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cover of Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation
Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation

Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation

Meditate With BMeditate With B



In this episode of "Meditate With B," we guide you on a journey of loving kindness, also known as Metta meditation. This practice involves cultivating an attitude of love and kindness towards all beings, starting with oneself and gradually extending it to others, even those with whom we've had difficulties. By fostering a sense of interconnectedness and universal love, this meditation can help to heal and nourish the soul, uplift the spirit, and deepen the connection with all.

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The transcription is a guided meditation that focuses on cultivating love and kindness. It begins by finding a comfortable position and breathing deeply to release tension. The meditation then guides the listener to imagine a radiant light within them, representing love, positivity, hope, and joy. They are encouraged to extend this light of loving-kindness to themselves, their loved ones, acquaintances, strangers, and even those they have difficulties with. The meditation emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of forgiveness and understanding. It concludes by expanding the love and kindness to every being on the planet. The goal is to uplift the spirit and deepen the connection with oneself and others. Welcome to meditate with me. Let's meditate. Find a comfortable position, one where you can relax the body fully with the goal of not feeling it at all. Gently close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you exhale, release any tension or stress, allowing yourself to fully surrender to this present moment. In this meditation, we will embark on a journey of loving kindness, a journey that will guide us to a space where our minds are filled with kind thoughts and our hearts with love, hope and joy. Begin by focusing on your breath, breathe in deeply and exhale slowly. With each breath, imagine you are inhaling love and kindness and exhaling any negative thoughts or feelings. Now visualize a radiant light within you. This light represents love, positivity, hope and joy. Feel this light expanding, filling your entire being and illuminating any dark corners of doubt or negativity. As this light expands, imagine it spreading love and kindness towards yourself. Consider yourself filled with pure love, acceptance and inner peace. Embrace the understanding that you are deserving of love and kindness, just as you are. Spend a few moments in this space of self-love, soaking in the warmth and compassion. As this space of self-love, soaking in the warmth and compassion, just as you are. As this space of self-love, soaking in the warmth and compassion, just as you are. As this space of self-love, soaking in the warmth and compassion, just as you are. Now, gently extend this light of loving-kindness to your loved ones. Now, gently extend this light of loving-kindness to your loved ones. Visualize them bathed in the same love and kindness you directed towards yourself. Recognize their struggles, their strengths, and their humanity. Forgive their mistakes, as we have all made many, and feel your heart overflowing with love and kindness for them. Now, gently extend this light of loving-kindness to your loved ones. Now, gently extend this light of loving-kindness to your loved ones. Now, gently extend this light of loving-kindness to your loved ones. Think of your parents and their parents, all of the struggles that they went through. Whether they were good or bad parents, it's up to you to decide. And we can learn from others' mistakes. We can have empathy and understand others' mistakes. And we can forgive others' mistakes. But only after we have understood and forgiven our own mistakes. Now, gently extend this light of loving-kindness to your loved ones. Now, gently extend this light of loving-kindness to your loved ones. Let's move on to acquaintances, people you interact with on a daily basis, but may not know well. Visualize them enveloped in this radiant light of love and kindness. Acknowledge their journey and wish them well. Now, gently extend this light of loving-kindness to your loved ones. Now, gently extend this light of loving-kindness to your loved ones. Now, gently extend this light of loving-kindness to your loved ones. Next, extend this loving-kindness towards strangers, people from different walks of life, from different corners of the world, of the world, different beliefs, different lifestyles, different religions. Now, gently extend this loving-kindness towards strangers, people from different walks of life, Visualize this light reaching out to them, touching them with love and kindness. Feel a sense of connection, a sense of oneness with all beings. Now, challenge yourself to extend this love and kindness to those with whom you've had difficulties. This could be a challenging step, but remember, everyone is on their journey, and they too are deserving of love and kindness. The only difference between me and you is our body, the spirit is all the same. The circumstances and struggles of the body are all different, but we are all born with the one true, pure, forgiving spirit and light that can never be put out. When we think bad of others, we are thinking bad of ourselves, for they are us, and we are them. Now, finally imagine this radiant light of love and kindness expanding further, reaching every being on this planet, every creature, every plant, every stone. Feel the interconnectedness of all beings, the unity of all existence. Take a few moments to bask in this expansive energy of universal love and kindness. Allow it to heal and nourish your soul, uplift your spirit, and deepen your connection with I AM. When you are ready, gently bring your awareness back to your physical body. Wiggle your fingers and toes and take a few more deep breaths. Open your eyes, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and deeply relaxed. May the love and kindness you experienced today stay with you and guide you on your path. Until next time, spread love and positivity with everything that you are. you

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