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episode 8




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The speaker and his friend are recording a podcast while eating biryani. They discuss their upcoming trip to Costa Rica and the expensive flight tickets. They then talk about restrictions imposed on Masjid al-Aqsa in Palestine and express their frustration at the lack of support from Muslim countries. They also criticize the leaders of their home country, Pakistan, discussing allegations of rigged elections and the performance of past and present prime ministers. All right, these are on, right? Testing, testing. Yeah, baby! All right. So now the only thing is, how do I eat and record with my mic? I don't know, but we're trying something new today, so. All right, well, here it is. Daha, have you ever watched a podcast where you eat and talk at the same time? Actually, give me that, give me that desk over there. You should put that in the... The desk? Yeah. So I can put my plate on it. How are you going to eat? Lean forward and eat. It's not going to catch it. Yes, it will. It won't catch it. Too bad. It won't catch it. All right. No. No, you guys are not in. You're not special. Hopefully not. Welcome back to RGBG podcast, episode number eight. We're at eight now? Seven. Seven? No, eight. Eight? No, seven. It's been a while since we've filmed one. I think it's been like three, four weeks. But duty calls. And today we are trying something very, very new. So that's why this one's an extra special one, because I'm doing my favorite thing in the world. And Zaman's doing it too. What are we doing, Zaman? Eating. Eating. Biryani. Biryani. Biryani. Will it pick up the ASMR? Biryani. Say it. Biryani. The last podcast I heard what you said about biryani. We eat biryani. The Afghans, they were begging to come on the podcast. And our schedules weren't aligning, so I had to do it without you. He fired me. I had to do it without you. But I found you again. But I think next week I'm going to have to film one with your brother. And you're not going to be there. Oh, you guys are going to Costa Rica. Fans, I told them. I told them to come with us. He told me last second. The flight tickets are crazy now. I told him three weeks ago. No, no, no, no, no. Zaman? He tells me today. He's like, let's go. Costa Rica, come with us. I look at the flight tickets. It says $700. A true brother would tell him as soon as he finds out. But you know, Taha's brother too, he's a character. He hid it from me too. He told me last second. So I was like, shit. How much did you buy it for, the ticket? I got mine for $350. Taha still paid more. Taha still paid more. I get discounts, you know. There's a family over here knows my dad. How much did you pay for the ticket? $700. $350 gang over here. You paid way less. I mean, I think at least that's a perk. Dad works for the airline. I mean, he's got to get some sort of benefit, right? I shouldn't have to pay as much for Taha. What has Taha done for United? Nothing, right? So he should pay the consumer price. You both are going to United? We're both going to United. Taha was kind enough to exchange my seat right next to him because he was feeling lonely. I think we were separate seats. He was kind enough to give me the middle love seat and he's in the window. Now, whoever's sitting to the right of me is going to have a long flight because... Yeah, you're not a good person to fly with. What are you talking about? We flew together before. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You had your own three seats. That was on the way back. No, that was on the way back. Okay, going to Saudi Arabia, I think we did not sit together. Either way. We did. You were in front of me. No, Ibrahim was in front of me. I think going... You were in front of me. I don't know who I was sitting next to in Kuwait. And then on the way back, meeting in the Ecomarket of Daha. The hostess, yeah. Yeah. But we're looking forward to that one. It's a business trip. So I'm looking forward to the meetings that Daha's going to be going to there because that's what he said he was going to be doing there. Do you want to fly Dubai one? The Fly Dubai ones are hot. Astaghfar. Astaghfar. Is this your mango juice? Yeah, the first one's mine. My mouth's kind of getting a little dry. I want to take a sip real quick. Thank you, sir. Yeah. This is mango juice. Orange... Orange juice is not halal. Is orange juice halal? It's halal, yes. I think. What's halal in it? I saw a TikTok where it said it has 0.6 alcohol. So is it really halal or not? I don't know. 0.6 alcohol. Look it up. I fact-checked it. Yeah. Does all alcohol make you drunk? Yes. Pretty sure. Really? Yeah. All types of alcohol? You're asking me as if I'm... Well, either way. The main reason we are filming today. Got to discuss some current events going around the world. We are in the Islamic month of Shaban. The next month coming up is Ramadan. And our brothers and sisters in Palestine. A special prayer to them. I was reading the news from TikTok. That's where I get my news. Prime... The Prime Minister of Israel has limited... Has set restrictions on Masjid al-Aqsa. What are your thoughts? What do you mean restrictions? I didn't hear anything. Because you don't have TikTok. You're on YouTube short. You don't get anything. You get all the weird ones that I get from Instagram Reels. But apparently he set restrictions on Masjid al-Aqsa. And he's like restricting Palestinians from going there to pray. During Ramadan. Isn't that crazy? So you have to show your passport in order to get in the Masjid? He didn't really... I think... To be honest, it's just like they're restricting the whole mosque. He didn't really give any details. He just said that they're imposing restrictions on it. I would think that's what they're trying to do. They don't want Palestinians going there. Isn't the mosque in Israel? It's in Jerusalem, I'm pretty sure. It's in Jerusalem. And that's like a place of... It's a place of prayer. It's a place of God. You can't stop anyone. You can't stop anyone from praying, right? I would assume. That's kind of messed up. He said this publicly too? Huh? He said this publicly? Yeah, it was on all the news portals. Damn. That shit... That shit sucks, bro. All that shit. Well, there's got to be other Masjids, no? They can just go to any other Masjid, no? That's not the point! That's not the point. Prayers to the Palestinians for fighting and staying strong. Whatever is happening, yes, it is wrong. But to be fair, they can just go to another Masjid. Okay, but if there's bombing back and forth, what else is left for them to go? I'm seeing photos on TikTok where it's like buildings are in rubble. At this point, most of the population now is trapped in the city Rafah. And they're about to bomb that too. At this point, they don't have anywhere else to go. And Israel's main plan at this point is to kind of eliminate the chance of a Palestinian state. What do you think is going to happen if there's no Palestinian state? Where are they going to go? None of these Muslim countries are even speaking up for them. Turkey did. Turkey did. I mean, no one's doing anything. Didn't Pakistan also speak on it? Who? Pakistan. Or it's probably just for the elections. I think it's just for PR. I think all the countries are doing it for PR. No one wants to do anything. I heard Israel cut ties with them for any deals on peace talks. But that's not going to do anything to help Palestine. They're all doing it for PR. No one's going to actually do anything for Israel because they're all on their side. So that part of life right now is kind of shit. And going into Ramzan, I think all we can do is kind of pray for them at this point. There's nothing left for us to do. But our country, where we're from... Did you hear what they did with the voting and everything? I heard they admitted to being rigged. Dude, how do you rig an election? Right after the... What do you call it? The polling ended? The network went out. It was out before or after they started counting? Dude, why are you doing that? Network, yeah. Why are you cutting the network? Why are you cutting the network though? Why can't I be on my phone? Alright, but they already admitted to rigging it. Who are you with? Imran Khan or Nawaz Sharif? Dude, I honestly don't know who I'm with. I feel like I could run for Prime Minister there. If you think about it, right? Imran Khan hasn't done much. I was looking at... 3am in the morning, nothing better to do. I'm just looking up, like, Nawaz Sharif, what has he done for Pakistan? And Imran Khan, what has he done? I don't really think life was good when Imran Khan was President either, to be honest with you. Exactly. I saw the press reports of, like, the economy. It was one of the worst economies in the world. Now, was he the people's person? Obviously, because he was a cricket player. And the story of a cricket player becoming Prime Minister... Sounds better on paper. Sounds better on paper, right? Less corruption, man of the people. It's a good background. The wife that he married. Oh, my God. She's not all that. Shit. What are you talking about? Jemima? And what a baller move to keep his last name, even though he divorced her. Her surname is still Jemima Khan. It's crazy. And she didn't... Meanwhile, this... I don't want to say Ghali. This guy went on to marry two other women. Who? Imran Khan. Imran Khan. And she never married anyone else. Instead, she raised his two boys. You know what that shows? He was all for money. Wasn't Jemima giving him money as well? He didn't take Jemima's money, I think. Because of PR. Yeah. He married her for money. Dude, she... And she gave up... She gave up her... She gave up her queen status London living life and moved to Pakistan for him. That's like... You don't find that love nowadays. And what did he do? Kicked her out. Man. And he's in jail right now. Two... He's got multiple charges on him now. What was... Because I don't know... I'm not following anything. So, I don't know. There was like a cipher case. What's a cipher case? There was like a cipher case where like... He stole... All the gifts of Pakistan, right? Yeah, he stole the gifts of Pakistan or something like that. Did he pay for it though? I think, right? Nawaz Sharif. Nawaz Sharif's been around for a long time. Yeah. He's been there since he was born. He's been there before we were ever born. He's been... It was Benazir Bhutto. Benazir Bhutto was the first women prime minister of Pakistan. He got all... Imran Khan got all the youth on his side. Because he knows that's the future. He's playing a mind game with them. I mean to be honest with you. I don't really get Imran Khan, right? Me personally... I married a queen. Or like she was part of royalty, right? I married into... I married into royalty. I'm a Pakistani cricket people. I've got Pakistan on my back. I'd be out. I'd be out, bro. I'd retire. I'd go live in England with her. Raise my boys. And that's it, bro. But instead now... Save Pakistan. Did you see what he did when he got in? He came in claiming he wants to... That is true. That is true. That is true. No country... I almost got... I got robbed. I'll rob you if I see you in Pakistan. Can the mics... Are they picking them up? A little bit. No, I want to show you guys. I got a picture. No, I don't want to show you guys. No, look. Ibrahim... If anyone knows Ibrahim... He's one of the most whitewashed kids I've ever seen. You think I'll rob there, right? No. Almost there. You know why? Why? Because people really need it. Yeah, I know. Because people who have opportunities here... They're still raw people. So what's the difference? I mean... People there need it. They do it for the need. No. I thought Pakistan... Good job, bro. It's not that easy. You literally could be doing anything in Pakistan. I did like what? You know what the wage is there? Like 5 bucks? 5 bucks per hour or something like that? I don't know. It's like a dollar. What is the election chart for Pakistan? Huh? What is the election chart? Why do the elections take so long down there? There's no result yet. Yeah, like what are they doing? There's no result yet for the elections. What are they doing in Pakistan right now? It doesn't take that long to count votes. Bro, they count it by hand. Did you see how they count the votes? Hmm? Did you see how they count the votes? Some weirdos just counting it? It's like papers. They're counting the papers, yeah. How do they do it here in America? Computerized. I'm pretty sure. Right? Why don't Pakistan do that? Why don't they computerize it? To stop corruption. Stop corruption. They know if they do it the right way, it's gonna be true. If you do it electrically, they'll hack it from there. They'll hack it from there. They'll get people to do it with money from the papers. Okay, we'll do it this way. Why do they do that? See, this is why we should get democracy. Dictatorship. Pakistan needs a dictatorship? Yes. Nawaz Sharif family should come back in the office. And they should run the country again, I think. It's good for the country. It's good for the country. Might not be good for the people, but good for the country. What do you mean by not good for the people, but good for the country? There's no country without the people. I saw this one video. Look. I saw this one video. Can you tell me? Imran Khanaya, what do you call it? The price of rupees went up crazy. When Nawaz Sharif was there, it was still at a good place. Did it make life easier for Pakistanis when Nawaz Sharif wasn't there? Yes, it was much easier. Everyone's complaining right now that the prices are too high for sub-Z and everything. Why? Because Imran Khan came in, he made the, what do you call it? Not GDP. Inflation. Inflation, yes. That's the word, the inflation. Inflation. What does Nazir-e-Azam mean? Who? What they just said, Nazir-e-Azam. Nazir-e-Azam. What does it mean? Nazir-e-Azam. What does that mean? I think that's what, like the PM. I'm pretty sure. Don't quote me on that. I've heard Prime Minister is the man of the people. Where'd you hear that? Everywhere. The President is obviously, first of all, President Biden. I don't even want to speak on him. I live in this country. I don't want to say anything. The man can't walk. I don't want to get flagged. He cannot walk. What do you want? What do you want in presidency? Trump. Because America is going to have an election. 2024, this year, right? Yeah, right. Yo, guys, elections this year? Or 2026. No, 2024. I want Trump. I voted for Trump last time, too. But he lost. And I believe all of you guys voted for Biden. I was too young. I couldn't vote. Oh. Ibrahim voted for Biden. My mom voted for Trump. Yeah. My dad voted for Biden. Biden? Yep. Come on. Trump shouldn't have been in office. Either way, I mean like... If Trump was in the office, Imran Khan would still be the Prime Minister of Pakistan? Nawaz Sharif would not even be there? He would still be in London hiding? So why was he hiding? You know the one thing I don't understand? All these Prime Ministers go into exile, right? So Nawaz Sharif ruled for three terms, correct? I think more than three terms. Four? I don't know. The next? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. How many terms did Nawaz Sharif serve? How many terms did Nawaz Sharif serve? Three? Let's just say three. I don't know. So... The military is the most powerful thing in Pakistan, right? So when they get someone out of office, right? And they send him to exile. Nawaz Sharif would then exile into London, correct? How does he have the access to come back and run for Prime Minister again? How does that even work? Because his daughter... Because what I... What I firmly believe is if you go into exile, you can't come back and run. Because you've already ruined your image. How are you allowed to come back and vote? How are you allowed to come back and run? Look, once you get into power... No, no. The thing is, right? The military removed him, right? No, I don't think so. There wasn't a coup planned against him? I don't know. I don't watch the news. I just know Nawaz Sharif's in jail. Okay, he's in jail, right? He's in jail. No, no, no. Imran Khan's in jail. Nawaz Sharif is outside. He's running for President, the Prime Minister. And he's about to win. All I know is if he was in America, if Donald Trump went to jail, he wouldn't be allowed to serve. He's getting charged with a lot of charges. He's getting charged with a lot of charges, but I think they're all going to get away from him. None of this stuff has been proven yet. None of it has been proven yet. I did hear that. I did hear that. Yes. That's a true fact. Everything went up. That's what I'm saying. Well, to be fair with Imran Khan, to cut him some slack, coronavirus did hit during that time too. Imran Khan and Donald Trump both served during the toughest time in both countries. Coronavirus was the biggest thing ever. Coronavirus? No one was following the COVID guidelines. Nothing. Zero. Either way, if you were Prime Minister Zaman, what would you do to make the country more efficient? What would you do? I don't know. I don't know how a country works. If I was Prime Minister, I would focus on the country's interests. Gas prices. Inflation is the biggest problem in Pakistan. Poverty is big there. Yes, but how are you going to fix that? Fixing poverty... First of all, Pakistan is in debt anyway. They're so drowning in debt. It's unbelievable. America is the largest. The biggest thing I would do is I would control... I would partnership with China. I think they already are, Pakistan. Pakistan and China in partnership? I would partner with China. And first thing I would do is borrow loads of money and I would try to fix inflation. You know, if you... Did you just hear what he said? You're going to borrow money, get the country more in debt... No, no, no. Borrow money, get the money back on its feet and then grow the money and give it back. You guys are going to go... I don't think we know how a country works. USA is crazy in debt. You know, USA... Why has USA... Why has USA been giving so much money to Ukraine? Why? Ukraine? USA has funded Ukraine ten double times than freaking its own military. Because it's all money. What the hell is Ukraine going to give us back? Same thing with the Palestine and Israel. Once Israel conquers the whole Palestine, they're going to get some of the land back. Have you seen the meme of Zelensky? You let us borrow the money, at least give us a credit. Or some line. There's a meme of Zelensky, the Ukraine's prime minister on TikTok. Where he's like, if you can't give us money, give us a credit to borrow the money. And I think that's what America has been doing, giving them a lot of money. America should be focusing on its own people, fixing inflation for us Helping the people, the lower class people, the middle class people, fixing the minimum wage and making life easier for us. Minimum wage is at $15 right now. $15, $13. Not bad. But like the prices of gas, groceries... You know what I think? Minimum wage going up is a scam. It is. Minimum wage goes up, everything else goes up. So what's the point of making the minimum wage go up? I used to work at Burger King, I used to make $8.60 when I started. Everything was cheap, so it was... Okay. Okay, now it went up to $15, everything else also went up. So it's the same thing. It's like... It's like saying, there's a football match, both the teams have two scores, let's just put it back to zero. Same thing. What's the point? I think it's a scam. America or Pakistan? Pakistan. Like, living in? Pakistan. Even with all of the... Even with all of the... Living situation, right? Would you rather live in Pakistan and work there and do everything there or would you rather live here? In America and work in America? I would go to Pakistan. I would settle down here first. No, no, no. You have to pick a place to settle. Would you rather choose... Oh, you're saying I work there, live there with my whole family. That's literally what I just said. No, then I would choose this. I would choose this. I would do two. That's my same... Guess it yourself. If you guys hear background noises, we're sorry for that because there's three... dupes here. Disturbing us. There's one guy asking for the password for the Oculus. There's two people looking at TikToks. Mind you, they're both adults looking at TikToks. The only two adults here who are trying to talk and speak. Get our voices heard. Unimportant. Huh? I forgot. If you were given the opportunity to run for Prime Minister in Pakistan, would you take it? No. If I was given the opportunity to choose a politician, it would be Nawaz Sharif. Why? Because Imran Khan doesn't have enough on the table to prove that he has done good things for Pakistan as much as Nawaz Sharif has. When I was a kid living in Pakistan... Who was Prime Minister? Nawaz Sharif was the Prime Minister that I remember of when I was, I think, 10 or 11. Nawaz Sharif was Prime Minister. I'm pretty sure. I think Nawaz Sharif was there. Everything was perfectly fine until this person, Imran Khan, the cricketer, comes in. He's like, I want to be Prime Minister. Gets all the youth on his side. So what happened? How did Nawaz Sharif get exiled if everything was good? I don't know. I don't watch the news, like I said. So why would you support him? Because there's more on the table that he has put that he's done for the country. Clearly you're on his side. Yeah, I'm telling you, I don't know, but I'm just saying as of what I do know, I think Nawaz Sharif should be the Prime Minister. Better for the country. What do you think? Or a third person? You guys want to know who I'd vote for? Mashood Beg Mirza. Your middle name is Beg? Beg. B-A-I-G. And if it wasn't for Mashood Mirza, I'd stand with Imran Khan. Do you want to know why? Why? Because he pulled a top-tier batty. He's got game. And if he can go from a criticator to politician to Prime Minister, why would a guy... The charges that he has are stupid. Why would a guy who left his glorious life to save Pakistan steal gifts? Why would he do that? That doesn't mean that all the charges that he has are stupid. Obviously there's some things that he probably has done. I think I should rip my skin off. If the military can kick Nawaz Sharif out and bring him back, yes. What makes you think they wouldn't just put false shit on Imran Khan and throw him out? But just because he was a criticator, left his wife's money does not mean he's a good person. No, no, not wife. Top-tier batty. Top-tier batty does not mean he's a good person. If you look at it, this is everything a person would do just to convince other people that, look, I'm a good person. So what did he do wrong that makes you think that he's wrong? He hasn't done anything good for the country, brother. Except make the inflation go higher. How about instead of telling me about that because I'm not knowledgeable Tell you the password? Can you please tell me? It's top-left, middle, bottom, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, bottom-right, top-middle. Top-middle? I got it. Moving on from this, clearly none of us are going to do anything about it. We're going to get a prime minister, it's going to happen, just life's going to go on. It's not like we're going to do anything about it. I don't care unless who becomes a prime minister. I live in America. Just don't destroy the country. That's all. Exactly. I take vacation time just to go there. Yes. So I don't want to go somewhere where it's going to be hell, right? I don't even care about the freaking America in America. For real? The president in America. You think I care? They're going to send me a voting thing in the mail. I'm just going to click, I'm going to have my eyes closed and play Tic-Tac-Toe real quick. Exactly. Eenie, meenie, miney, moe. Eenie, meenie, miney, moe. That's it. That's what it was. Eenie, meenie, miney, moe. If it goes on Kanye West, it's going to go on Kanye West. Oh, yeah. Hopefully it's not... Hopefully it's not... Hopefully it's somewhat reasonable because I'm tired of like... I'm tired of everything being expensive, man. Gas prices went down. Gas prices went down pretty reasonably and now it's like it's $50 to fill a tank now. You have an electric car. Come on. True. True. But still, like, I feel like electric cars are also a scam. Elon should be the president. Elon Musk. I would actually vote for him. Elon Musk would bring a lot of... You think he would bring a lot of peace to the world? Oh, yeah, for sure. Because I mean, he's partnered with a lot of countries anyway. His cars are almost in every country. He has connections. He's got connections throughout the whole world. SpaceX. Come on now. He has connections outside of the world. Outside of the world. So, that's what it is, guys. Ramzan coming up. You plan on fasting every 30 days? I'm testing him. No. Give me one... Give me one thing that you cannot do during Ramzan. Like when you're fasting. What do you mean? What are the do's and don'ts of Ramzan? Educate the audience. Educate the audience. This is sad. What are the do's and don'ts? Give me a do and a don't. What do you mean a do and a don't? Like, okay, yeah, you can't eat. You have to read namaz. You have to read namaz. You gotta read all five. Alright, clearly you suck at this game. What is your fairy meal in Suhoor? Like, what's like a top-tier meal that you have? Top-tier meal? I need paratha with dahi. Meethi dahi. And you gotta eat paratha with it. Or you can substitute the dahi with ande. And then after that you gotta have two full glasses about this big of lasal. No water? No water. No water is crazy. No water. That's it. Shit. That keeps me going throughout the whole day. I mean, I sleep throughout the day, but it keeps me... So if you sleep throughout the day, how do you get your namaz done? No, look, look. How do you get your namaz done if you sleep throughout the day? What I'm trying to say is... What time is it? It's 5.30, right? No, 5.30. 5.30. You sleep after fajr, wake up at 12. Oh, the timing will be different because namaz are very late. Namaz are very late. Wake up for zahar. After that, you only have 4-5 hours. So you don't work during ramzan? I do, but this ramzan I'm not going to be working. Really? Yeah. Take your time off? Yes. So it's going to be an easy ramzan for you? Easy ramzan for you? Yeah, stay up the whole night. Yeah, I told my managers at Best Buy, I was like, yo, I'm only working till 6. After 6, I'm out. Peace. 5.30? Well, no, namaz are later. Yeah. The earliest it's probably going to happen is like 7 o'clock probably. And then after that it's probably going to be late like always. Do you read all your taraweeh? Do you go for taraweeh? Look, taraweeh is not prayers, okay? Don't come at me with this. I go to the masjid. I mean, if you sleep all day, now you should have energy. I go to the masjid. I'm not saying I read all 20 or all 8. If it comes from the heart, I read it. We read 8 and then we go play pickup basketball outside. I go to the masjid and I play pickup basketball outside. You do the same thing? Yeah. Except sometimes I don't read the 8. I think I'm I think I got to be honest on that. I'll read like I'll read like two for imam making sure he sees me and then I'm out. I'm out. So just there's a witness that you're reading. I feel like during Ramadan I become like LeBron. Like my basketball skills only come like for 30 days a year and that's during Ramadan. I cook. Sammy, Hamza, Zicky and Fuzzy all know. I heard this in the last podcast you guys were talking about it. I'm the king when it comes to Ramadan. I'll be the judge of that. I'll be the judge. You should come. You're not doing anything right? Come. 30 days Ramadan. Come over. You send a date. Your mom's cooking for the April 6th. April 6th. I'll be there April 6th. April 6th. Come over. I mean we're going to have food play pickup basketball. You leave every you leave so early though those days. Because before I used to have work. Now I won't have work so I can I expect you to stay till like 11, 12 and we should do a sleepover. I'll bring my I'll bring my car. Bring your car? The family can come. Family comes back you stay over we play pickup basketball and we roll with the flow because that's what we do. Sammy We could do Sari outside too. Sari outside. I think Leylatul Qadr that night we one of the last 10 days I think that was the day the Qur'an was revealed to our Prophet. Osama Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Peace be upon him. We got Wendy's. Wendy's is right next to the I don't think Wendy's is halal brother. What's going on? Fish fillet deluxe with fries honey mustard You gotta you gotta clear it up you know. Dude Ramadan cannot eat any haram food. Is Dave's hot chicken next to you guys halal? Yes. Like 100% halal. 100% halal. Yes it is. In Neptune bro it's so close. That's what we're having for Saturday. 15 minutes from the masjid I think it might be like 20 minutes away max. That's what we're having for Saturday. I'm down. I'm down. I'm down. Come over we should do iftari together not just April 6th. Come down and do it with us. My mom be making some fire rolls dahi bareh like my typical I don't like dahi bareh. My typical my typical iftar meal is it consists of two chicken rolls spring rolls but we started off we started off with a bowl of fruit chat. Like that's a must you gotta have fruit chat. No fruit chat? I hate fruit chat. Are you kidding me? There's two types of fruit chat. Dude. There's the one with that you put orange juice inside of it. It is disgusting. I don't like it. I like the one with milk inside of it. Have you ever had the milk one? Milk fruit chat? Are you kidding me right now? Milk fruit chat is top tier. Oh my god. My Muslim brothers and sisters are you hearing this guy right now? Dude. If you know what I'm talking about Milk fruit chat. I have never heard of that. It is top tier. It's so refreshing. Dude. That's crazy. Fruit chat with chaat masala and orange juice is That's actually crazy. But interrupted me Fruit chat Right after that a bowl of dahi vada You gotta have dahi vada. The green ones? Yes. Disgusting. Nope. Nope. No. Not green. Like there's yogurt. There's meetha dahi vada and then there's namkeen dahi vada. No. Not the green ones. The meetha ones right? The regular meetha dahi vada. Okay. You've had them before. Yeah. Meetha. Yes. Chicken rolls. Chicken rolls. No aloo. Aloo ones are BS. No aloo spring rolls this year mama. Never. My dad likes them. That's why she always makes them. She like makes 30 30-30 She'll make half chicken and half aloo. And the chicken ones always get finished first because those are always the ones we start with. And then we go to the masjid meetha rawi and every single day we play pickup basketball. Wait. So that's it? Fruit chaat dahi vada dos spring rolls. That's it. Dude I feel like the essence of fasting all day like all day you complain you're hungry your stomach is hurting you just want to eat like a whole platter of food but once you sit down and actually eat after having like 2-3 bites you're full. What? He's capping? He's capping right? Yapping. Yapping. After 2-3 bites you feel full. That's the message Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tries to send you life is too short. You don't feel full after? Nope. You just want to keep eating? What? Zaman was definitely the type of kid his mama mama would say mama would say beta school mein khaana nahi khaana roza hai tumhara Zaman jaata tha aur bolta tha yaar I'm fasting can you give me one bite please just one it's gonna hurt That's you What? He FaceTimes me all the time when I'm in the bathroom I can't pick it up It's one place a man can sit and relax not be disturbed and then you hear Ibrahim FaceTime audio no FaceTime video What am I supposed to do? Who does FaceTime audio? Why are you FaceTiming me when I'm in the bathroom? I didn't know you were in the bathroom every time you text me instead of texting I always like talking so I FaceTime you every statement and reply I mean during Ramzan he's probably gonna be spending most of his time during Ramzan I mean I feel like I lose all my weight during Ramzan it's like my prime month I cut I'm like six pack ab and everything and it's all good so I feel like the next time we're gonna film is gonna be in Ramzan it is gonna be in Ramzan because next week I'm going to Costa Rica you guys gotta film there we gotta film there we're gonna be we'll let you know how it is when are you guys coming back? we'll be coming back the week after the following week that's gonna be Ramzan no it'll be March 20th you're going on the 6th right? I'm going on the 26th 26th come back the week after what is it what did we hit? oh then the week after is gonna be Ramzan exactly so I feel like that week after anyway I'm gonna be working so we probably won't be able to meet up but I feel like the next episode is gonna be during Ramzan and we'll make it a good one and we should we should film pick up basketball too for the fans that's gonna be a good one alright like subscribe check us out on Spotify I got Instagram I'll link it down below follow me up yeah yeah yeah see y'all in the next episode take care everyone it's not recording god damn it just press the recording button it should be done I gotta go take a shower I gotta go take a I've eaten everything alright let's go we gotta go come in at it come on take your bat out of the car just put it in the file don't do it right now it's gonna take too much time no just download it onto your laptop unhook the unhook the cameras how do I do that my hands are dirty ok go wash your hands stop

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