Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker begins by commanding spirits to be obedient to the word of God. They talk about the anointing of God and how it can address people's issues. They mention the transfiguration experience of Jesus on the mountain with Peter, James, and John. They describe how Jesus' appearance changed and Moses and Elijah appeared with him. Peter suggests making three boats for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. They discuss Thomas' doubt and how he recognized Jesus as his Lord and God. They mention Thomas' missionary work in India. The speaker then transitions to talking about the book of Revelation and John's vision of the seven spirits before the throne of God. The passage ends with a mention of Jesus coming back and being seen by all. My father as we begin to open your world this morning to feed your people with the living word I command every spirit that is disobedient to be obedient unto your word at this time In the name of Jesus Let there be peace with Jesus I will carry the spirit of God and the spirit of God will carry the anointing Anointing of God of course And this anointing will go through your system As I am speaking here, your issues will be addressed at the same moment If you believe it, rise on your feet and shout a prayer, Amen somebody Shout it again, say Amen somebody Shout it again, say Amen somebody Because the word of God is quick and powerful It is sharper than two-edged sword Piercing through every marrow and ring Today the word of God will discover your secret problems And it will confront your confrontation The mystery of the mystery Jesus Will confront every mystery of your life you have not understood Everyone whose life has gone through a circle and a blocker There will be a divine challenge If you hear me very well shout a better Amen You may be seated The mystery of Jesus Matthew 17 from verse 1 Now after six days Jesus took Peter, James and John his brothers Led them up on a high mountain by themselves He chose three He began to pray yesterday and said God make me the chosen one The revelation of the mystery Jesus was not given to all the disciples It was given to the few chosen ones It is only few that received the revelation of Jesus as a mystery And these ones in their writings, they use the word mystery They write about it He chose three and he took them up to a high mountain And his appearance underwent a change in their presence And his face shone clear and bright like the sun And his clothing became as white as light And behold there appeared to him Moses and Elijah who kept talking with him Then Peter began to speak and said to Jesus Lord It is good and delightful that we are here Let us take three bows here One for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah We call it the transfiguration experience Jesus had a transfiguration experience Where he moved from Jesus of Nazareth to the mystery Jesus Because the step person that was down the mountain Was not the step person they saw on top of the mountain On top of the mountain they didn't know what they were to expect But he took three and said let us go up the mountain And they walked up the mountain And if you read out that verse in the Bible I think Mark He said while he prayed he transfigured before them He became a mystery They watched the step man that chose the three of them They watched him, his clothes that was naturally rubbing That was leaning, running to the sea They saw his rubbing became bright As it was becoming bright, it was brighter and brighter And began to shine like torch Like when you have this torch that does not have any direction Like a lamp that glows round As they were watching the step Christ of Nazareth They saw his face began to change, change And suddenly they could no longer behold it It was shining like sun in its full strength As they kept watching the step man that walked up the mountain with them They saw his hair that was as flowing as a stream of water Suddenly became white and it was changing from grey From black to something around grey To lighter grey It suddenly became like yellow and it became white as snow The same person they met down the mountain I was just talking with them Up the mountain he has become a mystery They tried to look into his eyes I could believe that Charles his very beloved son was there And John tried to look into his soft eyes The eyes of Jesus are already like The eyes of Jesus are full of meekness and love John tried to look into that eye He used his eye to talk to John at times He tried to look into the self of the eye But he saw something else He said now his eyes have changed It was like fire, fire in his eyes And they said the countenance His appearance was like the sun shining in his full strength We then saw him Peter began to stammer He lost coordination He began to babble It is actually good that we are here It is actually Peter that was making him do that He didn't know what else Christ could do They swallowed him up They were evaporating They said you have to see Elijah You have to see Moses They are talking with you Can we make three boats for you, Elijah and Moses He didn't consider himself the most fool of them I want to bring Jesus to you You will see him on that later Then you will see that there is nothing he cannot do Thomas was a man that knew him very well When he told them see I am going to Galilee I am going to Jerusalem and there the son of man will be killed Someone said Allah Let us go that we may also die with him He knew him But on the way after his resurrection The daughter of Jesus has risen Why was he saying something He saw me on the cross The old knowledge is not enough to quantify what God wants to do in the present Because after preaching these preaches this morning Many of us here will be transformed And that is the mystery What makes Jesus the mystery Jesus is his ability to transform To transform people To change Thomas said no I saw how they mercilessly pushed that man Even if he is awoken from the grave He will still be half dead He should be in the hospital by now He said I don't believe Not that I don't believe that he is the son of God I believe because the way you are saying You saw him have a healthy and happy Walking around normal I don't believe in that Because they knew him three days before They saw how he hanged on the tree Pushing him like an animal They saw when his countenance changed The Bible said they flogged him in such a way Because his countenance changed He changed from the physique of a man He became the man of sin Carrying the whole burden of the whole world He said no no no They casted him Suddenly they were together In a small room praying And they were praying They were singing They were singing Holy Holy Holy It's not the song they were singing Is that Lord Almighty Who was and who is to come Oh Hallelujah Who was and who is to come Who was and who is to come Who was and who is to come Oh Hallelujah Who was and who is to come As they sang the song and sang Thomas was with them and was still enjoying the song Thomas still sees that he is material That he is mundane He could feel him He is not a spirit But as the song rose As the prayer rose They are still waiting From the wall They saw someone Came out from the wall And joined in the song And when they saw They said he is the Lord He is the Lord He walked straight to Thomas and said Thomas put your finger in my hand And another at my side And be not doubtful but believe it Thomas said that For the first time in the history of the Bible A man recognized the mystery Jesus has gone The doubt in Thomas gave the biggest revelation about him He covers as he speaks He screams My Lord The inner voice says No he has passed My Lord and my God My Lord and my God No one even chance He must identify him as his God But the mystery that revealed to Thomas Suddenly led him to know That this man he has followed For three and a half years Is actually his God He said my Lord And my God You know when Thomas got the mystery The power, the revelation of the mystery Jesus Churches said that he went to India And when he went to India Preaching The Indians were doing magic They were throwing fire upon fire They were talking about God They were doing all kinds of magic And they told Thomas If your God is this strong Can you perform one of these miracles He said give me water And that is true They gave him water They called the same mystery Jesus My Lord and my God And poured the water up And the water suspended They continued preaching They were watching the water up hanging on the atmosphere He won the whole of his clan in India He was the missionary that brought the gospel to India Because he encountered a Christ that was a mystery And the impact of that mystery Did not leave his life Now he goes to second He goes to first He goes to revelation We are coming to second Corinthians Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah I read it from one The revelation of Jesus Christ Which God gave him To show his servants Things which must Surely take place And he sent and signified it By his angels To his servant John Who bore witness To the word of God And to the testimony of Jesus To all things that he saw Blessed is he who reads those And those who hear The words of this prophecy And keep those things which are written in him For the time is near Verse 4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia Grace to you and peace From him who is And who was And who is to come And from the seven spirits Who are before His throne And I begin again with brother John Among the apostles John is called the beloved John is called the divine John is the only Apostle that his name is Attached with divinity They call him John the divine He knew the Lord He has understanding of the He can identify the Lord By his voice But the Bible says something here In Revelation chapter 1 That John saw the Lord And he saw seven spirits Before his throne Now what John saw In Revelation chapter 1 A power of perfect Of all that he has known Jesus to be And when we read it down You are going to see the mystery of Jesus In verse number 5 And Jesus Christ Is said to witness The firstborn from the dead And the ruler over the kings of the earth For him who loved us And washed us from our sins In his own blood Behold he is coming With a cloud on every eye who see him Even they who pierce him And all the tribes of the earth Will mourn the curse of him Even so amen I am the Alpha and the Omega The beginning and the end Says the Lord Who is and who was And who is to come The Almighty I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John Porter I John 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