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Hidden Manna - Revelation 2:17

Hidden Manna - Revelation 2:17

Mike KinesMike Kines



Hidden Manna - Revelation 2:17 Thank you for your prayers and support for this work and ministry. God bless you! https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JX5ZJUSMLY6V2 https://kipakcho.gitlab.io/mikekines/ https://odysee.com/@kipakcho:e https://rumble.com/c/c-5098810 https://audio.com/mike-kines https://archive.org/details/@mike_kines942 https://gitlab.com/kipakcho https://medium.com/@MikeKines

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The transcription discusses the hidden manna mentioned in Revelation 2:17 and its significance. It explains that manna is referenced in the Bible as a type of bread that the Israelites ate while in the wilderness. There are two types of manna mentioned: one that tasted like honey and another that tasted like fresh oil. The hidden manna refers to the manna that was put in a pot and stored away in the Ark of the Covenant. The transcription suggests that this hidden manna represents the third day, which symbolizes the coming kingdom of God. It also discusses the concept of kingdom authority and how believers can walk in this authority by preaching the gospel and exercising their faith in Jesus. The transcription emphasizes the importance of seeking the Lord and putting faith in the gospel for forgiveness, deliverance, and overcoming the powers of darkness. It encourages readers to continue abiding in God's word and sharing it with others. Revelation chapter 2 verse 17 describes the hidden manna. So let's take a look at this scripture. I want to read this scripture in the Berean Study Bible. You can access the Berean Study Bible on the website biblehub.com. The Berean Study Bible says, He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who ever comes, I will give the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone inscribed with a new name, known only to the one who receives it. So on August the 8th of 2014, the Holy Spirit gave me this word, hidden manna. And at the time, I didn't know anything about it. I did not even know that this was the only place in the entire Holy Bible where this phrase, hidden manna, is located. That's Revelation 2.17. But after the Lord gave me that word, I started studying the Bible. And I looked at all the words in the Bible where it has the word manna. And you would actually be surprised that as much as that word manna is used, it doesn't really appear in the Bible a whole lot of times. It appears, of course, in the account of when Israel was in the wilderness. And this manna fell every day in the morning. And they had to go out and collect it up. And it was a type of bread. And if they just picked it up off the ground, and without processing it, it tasted like honey, like a wafer made with honey. But if they took it and they processed it, it had a taste like fresh oil. So you see there, there was two types there. One type was the type that tasted like honey. And there was another type that tasted like fresh oil. And from my understanding, this is a type of the Word of God and a type of the Holy Spirit. So you have the Word and you have the Spirit. But there was also another type of manna that's described in this account. And that was the manna that Moses told Aaron to collect and put into a pot and put it away in the Ark of the Covenant, the tabernacle. This was a hidden manna. It was not the public manna. So you have the hidden manna that was put in a pot, but you had the public manna, which the people ate. The people ate the Word and the Spirit, typified the Word and the Spirit. Then there was another type of manna that was hidden away and was put in that pot. And I think this scripture in Revelation 2.17 is pointing directly to that because you see these three elements that were in the Ark of the Covenant points us to the God three in one. So you have the first day, which is Israel, and then you have church and you have the kingdom that is to come, the nations and the kingdom. And this hidden manna points to that third day. The first day is equivalent to the Word, which is Israel and the prophet. The second day is the church, which is known by the Holy Spirit. And then you have another day coming when Jesus comes back and establishes His kingdom on this earth. That would be the third day. And this hidden manna is pointing to that day. And I really believe that when He promises us here, it's the one who ever comes, I will give the hidden manna. He's talking about kingdom authority. And I believe that even now in the day of the church that we can walk in this kingdom authority. And so what is this kingdom authority? And we'll talk about this more as we go along. But you see in the Bible, when Jesus was casting out devils, He says, if I drive out devils by the finger of God, by the spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. And so driving out devils and healing people and preaching the gospel to the poor, these were all signs of the authority of the kingdom of God. So when we preach the gospel, we are exercising our authority. And as the Word goes forth, it drives away the lies of the devil. So when I heard the Word of God, it set me free from the enemy. It sets us free from the powers of darkness. When we hear God's Word, when we receive God's Word, and when we believe God's Word, it sets us free from the powers of darkness. It sets us free from the lies of this world system that we live in. And so that's the authority of the Lord to forgive us of our sins, to set us free from the powers of darkness and to secure us a home in heaven. And so the hidden manna points to the kingdom and it points to the overcomers who walk in the authority of that kingdom. And so this is a scripture that's very important to me. The Lord gave, like I said, the Lord gave this Word to me on August 8, 2014. And we'll talk about that more as we go forward. But I just wanted to read that scripture today and just to introduce the thought about this hidden manna and to encourage you today to seek the Lord, to walk as an overcomer in Christ Jesus. And you may wonder, well, what do I need to do to be an overcomer? Well, you don't have to be a super spiritual Christian. You don't have to be a superhero. All you have to do is be a humble person who simply puts your faith in the gospel that Christ died for your sins, that He was buried and that He rose again on the third day. And you will receive forgiveness of sins. But not only that, but God will deliver you from the power of sin. He will deliver you from yourself. He will deliver you from this world system. And He will deliver you from the power of the devil. And He delivers us also from death. And that's what an overcomer is. Someone who simply puts their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, for deliverance, for sanctification, for glorification. So we need to continue to abide in God's word. We need to continue to stay in God's word. We need to continue to share God's word and preach the gospel to people. And if you do that, then you're an overcomer in Christ Jesus. Amen. The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you. The Lord give you peace. Amen.

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