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The book "Love from the Crayons" by Drew DeWalt and Oliver Jeffers explores the different colors of love. Love can come in all shapes and sizes, and it has its own imagination. Sometimes love can stink, but it can also be small and soft or big and strong. Love can be hard to see at times, but it is always helpful. It can be sunny and warm, but also stormy. Love can be silly and sometimes it can hide. Love isn't always bright and colorful, it can also be black. In the end, love is every color. Love from the Crayons by Drew DeWalt and Oliver Jeffers Love is red because love comes in all shapes and sizes. Love is purple because love has its own imagination. Love is brown because sometimes love stinks. Love is gray because love can be small and soft or big and strong. Love is white because sometimes love is hard to see. Love is green because love is helpful. Love is yellow and orange because love is sunny and warm. Love is blue because sometimes love is stormy. Love is pink because love can be silly. Love is peach because sometimes love can hide. Love is black because love isn't always bright and colorful. Love is every color.