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God is not slack to see us through again and again

God is not slack to see us through again and again




The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jecob has made away for us to endure our trials while on this earth. His name is Jesus Christ and He lives to make intercessions for us. Every time we have a need, and we bring it to the throne room of God, He hears us and has already made away for us to see His word come to pass in our lives but in order for us to see His word manifest in our lives we must come to the truth that if God spoke it then it will surely come to pass. Yes! God will do it again and again.

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In this message, Sister Melissa encourages listeners to have faith in God's promises. She reads from the book of Hebrews and reminds them that God is for them and will turn any adversity into something good. She emphasizes that God is the God of the impossible and urges listeners to stay steadfast in their faith and endure trials, knowing that they will eventually obtain God's promises. Sister Melissa reminds them that God has rescued them before and will do it again. She concludes by saying that they can always count on God because He loves them. Good morning, good morning everyone. Happy 4th of July. Sister Melissa here and I hope everyone is having an amazing day in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is 10 a.m. on July 4th, 2023 and our God is still good. Our God is still wonderful. Our God still reigns with truth and justice for all. This morning I have a word from the Holy Spirit, a message from God. So let us get into the word of God. I will be reading from the book of Hebrews, chapter 6 and the word of God says, For when God made a promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no one greater, he swore by himself, saying, Surely, blessing, I will bless you, and multiplying, I will multiply you. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. I am going to go to verse 19, which says, This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the presence behind the veil, where the forerunner has entered for us, even Jesus, having become high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. I want to encourage someone this morning because I feel deep down in the core of my spirit that God is going to do something big. And if he has done something like that in your life and you're going through a storm right now, then you have to believe that God will do it again and again and again, because our God, he lives, he lives, the Bible says Jesus Christ lives to make intercession for his children. So that means that if he's going to make intercession for us, that means that we are going to go through some things in life. But every time God will turn whatever the enemy meant for evil around for the greater good, for his name's sake, so we can rest assured that God is for us and that God is not against us. And if he is for us, then who could be against us? There is nothing that can rise up higher than the calling that is on your life. There is nothing that can rise up that is greater than what God has spoken over your life. And when God speaks the promise over us, it will come to pass. It will come to pass. Why? Because our God has already established it. And if God has established it, there is nothing or no one on this earth that can take away what God has already established and presented for us to inherit. So I want you to rest assured today, yes, today, that as God has established it in your life, so it will come to pass. Because our God, he is the God who multiplies things. He is the God who takes something that was out of nothing and makes it into something. Because our God is the God of the impossible. So for us, as we see it and we don't have it yet, God already has it and he sees it and he will bring it to pass if we continue steadfast in our faith, keeping him with all diligence and keeping that hope alive. He is our anchor, which means that we cannot be moved. And if we cannot be moved, that means that we must stay still until the promises of God come to pass in our life. We must endure. Pain will come. Sorrows will come. Sadness will come. But it's not meant to stay. It's meant to pass through. It's meant for us to endure the trials that are before us. Because in the end, after enduring the trials, we will obtain the promises of God that are far more greater than anything we can ever face in this life. So remember, if God rescued you once, he's getting ready to do it again. Because our God is the God of the impossible. The God who opens the Red Sea, who splits wide open the Jordan River. The God who makes a way when there is no way. We can always count on him because he loves us. I pray that this has blessed you. Bye-bye for now. We won't forget your grace We rest in you you

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