Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The Hanging with the Walkers radio show airs every Monday night at 8 p.m. It covers topics such as marriage, relationships, community events, and spiritual guidance. The hosts are excited to be on the show and discuss their recent experiences at a couples paint and sip event and a church service. They introduce their co-host and sponsors and discuss previous episodes and a book they wrote. They mention the importance of vows in relationships and tease the topic for the current episode, which is finances. They emphasize the significance of being good stewards of money in ministry, marriage, and friendships. They also mention the importance of finances in dating and friendship. You're listening to Hanging with the Walkers, live every Monday night at 8 p.m. Join us in talking about marriage, relationships, community events, and of course, spiritual guidance. Call in at 727-731-0128. Hanging with the Walkers is part of Connected in the Spirit Outreach Ministry, Incorporated. And welcome hearing from you. And now, on to the show. Good afternoon, and welcome to another awesome segment of Hanging with the Walkers. And we're so excited to be in your home, in your cars, in your living rooms, if you're in your break rooms. Wherever we're coming to you from, we are so excited to be with you on tonight. Bubbling over with joy and running to get on the Facebook tonight to talk to you, to spend some time with you. Considering the awesome weekend that we had together, sharing at the paint and couples paint and sip. Yep, that's it. And the awesome service that we had with Apostle Larry Johnson at the New Hope Holiness and Deliverance Center in Palmetto, Florida. So it was a powerful weekend. I just want to take this time to introduce my host and my co-host, none other than the one and only Rogers Walker. Greetings, my brothers and sisters, greetings. Either way, he is just cool like that. Dressed up, dressed down, walking in, walking out, he is just cool like that. And we're so excited, as always, that he is in the building with us. He is not on the road. He is here with us safe and we always count that as a blessing to know that he is in the house and I can reach out and touch him. The name of the intro song that you heard playing is the song that I wrote called Brand New. The song is by Caleb Brooks. We thank God for all those that took part in this awesome project to bring it to life. It is available on all digital platforms. We invite you to take a look at any of the songs, any of the books, whatever has been written. We appreciate you and we thank you for your support. I just want to give a shout out to our sponsors to get all of the preliminaries out of the way. Our sponsors, we have none other than Dr. John Frierson along with his daughter, Maya Frierson, and his grandson, Tony Pugh. And they are owners of FPF Investment Group, small business investments, buildings you may be looking for, small loans. They are available to assist you and guide you in the right direction. Shout out and prayers to our other sponsor, Cilla Gibson. She is the owner and CEO of Cilla's International Cooking. A little under the weather right now, but God has already healed and we have already claimed that thing for her. So thank God for Cilla Gibson, one of our sponsors, and also to Pastor Toby Fieldpart and Lady Sandra Fieldpart. Prayers for the Fieldpart family and the loss of our dear former pastor, Pastor Toby Fieldpart, his brother, Jerome Fieldpart. They laid him to rest on this weekend. So those that know the words of prayer, you already know that prayers are still needed even after the home-going service. So please, whenever you pray, lift up the Fieldpart family in prayer during this time of need. Shout out to our overseer, Apostle Lucinda Rich, in the Fort Pierce area. She is the overseer of the End Time Prophetic Deliverance Ministries Incorporated in Fort Pierce, where the pastors are, Pastor Anthony Johnson Sr. and Pastor Kim Johnson. So shout out to them on tonight. As I said, we're so excited. We like to get all the preliminaries out of the way so that when we go into the show, we don't have to stop the flow. We can just keep moving. Good evening to you, Minister Rich. Thank you so much for tapping in on tonight. I don't know how many of you were able to tap in on Sunday on She Real Radio. It was our first broadcast on She Real Radio. Shout out to Tiffany Real, the CEO of She Real Radio, for allowing Hanging with the Walkers to be a part of that family in Atlanta, Georgia. The show came on at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. It was the interview that we did with the Talas, Irena and Jamie Tyler. Is it Love and Marriage in D.C.? Yes. We were excited to interview them. It played on Sunday at 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. It was just so exciting to hear that. We did reach out to them to let them know that that broadcast was on. Oh, my goodness. It was just amazing. So, we want to get the preliminaries out of the way. Last week, we had an awesome, awesome conversation about the confident woman and for better or worse. Oh, my goodness. Was that not a filling, encouraging, informative session? Good evening, Lady Sharon. Thank you so much for tapping in and to Minister Nate. For better or worse, there is a book that I wrote that I brought to life, and I wrote it in a short story, and it's called His Wife, His Armadero. And as I say every week, anyone that buys any of my books, understand and know that what you read on the pages of that book allow your mind to go past what you see and allow God to take you to another place, whether it's marriage, ministry, business, friendship, relationship. The words in the book takes us past what we're seeing. Automatically, you think, oh, she's writing just for husbands and wives, but I promise you, it will be able to relate to you in every area of your walk of life. So last week, we discussed for better or worse, and Pastor Roger shared on the ideas, the things that make a confident woman and a confident man. And go back to that podcast, go back to that Facebook Live, and catch up if you were not able to be on last week. We understand and know that you can't make every show, but we're so blessed to have the podcast, and I did put the link in our comment session. You're able to go back to the podcast link and be able to review those shows, and then some of those shows will show up on SheReal Radio. But for better or worse, just blessed us on last week, so you have to catch up. In this book, His Wife is Almadera, we begin to deal with the vows. Whether you're single or contemplating or engaged or already married, there were vows that you made before God and man. And sometimes when we make those vows, the first thing we think to ourselves, yeah, I'm serious, but you're serious for the moment. And then when the situation changes, the very thing that you said before God and man becomes something that, yes, I can do it, no, I can't do it. I want to end this relationship, or I don't even want to get married. So it happens. So the Lord led me to write this book and reemphasize the importance of the vows, so that if you're thinking about getting married, you'll understand the importance and the significance. This week we want to deal with for richer or poorer. And the reason why we need to deal with that is because sometimes we marry for all the wrong reasons. That's right. Sometimes we're in friendships for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes we're in business together for all the wrong reasons. Because we're thinking to ourselves right now that business is hot. It is successful. It's flourishing. These stocks, they are hot. We need to get into them. We need to buy them because they're selling. They're doing good. This is my friend because of who they are, who they're connected to, what it is that they have to offer to me to help me for better or worse on today. We're in that relationship because, listen, I know that he can provide for me. I know she can provide for me. I know she's going to love me regardless of who I am or what I do to her or for her. She's going to be there for me for better or worse on tonight. Good evening. Those that have tapped in on tonight, we're talking about for better or worse in relationships, marriage, ministry, business, and friendship. You don't have to raise your hand. Some of you may do hard. Some of you may not. But we may have walked into that situation that we befriended someone because of who they were, who they were connected to, or what it was they could do for us. Oh, my goodness. You don't have to hold your hand up. You don't have to nod your head. You can sit on your fingers so you won't be raising your hand while you're at your home tonight. Good evening, evangelists. Thank you all for tapping on tonight, our fire starters. In this book I wrote, and this is how I started, being able to be good stewards in our finances is a priority in our ministry and in our relationships. Do you agree tonight? The number to call in, and I'll pin it again for you, is 727-731-0128. Remember the rules for the conference line. We can have as many on the line as we want to. But you talk, we listen. We listen, you talk. And we're courteous enough to bring others on while you're talking so that when you finish, they can take over. Again, 727-731-0128. And I'll say it again. Being able to be good stewards in our finances is a priority in our ministry, in our marriage, in our relationship, and in business. And when it comes to building a ministry or marriage or friendship, finances are very important. If the ministry is not in a place to handle the strain of financing, the church, it falls on the leaders. If that relationship is not in a place to be able to support the man and the woman, it could cause some dampness in the relationship. Good evening, Ms. Bynette. Thank you so much for tapping in on tonight. You know the drill. Please like and share this video to let someone know that we are on. Whether you have to tweet, Facebook, Instagram, place it on LinkedIn, text, message, call, tweet. But let them know that Hanging with the Walkers is now on. So just remember that when you are in a relationship, in a friendship, even when you're dating, that thing about finances is so important. Because if you invite them out for a dinner date and they don't have any money, if you told me to come, I'm expecting you to pay. Not when we get there, you say to me, oh, you know what, I don't have any money. Then why did you tell me to come? Even in friendship, finances are important. Because if you're the one, every time you go out, you're the one paying, you're the one buying, you're the one driving, it's your gas, it's your car, and they never do anything. What do you think is going to happen in that friendship? Come on now. That's it. If you're in a relationship and you're paying all the bills, they never do anything, they never offer, they never suggest, they never act like, they never even think like they're going to pull out their wallet. What do you think you're going to do? It's going to put a strain. And just remind yourselves, some of us have been married before, some of us are still married, some of us are divorced and contemplating getting into another relationship. But in marriages, the vow states for richer or poorer. So think about this. What if they lost their job? What if he or she lost their job? Or how about this? Did they even have a job when you met them? When you met them, were they in unemployment looking for a job? And you say, you know what, that's a good prospect. I know that eventually they're going to get a job. Were they in a place to care for you when you met them? Was that person that you call your friend in a place to, you buy this time, then I buy this time? When you went into that business venture with someone, did they even have the funds to even support the business? Or did they just see you as a cash register? Or a money bag to say, you know what, if I team up with them, I'm able to pull this off and they'll be able to sow into my business. And did you even discuss, this is a dirty word, and I know you all are probably going to hang up after I say this, but did you even discuss finances or credit scores in the beginning of your relationship, in the beginning of your marriage? Before you got married, when you were contemplating getting engaged, did you even discuss finances? Now, some of us are kind of low key and don't like to talk about money. We don't want to bring it up because we think to ourselves, well, that's going to be a turn off. Well, maybe that's for the best. Talk about that, talk about that. You know, even in church, even in ministries, when the pastors or the leaders talk about money, oh God. The whole church gets quiet and now they have this thing where it's often times that everybody gets excited and you know, you say, woohoo. But you have those other people that are saying to themselves, okay, let me just peel back all my hundreds and all my fifties and all my twenties and even my tens and hide my fives and then George Washington is going to visit that ministry. Even in ministry, when they go to mention finances, it shuts the atmosphere down. All the shouting, praying, speaking in tongues, all of a sudden the whole atmosphere changed because we forget so quickly that it's not our money. He blessed us with it. So if he blessed us with it, we're going to bless the house. When we start talking about finances in marriages, come on, come on, don't leave me out here by myself. 727-731-0128. When they start talking about finances and paying bills and what we don't have and what we should be spending and how we should spend it and how we should break it down. Whatever love and romantic feeling you have, it's already gone. Somebody said it's like pulling teeth when you talk about finances. Somebody said it's a fight when you start talking about finances and what it is that you're going to do and where the money has to go, where the money needs to go, where the money should be. It becomes a household dirty word. I think though, Pastor, what's very important is that even before we start dating, these things need to be discussed, especially if you see that the dating is going beyond than it normally would go. And so when we come to the point of where we want to get married, we have to lay everything on the table. We're talking about credit scores. We're talking about debt. We're talking about things that happened in your past that no one else knows because all these things will come back and hunt and tear our marriage up. And so it's very adamant that we discuss finances. Finances is one of the biggest leaders in divorce in the household of God. People are losing their lives based on finances of one of the parents, whether it's him or whether it's her. Finances are changing everything about love, about life, and about marriage itself. That's it. And it needs to be discussed. Here's one thing, Pastor, I'm going to share with you. Okay. For rich or poor, many of you weren't brought up in homes where your families had perfect health or open relationship when it comes to money. Either of you sold bad habit model, lack of information about how your family hammered the tougher money issue, or just lack of financial literacy about taxes, interest, debt, investment tools, and other money topics. And then here comes the kicker. And all that took place, something that we've never seen before. We both come together in our wedding vows and we profess for richer and for poor. But you probably didn't give that a 10-second thought about what that really means. And so this is the issue that we're having in marriages now. We're not coming to the conclusion of an understanding and being knowledgeable of what vows really stand for. Each and every word in a vow means something. Why are we saying something that we don't mean? When we counsel, we counsel the vows and make sure that who we're counseling understand what each and every word of that vow means. And what the consequences behind it when you break those vows. So we have to get a deeper understanding of the vows. And then I promise you, we'll have less divorce rates in our country and all around the world. That's it. Mother Freda said, very important in relationships. Money can be a big problem in relationships and marriage if you're not on the same page. Delora says, even if someone invited me, I'd take at least $300 to $400 with me. I'd pay for dues so much until it wasn't funny. I'd be like, you invited me. Then the substance abuser that I dated always asked me for money. So I'm good on relationships right now. I don't think that's in the cards for me, so I'm focusing on self. I'm just going to listen to you all teach because I attract users. Dues that I've had to hold down. I'd be like, what about me? Then I felt selfish. And then Andrew said, I discussed all that before I got married. And the fact that I was expected to be a stay-home wife, wow. Okay. Understand. Understand. One thing I said a long time ago. Three Bs. Bills, babies, and booze can destroy any relationship, any marriage, any friendship, and sometimes in business. Think about that. Bills, booze, and babies. Good afternoon. You're calling in to hang out with the Walkers who we have the pleasure of speaking with. Okay. Hold on one second. Good afternoon, Mother Frady. Hi. Very important topic tonight. I totally agree. Before I married, we discussed the bills that we had, each one of us. We even discussed jobs. We discussed who was going to handle the money. So all of that was discussed before we got married. All right. So I knew what I was walking into. That's it. From the beginning. That's it. From the beginning. Definitely. Yes. Okay. You hold that thought. Don't you hang up. We've got to understand. I don't know if, because I'm not there, not a part. I don't know if the Joshua generation has gotten to that point to where they're talking about finances from the beginning. Now, we can speak for our young, the middle child, because when they got married at a young age, this is what they do. And they sit down and do their budget, and they decide what they're going to spend and what they're not going to spend. And we've heard them talk about or decide, you know, no, we're not going to do this. So, yes, we're going to do that because that's not in the budget. For them being young and under 35 years old, I think that's a plus because you don't see that often because some that are older than that don't discuss it like that. And this is what I said. I said, once you realize you are going to try and make it work, did you bring your finances together? That's a big one, too, when it comes to finances. Even in business, you hear it and you see it where they have money, and here's someone that is trying to hide the money or someone else that's putting up money that the other person don't know about in business. And then something happens, and it folds, and that money is nowhere to be found. And they go bankrupt. The other person has money to start their business up, but this person that initiated doesn't have anything because of the loss. So, for rich or poor, even in marriage, ministry, business, finances, and relationships, it's so important. And we go into these situations half-cocked with the idea that, oh, it's going to manifest. And I know you've heard this said before. Oh, God is going to work it out. God is going to bless us to do what it is that we need to be done, but what have you done? Before you get to a point to say, okay, this is what God is going to do, have you done your part? Before we say, okay, we're going to leave it at the altar and God is going to deal with it. Do you still have separate accounts? Somebody would be saying, ouch, right now. Do you have his account and her account and our account? On top of that, Pastor Barbara, do you have a secret account? Do you have a secret account? His account, her account, our account, and a secret account. A secret account. Or the panic draw, as they call it. You know. That extra stash or that rainy day money that if something happens, we got that backup money that we can go to that nobody knows anything about. Rainy day money, as they call it. Does he know what bank you use? Does she know what bank you use? Does she know each other's passwords when it comes to marriages, relationships, and friendships and that sort of thing? Sometimes we're so close as friends. That friend knows our bank account. That friend knows what bank we go to. That friend has our bank card, the keys to our car. They have our house keys. They have everything. Because this is a friend that you trust. This is someone that you feel like won't jilt you. This is a person that you feel like, I can count on them to be there. If I get sick for whatever reason, I know this person will do the right thing. We had a friend that's gone on to be with the Lord now, but she had our house keys. Any time we went out of town, we would let her know where we were so that anything happened, she would be able to go in and do what needs to be done. Because we trusted her like that. But when you're talking about for better or worse as we did on last week, bringing us into for richer or poorer, is there anyone in your life that you can count on like that? Because good health is going to move in, move out, and bad health is going to move in. If you are a loner and someone that is by themselves, we're seeing it every day, that you're by yourself, you don't have anybody else to count on, and then all of a sudden something happens and you're not able to take care of your affairs, do you have someone that you can count on? Good evening, you're calling into Hanging with the Walkers. Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with? Hello? Hello? Oh, this is Brother Nate. How are you? Hello? Oh, we're doing good. We're doing good. All right. I know you're ready to share, Brother Nate. I actually just got over. I was listening at first, and then my phone cut out, and then I tried to get back in. I couldn't get in, so I called. I dialed a number. Okay. Awesome. Awesome. We were talking about for richer or poorer and being able to let one another know about our finances. If we have accounts together, what places do we have the accounts in? Do we have joint accounts or do we have separate accounts, and how serious are we about this for richer or poorer thing, bringing it together, building one another up, being able to trust one another when it comes to our finances? Do we have secret money, four accounts, your account, my account, joint account, and a secret account, and money just everywhere? I know my wife. She likes to tell me that my money is her money. Oh, yeah. And her money is her money. Right. Right. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Right. Right. Mm-hmm. Right. That is so true. I think the most heartbreaking thing to me is one time I was working on this job, and this young lady just all of a sudden had an aneurysm, and her husband had to find out the hard way that she was telling him that she had insurance on the job. Trying to find out she never took out the insurance on the job, and she passed. And here he was thinking, okay, you know, she's not covered on mine because she's covered on hers. And trying to find out she didn't have any insurance. And sometimes we keep secrets when we are slothful, and we don't want to admit that we're slothful, and it hurts the family as a whole. Because there he was. There he was trying to raise money to get her body back to Haiti. First have a service, and then to have a ship, and then no money. So as you said, open communication all of the time about everything is so important. And as you said, what you do in the Glenn house is the Glenn house. What we do in the Walker house is the Walker house. What we talk about in general when it comes to for richer or poorer, and the communication that goes along with it. Because if we don't talk about it, then as you said, we can't solve that. If something comes up, there's nothing we can do because we didn't sort it out. We didn't talk about it from the beginning. And that's what's so important. And then that's what we said. Even in ministry, are we even aware of the financial situation of the ministries that we're in? We go into these things, we go into these situations, and we say we want to help. But are we even aware, even in things like that, of what's going on so that we'll know? We think to ourselves, so many things it is to consider when it comes to marriage and ministry or dealing with finances. It's so sensitive to some people. And I wrote this scripture, Luke 14 and 28, the NLT version. But don't begin until you count the cost. For who will begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there's enough to finish it? And then 1 Timothy 5 and 8, but if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. Now, some people are seeing out just because we went into relationships knowing that they didn't have and was made to feel comfortable that it's okay because you didn't have. But the scripture says in 1 Timothy 5 and 8 again, but if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. To live with a woman and not provide for the house, but I'm going to provide for my outside child. To live with a man and know that there's other children, I'm not going to try to put my money in that house. I'm going to put it in somebody else's house. I'm going to pay somebody else's bills. And then I expect you to put up with that. A lot of things too, Pastor Barbara. We take the word of man, what we have been promised, either from a woman, that this is what's going to take place when we get married. But we won't take the word of God and apply it to our lives. And so when we go into for rich or for poor, we got to understand something. That money is a tool. And in itself, it's just a tool. It's a number on a piece of paper. And if we allow that to lead our marriage, we already don't fail. Because nothing is wrong with having money. For the love of money is the root of all evil. That's what it says. Nothing wrong with having it. So if we build our marriage on what you can do for me, we already don't fail. And this is why there are so many divorces and the divorce rate is so high in the United States of Vietnam is based on financial situation. And if we don't talk about it, the best successful marriage is 94% of those that regularly talk about finances. Because if you don't, the enemy is going to creep in some way and somehow and going to bring up issues based on money. Every fight, ask anyone most about divorce, why they got divorced, I promise you. It's two things, communication and finances. Simple as that. Well, and then, you know, we talk about sex. Sex don't even talk when it comes to finances. Right, right, right. Finances is always the talk. Finances is communication. Sex does not talk. Sex is the excuse that they use when they want to get out. Huh? Because if you ain't got no finances, you ain't getting no sex. If you ain't got no finances, you ain't getting no sex. Hey, what's the song saying? No romance without finances. No romance without finances. Oh, my God. My wife, she likes to watch these Real Housewives and all this stuff, right? Well, she came across a couple. But this young lady, she let this down. Right. That's it. That's it. And so, so now, you know, she's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. 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She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. She's got her finances. Hey, y'all. The queen is here. How y'all doing? Good afternoon, Lady Sharon. How are you? Good. How are you guys doing? Oh, man. I tell you. Do you have insurance on me? Yes, I have insurance on you. I better be paying. I'm calling you. And you have to be careful of those coops that put insurance on you. Don't tell me they got insurance on you. And listen, this is what our discussion is about tonight. If you've just signed up, you're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. You're going to have to sign up. Are we able to support our family financially if something happens to one or the other? Are we able to handle it? Dr. John Fry can say AFLAG. Amen, somebody. Do we have a retirement plan? That's right. That's right. Yeah, or do we have a sickness plan? Do we have accounts that separate? If you're in ministry, if you started a ministry or initiated a ministry, do you have accounts that are separate from the church account so that if something happens, as far as the ministry is concerned, it doesn't suck out your personal finances in order to support the church? We've been there, done that, where we were holding up a ministry for 11 years, but our finances and our church finances were separate, even though if the church lacked, then that finances came from your own personal account as ministries and as leaders to be able to pour in and keep those doors open. And it happens. And when it does happen like that, it brings a strain on the relationship. In this book that I wrote, when I got to that chapter on Ritual Pura, and I thought about that, and I began to point out to the readers that even in the midst of that relationship, if there is an opportunity where those finances can be sucked dry from the ministry, it will begin to pour into your relationship at home. Because when you go start pulling money from one place to help support another place, I promise you, it's a hard situation. One moment. Good afternoon. You're calling in to hang in with the Walrus. Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with? Good afternoon, sir. I said, I better call in. Uh-huh. And you wanted to share? Yeah, sure. You guys know me. I'm pretty transparent about my life. And I always say the one thing that I haven't been successful in is being married. I've been married multiple times. But then there's the early marriages themselves. I wasn't really fit to be anybody's husband. But because we talk about finances, there are things that I'd like to share because that has never been an issue. The issue is that sometimes the man has to always be following up and ensuring things are being taken care of. Watch the background noise. Got a little squeaking. Okay. That might be. Let me just move away from here. But men need to ensure that things are being taken care of. You know, I'm one of these types that I've always said, okay, here's the budget. This is how much you need every month. And a little extra. Take care of everything because I do not want people calling me talking about how I owe them. I've never liked that. And I've never really had that kind of debt in my life. But there hasn't been a – there wasn't a successful formula for me to be married. It was never money. I think Roger and I laugh about the fact that I was married to a church woman that I argued with every Sunday because I was going to talk. So sometimes it really depends on the people. People present themselves one way and then they turn out to be something totally different. Right, right. But that's – so I thought I'd have to call in and share that. Roger and I, we've shared it before and laughed about it. You know, the whole story. Right, exactly, exactly. Well, we appreciate you calling in and sharing. And just want to give a shout-out to you, one of our sponsors, SPF Investment Group, for believing in us and supporting us financially and prayerfully. We appreciate you so much. Love you guys. Walk in. Bless you. Okay. Love you, too. Bye-bye. So as you said before, what happens in one house may not happen in the other house. But what you may have went through in yours could help the next person. And that's why we like to share. That's why we like to bring out these topics. Because sometimes there are things that we are dealing with that we need to open up and be able to deal with one-on-one, with one another, so that the healing can begin. Because sometimes, as Pastor Roger said, finances can destroy a relationship. Lack of, not enough of, or hiding. Finances. Finances can cause all kinds of eruptions from the relationship or even into the bedroom, as you said. When we have lack of, it takes your joy. It takes your spirit. Like it takes the fun out of everything when you're trying to rob from Peter to pay Paul. Yeah, we love one another, true enough. But when it looks like we'll never have enough, it's never going together, you better believe you're going to start to look at one another a little different. Do you agree? I agree with that. It's something about that. You know, I love you, you know, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. But when that money is not coming in, when the doors are being closed, when the lights are being cut off, and the car is being towed, you start to look at that thing a little different. And if we're not... You sure do. Oh, yeah. If we're not in Christ together, if we're not doing this together, if it's not something that we've tried to make work together, then you better believe the emotions start to turn in a different way. Does that make sense? It does. Oh, my God. It does. Oh, let's just pray about it. We're going to give it to the Lord. Yeah, but I'm hungry, and the light's off, and we're burning candles. Yes, yes. But what do we do? I think for men, too, being able to be a provider, it takes a lot out of them because, you know, they want to be able to say, I'm taking care of this, and I can take care of my household. But when they can't do that, it does something to them, and they may not be able to express how they feel constructively. They may snap at us, and then you end up snapping at each other. Right. But like you said, it's all beautiful when the air conditioner's running, but when it's not, you're in a hot tub. It makes a difference. It is tough. It is tough. And as they say, one of the biggest things that breaks up most marriages and relationships is finances, money. That's so true. That's so true. And if we married someone with money, now that's a whole other topic all by itself. If we married someone with money, they know what they did to get the money, and then you know to yourself it's their money. But I married you, and it's supposed to be our money. But what do you have to put up with when they have the money and you don't? Right. That's a whole other subject. Well, when you get married to somebody with money, you already have that security, so you probably can't get into a false sense of security because that money's there. Right. When it's gone, that person probably starts looking a whole lot different than they did when you first married them, you know? That's it. That's it. Which is not right. Right. That's it. I had a young lady that I worked with. I had been married 25 years. Never had to work the whole relationship. She just raised the kids. Then one day, there was a knock on the door, and they took everything. The house, the money, the cars, everything. She had no knowledge that he had bought into a Ponzi scheme, and he was trying to pay the money back. It almost sounded like something that was on a movie. But if I hadn't met her and talked to her myself, I never would have believed something like that was happening in real life. The same friends, neighbors, people that she hung around with that she thought she could count, everybody turned their back on her. Everybody. And guess what the sad part about it was? What? The daughter was getting married that weekend, and the dad was supposed to walk her down the aisle, and he was in prison for embezzlement. My God. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. When I tell you, God will put you into some situations to where you are able to pray someone through these kind of situations when it comes for richer or poorer, to be able to not judge them, but to be able to help them. So, like I say, for richer or poorer, it's something else. And again, I say, it's not just marriage. It's ministry, it's relationship, friendship, and business. That it can affect. That's it. That's it. That's it. You have something more to share? Can I say something? Yes. I think as women too, and this goes for men, but especially women, it's good for us. As a matter of fact, it's good for us to know what is in the bank, what we have, what's coming in. Right. Back in the day, a lot of women worked. The husband took care of everything. They didn't know. So, to speak to that lady you were talking about, she gets a knock on the door because she didn't, she left everything up to her husband. She trusted her husband. Exactly. Which is what you're supposed to do. Uh-huh. But you also have to know what's going on. Yes. So, you don't have to rise and you get a knock on the door. Uh-oh, did we lose you? I'm here. Can you hear me? Yes, I can. Oh, yeah. So, to basically sum up what I was saying, it's good for us to be aware of what our finances look like. Right. What's frozen and what. That's it. Because, you know, you don't want to ever have any surprises. Uh-huh. Those are the worst kind of surprises. That's it. That's it. It behooves you to know what each other has and what each other's spending and, you know, things like that. That's it. And that's what Evangelist Andrew said. Things can change so quickly when the husband can no longer provide for his family due to illness or to an accident. And that's so common now, more so than before. You marry each other and you're happy and you're healthy and then all of a sudden, there's conditions that are expensive conditions that cause issues that you didn't have before. And what do you do? You have to deal with them. Because you said, for richer or for poorer. And it changes. It sure does. Yeah. It changes just that fast. And I know Pastor Roger has something that he wants to share with us. Well, I mean, the conversation is just hot tonight. Uh-huh. For better or for poorer. For richer or poorer. So when we really look at this topic and we discuss this topic, I heard all across the board many different issues that took place. But I didn't hear how we resolve the issues that we're talking about. Okay. When we deal with an issue, we no longer can identify the issue, but we got to identify the solution to the issue. That makes sense. And when we do that, we'll get better progress in what we're trying to move forward in. That makes sense. Moving into our second segment of the show, Forever Grown, because you are forever grown. Okay. Is love enough? Okay. Is love enough? Gratitude and appreciation play a vital role in nourishing love and faith in a marriage. Uh-huh. Now the question is, is love enough for you? Wow. Love is the foundation of any successful marriage. It is what brings two people together and keep them united through thick and thin. Uh-huh. However, love alone is not enough to sustain a marriage. Okay. Are y'all catching this now? Uh-huh. Love alone is not enough to sustain a marriage. Okay. It needs to be accompanied by trust, respect, and faith. Okay. A lot of times for rich or for poor, we cannot move past that because we think that love itself will sustain us or keep us. All I need is love. All I want to do is get to be loved. But what happens when you get that love? What happens when love runs out? True. You have to nurture your love and faith as a team. Uh-huh. Now I want to break down Ecclesiastics 4, 9 through 12 very briefly. Okay. And I want to dissect it so we can get a better understanding if we may. And it says two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. Okay. For rich or poor, two are better than one. So when we assume that the man is going to take care of everything, we already don't fail. According to the Scripture, it didn't say one is better for one. It said two are better than one. So we got to take Scripture and apply it to our life. Okay. And it has to match up, line up, and direct us to the successful what God has already placed for us called the Jeremiah 11 and 29, 29 and 11. Okay. Because I know the plan that I have for you. Know the Scripture. Now listen to this. Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them fall down, one can help the other up. If either of them fall down, one can help the other up. Okay. For rich or poor. If I lose my job, you go get a second one. Right, right. Until I get back on my feet. Come on, somebody. Right, right. Hello? If either of them fall down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strings is not quickly broken. Right. God has to be the head of your marriage in order for you to sustain for rich or for poor. Ecclesiastics 4, 9, and 10, it reminds us that two are better than one because they can work together to achieve more support for each other when times get tough. Yes. So take a look at your marriage, your friendship, your partnership with your spouse or with your friend. Think about how you can make it even stronger. Take a few minutes. I'll wait. To discuss these questions with your spouse and identify opportunities to grow together. Okay. Well, what are you saying, Pastor? Well, I'm glad you asked me. How do we communicate and make decisions as a team? Okay. Go determine how your finances turn out. Are there ways we can improve our teamwork? If we don't improve our teamwork, we're going to always lie and hide things from one another. That's true. That's true. Verse 11 highlights the importance of offering warmth and comfort to our spouse. Offering, that means giving freely. And in marriage, this means being a source of emotional support and reassurance for each other, not just one individual but for each other. You've got to be there for your boo. When they need it most. And that means showing them you care. Take a moment again. Think about ways you can provide warmth and comfort to your spouse. How can you be more compassionate, understanding, and empathetic towards them? Here are a few ideas. Listening when they are talking and show care about their feelings. Okay. Listening to them, giving eye contact to them, cut everything off when one of you are talking about something very important. Give them a hug or hold their hand when they need some extra support. Now in verse 12, it goes on to say that we read that two can defend themselves. Okay. Illustrating the importance of standing up for and protecting one another. Okay. When someone is trying to come from your partner, you've got to be ready to defend them. Come on somebody. So think about how can you support your spouse and show them you've got their back. Both in private and public situations. That is so true. If you don't have your spouse's back at home, you're not going to have your spouse's back in the public. Oh my goodness. How do we handle conflict together? How do we handle arguments amongst one another determine how we're going to handle arguments between someone else? Okay. If we can't talk reasonable amongst one another, we can't talk reasonable when we're out in the public. And so all we're going to do is embarrass ourselves or get one of us hurt. How can we support each other when someone tries to bring us down? The passage concludes by saying that a cord of three strings is not quickly broken. In the context of marriage, this third string represents God. So make sure to pray together and go to church as a couple. It's important to keep growing your faith and making God a part of your marriage. I'm going to leave you with this right here. When you're married, it's easy to fall into a routine and forget to appreciate the little things. That's it. We take one another for granted. Yes, we do. Gratitude and appreciation plays a vital role in nourishing love and faith in a marriage. Take a moment again to think about what you appreciate about your spouse. Now I'm definitely going to wait on that one. Go right ahead. Think about it. What do you appreciate about your spouse or your friendship? What do you appreciate about it? And make sure to show them love and appreciation regularly. Let me leave you with this right here. Write a love note or text to your spouse. I prefer writing it. Okay. Plan a surprise date or do something special for them. Stop letting the individual that plans everything continue to plan. Won't you surprise them and start planning something? Won't you pick a trip? Won't you pick the favorite restaurant we're going to this time? Won't you pick the island that we're going to do? Won't you pick the park that we're going to go to? Thank them for something they did for you, even if it's something small. Right, right. My brother and sister, marriage is a journey where you walk hand in hand with your spouse, supporting each other and growing together in love and faith. If you keep God at the center of your relationship and allow his wisdom and guidance to strengthen your bond, your marriage will be like a testament to the power of love, faith, unity, and Christ. Yes, yes. The question is, is love enough for you? Wow. Forever growing because you are forever growing. Wow, wow. That's good. That's good. Listen, I should have wrote that in the book, forever growing. Oh, my God. If you just tapped in on tonight, we're talking about for richer or poorer. Last week, we talked about for better or worse. As I said, if you have any of my books, I promise you just what you read is more than what the book is about because spiritually it will take you to that place in your relationship where you can go in and be able to allow God to heal you in those areas. It's not just for marriage. It's not just for engage. It's not just for single. It's for marriage, single, engage, contemplating relationships, friendship, business, and even ministry because every subject that we discuss touches those areas for richer or poorer. And as you said, being able to confide, being able to communicate how we handle conflicts together in public, together and in public. How we handle that is so important. If we have an argument about finances at home, I guarantee you when time comes to pay the bill and we're out in public, something will be said that has no reason to be said in front of somebody else. That's true. If you pull out a credit card and all of a sudden that card bounces for whatever reason, you didn't pay the bill? So why did the card bounce? Why this and why that? Pull out another card or pull your cash out and pay. And then when you get home together, then you talk about that thing together. Ask me how I know. Ask me how I know. Everything that we talk about, everything we share, I promise you, we've dealt with or we've experienced. And that's why our relationship is so transparent. We don't have a problem with sharing because we know that somebody somewhere has dealt with that situation. Good evening to our dear sister, Pastor Anita and Minister Kevin Collins. Thank you all so much for tapping in on tonight. The topic tonight is for richer or poorer. How do we handle it when it comes to business, finances, marriage, ministry, and even friendship? Picking and choosing someone that has something and we're going to deal with them or hang with them just because of what they have. Pastor Anita says what we practice at home shows up outside of the home. And you can't hide it. You really can't hide it. That's right. And as we said earlier in the conversation, sometimes there are four bank accounts. Your account, his account, our account, and the secret account. And if something happens to one or the other, you don't even know it's there. Because I believe that, Pastor. When we have those many accounts, there's no trust in the relationship. It's not. And we're hiding something and we're deceiving one another as well as ourselves. That's it. That's it. Because with our marriage, our name is on everything. Everything. House, cars, insurance, bank account, et cetera, et cetera. Then on top of that, in the far, far, far, far background, we have our kids' name on there. Exactly. So if something happens. If something happens. Right. So it's very important that we sit down with our children, whether they're grown or not, and discuss with them, this is what your wishes are. This is what your plans are. Do you have a living will? Mm-hmm. Do you have, for whichever purpose, do you have a living will? Yes. What are your instructions for something to happen to you? Because something's going to happen. Yes. We're going to leave here, people. Yes. So we got to go ahead and get this put in order now. Don't wait until something happens and they do what they want to do with you. Put it in writing now. It's not too late. It's a must that we do this. And we, as people, don't like to discuss insurance, finances, et cetera, et cetera, all that. That's it. We don't want to discuss it. Mm-hmm. Get me on Facebook. It's GoFundMe. Mm-hmm. And it's not fair to those that you're leaving behind. Mm-hmm. It's not fair at all. So we have to get our house in order. So what we have to do is prioritize our priorities and tap into what's really important and stop running all this crime that we're doing. And we said, again, early in the conversation, do you love me enough to put me on health insurance? Do you love me enough to have life insurance on me so that something happens, you're not crying twice? If you love me, you will insure me. I'm going to say that again. If you love me, you will insure me. We can pay bills together while we're living, while we have breath in our bodies, but what if something happens to one or the other? And as Evangelist Andrea said a little earlier, she was smart enough to put money back so that when her husband took sick for those two years, she was able to hold things together when he was down. Neither one of us knew that we were going to get sick in our relationship. We were just in love and wanted to be together and have fun. Then all of a sudden, sickness attacked my body, and then years later, sickness attacked his body. But what if he wasn't the kind of man that was smart enough to say, you know what, I want the best for you. I'm going to make sure that we have the best insurance. So if something happens to you, meaning me, that we have insurance to cover you. Little did we know that his body was going to be attacked with diabetes. So we're planning for one thing, and as you said, things happen that we're not aware of. All we're saying is there's no reason to cry twice. That's right. For richer or for poorer. And it's not just in marriage. It's in ministry. It's in finance. It's in business. It's in relationship. It's even in friendship. Because if there's a friend that we know that we are hanging out together, then we ought to be able to support one another in everything that we do. If you don't have life insurance for your spouses or some of your children, go get it. The money that you spend every Sunday going out to eat or every Friday, take that money and get some life insurance. Ouch, ouch. The money that you eat up during the week on your lunch break, take that money and get you some life insurance. That's it. Be fair with yourself so that you can be fair with your family. And as my husband always says, we're so quick to get the insurances that are on the job, but when you leave that job, do you have insurance? That's right. And Dr. John Fryson said earlier, AFLAC. Thank God with AFLAC, you can move it from one job to the other. Because when I left my job in Bradenton, I took my AFLAC with me. All I do is pay my monthly payment. If it's insurance like that, make sure it's something that you can go. So that if you say you love them, then you'll make sure that they're not crying twice. Insurance, they're going to pay you back. AFLAC will pay you back and Allstate will pay you back. That's it. That's it. We're talking about for richer or for poorer tonight. The number is 727-731-0128. And we're so thankful for the callers that called in on tonight that are probably still hanging on. We appreciate you. The number is 727-731-0128. This is something that we need to talk about. This is something that we need to share. You know, we have all kind of parties, all kind of get-togethers. But how many times have you said, okay, let's get together and invite an insurance agent to the gathering? We did it. We had a service at the church. We had the insurance man sitting right there. So if there was someone that needed to get insurance, he was right there to give them policies or take that information and get in contact with them so that they would be able to get insurance. And not only the insurance for yourself but leave insurance for your ministry. That's right, right. And that's something that we don't do. We need to talk about not only in our home. We need to talk about in our ministry as well. Do we have insurance? I mean, we as leaders, do we have insurance? And there are other denominations that when they pass, they have policies that they've already left to their ministries because they want to be a blessing to the ministries even after they're gone. Even after. Because they love their ministries just that much. That's it. They're not, I don't know how big they are, but we know that it is available. We had a young lady that deals with insurance come on this show with us and share. And she's always available, Ms. Leslie Harrell, to be able to talk to anyone about health insurance or life insurance. We can get in contact with her with you. All you've got to do is just inbox us and we'll get you the information. It's so important. We're talking about for richer or for poorer tonight. Even in marriage, ministry, friendship, relationships, and even in business because sometimes we've sown seeds into business. We've built businesses together with someone that had no idea or even thought about having longevity in that business. And when they walk out, your finances walk out with them because you didn't communicate. You didn't plan. You were not together in that situation. Even if we're single, we need to think ahead and make sure that we have life insurance. You know, I laugh about it now, but it's really not funny. I have a twin brother. He always teases me about my twin brother. We're 18 minutes apart. He used to say a long time ago, when I leave and I die, I don't have to worry about who's going to bury me or how I'm going to bury me. Y'all still living. Y'all don't have to deal with that. But thank God, sense and knowledge came in for him. I'm glad because it wasn't funny to him when we thought about, you know, the fact how he carries himself. And then all of a sudden, thank God, he listened. And he decided to do insurance, life and health insurance, so that if something happens to him, that his children won't have to be buried. But we do have family members like that, that it doesn't matter. If something happens to me, I'm not worried if I die. You're the one that got to pay for it. You're the one that got to put me in the ground. So like I say, we're just thinking ahead. We're trying to be a blessing to the body of Christ. We appreciate all of you for tapping in on tonight, talking about this subject for rich or for poor. Even when we get off the line, you can still inbox us so that we can be able to share information with you about rich or poor, about insurances and how to be able to connect. Get the book. It's called His Wife, His Alma Mater. And in that book, I discuss the vows. I wrote it in a short story so that we can all relate to what this husband and wife in ministry was going through, even dealing with their vows and trying to hold their ministry together. I promise you it will bless you. And if you're anywhere near Amazon, you have your phone, make sure you go to Amazon and purchase my new book called Forever Growing. And you notice that he refers to Part 2 of our Hanging with the Walkers Forever Growing series, information that we know that after we've said, I do fit. After we said we can make it work. After we said that we are his wife, his alma mater. There's still some things that we fight with. There's still some things that we need to deal with. There's still some things that we need to let go of in order to be able to have a healthy relationship. So those things were captured in this book called Forever Growing. And thank you for those of you that have already purchased your book. I talk about direction. What direction are you going in? Are you and your mate, you and your friends going in different directions? Who's carrying who? Sometimes when we are financially stable, we have the tendency to feel like I'm carrying the relationship. I'm carrying you. But we forget that God is carrying the relationship as a whole. And what are your works? What are you sowing into your relationship? Are you sowing bitterness or depression? Are you sowing animosity in your relationship? The reason why it can't grow. And is there anger that's still there from your childhood, from something that occurred in the past? Are you still carrying that into this relationship? And then speak truth. He just said that a few minutes ago. Be honest about what you do and who you are and what you bring to that relationship. And submission, which is a dirty word for a whole lot of people. And then letting go in order for you to grow. There are so many things in our life that we're still holding on to. That if we were able to soar, we have so much on our wings. So we can't spread our wings and fly. So you have to let it go so that you can grow. Oh, thank you so much, Ms. Andrea. Andrea said she got hers. Forever growing. That scripture, you've got to look at it in detail. Psalms 92, 12 through 14. You've got to look at that scripture. Look at it tonight. Look at it in every version. And allow God to minister to you to let you know how strong you are. What you stand for. That even in our senior ages, we still have something to give. We are still building. We're still soaring. We still yet have time to pour into someone else. He said we're going to be strong like the cedars of Lebanon. And look at the title, the cedars of Lebanon, and see what they stand for. See how strong they are. See how they cover others, nourish others. That's what we're doing. That's what we're made for. That's what we're built for. We don't quit. We don't lay it down. We walk into our destiny and allow God to do what he said he was going to do for us. That's why we are forever growing. Oh, my God, that thing just touched me just thinking about that. Well, we're so excited about what God is doing in all of your lives. We're so excited about what he's about to do in your lives. There's a young lady that we met. Her name is Lynette Ward, and she has this business called Painting with a Vibe. And if you looked at my Facebook page, that's what she does. Bring people together for whatever the situation may be, parties, engagements, birthdays, couples, events, whatever it may be. And she brings them together, and you paint together. But there's so much that goes on behind the scenes while you're painting those pictures. And my personal Picasso did an awesome job on his picture. So I challenge you, let's get together. Invoice me your number. Let's schedule a paint, a sip and paint in our area. Bring her to our area so we can sit down and socialize, talk about some things, free one another, be able to pour into one another. Invoicing your number. Let me know. Yes, I'm interested. I want to come to a sip and paint in the area. We're willing. We're ready. Oh, my God. We're excited about that. Let me share one more thing about the rich and poor, Pastor, before we go. Okay. And I just want to talk with those that are thinking about getting married. Okay. Just something just to emphasize on. Those that are married as well can listen to it. Before stating these vows, before God, family and friends, I want you to consider something. Okay. Are you about to marry someone with a strong work ethic? Can he or she be trusted to work hard at a job or at home depending on which lifestyle you're both pursuing? Are you prepared to leave your father's house? In other words, are you ready to leave the establishment lifestyle of your parents? Are you prepared to live on a budget until you and your spouse are financially able to buy the comfort you are using to have every day? Are you comfortable with the amount of money you and your future spouse will have saved when starting your marriage? Wow. Do you think you should wait until you have more money saved? If so, how will you know when enough is enough? When enough is enough. When enough is enough. So take this time to show each other your account budget. If you do not have one, now is a great time to make one. After the short wear off from that process, create a budget together on a fixed income and see what would happen. And after you read that and understand that, get into your prayer closet and pray and ask the Lord to meet you and guide you in this area. Make sure he's ahead of everything that you do. Right. And I promise you, you will be successful in all that you do. Amen. Amen. That's good. That's good. Like I said, even after the broadcast is over, you can always go back to our Facebook Live or go to our podcast and be able to review and listen in from the beginning about this segment on For Richer or Poorer. Every Sunday at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., we are on SheRealRadio. That's And I did put it in our comments above on our page, how you can tap in. While you're listening, while you're getting ready for church on Sundays, just plug into and listen at one of our segments playing at 8 a.m. and then it plays again at 5 p.m. We are so honored to be a part of the SheRealRadio family that God found favor in us out of Atlanta, Georgia. That God found favor in us that this young lady would say, I want your show to be on our radio station. So again, that's and it's on Sundays from 8 a.m. And Sundays at 8 a.m. and then again at 5 p.m. Then you have our podcast that you can go to at any time and pick up any segment from when we started in July of 2022 to now. From July 2022 until now, every segment that we have, have been captured on our podcast. You can pick one of those segments, copy and paste it. 21. From seven, oh my goodness, two years we've been doing this thing. You can pick any segment, copy and paste the link and send it to anyone, anywhere. We're in the United States and also in eight countries. So if you have someone that's in another country, you can send them the link and they can be sitting down, hanging out with Hanging with the Walkers. And shout out to Nicole DeHaan that's in London, England, that she can watch Hanging with the Walkers whenever she gets ready. She's one of our biggest fans. Every book I've ever written, she has it. Every CD I've ever had, she has, along with Dr. John Pryson and Pastor Neal Williams. So we thank God for all of you for your support. We thank you for your love. Thank you so much for your prayer. It's a fun journey and we love it. He should go with the planes again, right? Boy, I tell you, I had almost persuaded him. That's an inside joke in between them. Dr. Pryson said, when we grasp the concept that all we can really do for God is to be submissive to his will and let him work through us. So true. If we can't be submissive to God, how can we be submissive to our mate, to our ministry, to our pastors and our leaders and our supervisors on the job? If we can't submit to him, but you know what we'll do? We'll be submissive to all of those. And then we'll yet fight being submissive to our partner. I'm going to let that alone because that's for another day. Oh, Jevasia, you say she's late. You can always go back and look at the Facebook Live from the beginning. I promise you it's hot, hot, hot. So we are so excited about what God is doing. As you know, we have candles, we have T-shirts, we have books, we have CDs. We even have cups that we've come up with so that if you want to do little gifts or baskets for someone, you have the full thing to be able to bless them. Because you know somebody somewhere that needs this information. You know somebody somewhere that needs to be encouraged. And sometimes they don't listen to us. But if we can lay it out before them, put it in a book, wrap it up, make it look pretty, and give them some nice music to listen to so they can bless and heal themselves, I promise you they'll be forever grateful to that person that brought them that information. That's so right. Oh, my goodness. We met someone that was at the Sip and Paint couple's paint and sip on Saturday. And she said, oh, oh, I remember. I brought you a book last year. My husband and I went through that book. That book was good for our relationship. Now imagine how I felt. I'm like, thank you, Lord. Somebody's relationship was touched by something you gave me to write. And to sit down and listen to the music that I wrote playing in this atmosphere and other people feeling the love that I felt when I wrote those songs, I'm telling you it was a blessing. So whatever we can do to help be a blessing to you, invite us, call us, schedule a book signing, schedule us to come together and tag team and be able to share. Whether it's your youth ministry, whether it's the men or the women's ministry, invite us, and I promise you, you won't be disappointed. June 30th at 6 p.m., Lee Pitts Live after work, an all-white, off-white affair in Fort Myers, 1857 Jackson Street. Also, man of God, Lee Pitts Live. It's a $10 cover charge, but that money is donated to a non-profit organization of their choice. You can't beat that. And then August 12th at 11 a.m. in Fort Myers, Protecting Our Queens Table Talk, sponsored by Marquita Lee, 3561 Evans Avenue. There's a $30 donation that will be going on August the 12th in Fort Myers. September 1st through September 3rd, We Win Women's Conference in Beaufort, South Carolina, sponsored by Shimona Douglas Jackson. And I am one of the speakers on that platform, September 1st through September 3rd. And then make sure you pin and pencil in our Apostle Rich's Pastoral Celebration, September 22nd through the 24th, where our very own Pastor Roger Walker will close out that service at 12 noon that Sunday morning. And if you want to go even further, November 17th through the 19th, Walking Broken, sponsored by Kathy Etta Sanders at the Hilton in Melbourne, Florida. All of that information is on my page. If you're interested in going, please contact them and find out what you need to do to meet us there because we will be in the house. Stay tuned for book signings that will be coming up. I'm looking forward to seeing your beautiful faces in the place for our upcoming paint and silk and also for our book signings. Did I get it all in? Got it all in. All right, all right. We are excited about what God is doing. Our life, our marriage, our ministry is here to bless and heal you. Everything we do, we want to make sure that you're included. We want to make sure that every area of your life has been touched, opened so that God can come in and heal those broken places. Is there anyone on the line that want to share something about what we talked about tonight and how it touched them tonight? 727-731-0128. 727-731-0128. You can even text us or inbox us afterwards and you know I'll post it. I post everything. But 727-731-0128. If you want to share anything about tonight, the information that was released on tonight, feel free to do so. Even our caller that's on the line. Oh. Okay. All right. Going once. Going twice. I know your phone probably done hung up on you. I know you probably got it on hold and can't get it off. But 727-731-0128. Like we said before, you know you can always inbox us. Information or what you felt or what you thought or how things were going on tonight. Amen. I just want to share something, Pastor, that, you know, the more we discuss these vows, our vows, it bring on a change in our lives. Especially to me. It makes me look at it from a different perspective of the vows that I made not only with God but with you as well and myself. It makes me go back and consider and look at it exactly how it really is. And it makes me examine myself. Am I keeping my vows 100%? Wow. And so, these segments here not only help others but it helps me as well. It gives me an opportunity to examine myself more and to let myself more know that what area that I'm walking in and what I'm not walking in. Yes. It truly, truly was a blessing on tonight for richer, for poor, for better, for worse. I mean, it's truly, truly a blessing just to discuss these type of topics amongst one another. And when we get together at the book signings or at the painting field, these are topics that we can share. They're exercises that we can do to be able to bring things out so that the husband or the wife won't be offended when we talk about it. That's right. Because there are some areas that we talk about that sometimes are offensive to other people, to our partners. And they're not able to discuss it in public. But there are ways to discuss it or bring it out and then not be offended. That's right. And be able to open up enough to share that area that they're sensitive in. Exactly right. Oh, we love it. We love the power of love. 727-731-0128. Mm-hmm. Let us know what's on your mind. Amen. Good conversation. Good conversation and good topic. It's always interesting to me to talk about things that go on in marriages because it's very helpful. And we're in this for the long haul. We're in this for life. So we really want to make sure that we're doing what we're supposed to be doing so we have a happy union. That's it. That's it. Thank you so much for that. Mr. Glenn, I just want to say thank you just for being you. All right. Thank you so much. That's you, Mr. Glenn. That was you, Mr. Glenn. He said thank you for you being you, Mr. Glenn. I thought he said Sister Glenn. He did. He did say Sister Glenn. He did say Sister Glenn. I appreciate that. We'll take a picture of him, Mr. Glenn and Sister Glenn. No, thank you. I thank you. I thank you. Thank both of y'all just for being who you guys are. We really do appreciate you now. We appreciate y'all. We love the conversation. It's always a good conversation. Yeah, always great, man. I mean, we learn so much. So, I mean, it's like we're as iron sharp as an iron. Yes. And we can't wait to come to Fort Pierce and have a gathering. Oh, man. I was just thinking about something like this a couple days ago. Yes. And we're going to use you two guys as well now. Oh, okay. Okay. Yes, sir. Yes, ma'am. That's it. Well, you're going to be helping us put it together. So, of course, you know you're going to be our example couple. That's right. That's it. We appreciate it. We appreciate it. You know, again, you know, we, as I said before, a lot of times it's not easy to share because we don't like feeling judged. We don't want, sometimes it's hard to open up and let people see that you struggle too or you're going through something. But, you know, we should never be too proud to say that, hey, we're struggling or we don't have it all together because we all go through different things. No matter how stage you are, no matter how much you know the word, no matter how good a person you are or how good your marriage is, we all go through ebbs and flows. So, you know, we all can help each other in the end. And it's good to open up. And that's what it's about. God knows that's what it's about. We want to be able to help, to be able to touch those areas that we've had hidden so long and we are walking around hurting. But if we could just heal so that we could enjoy our love together before we leave here. Yes. That's our dream. Right. That part right there. Yes. That's our vision. Yes, it is. We want to help you heal before we leave here. So many have left here and never felt the real love of their partner because there was so much that was going on in that relationship. My goodness. Yes. So, Lord, help us to be able to expose it so they can heal. Yes. Amen. You said we just want to be here in the end. Because if one of us is going to leave, most of the time we don't go together. So, one of us is going to be left here. Whoever has left here, you want to look back and say, you know, I had a good time with my spouse when they were here. That's it. I can truly say I had a happy marriage. But that's what it's all about, you know. That's it. And we thank Mother Freddie Carter that's on the line, too, because often she shares about the relationship that her and her husband had before he passed. And that place that she was in, supporting, you know, even through sickness, she lives her vows. And in sickness and in heaven, to death do us part. So, often she has shared with us about her marriage, which was a ministry. And we thank God for her. So, we appreciate you, too, Mother Freddie Carter. That's right. Amen. Amen. God is good. Well, thank you all so much for tuning in on tonight for our segment of Hanging with the Walkers for Richer or Poorer. And our second session for Forever Growing was Is Love Really Enough? Oh, my God. Make sure you go back and look. Please like and share this video. And even after the broadcast goes down, if there's anything you want to share or post, inbox us, message us, put it right into the chat so that we can read it and be able to smile again about this broadcast. That's right. All right. All right. Know that we love you. Truly, there's nothing you can do about it. Those that are free tomorrow, 530 to 6 p.m., tap into our prayer birthing room with Apostle Linen Roy as she takes us behind the veil with our prayer. And then 6 p.m., community Bible study with our teacher, none other than the one and only Roger Walker, Senior Pastor of Connecting in the Spirit Outreach Ministries Incorporated. Hey, know that we love you. There ain't nothing you can do about it. And then guess what we're going to do for you because we love you. We're going to do something the devil ain't never done. And that's leave you right now. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Peace. Hey, real quick, real quick. Have a good night. Good night. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.