Here is the Alamo 30, Take 3. Thanks for listening! Mike
Here is the Alamo 30, Take 3. Thanks for listening! Mike
If you're in Durango, Colorado, you can visit a road called "Road to the Sky" that was used by miners searching for silver and gold. Alamo offers free miles on all their roads, including a 70-mile stretch on Route 550 in Colorado that leads to the sky. More details can be found at If you're ever near Durango, Colorado, you'll find a road to the sky where a hundred years ago men searched for the silver and gold they saw there. There are over 1 million miles of roads in Alamo territory all over America and every day with every car nationwide. Only Alamo gives you all those miles for free, including a 70-mile stretch along Route 550 in Colorado, which takes you to the sky. For more information, visit