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The Brainwave States

The Brainwave States

Morgana Marie



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This is Morgana Marie's SoundCloud channel where she discusses topics like consciousness, self-awareness, and intuition. She talks about Theta Healing, a modality she discovered during lockdown. Theta Healing involves accessing beliefs and memories in a deep state of relaxation, reprogramming the mind with positive beliefs, and creating an abundant future. Morgana explains the different brainwave states, such as Beta, Alpha, and Theta, and how they affect our functioning and ability to heal. She emphasizes the importance of accessing our unconscious mind and asking questions to live in alignment with our own truth. This education can help us create our desired reality at any age. Welcome, this is Morgana Marie and welcome to my SoundCloud channel. This is the first excerpt of what I want to share on this channel about consciousness, self-awareness, intuition, abundance, living, freedom, relationships, everything that encompasses having a life which you enjoy, being in a body that you love, being surrounded by connection, connection to the divine and being able to extrapolate your genius from self-awareness and all these other areas. So today I really wanted to discuss about Theta. Now I am a transformational healing facilitator in multi-modalities so I use one of my tools is Theta Healing and if you don't know about Theta Healing then you can have a look on the Theta Healing website. I will just mention Vienna Stibel who is the founder and creator of this incredible modality which came actually to me in lockdown. I had my business taken away from me through lockdown. I used to be healing through hands, that was my business, healing through hands and touch and I had to work differently. I had to find a way of working differently and I had just certified in my coaching qualification and things were really moving in a positive direction for me in terms of building an online business but it was like starting from scratch. For me it was like beginning again, it was a completely clean slate and I was just not sure about how to start. I started asking the questions well what can I contribute to this planet, the people on this planet, humanity in general and it led to this incredible modality for a coach that I had at the time and it just blew my mind. It just blew my mind I will explain a little bit about what Theta Healing is. So there's three parts of Theta Healing we have the meditation state of Theta which is a very deep state of relaxation and when we go into this state we can actually access our beliefs, our memories, our traumas and that's the first stage. The second stage is belief work. So we're working on belief, we are bringing up our beliefs. So beliefs can be anything from I'm not good enough, I don't feel worthy, I feel like I have to be the enemy, like I have to struggle. Some of these might resonate with you. So what we do is we actually bring up the beliefs from accessing the subconscious mind from the Theta state and then the third part of Theta Healing is actually reprogramming the mind with positive beliefs and downloads and then you're able to change your reality and create your abundant future from a place of your own unique design and your knowing and your soul, your soul's path. So I actually wanted to dive a little bit deeper into Theta. The alpha frequency before we go into the Theta state we'll talk a little bit about the other states of mind so you can get more of an idea of the brainwaves that we go through in order to so you know basically what is different between each of them. So we do have the brainwaves, there's five different frequencies of brainwaves. We have our Beta state, the Alpha state, the Theta state, Delta and Gamma. Now they are always in constant motion throughout our day. The brain is very active always producing these frequencies with everything that you do but sometimes one state of brainwave will dominate. So basically I'm going to just explain a little bit about the brainwaves so you can understand how maybe you may be functioning, how you are functioning and what state you're functioning from to become more aware of how you can change that, how you can actually make more space for relaxation and more ease and more calm and more grace and balance all energies that actually can be so much more contributive than the ones that you might be using or functioning from right now. So we have the Beta state and this is whenever you're thinking, this is when you're talking, like now I'm in Beta state, this is when you're communicating, your mind is in this Beta state. So the Beta waves actually have a frequency of 14 to 28 cycles per second, it's quite a lot. It's when you're most active and alert so it's when you're in waking state and then we have Alpha. So the Alpha is actually where the bridge is between Beta and Theta. So in this Alpha state your brainwaves are moving from 7 to 14 cycles per second so it's so much more slower, we are more present and this is a much more relaxed state of mind. This is when you may be sitting there just kind of daydreaming one day or visualizing and the mind wanders and you are in a state of like detached awareness. This is actually Alpha so you do have times in your day where you may be tapping into this when you maybe get distracted or you switch off from your alert mind and you have a moment of pause and you go outside and you sit and you can enter this Alpha frequency. So it's really, you might be starting to get some awareness around this already and just to understand this state I want you just to close your eyes and imagine a sunset or a tranquil scene. Just allow that to come through and just see the tranquility of the scene. You may feel the energy of the sun on your face and notice how you've already calmed down already, you've already slowed down your inner different sensory perception. Maybe notice how the sky looks or the nature around you is appearing. Maybe you notice the sound of birds flying, chirping, singing. So we are inducing you into a Alpha state. So for those of you that may be aware of Reiki, another energy modality that I am trained in, I love Reiki, it's where I started my healing journey, energy work journey, perceiving energy. This is when you're able to actually release, dissolve and create pain from the body in an Alpha state. So this is when you go for a Reiki session and you are laying down on the table and you're feeling incredibly relaxed, you are induced into an Alpha state where your body can access its own healing abilities and your body can reset itself, your nervous system can reset and you can have all of the systems in your body realign and restore, rebalance. So this is incredible. So if you realise how much your body is able to heal itself, you would never be ill, you would never be sick, you would be so so healthy and this is one of the things that I care about so much, helping people to return to their health from their own body. Their body is the healer and this is where I am not healing you, I am educating you, I'm empowering you to know what you know and empowering you to understand that your body can heal itself, that you already have the tools and you're able to do so yourself and I'm just the conduit, I'm just the guide, I'm here to guide the way. So we're going to move on to the Theta state now. So the Theta state is deep deep relaxation, it's used in hypnosis and when we dream and they are slowed frequency. Now this is a frequency of four to seven seconds which is incredible. This is where when you meditate you're accessing Theta, you're in your Theta state. This is complete calm, this is when you're able to actually receive everything, feel everything and access your intuition and your knowing because your mind is not in the beta active part of the brain, brain wave, it's in a different part of your brain as well in Theta state. So like I mentioned earlier the Theta brain waves are thought of as the subconscious mind and they govern, they govern the part of our mind that is layered between the front conscious mind and the unconscious mind. So this is where our memories are held and sensations are held, our attitudes, our beliefs, our behaviors, our programs which you might refer to them as. This is where you access your potent creativity and your inspiration. This can come through in all sorts of sensations and your body literally changes, it's the DNA is literally changing. You know you do actually receive so much insight, so many downloads, so much information and this is an asset, this is an absolute asset to your life, to your business and this is going to enable you to be able to really be in your knowing because this is really what it is, it's about being in your knowing. So one of the, one of the most important things we can do whilst we're in the Theta state is ask questions because we're actually accessing the truth, we're accessing our unconscious and this is where we are living from, this is our functioning, this is how we're leading our life. So this is why it's so important to become aware of our hidden truths or our unconscious, whatever you want to call it, so we can become aware of how we live in our life. You know maybe you have patterns that you're not really happy about, you feel overwhelmed, just trying to think of some examples that people have. Procrastinate, procrastination, this is huge, what's causing you to procrastinate? This is a question you can ask yourself right now, what's causing you to procrastinate? So when we ask questions we can access our knowing, we follow our knowing and then this is our own unique energy flow, this is our own unique design and we thought we really should follow what feels right and if it doesn't feel true or ring true for you, when you ask a question and you get a response or you get the awareness, you might just get it in energy, I'll talk about that in another episode, you, it's really important to become aware of that because you could be functioning from your parents reality or your mother's reality or your your ancestors reality and that might not be your truth so this is why it's important to work on ourselves, dig on our beliefs and understand how we are choosing our life, what we're creating with our thoughts. Okay so there's probably a lot of information already that I've already shared, this is deep stuff, this is education that we should have been taught about when we were kids so we did know how to create our reality right but we weren't and that's okay and now we can start at any time in our life, whatever it is, doesn't matter how old you are, where you are in this age in life, we can actually go up to the creator or whatever you like to call it in this theta state and ask questions to the divine creator because that's always for your highest good it's always going to be from your highest good because it's pure divine love. So when I've done readings before with my clients and we've gone up to the creator what I have found is that some people have a bit of a difficult time trying to access their intuition and they get caught up in their ego and they might say things like well I think I think it's this and when you're coming from that place of I think you're in your head you're in your mind you want to go above and beyond that you want to go into you know this you know this this is what I'm getting this is the information I have this belief is what is stopping me from this so we can access this truth when we're on a theta state so I do have to do downloads a lot of the time with clients when they are struggling to move above and beyond their head it's very human to be caught in our heads and be in doubt and being questioned you know question of this is really working or you know I'm just making this up that's when your head gets in the way so this is what happens through our life our head gets in the way and we don't follow our knowing or our truth or our heart we should follow that the the real feeling of our knowing so finally we have delta state which is deep deep sleep that's the deepest on your fast sleep and this is really slow this is a zero to four cycles per second and this is really cool actually so when your phone rings I mean you intuitively know who's calling and you have a name that that's a delta state you just know so that's that's an example of how a situation in your life where you would be in that state so I've had that many times where I've been thinking about the person and then I wake up and then they've messaged me for example it's very uh again incredible amount of um abilities that we have that we don't really always acknowledge or recognize or um are willing to uh explore so this conversation I do hope that it gives you some insight into how you can start to tap into your own um your own power your own intuition your knowing and question yourself question how you're being question your thoughts and just awareness is true power when you are aware and the more aware you become the more empowered you are the more free you are the more inspired you become the lighter you feel and the more confident you'll be because you'll never second guess yourself because you always will be following your truth and your knowing and you can't no one can take your knowing away from you so finally we have the gamma brain wave and um yes the gamma the gamma state behind when we learn and we're processing information so this is like a stimulation of a release of beta endorphins as well the gamma waves actually stimulate the the beta to release the endorphins so this is like really high mental activity um and consciousness too so this is I can often find myself in this state a lot in gamma um because I perceive a lot of information and I can perceive a lot of information in very short spaces of time and so this is a high brain wave cycle between 50 to 5000 cycles per second so this is incredible this is this is just like instant healing instant it's there is just no it's cutthroat it's cutthroat um that's the energy of that so this is when we have our natural response system this is where our bodies are actually able to heal themselves and release um release belief like rapidly like quickly just like that it's an instant so it's actually a high very very high state of consciousness so if you have any questions about anything that I have mentioned so far on this episode then please just uh reach out I'm always happy to answer questions I know this is a lot of sciencey stuff but I do like to actually share the science of um ct healing um and the the the really vital information I feel actually makes a huge difference to our awareness because if we know how things work if we know how our brain works and we know how our bodies function then we again we become even more healed even more empowered even more able to um change our reality and create our bundled future because we're not living from autopilot and we're living from a place of presence and choice so yeah that's pretty much what I wanted to share with you today just a little bit of background about those brainwaves and how that can actually heal and how that can help you to access so much um so much of your abilities that you might not be tapping into okay so what if today you could become more aware and acknowledge your awareness acknowledge how powerful you are acknowledge your abilities to know what you know so what if you could today just just take a moment just to stop and be in the moment that's all just be in the moment and just perceive how you're being in the moment so you're observing yourself so you're observing yourself you're observing your your body how it feels your state of mind what's coming up this is meditation really if you can walk through life like a walking talking meditation and you're always aware and always present then really you've become unstoppable and you will achieve your goals so much more quicker um more easily more effortlessly and dynamically you will have one shift and then you'll have another shift and then another shift and then another shift and another shift because you're you're the invitation to your own body's healing and your own body's awareness and the first step to healing is awareness so are you aware of how aware you are so thank you i hope you have enjoyed this episode this was um i was hoping it not to be a ramble but there's so much to share on this topic and you know if you listened to this and you found this insightful and educational i'd love to know feel free to reach out to me i'm on instagram morgana marie i just find me on there um my website www.morganamarie.com feel free to send me an email just connect with me on soundcloud i'd love to hear from you i hope you have a great day and enjoy being more aware

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