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cover of All Star Series_ Tyler Talk, Paris
All Star Series_ Tyler Talk, Paris

All Star Series_ Tyler Talk, Paris


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The speaker is talking about the importance of promoting one's work and not forgetting about it. They mention how some younger artists release a song and then move on without promoting it. They emphasize the need to let people know and be proud of what you create. They also talk about the importance of being a fan of your own work. The speaker mentions the concept of perfection and knowing when something is done. They mention how people complain about the mixing of their music, but they believe that listeners expect everything to sound perfect like commercial music, without considering the texture and emotions behind it. The speaker shares their experience of recording a song called "Wilshire" using a handheld microphone instead of a professional one, and how it turned out better because of the raw emotions they were able to capture in one take. you get lost like right and what I noticed is some of these the younger guys and girls they like oh yeah I got a song out and they forget about it I'm like no let motherfuckers know tell people when I first put the perfume out dude I had bags of the sample just walking up to people like hi I'm Tyler I made this because I put time and love and too much energy into this finished project just to put it on Instagram and forget about it like no promote you let people know be proud of that you made so when you said that you probably stand by it I was like oh it's a whole bunch of them don't have that so I think that that's beautiful for real because you have to be a fan of your own stuff to answer the question which I'm not gonna lie I kind of forgot but I'm winging it um yeah that perfection is like gnarly but you just got to know what the end goal is and know when you're done like for real I could sit here and redo this you a thousand times but I'm like oh no it doesn't mean nothing else done on to the next thing you mentioned Wilshire people complain about the um people complain about the mixing of that and when people complain about the mixing of that I'm like oh you clearly don't make music so you don't know what you're talking about but that's okay what they don't know is because of the way that like iTunes and Spotify things are mixed loud and super crisp and our ears up they expect every single thing to sound like that and not taking in consideration what texture is so when I made the Wilshire song I was so sad that I didn't want to record it in the booth so I told my engineer we're just in there just me and him and I'm like yo just plug the handheld mic up the handheld mic a hundred bucks it's terrible this is a thousand times better than it you hear that so when I recorded it it was at a mic like this and I just sat there started it did the first verse was like hold on run it back and then I did that whole song the eight minute song and one take just sitting in a chair like this

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