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Nothing to say, yet
The host, Keba Eni-Nuvo, welcomes listeners to Raw Talk, a podcast focused on transforming marriages into extraordinary ones. Listeners are encouraged to share the podcast with others and to visit the website for previous teachings. Keba leads a prayer for all individuals, married or single, to find contentment and connection with God. She then introduces the "marriage pledge" and emphasizes the importance of speaking it daily for a successful marriage. Keba discusses the topic of wisdom, specifically highlighting five classes of wisdom: earthly, sensual, intellectual, devilish, and godly. She recaps the first two classes and encourages listeners to seek godly wisdom. Raw Talk, Reaching All Women to Talk, with your host, Keba Eni-Nuvo, has joined the Teaching in Progress. Hello and welcome everyone to Raw Talk. Ladies, your Transformational Influencer here, transforming ordinary marriages into extraordinary marriages. Ladies, please share this link with family, friends, fans, followers, and even your frenemies. Yes, share with everyone you believe need to hear these teachings and trainings today. You really don't want them to miss out, or anyone to miss out on these teachings and trainings today. You really don't. Once again, ladies, a heartfelt thank you for joining me today, whether you join me live each week, or you catch this later on, on my podcast. I am truly grateful for your consistency, dedication, and determination to get your relationship and marriage to the level of extraordinary. If you are joining me for the very first time, or if you have missed any of my previous teachings and trainings, you can find all of them on my podcast. Just go to, again, that's, as well as you can go to, again, that's Then you can click on my photo, and then you can go, which will give you or guide you to my podcast. Okay? So, let us pray, ladies, dear Heavenly Father, God in heaven, oh Lord, we just thank you, and we know that you are creator of men and women, both in your image, and you've made us in your image, and in your likeness for your glory. You have given us each our proper strengths, and goals, and roles in life. Some of us, you have called to serve you as singles, and devote full time to your kingdom. Others, you call to marriage, and this is a picture of your love for your church. May we all be content with the calling that you have called us with. May those that choose to be single, and serve you, don't feel guilty of being single, or jealous of those who are married. May those who are married don't feel guilty that they are married, nor feel jealous of those who are single. I pray, Lord God, that we, every man and woman, married and single, all feel connected to you, and honor our commitment, and our vows, be it to you, and before you. Thank you for this great opportunity to speak your words to those listening to the sound of my voice. I pray as I speak your words, I thank you that the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, is acceptable unto thee, in the mighty, mighty name of your Son, Yeshua, Jesus Christ. Amen, and Amen, and Amen. Alright, ladies, yes indeed, I want you to follow with me to the marriage pledge. Okay, so all you do is you just repeat after me, the marriage pledge, the change I want to see, must first begin with me, I am the ideal woman and wife, my vow and marriage is for life, I am the crown of my husband, I honor and respect him as a man, my husband is the man God called him to be, he loves, worships, and commits to only me, my marriage is a perfect example, which he and I won't let anyone trample, our marriage and relationship is extraordinary, we both live together in perfect harmony, no matter what trouble comes our way, we will keep our promise to stick and stay, weapons will form, but they won't last, my dream of a happy ever after has come to pass, Amen, Amen, and Amen. I love the marriage pledge, I thank God for giving that to me, and I thank him that I have the opportunity to share that with you every single time we do this, I come and I teach raw talk, that is my goal to say the marriage pledge, we speak in those things that be not as though they are, and if your marriage is not to that point of success and at a place where you dream it to be a happily ever after, my dear ladies, listen to me, you say that pledge every day, we speak in it every day, we speak in what we say, and we believe in what we say, because that's God's intent for the marriage to be that way, and that's what we say, and we're not changing it for anyone ever, alright ladies, we might add a verse or two if the Lord leads, but I think it is perfect right now the way it is because God has given that to me to share to women, so those of you who are just joining me for the first time, the marriage pledge, yes, it was written by me, given to me by God, a wisdom, and I pour that into you, hoping that you would print it and put it on your mirror, or you know, you probably type it out first, and put it on your mirror, on your wall, on your, they call it the, what is it, the wall of success, you know, you can put it on that, or your board of success, your success board, you can put it on that, whichever makes you happy, wherever, you can put it in your car, you can put it anywhere and everywhere where you can say that every single day, don't wait for raw talk to say it, say it every day so that you will be able to advance yourself in your marriage, because that's what you want, you want a successful marriage, you want an extraordinary marriage, you want your marriage to be what you dream of it to be, to be a happily ever after, right? Okay, ladies, let's go and get into it, and I hope you have already grabbed your notepads on your Bible, because you know what time it is, it is note and scripture taking time, right? I'm looking up scriptures, actually, you're going to take the notes, and you're going to look up the scriptures, you're going to take the scriptures down, too, if you want, and probably look at them later on, because, you know, I go a little fast sometimes, that's in my blood, speak a little fast, right, yes, indeed, but anyway, I am still talking about wisdom being the principal thing, we're still on wisdom, we're still talking about that, that is a series we are on for a couple of weeks, we got another week to go with this, but we are going to, as God leads, talk about wisdom, and we talked about, according to James chapter 3, in verse 15, there are four classes of wisdom, two of which I have already taught, but in my studies, I came across a fifth one, and I taught that last week, and that one was the fifth one, so I look at it, at these five different types of, five classes of wisdom, okay, so I included one, and these are earthly wisdom, and sensual wisdom, which James speaks of, and I added intellectual wisdom, which makes number three, number four is devilish wisdom, that also is in James chapter 3, and the fifth one is wisdom from above, which is God's wisdom, or godly wisdom, okay, so those are the five wisdom right there, and we are definitely going to get into, we're going to do a recap on them, but right now, let me just do the recap of the first ones that I did, and that I have already went over, so the first one was earthly wisdom, and it said that, I said, sorry, worldly, world by wisdom, meaning earthly wisdom, don't know God, okay, I mentioned that, that was a quote I mentioned, earthly wisdom definitely don't know God, those who have earthly wisdom don't know, or don't want to listen to wisdom and advice of an elderly person, they prefer to learn from what the world is saying and doing, they believe that the world's way is better, and the elderly's advice is old-fashioned, that's what they call it, it's outdated, and no one is doing it anymore, have you heard that, ladies, have you heard that saying, that, you know, it's old-fashioned, it's outdated, no one's doing it that way anymore, I hear that all the time, especially from young people, and especially, you know, comes from my kids, oh, mom and daddy, nobody does that anymore, well, hey, listen, they don't even realize that earthly wisdom is not the wisdom of God, and as a matter of fact, seeking the world's wisdom and making decisions without ever having to seek God for directions, is a disaster, okay, it's a disaster, some really don't believe, or don't want to know, or don't even know the difference between the wisdom of God and all of the earthly wisdom, let's look at that scripture, let's look at 1 Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 14, but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned, okay, so the natural mind don't know the difference between, or because of their foolishness unto God, and the way how they perceive things, they want to hear facts, and they want to go with what the, this is facts, and this is what is said here, and all of the, they look up all sorts of different things that is not truly of what God is saying, okay, so here's a quote, there is a vast difference between earthly wisdom and heavenly wisdom, most people do not know that, let's go to the second one, now these are just recapping, okay, so the second one is sensual wisdom, so this is because the intellectual and sensual wisdom of this earth makes you believe it is better than godly wisdom, you believe that you are so smart that you gain your success all on your own, okay, so ladies this is truly a huge mistake, a huge mistake, when you think that you put wealth and prosperity before God, and you make it seem as though you did it all by yourself, drastic things start to happen, I talked about that when I talked about Solomon, if you haven't heard that message, that teaching, you can go back to my podcast, and you can look that up, and you will get these teachings, and you will be able to understand, okay, it is a series that I go, and I like to go in order, okay, so if you missed that, before maybe, before you go in any further with this one, maybe you need to go back and back track that one, if you listen to it live, it's different, but if you listen to this on my podcast, you need to go to the one before this one, okay, alright, so that would be intellectual wisdom, now this one, when I said about all of that, and you fall into sin, you know the sinful acts, then you find yourself lusting to become powerful, lusting over money, lusting over material things, and lusting over a man who is not your husband, or husband to be, lust is best defined by its specific attributes of adultery, seduction, and simple fornication, when you look at another man with lustful intent, it's committing a sin, people don't think that, but even if you look, even looking is a sin, sex may have the attributes of being sinless, and the bed is undefiled, however, however, when a person seeks sex for pleasure, he or she is sinning with lust, okay, when you look, when you're doing it with pleasure, that's sinning, okay, now, the third one is intellectual wisdom, that's the one I gave you last week, and when I said, like Solomon, he asked God for wisdom, God was pleased with when he became, pleased with when he asked, so he became prosperous with wealth, and fame, he, and when he became prosperous, and he got wealth, and he had fame, he had forgotten God, that's most people on earth do that, it's the same, you know, that, oh, we're all human beings, yes, but, hey, yes, we are, but does it mean that we have to be the way the world is, and have to do the things the world do, well, the same as with some of you who seek out these gains, you know, through worldly wisdom, and then you do the same thing, you forsake God, and you forget Him, it is folly and foolish to seek out your own gain, and forget that it was God's wisdom that brought you your wealth, and your success, but instead, you let your life revolve around your wealth, the pleasure, and adoration, but, just as Solomon did, they too, later on, realized that it's not worth it without God, having all of this wealth, having all of this power, having all of this prosperity, and all of these blessings, blessings continually to overflow and overflow, and it is not worth it without having God in your life, okay, so now, we looked at it, we looked at all of which is sensual, earthly, sensual, intellectual, and then devilish, so, James chapter 3, 14 through 16, tells us of the evil work of these classes of wisdom, okay, so, here it is, and I read it again, James chapter 3, 14 through 16, and verse 14 says, but if ye have bitterness, envy, and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth, verse 15, this wisdom descended not from above, but is earthly, sensual, and you know, I added the one intellectual, and devilish, okay, and verse 16 says, for where envy and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work, we repeat that, verse 16, envy and strife is, wherever envy and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work, and then people try to figure out why there is so much confusion, and so much strife, and so much envy in their marriage, which brings us now to the fourth classes of wisdom, and our topic for this week, I have, like I said, you remember when I changed it from the four classes, it's now the five, it's five classes of wisdom that will enhance or destroy your marriage, and this one here is the fifth one, and this is, sorry, the fourth one, and this is devilish wisdom, okay, so, if you're looking for a topic, it is devilish wisdom for the day, and this is part four of the five classes of wisdom, so ladies, this is another kind of wisdom available to mankind, so let's look at where this devilish wisdom comes from, Ezekiel chapter 28 and verse 12 reveals that Satan was created perfect in beauty and full of wisdom, then in verse 15 of Ezekiel 28, it also reveals that for a time after he was created, Satan conducted himself in perfect holiness before God, but eventually he became proud of his beauty and wisdom, and within his heart, sin became a reality, so he then began to thwart God's will, this is what Satan did, so Ezekiel 28 and we're gonna go to verse 17, where God said to him, thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness, impossible as it sounds, Satan did not seem to think that God or anyone else knew what kind of spirit he had within him, so it is precisely devilish, which is also demonic wisdom as described in verse 15 of James chapter 3, because the selfish ambition, enviousness and jealousy that is created in human beings are the same things that motivated Satan in his attempt to thwart God's will, so James chapter 3 and verse 16, which says again, for where envy and strife is, there is confusion and every evil works, so we saw that, envy is heart breaking emotion, it is a heart breaking emotion, it hurts, it brings insecurity and loneliness and it brings bitterness and resentment, let's read that in Proverbs chapter 14 and verse 30, where it says, a sound heart is the life of the flesh, but envy is the rottenness of the bones, so ladies, becoming envious causes loneliness and isolation for everyone involved, the one experiencing the envy first hand as well as the one that someone is envious of, so devilish wisdom of which you boast is not a wisdom which comes from, it actually comes from, it doesn't come from above, it is actually from the earth, actually from here, this wisdom is demonic, is demon like, because it cares for the goods and the material gain of the earth, because it is under the sway of lust, envy and jealousy, it is demon like, because it is full of pride, covetousness, greed, lust, deceit, envy, jealousy, strife, egotistic, or egotism, malignity, ambition, greed, lust, envy, jealousy, strife, greed, ambition, and also confusion, which all are works of the evil, all of this are works of the devil, the evil one, again verse 16, and I read it, I know it, I've read it a couple of times, and like I said, it sounds so nice, I read it thrice, okay, so verse 16 says again, where envy and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work, every evil work there is when it comes to envy and strife, it says, and I emphasize these three words, every evil work, every evil work, those three words there, that's devilish wisdom right there, devilish wisdom right there, devilish wisdom right there, now strife is a serious issue that needs to be addressed, and it needs to be addressed alone, which I definitely will be addressing later on, especially strife and marriage, it needs to be talked about, but that's coming up soon, so it's coming up, coming soon to a podcast, I'll put it that way, okay, but allow me to just briefly give the definition of strife, okay, so I'm going to just definitely, sorry, briefly give you a definition of strife, and the definition of strife is conflict, alright, it's quarrel, struggle, clash, competition, disagreement, opposition, and also talk about fight, okay, so the marital strife are issues of control, flawed assumptions and unrelenting stress that erode couple's love, okay, so like I said, ladies, to have an extraordinary marriage and relationship, it is a great responsibility to both you and your husband to live in quietness and peace and avoid all occasions of anger and discord, now I'm not saying quietness as to be quiet in the house, no, I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the quietness that you will have with peace within your home, meaning, ladies, if you want a successful marriage and an extraordinary relationship, then avoid strife and confusion, bring quietness and peace into your home, and in our next series, you know, because like I said, this series is actually talking about wisdom, so in our next series, we probably get into marital strife, and if not, it's definitely going to be talked about, okay, we're definitely going to get into marital strife, but for today's teaching, I would just like to share on these two words of envy and jealousy, which are strongly associated with devilish wisdom, okay, so allow me just to share on these two words today, envy and jealousy, and these two words are scarcely synonymous, however, envy means discontented, allowing for someone else's advantages, and jealousy means unpleasant, suspicion or apprehension of rivalrousness, okay, so ladies, use this as a quote, envy and jealousy are a form of devilish wisdom, okay, I say it again, envy and jealousy are a form of devilish wisdom, yes, ladies, they are, they most certainly are, the root causes of jealousy and envy are synonymous, because they are both connected to a person's inability to see what God has provided in their life, and a lack of thankfulness, oh my God, I'm telling you, ladies, let us turn to Galatians chapter 5 and verse 6, come on now, let's get these scriptures going here, get these scriptures, Galatians 5 and 6, let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another, it is scripture, ladies, envy is wanting what someone else has, you might see a neighbor with a new car and desire the same, or you may see a co-worker get a new position on your job, and you envy them because you feel the position should have been yours, ladies, you might feel a sense of resentment towards the individual for attaining something you want, but have not, or have yet to achieve, such as envying someone who has an extraordinary marriage, and yours have strife, conflict and confusion, you try to figure out why they have it together, and you don't, most of the time, ladies, it's because of your stubbornness and willingness to want things your way, and want to have your own way, ladies, another reason is because you go and you take your business to the wrong set of people, you remember me talking about that, and I spoke about it last week, and I will speak a bit about it continuously, that you have to stay away from jaded people, yes you know those people who I call jaded people, jaded people are those people who give you wrong advice, and you make wrong decisions because they tell you what you want to hear, and not what you need to hear, there is a difference like I said, between jaded people and people who mean you good, who are going to give you good advice, okay, you don't want that, here is another definition of envy, envy often rotted in low self-esteem, sometimes from very early unmet childhood needs, where the person feels inherently not good enough, that's what envy also does to you, yes indeed it does, but an envious person may frequently compare and despair, and find themselves wanting more and more of what others have to prove that they are better, that's what greedy people do, that's what envy people do, envious people and envy people is characterized as greed and lust, that's what envy is, but jealousy and envy are soul enemies, especially in our marge, and scripture warns us against them over and over and repeatedly, ladies the two are intertwined and very destructive to marges, here is another quote, the natural mind receive it not the things of the spirit of God, rather it's a mindset that does not consider God's suffering rule or his will for creation, they don't, ladies that's what envious do, the natural mind, the natural things of man, what they do is they envy, they want things not of God but things of this world, and they feel like that is going to help them to get better and better, and think that having material things is going to better a relationship, it is not, it doesn't, material things does not better a relationship, material things doesn't even make you happy, and being envious doesn't make you happy, trying to get things that other people have is not going to make you happy, and those kind of things don't last, don't last in a relationship, it doesn't, it's a mindset thing, you have to be renewed by the spirit of your mind, you have to be renewed, you have to stay away from things that is not of God, if it's not of God you stay away from it, in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 21, let's go there, turn there if you have your Bible, and let's turn there which says, who knoweth the spirit of man, and goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth, who knows it, who knows of it, ladies, I am telling you, these are the things that comes from the earth, things that are here on this earth, that's what the beast is, who's the beast, who is the beast, Satan and his enemy is angels, they are the enemy, they are the evil ones, because they are here on this earth, and they do things that is of this earth, see sometimes you don't want to wait on God for the things that he gives you, but you got to wait on God, you pray and you pray and things don't seem to be coming your way, and therefore you try to listen, you try to go and go ahead of God's blessing, but the Lord says that you wait upon him, and if you wait upon him, ladies, he's going to mount you up like eagles, you got to wait on him, there's a song that by Bri Bobino, and it says, I will wait, I want you all to listen to that song, we're going to take a break and listen to that song, I'm going to come back and I'm going to tell you more about those jaded people, and people you still have to stay away from, and tell you more about what Ecclesiastes 3 and 21 is saying, but we're going to listen to this song by Bri Bobino, and it says, I will wait. I heard the Lord say, keep on waiting, cause he ain't never failed me yet, even with this mountain that I'm facing, I am a child and I'm always kept, oh, I know that he is able, I know that he is faithful, and I know he will come through, maybe even since I saw him, I can hear him, oh, and every promise is a truth, so I will wait. I will wait on you, I'll wait on you, even though I've been weighed down, he is going to take me higher, I will wait on you, I'll wait on you, promise that you'll turn it around, just wait till the morning comes, sometimes it's hard to keep smiling, so many burdens on my mind, and the tears just won't stop flowing, sometimes life can be so unkind, but I remember I'm a child of the king, and he will never forget about me, so even though I cry, he running won't get tired, eventually I'll fly, he gonna be right on time, right on time, I know that he is able, I know that he is faithful, and I know he will come through, maybe even since I saw him, I can hear him, oh, and every promise is a truth, so I will wait. I will wait on you, I'll wait on you, even though I've been weighed down, he is going to take me higher, I will wait on you, I'll wait on you, promise that you'll turn it around, just wait till the morning comes, sometimes you gotta wait on the Lord, even when it seems that the road is just a little uneasy, you have to remember, don't let us go, we'll wait, I will wait, I will wait, I will keep on, keep on, keep on waiting, waiting on the Lord, I will wait, I will keep on, keep on, keep on waiting, waiting on the Lord, I will keep on, keep on, keep on waiting, waiting on the Lord, I will keep on, keep on, keep on waiting, waiting on the Lord, I will keep on, keep on, keep on waiting, waiting on the Lord, I will keep on, keep on, keep on waiting, waiting on the Lord, I will keep on, keep on, keep on Yes, yes, indeed, oh ladies, listen, you have to wait, wait on the Lord, no matter what you're going through, wait on Him, as Ecclesiastes talks about, you know, knowing the Spirit, and those things that you desire, it is not from above, those things come from the earth, they are earthly things, when your spirit leaves you, you're not taking any of those things with you, we are reminded of the contrast between the spirit of man, which goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast, which goeth downward, okay, the spirit of man, which goeth upward, is God, therefore, it is Godly wisdom, and the spirit of the beast, which goeth downward, is of Satan, and the devil, which is devilish wisdom, okay, it's devilish wisdom, and jaded people have devilish wisdom, jaded people will give you things that is just like the devilish wisdom of the spirit of the beast, that is rooted on this earth, which causes jealousy and envy, and that's what jaded people have, they are jealous, they are envious, they don't want you to wait on God for anything, they want you to just go out there and get it, and make mistakes, and choose to do the wrong things, they are the same spirit that Satan possesses, and he wants you to have it too, right, Satan was ungrateful, Satan was selfish, he was envious, he was jealous, and he was vain, and that's what jaded people are, the root causes of jealousy and envy are connected to a person's inability to see what God has provided in their life, and a lack of thankfulness more like ungratefulness, and that's exactly how jaded people are, they are ungrateful, they are unthankful, they have the lack of thankfulness, they don't have it within them, they want to see things happen to you, they are jealous, and jealousy on the other hand ladies, is quite dangerous, I'm telling you, they want you to be feeling what they are feeling, ladies allow me to briefly share on the dangers of jealousy, people that are prone to insist jealousy, or possessiveness, often harbor feelings of inadequacy, or inferiority, and have a tendency to compare themselves to others, do you know anybody like that? Do you know anyone like that? Yes, they want to compare themselves to others, jealousy at its core is a by-product of fear, and fear of not being good enough, fear of loss, because you continually comparing yourself to others because of what they have, and you don't have it too, in their mind you are up there, you are high and mighty, you are up there, you got things, you got your husband, you got kids, you have a car, you have transportation, you have shelter, you have all of these things, but still yet you are ungrateful, because why? You are afraid that you are going to lose all of these things, and because someone is probably saying that they are better, but you are trying to do everything to make yourself better, and think that you are the better person for this or for that, and when you are not, eventually jealousy, you know what jealousy is going to do? Eventually jealousy can lead to resentment and defensiveness, so it always, or also destroys the trust in relationship, and it leads to more and more arguments, over and over again, especially if the person or the jealous person makes demands, and constantly questions the other person My gosh, I'm telling you, intense emotional experiences can also result in physical symptoms, and that's exactly what jaded people have They have intense emotional experiences because of all the things that they went through, all the mistakes that they made, and they feel like hey, you should be making those same mistakes too. Jealousy can be so destructive, I'm telling you, it can be so destructive, both spiritually, emotionally, and rationally. It can be so, so destructive. So in fact, jealousy and envy can literally lead one to murder because of jealousy, because you envy and you are so jealous. The apostle James says in chapter 4 and verse 2, it says, So you go and you murder, you covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and you quarrel. That's some of the things that you are so obsessed with because you desire things and you don't have it, so you want to go out there to get these things, so what a lot of people do, they murder, they steal, you know when they don't have it, they covet and they can't obtain it, so they have fight and they have quarrel because the husband cannot afford to get you certain things you get all upset because you want these things because so and so have it. So it's a quarrel and a fight continuously in a relationship. Envy and jealousy ladies are evil. It is evil, all devilish and will always stir up problems in your marriage. So ladies, meaning avoid jealousy and avoid being envious of others They are evil and they are a form of devilish wisdom. And ladies we've got to avoid the very appearance of evil and let grace abound. Here is a quote that I want you to have We are strongly reminded that nature is nothing without the aid of grace. And I repeat that, we are strongly reminded that nature is nothing without the aid of grace Ladies, we are nothing, absolutely nothing without grace. We need grace, we need God's grace. God's grace to help carry us through. Here are a few practical ways you can avoid jealousy and envy Recognize jealousy as deception. You have to realize that it is a deception. Realize that jaded people are deceiving you. They are jealous and they will come to you deceiving you Continue. Repent of idolatry. Also confront jealousy with joy. When you see or you try to feel jealous about something, you just be joyful. And you have to count your blessings. Continue to count your blessings and also another thing like the song says, wait on the Lord, wait on God Ladies, when you practice all of these practical ways, you will eventually avoid envy and you will avoid jealousy and every other appearance of evil. Every appearance of evil ladies. You will avoid it, you will not come in contact with it And if it does come your way and jaded people come your way, stay away from them. You need mentors in your life and the mentors you need are those who are older than you, married longer than you, who have kids older than yours and who mean you some good. People who will teach you wisdom, godly wisdom. People who will instill in you that what the Lord says Not what they have to say, but what God has to say. I am telling you ladies, I am a certified transformational influencer. I am transforming ordinary marriages into extraordinary marriages. I am here to help you to advance your marriage to get it to another level If you dream of having a successful marriage, if you have dreamt about a lifelong relationship and marriage with your husband, the one you are with right now, you don't want to have a divorce. If you had a divorce before, to have another divorce. You want your relationship right now, this one that you are with, even if you have relationship, bad relationship, after bad relationship. No, you want the one that you are with now to be the one. The one that you want to spend your life with. You want to have a happy ever after. It can happen. Ladies, my husband and I, we have talked to women who have been married 60 years, 70 years. Oh my gosh, I am telling you, it is a joy to sit at their feet, to hear them talk about their marriage. Women and men who have been married for over 60, 70 years, it is such a joy to be in their presence. To hear their wisdom and giving you nuggets to tell you how to do. These are the people you are to be in their presence. Not jaded people, not people who are going to tell you down, people who are going to tell you about your marriage and don't like your relationship with your husband. And don't want good for you in your relationship with your husband or your relationship with the husband to be that you are with right now. You do not want these people in your life. Okay? You really don't. And I am here to help you. I am here to help you. I would love to be your mentor. I would love to be the person who you would like to come to, to talk to. I have counseled a lot of women. I have shared my experiences and don't think that my road has been a straight road just because my husband and I have a great relationship and I can get him to do anything. Yes, ladies, I can get him to do just about anything for me, just as Sarah did with Abraham. And we are going to go into that another time. But, yes, so, listen, if you want that, you will get that. But first of all, you just continue to know that God is able to do it for you. Okay? Well, ladies, once again, I must say, we have come to the end of the teaching for this week. Yes, indeed, that's it for this week, the teachings and trainings for this week. Next week, I will continue with words of wisdom by continuing with the five classes of wisdom that will enhance or destroy your marriage. Okay? And we're going to talk about, it's going to be part five, and the fifth and final wisdom that we are going to talk about is going to be godly wisdom. So, if you know anyone who is in trouble right now in their marriage, please invite them to come along. No married woman or women who intended to be married should miss out on these teachings and trainings. And before I end, I must say this also. If you, who are listening to me, ladies, if you are in trouble and your marriage is in trouble, be wise and seek help and seek help now. Please, please, do not do this on your own and don't wait until it's too late. Don't go to jaded people. Max and I are always here to help you and give you and your husband, if you want your marriage to, and if it is in trouble and you want your marriage to get back on the right track, just send us an email at Again, that's So, ladies, I do hope and pray that these teachings and trainings will be your guide to help uplift you, inspire you, motivate you, and transform you as you join into a successful lifelong marriage and relationship with your husband. For more insightful teachings and trainings, please join me next week at this same time on this same station as I continue my series on why you need a transformational influencer like myself to succeed. You don't want to miss out on these teachings and trainings, ladies. So, until then, continue on your marital journey being the Proverbs 31 victorious and virtuous woman God has created you to be. Thank you once again for listening. This is your transformational influencer. Praying God's blessings overflow upon you, your husband, your family, and your marriage. Remember, you are awesome. Not everyone is perfect, but everyone can be awesome. I love you all, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Have a blessed, filled day, everyone. Transcribed by Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos. Thank you. Transcribed by Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos. Thank you. Transcribed by Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos. Thank you. Transcribed by Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos. Thank you. Transcribed by Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for more videos. Thank you.