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Lie on your back with knees together and bent, feet flat on mat. Squeeze knees and glutes, arms up. Inhale, roll up and stretch forward with C shape body. Exhale, roll back down, pressing each vertebra into mat. Use breath to control movements. Repeat 3-5 times. Lie on your back with your knees together and bent, the sole of your feet flat on the mat. Your arms are long by your sides. Squeeze knees and glutes. Arms straight up. Inhale and roll up, bringing chin to your chest, chest over ribs, ribs over belly, belly over hips. Exhale as you extend your legs and stretch forward. Make a C shape with your body. Keep your belly button pulling back into your spine and keep reaching forward. This is oppositional work. Inhale. Initiate rolling back down by squeezing your glutes and bending your knees. Exhale as you feel each vertebra pressing into the mat. Pull your belly button deeper into your spine. When the back of your shoulder blades touch the mat, lower your head and bring your arms down by your sides. Repeat. Use your breath to control your movements. If you have trouble rolling up, pull yourself up by placing your hands on your legs. Make sure your feet are not too close to your glutes. Repeat 3-5 times and finish by laying flat on the mat with your arms by your side to prepare for the single leg circles.