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Nothing to say, yet
The person is expressing how they feel like their dad and how they are unable to get the audio right. They mention that it's weird because the other person might be able to edit out the background noise. They also talk about using headphones to block each other out during computer recordings. They mention that they tend to move around when they talk and it might be an issue if they're not close to a microphone. They reference Joe Rogan asking someone to get closer to the mic. I feel like I'm on my dad right now actually I've become my parents like I can't I can't get the audio right but isn't but isn't this gonna be weird because you're I'm gonna are you gonna be able to edit out you in the background okay that's why okay I finally come full circle so they the headphones on the phone are just literally to block each other out of our computer recording right all right I just went I just went kind of far away from my computer what I when I'm like talking I'm always moving all over the place it's gonna be an issue if I don't if I'm not like next to a mic but even on Joe Rogan I hear him going hey can you get a little closer to the mic