Affirmation about Strength of Heart.
Affirmation about Strength of Heart.
The First Responder Reverb is a podcast for first responders. The host, Michael Reynolds, offers affirmations and meaningful conversations. He starts with three deep breaths and focuses on the strength of the heart. He encourages embracing love and compassion within the heart. The heart is seen as resilient, guiding through challenges with courage. The host emphasizes staying bold, true, resilient, and safe. Welcome to the First Responder Reverb. I'm your host Michael Reynolds. Join us as we explore the world of first responders offering affirmations, insights, and meaningful conversations. Thanks for your service. Now, let's take a minute to plug in and take care of ourselves. Let's start with three deep breaths. Today's affirmation is about the strength of heart. My heart is resilient guiding me through challenges with courage. My heart is resilient guiding me through challenges with courage. My heart is resilient guiding me through challenges with courage. I embrace the power of love and compassion within my heart. I embrace the power of love and compassion within my heart. I embrace the power of love and compassion within my heart. With each beat my heart fills me with strength and determination. With each beat my heart fills me with strength and determination. With each beat my heart fills me with strength and determination. Stay bold, stay true, stay resilient, and stay safe. Until next time.