Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
In this message, Sister Melissa reminds us that God has a word for us every day, especially when we're feeling desperate. She encourages us to take time to sit at the feet of Jesus and worship Him, rather than being too busy with serving and distractions. She refers to the story of Martha and Mary, highlighting Mary's choice to prioritize worshiping Jesus over busyness. Sister Melissa emphasizes the importance of recognizing and responding to Jesus' presence, and encourages us to worship Him with all our hearts. Good morning everyone, Sister Melissa here, yes, I am back with a message from the Lord Jesus Christ, today in this day God has a word for us, as every day God has a word for us, but sometimes when we are in a season of desperation and that word comes from God and it goes deep down into the core of our spirit, because it is aligned to the very thing we are encountering in the moment we are living out the season we are in, it starts to become rhema for us, knowing that God has purposely allowed his word to become rhema in our lives, being that we are going through what we are going through, God says my word for this season will flourish in you, many times we become so busy in our minds, in our workplace, even yes, in the church, we become so busy with wanting to serve everyone, wanting to do everything, but God is saying to us, just sit at my feet for a while, just renew your mind at my feet, and as you worship me, I will give you rest, as you worship me, I will give you comfort, because it is not so much in being so busy that you miss what Jesus is trying to do in your life, as opposed to sitting at the feet of Jesus and allowing him to renew our strength, allowing him to do something greater in our lives, that we were always meant to do with his strength, not by our own strength, service is good, but what happens when it becomes the number one priority in our lives, that takes us away from truly focusing on what is important, and that is worshipping the creator, that is doing the will of God, that is making sure that our number one priority is placing God first, and the only way we can do that is by sitting at the feet of Jesus and saying Lord, here I am, I'm giving you everything, if I have been too busy in this life, in my ministry, forgive me, and help me to have balance in life, I'm going to be reading today from the word of God, found in Luke chapter 10, starting with verse 38, and the word of God says, now it happened as they went, that he entered a certain village, and a certain woman named Martha welcomed him into her house, and she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word, but Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached him and said, Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone, therefore tell her to help me, and Jesus answered and said to her, Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things, but one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her, do you know why I love this so much, because this is Martha coming to Jesus, complaining about her sister, complaining that her sister was working with her, was serving with her, but the moment Jesus came in, Mary decided that she was going to sit at the creator's feet, and she was going to worship him, and she knew that whatever service she was doing before, it did not compare to the worship that she was doing at the feet of Jesus, and Jesus said, whoever comes to me, I will not reject, and Mary was the one who chose the better half, because it's not just about being busy in the church, it's not just about being busy in your ministry, it's not just about being busy in the activities that we do, it is about knowing when to come to the feet of Jesus, and when the presence of God enters, let everything cease, and let us worship the Lord Jesus Christ, because when Jesus is made manifest, oh hallelujah, it does not matter what we are facing, it doesn't matter what we are doing, we need to watch and be aware of Jesus's presence, and we need to worship him daily, and just say, Lord, here I am, what do you want me to do, because God doesn't want anyone complaining, he wants us to be at the feet of Jesus, hallelujah, he wants us to worship in spirit and in truth, praise the Lord God Almighty, you are amazing Father, you are wonderful, and you are always on time, you're never late, and you're never early Father, you're always on time, and because you're always on time, when your presence is made manifest, everything in the room, everything that we are doing, it must cease, and we must fall to our knees, and worship your holy, holy, holy name, like Mary did, and when we do, hallelujah, no one can take us away from where we are, prostrated before you, prostrated before your presence, and that is because we have chosen, hallelujah, something that cannot be taken away from us, and that is our ability to be aware that when the Lord's presence is made manifest, we must stop what we are doing, and worship the Creator, hallelujah, you are worthy oh God of all praises, and I pray that everyone who hears this podcast, that they will be encouraged, and understand that when your presence is being made manifest, we must stop what we're doing, and fall at your feet, and we must worship you Father, because you are worthy of all praises, I pray this has blessed you, until the next time, bye-bye for today.