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Praise the Lord Jesus Christ from the rising of the sun to the setting same! God is Worthy of it all

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ from the rising of the sun to the setting same! God is Worthy of it all




No matter how our situation may look like on the outside, we were all formed in our mother's womb to praise the name of the Lord. every difficult season in our lives is never meant to harm us but help us. sounds like a cliche right? but the truth is how we get through our storms depends upon our attitude of praise toward the One who truly cares about us in every way. simply praise His name not for what He can do but for what He has already done for us on Calvery's cross. Praise His holy name!

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The speaker expresses a desire to be with the King of Glory, Jesus Christ. They share a message about praising God for the victory Jesus won on the cross. They emphasize that our works are not enough to earn salvation, but through Jesus, we can have forgiveness and a relationship with God. They encourage listeners to accept Jesus into their hearts and praise Him for His greatness. The speaker concludes with a prayer. I just want to be with you, King of Glory, this is for me, I just want to be with you. Amen and Amen. Yes, King of Glory, Jesus Christ, we just want to be with you. Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is having a blessed day in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sister Melissa here. I am happy to be back with another message from the Lord Jesus Christ. It is 10am, July 19th, 2023, and this is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Because there is nobody greater than the one who has already established our work, established us, and has established our destiny on this earth. And it is only through the will of God that we will fulfill His purpose for our lives. This morning, the message from the Lord comes from the book of Psalms, chapter 113, verse 3, which says, From the rising of the sun, to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. I want to encourage you once again, and I really want for everyone who is hearing this podcast, to understand what it truly means to praise God, not for victory, but from victory. Jesus Christ, over 2,000 years ago, He won it all for us. He won the battle for us. The battle that was raging and continues to rage within those who have not accepted Christ into their hearts. And for those who have accepted Christ, Jesus Christ, on the cross, won it all for us. And the battle that continues to rage is the battle that the enemy has already lost. But because he is deceitful, and he brings deception, he comes to lie, to kill, steal, and destroy. He will still try to make us think that we have no victory. When in reality, the victory that was won for us on the cross, was won by, through, Jesus Christ. There is no other name but the name of Jesus. He has given us victory. He has won it all for us. And what God wants us to do is praise Him for it. Because you and I can do nothing. There is no good work that you and I could ever do that will ever make God say, Okay, you deserve to be in my kingdom. Because the Bible says that our works are like filthy rags. And the only work that is pleasing in the sight of God, is what Jesus Christ did on Calvary's cross for us. This is exactly what grace looks like, and mercy looks like. Jesus did it all for us on the cross. And from the rising of the sun to the setting, God wants us to praise Him. Praise Him for what His son did on the cross. Praise Him because He is the great I am. Praise Him because He is the God who lives to intercede for us. We're not alone. And as much as it may seem like we're alone, we are not alone. Because God goes before us. So if you're going through a tough time right now, I encourage you and I urge you to lift your hands. And if you're not a follower, commit your life into the hands of Jesus. Open your heart. Confess that you are a sinner. Confess that you have done wrong. Confess that you have sinned against God. And believe in your heart that God has forgiven you. Because as you accept the cross and what Jesus Christ has did for you, Jesus comes into your heart, sits on the throne of your heart. As you confess, He comes in. And when you believe, He sits down on the throne of your heart and becomes Lord and Savior over your life. That is the promise we have. And for that reason, we all should get up every morning from the rising of the sun to its setting and just praise Him because He is the great I Am. I pray that this has blessed you in many ways. Bye-bye.

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