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cover of workplace's diversity, part 1 20.06s
workplace's diversity, part 1 20.06s

workplace's diversity, part 1 20.06s

Mike Ihezuo Leadership PodcastMike Ihezuo Leadership Podcast



This is about managing different [diverse oriented] people and differences [diversities] found in mixed people.

Podcastdiversitydiversity and inclusiondiversity in workplacediversity management

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Workplace diversity refers to having individuals from different backgrounds and experiences within a company or organization. It is important to manage diversity and value differences in order to live in a creative age. Diversity enhances creativity, innovation, problem-solving, and employee engagement. It also reflects a global perspective and helps reach diverse markets and cultures. Managing diversity effectively is what makes America the greatest nation in the world. Diversity should be embraced and incorporated into one agenda, creating a more inclusive and productive environment. Workplace diversity for living with a creative age. Now, I know what they call diversity. It is when diverse people from diverse backgrounds, from diverse opinions, diverse set of views come together, we say that diversity is on the call. When people are not homogeneous, in thinking homogeneous in culture, homogeneous in where they come from, when they are together, or when they are doing something together in the name of a single enterprise or a single project, we begin to discuss the concept of diversity. Like this country is a country of diversity. There are so much of diverse orientations, diverse cultures, diverse ideologies. One of the things that is paramount when diversity is being discussed is ideology. Ideology is what do people call ideal. Ideology is concepts that make up what do people call ideal. What do people call so much, so much ideal in their orientation, in their thinking. So when people have, when you bring people who have different ideal on a matter, people who have different orientation on a matter together, another level of problem comes up. A very serious one. A very serious problem. Diversity creates troubles. But when people learn to manage diversity, it is the best thing that can happen to them. America today is a country that manages diversity and this is what actually they have managed. What makes America the greatest nation in the world is their diversity management. They have been able to manage people from Russia who naturalized. They have people from Asia who naturalized. They have people from even China who naturalized as Americans. People from Africa who naturalized as Americans. People from Jews who naturalized as Americans. And the Americans are managing them as if they are all Americans. That makes it the goal for all. And that's what makes it so great. That it is extremely difficult for you to plan against America because too many Chinese naturalized. They are no longer going back to China. Too many Indians naturalized and they can never go back to India. So there is no programming we have against America that they will support because they are taking America as their own lifetime home. So we call it diversity management. This is one country that is not managing what they have as diversity. And it is spending everything. It is causing so much trouble. So in your department there could be diverse set of people there. Diverse set of people by where they live. Diverse set of people by where they come from. Diverse set of people from their geography of where they come from. The different ideologies of where they come from. Any ability to manage this diversity makes you not to live with a creative age. Makes you not to live with a creative age. Managing ideologies. Managing ideologies, diversity is a creative resource. So in this subject matter now, we will be looking at workplace diversity. And managing it. Diversity refers to presence of individuals from a variety of backgrounds. From a culture. From an experience within a company or organization. Diversity refers to the presence of individuals from a variety of backgrounds. Yes, when you do not manage it, it becomes a very big problem. But a momentous one for that matter. But ability to manage diversity itself is a creative tool to be incredible. Because one thing diversity brings to you, to the devil, is giving different opinions. Different culture that you cannot find anything one thing. You cannot find anything one. In anything you want, somebody will provide you a chair. Somebody from that background will provide you a chair. So I am not trying to define diversity. I say that it is a part of the presence of individuals from a variety of backgrounds. Culture. Experience. Within a company or organization. It involves embracing and valuing differences. Such as related to gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability, professional background and more. Inability to value differences means one is not capable of handling diversity. Did you get it? Inability to handle differences in value or value differences means one is not capable of handling diversity. Now this also has another side. What is called inclusion. Inclusion is about bringing people of diverse backgrounds into one. Incorporating them into one agenda. It means bringing work of parties that has inclusivity, innovation and operational productivity into a single organization. Now let's look at a diverse workforce. A diverse workforce is a team of workforce or a workforce that has people from different backgrounds. They enhance the problem solving ability better and faster. They drive company performance better. They cultivate a more inclusive environment better. A diverse workforce. Let's look at why is this important. Why is workplace diversity important? Why will we not have people from the same place working in a place? Why is diversity needed? We are some beloved governors that we are sometimes elected, sometimes we go. And they ask the civil servants in their state who are not from their state to go to their state of origin. That is security you cannot see in many parts of the world. Did you get the point? Especially in the advent of this modern democracy. Certain people who were originally working in their state, only to be asked to go back to their state of origin and work. And not to work in the state of origin, in the state where they reside and where they have been working for years. Are you getting the point? And that shows how narrow-minded our people are in this country. You didn't ask the person to not pay rent there. Or don't pay tax there. But not to work there. And you forgot that the work you are paying me is as a result of contribution that is also made to you in the workplace. It's not as if you've been paid for doing nothing. Now that is an attempt to kill diversity. So let's look at why workplace diversity is important. Number one, it enhances creativity and innovation. Let us say that we have a company here working. We have about 30 people. We have 30 people from China. We have 2 people from Egypt. We have 30 people from Israel. We have 30 people from America. We have 30 people from India. We have 4 or 5 people from Nigeria. Can you see diversity? Do you think that there is anything we want to do that we will be staffed of opinions? That we will be staffed of ideas? Having all of these people in our team. Do you think there can be any project we want to do and we will be staffed of ideas of what to do? It will be absolutely difficult. Because if for those of us that have an idea, don't have an idea. Somehow the Jewish man may have an idea of how to get across to that place. If that did not work, a Russian man may get an idea. If that did not work, a man from China may get an idea. That means diversity can enhance our creativity and innovation. Because people from different backgrounds. People who grew up from different backgrounds. People who are used to different backgrounds are in the same project. Can you see why American companies are being mattered? There is nothing from this project that we don't have people from different backgrounds to work. Representing opinions and the way in which they are being staffed. Can you see why Boeing? Can you see why Microsoft? Can you see why Apple? Can you see why Alfa? Why Intel? Why all those companies can never go there? So what those companies say is that nobody will be done. People are under one roof. You can't argue with that. Because diversity is there. So number two point is that. Diversity improves problem solving. Diversity are more likely to consider multiple perspectives and approaches when addressing complex problems. They broaden the range of potential solutions and increase the likelihood of finding the same one. Why? People are many. And they are also thinking highly. The way an Indian man thinks cannot be the same way an Indian man thinks. So having a Nigerian man and an Indian man in the same family is an advantage more than having only one Nigerian man. You have increased the diversity of opinions. When I went to secondary school, we were taught in those days by English in India. My biology lecturer was an Indian. My chemistry lecturer was an Indian. When I went to university, I see my physics lecturer from Jamaica. My mathematics lecturer was a Russian. Now, there was a diversity in where we lived. When Nigerian lecturers taught us, foreign lecturers also taught us. Today, no place in India you get it. So diversity is being destroyed. Things are narrowing instead of diverging. Things are complex instead of diverging. Things are complex instead of enlarging. Now, it boosts employees' engagement. When employees feel valued and included, they are more likely to engage and commit to their work. So when you allow people from the diverse background of diversity, it makes people feel wanted. It also makes people feel accepted. It also makes people feel accepted. It reflects a global custom of it. It reflects a global custom of it. As soon as you define your reach globally, it is essential to have employees who understand and who can relate to diverse markets and cultures. I feel that an Indian man can relate to an Indian man more than an Nigerian man. So when an Indian man is in an organization and you want to reach an Indian man, this is a better approach to reach. Even an Indian man can reach an Nigerian man better than an Nigerian man reaching an Indian man. I have noticed this in many countries. Most well-run Nigerian countries, such as India, Australia, and Nigeria, all the old aggregate groups are run by Indians. Never an Nigerian. All the old django aggregate groups are run by GMs and MGs of Indian construction. Many years ago, I worked in a company called Nigerian Miscellaneous. They said, our CBO is an Indian. And they have prepared more than a Nigerian. And somehow they have no reason for preparing them. They visit the mission of a target, setting a target, and getting the target. Not only that, if you go to America, 90-80% of American top-notch companies are managed by Indians and GMs. No country in the world has made their GMs to host more than Indians. More than Indians. Now, French means a company that is fish. Organisers are parasites that are part of the animal. And if any organisation wants to make that part of the reality, a company of parasites, what they are all good for, is to organise a datacenter, French means, they are getting fish. Now, I don't mean that by states that ask employees to go. Can you see that those states are spoiling their reputation? Can you see that those governors that have been those governors over the years have made themselves spoil their reputation? So when organisations have people from different backgrounds, they increase their reputation greatly. It increases also their financial performance. Numerous studies have shown that different companies have performed homogeneous tax return. Look at what is happening in Lakeland. You know the company called Lakeland? Lakeland, $5.25x more than cash flow for employees, for companies that are not homogeneous, $5.25x people working there. This is a solution to the problem. Can you see? It brings a wider range of possibilities. Okay. Okay. Look at what I call any global strategy to foster diversity. But before then, I will show you how to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This strategy. Let's look at this. I mentioned that I will tell you that this is not less than 5. The aware how to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The aware of unconscious bias. Unconscious bias. Offer employee resource groups. Consider mentorship programs. Communicate the importance of managing bias. Have you been in a place where they tell you that they go from here to do like this, they go from here to do like this? That is bias. Now, what am I telling you? Communicate the importance of managing bias. One of the things you do as a decision maker is handling biased decisions. Bias in a decision maker. Now, there is always bias. When people tell you that people from here do this, people from here do this. It may be that these people from the other side don't do that. It creates a bias. Not knowing that every woman in the party is based on personal development and personal improvement. Not necessarily based on that bias. There is also diversity training. One of the things organizations that normally do is to train their people on diversity management or how to be diverse in nature and stick to their originality. How to be diverse in nature and stick to their originality. Or how to be diverse. Or how to manage diversity. Or how to work as a diverse group. How can I explain this? Most of the time I don't even see people saying that we are running a training on diversity. You have nature students. And that is a major problem many organizations are having. Especially in the 20th century. We are the international border. The country's borders are no longer there. The technology has no borders. People work together. People live together. People do everything together. In fact, people more or less live in visual world than they live in reality world. So, diversity becomes a strong issue. Develop strategic training programs on diversity. Inclusive recruitment practices. I recruit people for organization. One of the things I see is that somebody says, I don't want somebody from this place. This is one of the thoughts that people give me when they are looking for diversity. That's it. I don't want diversity. So people tell me, people deliberately destroy diversity.

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