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Rolling in the Deep with Mi-Episode1- Living a Frequency

Rolling in the Deep with Mi-Episode1- Living a Frequency




Everything I want in life is to experience an emotion and every emotion has an associated frequency. In this episode, I casually talk about what it means to be living in terms of frequency.

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The speaker introduces their new podcast and discusses the importance of living a frequency. They explain that everything they want in life is to experience a certain feeling, and every feeling has an associated frequency. They emphasize the importance of emotional freedom and deliberately moving towards the desired feelings. They share their personal journey of healing and self-awareness, and how they assign value to the way they live. They believe that the quality of life depends on feeling successful, loved, and free, and that everyone has different ways of achieving these feelings. The speaker ends by summarizing their approach of prioritizing how they feel about various aspects of life. Hey human, or beings disguised as one, you're listening to the podcast Rolling in the Deep with me. Hi, welcome to the first episode of my podcast, Living a Frequency. I'm going to start with some TMI because that's who I am. Too much me. Anyway, some bit of wordplay. It's 1.24am and this is the quietest time that I could find in the night to be recording this since I'm recording this from my bed. And I'm going to keep it like that. And I'm going to keep giving TMI because I said that it's going to be organic. And I'm a preparer, but I said it's going to be organic and unscripted. So I'm going to keep it like this. And the funny thing is, spirit never, never, never ceases to amuse me. The funny thing is, I thought that this would be a time where, you know, the other members in my family would be done with their things and out of the picture, therefore less variables to deal with. But the moment I woke up around 1am, my brother wanted to cook Ramyun. And so I was like, I'm such a powerful manifester because the whole reason that I wanted to record at night is because I thought in my head that that is when I would have the minimum disturbance, minimum variables to control. And here I was, spirit showing me how powerful I am. Anyway, I'm going to continue because that's done. The first episode is living a frequency. And what I mean by that is, I'm quite a deliberate person in my life. I'm quite a, let's just say that the rational part of me is quite strong. And it's taken me some work to heal my feminine energy and to connect, to feel safe, to allow myself to be silly and stupid. So I'm very deliberate like that. If I feel that I need to be fun, I almost deliberately move towards fun. And because my mind works in this way, I realized that fun is a lot about feeling safe. And, and that was like quite a prerequisite for me to just relax and feel successful and allow life to happen and keep a certain momentum. Because every, these are not my words, these are Dr. Joe Dispenza's words, that every, and I'm pretty sure many other people's as well. But Dr. Joe Dispenza is the one that through whom I found out about this. So I'm going to give him the credit. Everything I want in my life is to experience a certain feeling. And every feeling has an associated frequency. If any of you do feel curious by this statement, go look up or Google emotional frequency chart. Every emotion that we experience has a certain associated frequency. So, and because I realized that everything I want, whether I want a certain relationship, a certain career goal, a certain material object, I want it because it will make me feel good. No one ever wants anything because it would make them feel bad. If that's the case, please go see a doctor. And I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna use up time in this episode to be talking about masochism and all of that. Not at the moment, maybe sometime later. Even that, now that I think of it, that is for a certain to experience something that we haven't experienced before to experience something novel. It's, it's something desirable. It's never anything and everything we want outside of us is to experience something within us. And as that clicked in for me in life, I become very, very deliberate about the way that I live my day. Because and the way I define, you know, success, prosperity, and a full life. And, and every day I wake up and I ask myself, how am I feeling not once, not twice, multiple times, I've lost count of the times I asked myself that just to check in with the one thing that matters to me the most I've realized, which is emotional freedom. As a child, I always wanted to, I remember deliberately saying this out loud in a very, very deplorable mental state. And a lot of my a lot of my childhood, to put it lightly has been quite emotionally turbulent. And no, it's nobody's fault. It was just my journey. And I'm very, very grateful for it. Because whatever I've realized about my life and about myself has been quite a bit through the turbulence that I have gone through. And, and not just the turbulence, you know, the ups and downs together, because what goes up goes down. The capacity to which I can feel joy is also the capacity to which I'm sensitive to pain, it happens, it just happens like that. But over time, I have just become so much smarter and effective and aware with the way that I understand myself, understand my emotions and smoothen out the patches, the low patches. And so, so living a frequency is really about me asking myself how I'm feeling and then deliberately moving towards the feeling that I want to feel. And why this has become the most important thing like this is, if there is one thing I was asking myself, when I decided to do this podcast, because I've been meaning to do this podcast for a while now. And I asked myself, what is the one thing that I, which is the most important thing for me. And I realized it is living in this way. As I keep, because see, I, I realized I would want a certain phone one day. And maybe within a year, I would want another one because there's a better model, there is a, you know, flashier, whatever. So that the material thing keeps changing, even with people, actually, this can happen with people, even though I don't personally relate to it. But I have had the privilege of hearing stories that you know, you thought being with a certain romantic partner would make you feel a certain way, but it clearly hasn't. So then you'd want to change that partner. And this is this is just how we are, you know, we, every, every thing or everyone we want outside of us is to, is to experience a feel good factor to feel empowered to feel worthy to be to feel and a desirable positive emotion. That is why we want it. So rather than running after something, which was material, I started running after emotions, my emotions, which are, I always say this, and for the some of you who do know me, I do have a background in psychology, and education in psychology. So that also really played a huge part in understanding who I am and the way I look at, you know, mental health and such, and emotions and such. So, I realized that, you know, my emotion is in my control, or rather I should say that this is the philosophy that I live by. I always say, you know, whenever I have to assert a boundary with my family or with anyone, actually, I always say this very sometimes sweetly, sometimes curtly, depending on where I am. I'm human, and I'm all sorts of things. I see my emotion, my problem, you know, if there is something, if you say something, if you express yourself, and I feel upset with it, I will take control of it, I will work with it, I will cope with it, I will accept it, I will deal with it. I have been living like this for a really long time now, more than more than five, six years, after one of my, the great crisis. Maybe I'll dedicate another episode to that. Let me know if you guys want to hear about it. Otherwise, I'm good not talking about it as well. But yeah, around 2018, sometime during 2018, 2019, I have become the version of myself. Majorly, I had experienced a major shift in self-awareness, in consciousness, and a level up of consciousness. And I started to live like, well, I started to lay the foundations of the person that I am today, brick by brick, and it's been a journey. And it's been, I would say, if you could see me, I have like, or even some of you, if you're perceptive, you'd be able to feel that I have a big smile on my face right now. Because I've worked towards this, towards being this person that I am, to realize how blessed I am. I always was blessed, you know, that's the beauty of it. Even as a child, when I felt that I was having an extremely emotionally turbulent experience, and I was really in a huge lack mindset, I still was equally blessed, I just didn't realize it. And I really resonate with the idea that hell is right where I am, and heaven is right where I am. It's just degree to which I am conscious. It's my perception, it's my perspective. So all of this put together, the most important factor in my life that on which the quality of my life depended was me assigning the responsibility or me assigning value to the way that I'm living. So for me to feel successful, for me to feel love and freedom, these are obviously universal roots and everybody resonates with this to some degree, anything and everything we move towards in life, whether it's, you know, promotion at our job, whether it is having a certain kind of relationship with somebody, a family member, or a romantic partner, friends, all our non labeled relationships as well. The way that we approach them, we want us to have a certain, we want to feel free, we want to feel love, we want to feel seen and heard. That is why essentially we do anything and everything we can. And so, but it looks different for everybody, because we are at different places, we express ourselves in different ways. And we associate ourselves as with different ideas. Oh my god, I don't even know where this has gone off. And it's already been 12 minutes. As I knew, I'm a, I can be quite a talker, especially when I'm talking about these things, I can go on for hours and hours. But I think I'm going to stop there. Is there something more that I want to say? Because it's already been 12 minutes. And I will clip it, I will hit this episode at 15. So okay, let's see if there's something else that wants to come up. Yeah, if I have to put it in a nutshell, the way that I move in life is I ask myself how I am feeling about a certain, you know, whether it's a job opportunity that comes my way, or whether it's a relationship that comes my way, I prioritize deliberately how I'm feeling about that person, how I'm feeling about that job offer, how I'm feeling about a certain activity. So a very tiny example is like, I love to dance, like dance aligns me like hell. But I also am aware that it aligns me right now. It might not align me within a year, might or might not, I don't know. Dance has always been special to me. And I am a well master of none sort of a person. I enjoy singing, dancing, a lot of creative pursuits, writing. I love to read philosophy, nonfiction. But it's different times and different experiences. So I will pick the object. So when I wake up in the morning, I'm like, okay, so what activity would feel the best to me, that is what I would indulge myself in and not necessarily consistently dancing. So that's, that's, that's, I think, a simple example of it. Oh, we are at 14 minutes, 14 seconds. So I'm going to be closing this. I don't really feel like saying, like, share and subscribe this content. Because I think if you have matched up to this content, you're smart enough to know what to do. And I trust you, know yourself, love yourself, care for yourself. And I'll see you in the next episode in which I will be talking about soulmates, or rather my version of soulmates. Um, see you around. Love. Bye bye.

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