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Broken chains are the evidence of God's manifesting supernatural power to break the hold of darkness

Broken chains are the evidence of God's manifesting supernatural power to break the hold of darkness




So many times, we often find ourselves in a situation where we need someone to intervene for us. we may find ourselves in a dry and lonely situation. other times, we will find ourselves wanting to get out of a situation that is way in over our head. Jesus has the authority to break every chain of bondage. The season you may be in right now is of no coincident. right where you are I encourage you to call on the name of Jesus to break every chain that is afflicting you. In Jesus name!

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The speaker emphasizes the power of the name of Jesus and how it can break any chains that the enemy tries to keep us down with. She shares a personal experience of losing her voice but still finding ways to worship and praise God. The message is based on Luke 4:14, where Jesus returned from a desert season with power and the Spirit. She encourages listeners to seek God wholeheartedly during their own desert seasons and trust that God will empower them when they come out of it. She reminds them that God is always with them and has a plan for their lives. The speaker ends with a prayer for blessings and encourages listeners to praise God no matter what they are going through. Yes, there is power in the name of Jesus. God is so good. He's with us. He loves us. And He has a plan for our lives. There is so much power in the name of Jesus to break every single chain that the enemy has tried to keep us down with. Sister Melissa here. It is 10 a.m. on July 24th, 2023. I am back with another powerful message from the Lord Jesus Christ. I just want to put in a little side note, if you hear my voice, the way that it is, I lost my voice a couple of days back. And I am regaining my vocals once again. But it has taken a toll on me because I am a worshipper. I love to sing. I love to praise God with my voice. And not being able to hit those notes like I used to, it's a little sad, but there are seasons we must go through where even if we cannot use our voice to praise God, we have our hands, we have our feet, and we can praise Him and we can still worship the Creator because there is nothing in this life that can keep us or hold us down from worshiping the one true living God. And it's only in the name of Jesus that every chain is broken. Every bondage is broken. Every yoke is broken in the name of Jesus because it's only in His name. So I am back with another message from the Lord. And this message is found in the book of Luke, chapter 4, verse 14. And the Word of God says, Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee. And news of Him went out through all the surrounding regions. And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all. I want to just read something again that is so powerful in verse 14. Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee. And news of Him went out through all the surrounding regions. I want to encourage someone this morning. I want to let you know that when we are in our desert season, when we are in our darkest moments, when we feel like we're being pressured on all sides, when we feel like everyone around us has abandoned us, we are just in a moment or in a difficult moment of where we just feel like all is lost. The darkness came in and has flooded every single part of our lives. I want to let you know it's in those moments where we have to declare the blood of Jesus. It's in those moments where we have to seek God wholeheartedly. It's in that moment, in that season, in that time frame where we really have to press in to God and find our purpose in those dry seasons, in those dark moments. The Word of God says that when Jesus returned, that means that Jesus too was in a moment of affliction. Jesus too was seeking the Father. And you want to know how I know this? Because before these birthdays, the Bible says that after Jesus was baptized, the Spirit of the Lord pushed Him into the desert and He was there for a time. And while He was there, the enemy was tempting Him. But Jesus Christ, being Lord and Savior, He was 100% man and 100% God. He was able to overcome every temptation. And after He was released from the desert, the Bible clearly tells us in verse 14, that when He returned, He returned with power. And not only power, power of the Spirit. This is exactly what we too need to do in order for us when we come out of our desert season, when we come out of our afflicting moments, that when we come out, we come out with the power of the Spirit of the Living God to go on and further the ministry that God has placed within our reach to complete. Because it's all about Him. I'm so excited because I know God is doing great and mighty work in and through us. We have to stay strong. Come on now, somebody. I know that you can get up and praise Him right now where you are because God is good. I pray that this has blessed you in so many ways. If you are in your desert moments, just lift a praise unto the Lord. If you're going through something so difficult right now, lift a praise unto the Lord because He loves you and He has a plan for your life. And no matter what we face in this life, God is with us. In our high moments, in our low moments, He is with us and He is willing and ready to see us on through to the next chapter, to the next level, to the next dimension of our lives because that is who our God is. I pray that this has blessed you in so many ways. Until the next time, bye-bye for today.

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