be free, so that we will not experience the love of God, so that we will not experience the peace of God. He wants to keep us in darkness. He wants to steal everything that God has given us. He wants to steal our deliverance. He wants to steal our joy. He wants to steal our peace. He wants to steal everything, the love of God. He wants to rip it away from us, but we don't have to allow him to. We don't have to allow the enemy to take control in our lives. We do not have to give in to his thievery. We don't have to give in to his deceptiveness, to his tricks, to his wickedness. We do not have to give in to these things because deliverance has been provided for us. So we know that these things don't come from God. They come from the enemy. He comes to steal. He comes to kill. He wants to kill our joy. He wants to kill our witness. He wants to kill our influence. He wants to kill our future. He wants to kill our dreams and our visions that God has given us. He wants to kill our mission that God has given us. He wants to destroy our divine destiny that God has given us, but it does not have to end that way. It does not have to stay that way. It does not have to continue that way because we have deliverance provided for us by our Savior, by our Lord, because he loves us so much. We don't have to stay there. Don't allow Satan to continue to steal, to kill, and destroy. We have been given power over all the power of the enemy. We can tread upon serpents and scorpions, but we have to use the power, the authority that has been given to us by God to kick Satan out of our lives. James 4 and 7 says, Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. The devil and his darkness have to flee from us in the name of Jesus because we have been given power and authority. So I give you power over all the power of the enemy to tread upon serpents and scorpions. Walk into your deliverance. Walk into your freedom that has been provided to you by God. He has given us power as being kingdom citizens. We have power. We have authority. We walk in dominion. We walk in our deliverance because it has been given to us by God. Don't mistake the devil's doings for God's doings. God doesn't want us to be bound. He doesn't want us to be hurt. He doesn't want us to be killed. God wants us to live. He said, I give you life. He wants us to have peace. He wants us to help others. When we are doing the work that we have been called, appointed, and anointed to do, we are walking in our deliverance. We are walking in the liberty. The liberty that Christ has given us. He has given us liberty. He has given us deliverance so that we can be happy, that we can have joy, and that we can tell and spread the gospel of the kingdom. And so if we are delivered, then we can help others. If we are delivered, we can do the same thing that Jesus did. First John 3 and 8 says, Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan. So if he came to destroy his works for us as kingdom citizens, it's for a purpose. It's for a reason. We all have a divine destiny. We are to be doing the work of the kingdom. What is the work of the kingdom? It tells us in Mark 16, 17-18, and these signs shall follow them that believe. In my name they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not harm them. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. We have a mission, but if we're not delivered, if we are bound, we can't do the work of the kingdom. That's what Satan wants to stop. He wants to stop the work of the kingdom from being done. So if we're not delivered, truly delivered, if you're truly delivered, you're not this up and down, back and forth, unstable, double-minded. When you get delivered, truly delivered, you're delivered for a purpose. You're delivered to do a work for God. You are delivered to tell someone else of God's goodness, to tell someone else that God is a healer, to tell someone else that God is a miracle worker, to tell someone else that God is a way maker, that He is a provider, that He is a keeper, that He is supplier of all of our needs, that He does not want us bound, that He can set you free from mental distress, He can set you free from emotional destruction. He can and has provided deliverance. We need to be telling others that. We need to be doing the work of Jesus, casting these evil spirits out for God's people so that the kingdom can be advanced because there's so much wickedness, there's so much evil going on in the world, in the church, everywhere you look, you see wicked, you see evil, you see all these things that are going against God, but God needs some delivered, sanctified, holy ghost filled people who are going to stand up and do the work of the kingdom to tell the lost and dying world that there is a risen Savior and that He is still working. He has not left us alone. He has given us as kingdom citizens authority. He has given us power. He wants us to be delivered. He wants us to be set free. He wants us to do the work of the kingdom. We got to be delivered. We got to walk in our deliverance. You don't have to die bound. You don't have to die in the darkness. That's not God's will. He has given us power. Acts 1 and 8 says you shall have power after that the holy ghost has come upon you to what to be witnesses, to help somebody else, to tell people the good news of the kingdom, to preach and teach the gospel of the kingdom. That is what our mission is as being kingdom citizens. We cannot do it if we are not delivered. We cannot do it if we are bound. We cannot do it if we are allowing the enemy to hinder us, to delay us, to stop us from advancing the kingdom of God. We don't have to die with sickness. We don't have to live in depression. We don't have to live in anxiety. We don't have to live bound by our past, bound by evil that have been done to us. We do not have to be stressed emotionally or mentally, tormented and troubled. Jesus said he can make us free. John 8 and 32, you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, not set you free because if you get set free then that means you get bound up again, but if you are made free, you are free for good. You are free forever. You can go forward. You can go, keep going and going and going and doing the work that Jesus has called us to do as kingdom citizens. As kingdom citizens, we need to be delivered again so that we can help others. John 14 and 12 says that we can do the work that Jesus did and greater. We need to be loosed just like Lazarus and John 11. He had died. Death is dead. Dead is dead. He had died. His spirit had left. But Jesus said he shall live again, he shall be resurrected. We need to be resurrected spiritually to a delivered state. He was bound, he was decomposing, his body was decaying, he even had a stench, but Jesus said roll away the stone and he called Lazarus forth and he said loose that man and let him go. God is calling us forth today. I'm just a messenger to call us forth into our deliverance from being bound even from the stench of death because that's how it seems sometimes when we have been so hurt, so misused, so abused, it seems like it's death, that we cannot be revived. But God is sending a word of deliverance today. You can be set free, made free rather, to live and to do the work of the kingdom. Deliverance is available. It is here for us. It has been given to us. We have to walk in it, by walking in the light, by allowing the word of God to light our way, by allowing God to fill us with his spirit. If you have not been filled with the Holy Spirit, Ephesians 5 and 18 says don't be drunk or intoxicated with wine, but be filled with the spirit. All you have to do is say Lord fill me with your spirit and he will. He will fill you with his spirit. He will fill you with his light, so that you can walk in the light. We have to allow the word of God to be our guide. We have to allow the word of God to free us, and whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Deliverance has been provided. We have to walk in it. It is a process that we have to go through each and every day. We have to walk in our deliverance, so that we can be used by God, so that we can advance the gospel of the kingdom, so that we can give others the word of God, to let others that are lost and dying and sick, that this is not God's will. This is the work of the enemy, to kill, to steal, and destroy, but Jesus came for us to have a delivered life, a life of peace. I'm not saying that nothing is ever going to go wrong, but God wants us to live a life of peace, and even in our darkest hour, trusting that he already has the way made. We have to follow the light, the light of Jesus, to bring us to that place, to bring us to that place of light. We have to let go of the things we need to let go of. Let go of the pain, let go of the hurt, and receive the love of God. See, sometimes we're always looking for love in all the wrong places. We're looking for people, family, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, to give us that love that we are seeking. But only God can fulfill that longing that's in our souls to be accepted, to be highly esteemed. Then we can receive it from others. If we really, truly learn to accept the love and the deliverance of God, if we truly accept the deliverance of God, then it's easy to know when people really love us, that we will allow people to abuse us and to misuse us, but we will know and experience the love of God. God wants us to walk in deliverance. He has already provided it for us. When we come into the kingdom, we've been translated, moved, removed from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son. Deliverance is available. It's there for us. We don't have to live this life of pain and this life of suffering, this life of anxiety, this life of mental and emotional distress, this life of believing that we're worthless and that we have no esteem. That's not God's will for us. We are highly esteemed by God. We are the beloved. He rejoices and sings over us. He loves us so much that he gave his life for us. That's how much God loves us. Walk in your deliverance today. Then it's easy to make each day great because we know that we are delivered. We know that we are loved. We know that we are set free. I pray that this word was a blessing to you. Continue to study God's word. Continue to listen to what God is saying. We got to drown out all these other voices. We got to drown out all these other sounds that want to draw us away from the love of God. They want us to draw us away from what God is really saying to us. We have to drown all that out and stick with the word of God. Walk the life of deliverance. Walk into your deliverance today. Choose to make today great. It's a choice. It really is. It's a choice to make each day great. I want to just pray with you. Father, we just thank you for your word. I pray that those who are listening, that you will open up their hearts, that you open up their understanding, and that your word, the seed of the word will fall on good ground. I pray for those that are bound. I pray that they listen and learn to walk in deliverance. And I bind the hand of the enemy in the name of Jesus. We resist the work of Satan in our life. Satan, we counsel your every assignment against the people of God. I pray for healing, God, that your healing power will flow to your people now, that we may be healed of every sickness and every disease so that we can walk and live in victory and deliverance and help somebody else. I pray that you will open up doors, God, that you will break up the fallow ground of hearts, that the word will fall on good ground and produce a harvest. And Lord, I give you all the glory, the honor, and the praise. I magnify you. I glorify you. I lift your most holy and righteous name. And it's in the matchless, marvelous name of Jesus that I pray. Amen. God bless you. Make today great.

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