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Effective Delegation 20240410

Effective Delegation 20240410

Mike Ihezuo Leadership PodcastMike Ihezuo Leadership Podcast



Delegation is an art that every managers must know, and know with mastery; 'cos no one is capable of doing what he or she wants, without the contribution of another person.

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A woman attended a workshop and kept leaving to take courses. Her boss didn't prepare anyone in the office to handle her responsibilities, thinking she needed to be present all the time. The speaker argues that true delegation means empowering others and making your presence unnecessary. Managers often think they are delegating, but they are actually just passing off assignments. Delegation requires a partnership of authority and responsibility with the person being delegated to. In a personal example, the speaker explains how they delegated a hiring process and made sure to not be influenced by personal interests. Delegation is not the same as letting go, and it doesn't mean chaos or losing your job. It is about empowering others and sharing authority and responsibility. I get in. One day, somebody attended a workshop. I think that was when NIR was in North Emmanuel Drive. And every second, the woman went out to take a course. Immediately, she is coming back. Another call is needed. She was just leaving. They said, Madam, why? He said, No, they are calling me from justice. They want to know what they did this and that. I said, Did they not know that they are coming for a workshop? They said, Yes, they know now, but you have to tell them what they did so that they don't make a mistake. I said, Do you mean you didn't prepare somebody in your office? He said, No, you know, as before, you need to be on the job every day. I said, What if anything happens to you, God forbid, with the country closed? Are you not just a man of Islam? I said, No, you should never prepare people. Essence of leadership is to make your presence unnecessary. If your presence must always be present every minute, it means you are not producing anything. You are not empowering any person. You are not helping any organization. You are not helping to build yourself. So, the woman continues doing that. When they are giving her a course, because we go up to five or seven in the class. They start talking to her about her regular on and off. And then we forget that. We continue. We stop pretending as if we are not giving her up and down movement. And if you ask her now, she will think she is important to the organization. That will be her only mission of task for life. She is a woman. They won't give you even thirty seconds, nine and a half, if anything happens to her. Before it is also thirty seconds, somebody will interrupt and say, the soul of all the departed and the soul of the rest in peace will say, Hey, that ends now. Ah yes, something gives our family some meaning. If any company can ever afford to do that, then no problem. Now, managers are not doing enough as they tend to show. They think they have been doing that. But they only hand up at that and pass out an assignment routinely. Routinely, they do it always. But only rarely does the delegate really catch fire. And if the person who delegates an assignment or delegates something to catch fire and become a power, and the person who owns that thing you are delegating to him, he incites the spirit of ownership of that thing, only that time you have just ended up handing over an assignment. Does that make sense? That is why it is not everything you will delegate. Are you getting me? In your own, in your delegation, is the person you have delegated the matter to? Yes. Now, if you don't delegate everything, let's use the one claim I have created, that is, if you don't delegate everything, it means that as something you are hiding, you are hiding not. And it means, it is to the person that you do not have, he has a trust deficit. Trust deficit. Can we really say that? No. But whether that is something you are hiding, not everything in the workplace is disclosed. Not everything that is your secret. Every employee has a secret. That is why... Not everything in your office is classified. That is why this delegation, this public delegation, will continue the workplace. Do you understand? What you do, you have said that, that there are secrets, there are secrets. So, that secret, for example, between you as a manager, and your assistant manager, if I am close as you are, just 18-9, with just one level, you are hiding something from your assistant, then how could it be that every time you will have an effective delegation? OK. We are telling, this subject is difficult. This subject only, completely is deviant for you. Because it is repositional. What you are going to learn is repositional. That is the point that we are getting at now. It is not the first thing in your office. You disclose, otherwise you don't have a job. Otherwise you don't have any job. What keeps you in the job? You don't delegate it. There are things you will delegate, as we define them, and you will see them. It is not about... You mentioned the word fraud. You mentioned the word fraud. It is related. And we come to the third element. Now, let's look at this thing now. Managers think that they have been delegated, but the truth is that they have not. They pass out important, they pass out assignment, they pass out task, and they leave on their own. But only when it does the delegated... Now, I am giving the principle. If I am the person who is delegating this thing, only when I catch fire with what you have delegated to me, and I see that you delegated me as the owner of that thing, being fully responsible for that thing you have delegated to me, and until I see myself as true ownership of that responsibility, that assignment, and if it can come in standard, everything that has to do with it, the true burden of responsibility is still hanging. And if the true burden of responsibility is still hanging, we have never achieved really let go, and letting go. These are the few things that define whether there was a delegation or not. I don't know. We will miss it. Let me stop. Okay. Okay. So here the problem is, oftentimes managers think that letting go is the same thing as really letting go. Remember, among the 14 principles that have been followed, encapsulated in the theory of management, in a sense of, I think, or if you are my team, whatever, dedication is so paramount and very much highlighted. Now this is where the problem is. Letting go is not the same thing as really letting go. Delegation is actually what is really letting go. Ouch. But that letting go does not mean losing your job. It does not mean chaos. It does not mean a man. It does not mean confusion. Now, delegation, or what we call passing down, is a partnership of authority between you and the person you are delegating. Take it again. It is a partnership of authority and responsibility to the person to carry out a specific activity. You want to. In your capacity. So if you are a Canadian boy, somebody, are you Canadian? And if you you act as a body-head, arrange all of that work. Arrange all of the processes for employment, advertising, recruitment, interview, and this and that. And the get me the outcome. If that person does not you know, as soon as you are passing that thing, it goes together with authority and responsibility. If that person and you did not really understand that there is a partnership thing going on, that we make him to own up that, or to do that with every amount of pressure, and at the same time, you will have to find out this thing. Something is being handed. Think about what I said and think if there is a problem. Many years ago, I was working as a assistant manager in Africa Institute of Business. My boss was on leave. So he can also come and do that. We need to employ a confidential secretary to the M.D. because the M.D.'s secretary was moved to Virginia to be a personal officer. And by the reason of, that time I was system analyst in the company. By the reason of the way the company normally interviews, they interview at three levels. Technical, department, then HR, and then seminar. Then, because the person is going to use computer device, which is over 70% controlled by us. So, we have 70% of the mark to award. While HR has only 10% and the general division has only 60%. Which is like saying, our own mark is enough to override. Are you getting it? Why HR is that we just don't know? Are you a human being? No. They have much, they may not even have anything to add that. We are already working for this and that. It's almost a routine question. Now, the job has been shifted to us. My boss told me, do the whole of that thing and report. I got to the HR rep and the next thing, I've been asked to carry out this subpoena. It's no problem. It's your boss asking, it's no problem. We will still take it as it is. It is the, are you getting it? We will still take it as it is. Yes. And, I've worked that with the department. What I'm saying is that, hospital, system department has given us their results on who they want us to employ as confidential secretary to spend it. Now, that means that you have a lot of interest, but don't help me. I was able to manage my way without getting influenced by interest. For instance, HR rep has an interest. Somebody might like to be there. MD has an interest because one of the MD's girlfriend was also infected in the job. MD even invited me to his office. He's a white man. I asked him, my social person is my girlfriend. I want to get a job. I want you to get that job. As I was going, I said, my, what happens is that, you can elect people to do the job. No problem. Do the job. Get me the best person. The best person you know that your heart approves or you know you approve. I said, okay. So, I did the interview. Gave them assignment. I gave them. And from there, I resorted to IT. And then I reported. I made my report. Full situational report. How the interview was conducted. How many people that attended. Their list. And the, how I caught each and every one of them. And how I now approve one person. And my opinion for approving that person. And in case the person declined, the next person, I have one person. When the MD saw it, he said, okay. And my boss said, no problem. It was taken to the HR instead of, okay. Now, something was, was there a division of HR that goes to the family or to the authority of the company? They have their own aspect of the question. As I told you, the quality of the company. The HR question was just to find out whether the person is human or not. They see that the person is using a technical device. And that was when computer was not popular. So, the people who are recruiting others have chosen a technical person. HR will work in conjunction with the technical or the engineering department who will be part of the, the recruiting and that will be answering and supervising from the technical or professional perspective. So, it was truly a job of recruitment. The HR, the engineering department. And I think they also wrote the letter to us. So, by that time when we finish our own, we make our recommendation and send to them. So, what the HR do is to, more or less, rubber stamp it. I get it. Because, they, their concern is that, the person who should be MD second to most is Eric Sands. He's an lecturer and he's able to know how to correct. He's able to know. Because MD sees this proposal like a water. He can come and drop 10 proposals and he want to sort it, send it to Shed, tomorrow, or IG. We are always at this company. I get it. So, the person should be somebody who can act on little impulse to know what to do and to be clever and to be smart. So, when I gave them the report and indicated this, he asked me. He took it up. Now, that was an example of delegation. Are you getting it? Yes. Something would have made that a lot of the delegation. If, after the work, it is revised, that means, somebody begins to go through it from the beginning again to the end. But, the fact that my boss will let me look at this and decide and say, OK. Next, is that he has given me the authority and the responsibility. You know, you are talking of trust. To do that job. Trusting that my opinion about that, even when he is not physically present, should be just like his own, if not more. And when he heard that, he didn't say anything but he sees that the bad time has come. So, it wasn't like a handed task or a handed assignment. Now, but let's move a little bit. I want you to get the two words I used here, letting go and really letting go. Really letting go means that you are ready to get the consequence, whether bad or good, of this decision made by the delegate. Whatever mistake I have made on that, my boss already has censored it. Are you getting it? Assuming I recommended a wrong person, they have already censored it. Are you getting it? That is what it is, really letting go. Now, that is why the delegation is dangerous. If you cannot want the person to take that decision, it sucks. Because if it is assumed, if it is taken that you are the person doing that work, are you getting it? If it is taken that you are the person doing that work. Brother Andros, in today's organization, for example, you are the boss, you are the assistant. Because all I suggest, your knowledge is dynamic now. Yes. So, this was refused by the subordinate. In the end of the union government, we used what is called direct reports. Ok. So, people delegate, but the delegated person stop for time to time for the principal. When there are serious decisions to be taken, ok, that man, this is what came up or what do I do, you know, what can be adopted. This is the competition wrestling. He has delegated to you. But, there are some specific situation. You cannot take those specific decisions. He has delegated everything to you. You pick on him. So, that will mean that we have competition one to ten. That means we will look at somebody, we will look at somebody and we will pick on them. Now, see what happens in workplace. Ok. Invest time to save time. I don't have enough time. So, I will delegate some of these. But, nobody is confident. Nobody is confident. So, I will coach someone. Can you see this sample? Yes, I do. Now, see what happens in circles of job nature. The job must be done. I can do this job, but others can't help me. I can do this thing, but others can't help me. Others can do this job, but I can't help them. Others can do this job, but I can't help them. Others can do this job, but I can't help them. This is a typical four circles of job that goes down the lobby. Four circles. I must do this job by myself. I must do this job. Others can't help. Others can do this job. I can't help. Others can do this job. I'm not involved in managing persons. You're managing yourself. You're managing the work, and you're managing people. You're managing the task, the work. You're managing yourself. You're managing people. So there is a need to think of, you have achieved an age about somebody who cannot find something another person can do for him. Do you want me to repeat it? Can I repeat it? I am involved in managing myself first. I'm also involved in managing people under me. Every manager is faced with this common job. Now, it's become very helpful if there is something I can do which another person can take off my burden. Thank

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