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Lie on your back with knees bent, feet on mat. Lift one leg up, turn it out slightly, and circle it across body and back up. Repeat 3-5 times. Don't lift glutes off mat or swing leg too far. Reverse direction. Repeat with other leg. Imagine scratching circles on ceiling. Focus on upswing. Press palms into mat. Finish by bending knees and rolling up to sitting position for next exercise. Lie on your back with your knees bent, the sole of your feet firmly planted on the mat, arms long by your sides, one leg up to the ceiling at a 90-degree angle and turn it out slightly in the hip socket. Begin the circle by moving your leg across your body first, then circling down, around and back up to its starting position. Repeat 3 to 5 repetitions. Inhale as you begin the motion, exhale as you complete it. Reverse the direction of the leg. Do not lift your glutes off the mat. Repeat with your other leg. Do not let your leg swing too far. Imagine you are scratching circles into the ceiling. The accent of this movement is on the upswing. Press your palms into the mat. Finish by bending both knees, feet flat on the mat and rolling up to a sitting position to prepare for the rolling like a ball.