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Part 4

Part 4

Marina khan



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The speaker talks about dogs and their behavior with toys. They mention how their own dog loves squeaky toys and tries to chew the plastic squeaker. They also mention dog-sitting for other families and how one dog tore apart toys within minutes. The speaker shares stories of their own dog's hunting instincts, chasing live animals, and trying to attack a guinea pig. They also talk about other dogs they've dog-sat for, some of which have a tendency to go after bunnies. The speaker briefly mentions cats bringing presents, such as dead birds or socks. They also mention a teacher whose dog lined up seven squirrels, which they found disturbing. They discuss the signs of potential psychopathic behavior, including an interest in small fires, bedwetting, and killing small animals. The speaker mentions watching crime shows like Criminal Minds and acknowledges that they may not be completely accurate. They also mention their own discomfort with watching crime shows. toys and then like start eating the little bits of plastic and then the parent comes in the next day and is like, why is my dog pooping out plastic? And it's like, oh, great. So we actually have to take these toys away from the dogs now because they try to break it and we have to find new types of toys that they like. It's so much fun. I can't even remember. My dog is one of those dogs. She's a small dog. She is a beagle, dachshund mix. She is a small dog by any count, but she is all hound and she is definitely, was definitely a hunter in a past life or something because, oh my God, she likes squeaky toys. Like if the toy doesn't make a noise, she's not as interested first of all, but then she tears it open and she takes out the plastic squeaker and that's all she wants. She wants the actual squeaker and I cannot let her chew the squeaker. Like you are going to choke. I have to fight my dog for this squeaker. I love that. I also dog sit for people, for different families and there's one family we got these two toys for the dogs because it was, it was over break. So it was around Christmas time. And so we got these two little like toys. They have two dogs. One of them very skittish was just kind of like, oh, look at it. But like, I don't know you too well. So like, I don't know how I feel about that toy. The other dog is like, I want attention. I want love. Like give me toys. Um, so we gave her toys. She ripped the first one open within a couple of minutes. There's stuffing everywhere. I'm like, whoa, what happened? So I'm cleaning it up and she starts playing with the other one and does the same thing. Like you've had these toys for five minutes. I just sent your mom a picture of you playing with them. She's going to expect toys when you get home. When she gets home, she's going to expect new toys. How do I explain you ripped up the toys in five minutes? I told her anyway, it was perfectly fine. But like, she also the same dog. She had this like little chicken toy, ripped the leg off while I was dog sitting. I was like, oh, you've had that toy for a while. The dog sat for them before and they've had that toy for a while. I'm like, cool. So any of them like squelchies? Um, do you find it's like dead squirrels anywhere? We, so she's not my dog is a runner. So she's not allowed off leash. Um, because she she will take off. She has taken off. Um, we've had to chase her down before she's taken off. Um, and she always says she's like all hunter. Like she was definitely a hunter in a past life. There's, uh, but um, she has tried to chase live animals. Um, one time, luckily she was on leash at this point because we knew she was a runner. Uh, we were at like an outdoor like family party and their neighbor happened to have live chickens that are like like free range chickens and they'll wander into the yard. And when my dog saw that fucking chicken, I don't know if I should swear, but when she saw that chicken, man, um, it was, it was a lot to, uh, keep her tight. Uh, she did try to go after that chicken. Um, and then another time we were pet sitting a Guinea pig for somebody. Um, and my step mom wanted me to take the guinea pig out, you know, hold her, um, but you know, give her a little tension. And my dog saw that guinea pig and wanted at it. And I tried to help. I tried to hold my dog down cause I was like, you can not have issues like a jumper. She was, I'm holding her down and my dog head butt me like almost gave me a concussion trying to get out of my arms to get this guinea pig. Um, and I can't remember if it was her or one of the other dogs in the house, but one of the dogs did try to take a bite out of the guinea pig and did rip some fur out. Like it was our, yeah. Um, so we don't let her free when we're not outside with her because she's, she's a runner and she is, she would kill a squirrel if she had the chance or a bird, anything that got closer, she would go at. With the dogs that I've sat for, um, the two I was just talking about is, their names are Izzy and Mac. Um, Mac scared of his own shadow, such a sweet dog, but like would not like, he's not going to go after a squirrel. He's like, he'll go on the walk and stand by your side, like while on the leash, perfectly behaved. Izzy also very behaved except she doesn't get along with other dogs. So you just have to be careful around that. But neither of them like go after, try to go after squirrels or anything. Um, the other two dogs I sit for are, their names are Betty and Gretzky and Gretzky is kind of not like, he just wants attention. He wants to be by your side. Um, uh, Betty, on the other hand, Betty loves bunnies. They have a lot of bunnies in their backyard. And so when you try to let them outside, she will try to go after bunnies. So they have a separate like fencing area of their backyard, like the family I dog sat for. And so this most recent time I dog sat for them, they let me know that when I take them outside, uh, to use the bathroom or like let them outside, do not let them out in just the backyard. Like take them out to the other fencing area where there's no bunnies because Betty will try to go for the bunnies. She has tried to go for the bunnies. Luckily, I don't have a dog. Like personally, I only have cats. I don't have that issue. But one thing that cats will do if they're outside, I personally am like an indoor cat person. Like my cats do not go outside. Um, but we also have a lot of indoor outdoor cats in our neighborhood or a lot of strays because people, it's a very quiet neighborhood. So people like to, they don't want their pets anymore. They're like, let me just dump my cat here. It's happened numerous times. It's how I've gotten some of my pets who have been absolutely wonderful. So that was whichever family dumped that cat, it's their loss. Um, but cats will bring you presents. Um, if they don't think you can fend for yourself, sometimes that's in the form of like a dead bird. And we have had those at the end of our driveway before. Um, that's very interesting. Like we went outside, me and my sister, when we were younger, went outside to play on like a slip and slide outside and there was a dead bird at the end of the driveway and we're like, Oh, okay. Um, obviously my cats are indoor cats, so they can't, they don't do that. And I also, they could see like a bug in front of them and not know what to do. Like these cats, my cats are kind of spoiled if I'm being completely honest. But one of my cats does bring me these presents in a sense. He likes to bring me socks. We, I don't know what, what it is, but like, I feel like at least for my family, sometimes we'll like lose a sock or like the pair just, I don't know what happens. Sometimes the pairs aren't together. So we have like a basket, um, where it's like if there's an extra sock that like doesn't have its pair, we put it in the basket. So when the next load of laundry is done, like we can match it up. It normally happens with fuzzy socks. I don't know what happens to the other, the other fuzzy sock in particular, but there'll be times where like I'll wake up and there'll be like a sock on my bed or there'll be like a sock next to the foot of my bed, my bed. And it's my cat, Tommy. He brings me socks. And if my door is shut and he can't get into my room, he will like cry at my door and I'll open it up and he'll carry in a sock. And sometimes they're like, like, you know, how fuzzy socks are like really long, sometimes longer than him. And he's just carrying it in his teeth. And I'm like, okay, buddy, like it's so cute though. I love it. It is cute. I know I had a teacher in high school. She had a dog, interesting dog. Um, he would chase squirrels, but she didn't know that until like one spring, she like lifted up one of the benches that she had outside and there was like seven squirrels all neatly lined up. Oh my gosh. And she was like, my dog is a killer. She was like, after that, she never let him out. There was like neatly lined up too. I was like, what? See, if it wasn't a dog, I'd be like, we need to have that person looked into. If you have that person, it's like that needs to be investigated. I don't know much about forensics or that field in general, but I've watched enough crime shows to know that if it wasn't the dog doer that we should be concerned. No, like that's like in a person, that's like serial killer behavior. At least from how it shows in crime, like it's shown or portrayed in crime shows. Isn't that like the first signs of something like that? Like they'll like start with animals before moving on to like people. Um, yeah. So this is kind of off topic, I guess, but like the three signs of somebody potentially being like, um, kind of like psychotic or a serial killer when they grow up, which like not all psychotic people do. But, um, there's like three signs. One is like small fires. They might be kind of an arsonist. They might seem to enjoy small fires. It doesn't have to be anything big. Like they don't like have to burn down a building or anything, but just an interest in that. Um, bedwetting. I don't necessarily, I'm not like studying psychology, so I don't necessarily know why there's that connection, but somebody who may be wet the bed longer than they should have, like into their teens, um, maybe somebody that should be looked at. Um, and the last one is killing small animals. They usually, they're like morbidly interested and they will start with something small. Like they could just be a kid who like killed a lot of bugs and then it moved into like squirrels that they like completely lined up afterwards. Like what? Um. Oh my goodness. I didn't know that. Yeah. Yeah. Those all seem like things that have been mentioned in episodes of Criminal Minds before. Um, obviously I know crime shows are not portrayed as accurately as like the actual field is, but still a very good show. I can't do crime shows, criminal shows. Like once you start talking about it, once I go in my car, I'm gonna lock all doors. Like, I just don't. They don't freak me out, but I have noticed now that I've begun studying, like I'm only an intro forensic science, but even with the knowledge I have that like watching, like Criminal Minds I find is okay because they don't work in like the same area of forensics as their forensic psychology. Um, so I'm not watching them like process physical evidence, but once you know how to process physical evidence and all that, watching crime shows becomes so much more difficult because you're like, that's an error. You shouldn't have done that. You've messed up. Like I will say Law and Order. I've seen some Law and Order episodes. Stabler does not know how to wear gloves when he touches evidence. That's incorrect. And it drives me crazy. This man will touch anything with his bare hands. Like he's like groping the body with his bare hands. And I'm like, sir, like now that body is contaminated. Like you've put your DNA all over it. Yeah. I was going to say we've watched, uh, not Criminal Minds, sorry. Uh, we've watched Law and Order together and you're like, oh, that's wrong. That's wrong. And they're like, they'll call over like the detectives, you know, at a crime scene. They're like, oh, you want to come see this? And Elliot goes running over, um, and is touching something. It's like, sir, that's not what you're supposed to be doing. Like I'm not in forensics. I'm a general bio major with no interest in the field. And I know you're incorrect there. I haven't seen some of it, but I will say Barbie, like who watches it and loves it, like Olivia Benson is better about her evidence collection. There was a scene that sticks out to me where she, they were just observing the scene and she found evidence a decent amount away from the scene. So she didn't have gloves or like a bag to put the evidence in. She didn't touch it. She stood there and called over one of the evidence technicians to pick it up with a bag and, um, to bring her gloves to put on so she could look at it. Um, she's great about it. Stabler is not. Olivia's great at it. Her partner, Stabler, on the other hand, not so much, but one thing you'll see too, like Stabler also later along in the show, if you end up watching it, he has to learn how to keep his temper in check. He has a very strong temper and it sometimes comes out when they're investigating, like interrogating, um, potential like suspects. Um, so yeah, Stabler has to learn a lot throughout the show. That makes sense because he seems to be impulsive, just touching evidence when he wants. Yeah. And willy-nilly. They, they, he ended up like at one point leaving the show and then he came back and now has his own spinoff law and order show. Um, he does the exact same thing. I don't know as much as like not touching evidence, but he does in the sense of like keeping his anger in check. He has to work on that. Definitely a lot. And Olivia will call, they were partners for a couple of years, like before the show started and they were partners and like really close friends for many years afterwards. Um, like working together before he left the show and she learns how to keep him in check, like temper wise when trying to interrogate suspects. Um, I, I mean, we can keep going as long as you guys want, but I will let you know we are like at an hour and 45 minutes of like talking and content. He's going to enjoy watching it. It was, it was definitely a good talk. It was a mix of good stuff. Yeah. There's a wide range of stuff. Um, and obviously like when we, when you go to like edit and we listen to it back, like we can cut them that we want to, um, we'll have plenty enough content to like use what we want and scrap what we don't. But yeah, we are like an hour 40. This is so much fun. I really enjoyed doing this. I love like having a mic in front of me and like talking. I could talk like this forever. I could just keep going. We are. Was there a time? There wasn't a time limit on this, right? You did not tell me how long we have the room booked for. I know when he booked Emma, he booked her for like an hour and a half. So, um, but nobody's coming in after her. So she had like an extra half an hour that she was able to like use to like download stuff. So if you guys have any more questions, we can do those. But if not, we should probably wrap up. Yeah, we could wrap up here. I'm good with wrapping up here. It's great talking to you guys. Yeah, this is a lot of fun. It's a good time. I got excited with like, what's your major? And like, how'd you get into this field? And now we're like crime shows. You kind of get the flow of it. Yeah. You start talking. Yeah. The meeting was weird a bit because we don't know what to say. But once we got the flow of it, it made it a lot simpler. Bye guys. Bye. Enjoy the podcast.

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