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Mr. and Mrs. W discuss their swinging adventures and how their desires have evolved over time. They originally wanted a polyamorous relationship but have since explored couple swapping, solo play, clubs, orgies, and BDSM. They are open to finding a couple or single that fits their dynamic and are enjoying the learning curve of their lifestyle. They discuss the clubs and events they have attended, including the Boudoir and Liberty Elite. They are taking their time to explore and find what they truly want. This is Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Swingin' Adventures. I am Mr. W. And I am Mrs. W. So if you are not over the age of 18, please do not listen as this contains adult content. So on tonight's episode, we're going to recapping from our first adventures to now. I mean it as it'll be the case of where we've come from and where we are now. Yeah. So if you think about what we originally wanted and why we originally started this lifestyle, it was the poly group. Poly group, looking for a female to come and join us. But the things we have done since then are far from. Poly. Yeah, so you gotta think, we've gone from the poly and we're like, okay, maybe we'll try the couple swap. Yep, to the single play. To clubs, to orgies. And socials and events, there is so much. Yeah, that we've gone for and we. We didn't know they were routes we'd go down. Never, not starting off looking at this going, okay, we'll look for someone to come and join our relationship as a third to the point of we're now enjoying females, couples, single males. Yeah, and I originally, no matter how much we've suggested different things, I'm like, oh, yeah, okay, a bit skeptical about it. And it's things I've not necessarily agreed to go into from the beginning. No. We've explored it and it's like, okay, we actually like this. Yeah. And part of me sometimes feels like, is it wrong that we're liking different things? But then. It's a journey. Yeah. It's a lifestyle. Everything we're doing is a learning curve. I just feel like we've come so far. Oh yeah, definitely. So what would you say are the things we actually wanted? Well, originally we wanted someone to come and join us. We were looking at the whole, I was away, you wanted someone that could be here for you, that you could obviously explore for your by side with. Yeah, so originally it was the case of, we were looking for that female. Yeah. And I think as much as we had those two females at the beginning. Yeah. It was more the lines of something wasn't right, something was still missing. Yeah. And we just couldn't put our finger on it. No, we couldn't. And this is what I said to you back then is, what are we missing? There's something that's not there. Yeah. The first one, I don't think that was ever gonna go where we wanted it to. Yeah. The second one, possibly. It then, it then boiled down to what was missing. Yeah. That's when we looked more into things and we thought, okay, maybe couple swapping. Yeah. Looking at the lifestyle in general, where we've had, or we were hoping that you'd find that couple. That would fit what we were looking for. Yeah. Although I don't think we knew what we were looking for. No. And I still don't. I think we're nearly there on what we want. Yeah, I'd possibly say that. But once we then went down the couple route, it was a case of, yes, we've found a couple, there's a connection, but there's still the, what else is there to explore? Yeah. And that's when I feel like we sort of ventured out more, so to speak. Yeah, we more looked at, like, you started looking at more like the BDSM route. Yeah, to a degree. But BDSM and, you know, all that type of stuff isn't necessarily your thing. So as much as there's something I want to look into more, I don't think right now I can look into that. Although that may be sort of what we may need, if that makes sense. So maybe it's something we can actually look into soon, even if it's just the soft side of things, and then just see where- See where we go. More your boundaries are than mine. Yeah. So, you know, after trying to figure out if it was a couple thing we wanted, we tried- The solo play? Yeah. I'd say before the solo play, though, we, I think what made us go down the solo route was when we had that orgy. Yeah. So the orgy wasn't something we would have expected at the point of where we were. No. But it felt comfortable at the time. Like, we felt like we could do that. Yeah. So I think because of the situation of me having that sort of solo play during that orgy, I think that's what opened our eyes up- To it. Yeah. And this is why I think now we're looking at it more like we've got so much more to experience. Yeah, there's loads of things out there to explore and, again, to experience. It's just, I don't know, it's crazy how much there is out there and what your options are. Yeah. Because this is the thing is, you look at it as there's plenty of single mouths. They call it unicorn for a freaking reason. Yeah, because they're impossible to find. But at the same time is I think if we found the right couple who was into solo play as well, that could be a possibility of one like that, one like that, do you know what I mean? Yeah, I get that. Because the thing is, the way that I see it is as much as I enjoy couple play or playing with a third, I feel like it's a different situation. Like, as I explained to you the other week when we had the MFM, it was the case of it's not what I'm into fully, like full time, do you know what I mean? It was the case of at least by having that option of I'm really not feeling it tonight, to the case of feel free to knock your socks off, I'm gonna chill at home situation. Yeah. And there'd be nothing- To worry about. Yeah. I think the whole situation with it, if it was me or you, where you were like, oh no, I'm not feeling it tonight, but you go ahead. I think if it was to be with another couple or a single or whatever, it's gotta be where we're comfortable enough to do that with them. Oh yeah, obviously. Like, you know, say for example, I'll go back to the unicorn, like the second unicorn we had. I was comfortable- The second time. Yeah, with you going off and doing your thing. You know, I didn't need to be involved in that all the time. Yeah. Not everyone needs to be involved all the time. I feel like as much as it's nice to have, you know, that intimate situation with somebody else, I also feel like, you know, to have a break every now and again. So it's not like all the time, whereas at the minute you're working away. So- Yeah. It's really hard on trying to find our time as well as introducing to somebody else. Yeah. So by constantly playing with someone all the time- It loses our time. Yeah. And this is why, as I've said to you, I think our best bet would be to find a couple or a single where we do get on to that point where you could be home one night and they could just send a message saying, do you fancy us popping over? Yeah, it's more the fact of somebody who fits our dynamic and somebody that we can fit in their dynamic. Yeah. And if we find that, then that will actually work out a lot better because then obviously we can experiment from there and find out what's next, if that makes sense. Yeah, and if that's gonna work by finding a couple or a single to be coming over every now and then, if I'm on the road or I'm home and you wanna pop to theirs- Vice versa. Yeah, but also at the same time is I think if we found a couple that are more into BDSM but not at the same time, that would obviously give you an avenue to play that way. Oh yeah, definitely. But as I've said before, I would like to explore that with you. So it'd be more the case of, you know, we both get introduced to like the soft- Soft side of it and start working our way out. Yeah, yeah, I get that. But who knows, you know, that we've got forever basically to find that out. We're in no rush. We haven't been in no rush and we're literally taking it bit by bit anyway. So I'm not literally gonna get on socials and everything to where I go, right, I need this. No, because- It will just come when it comes. Yeah. So we've, you know, really sort of already discussed a few points that we wanted to discuss. Yeah. And if people listen back to the start, they will see what we mean today by the types of people we've sort of- Met. Met and- Mingled with. Yeah, so on that note, if anybody hasn't listened from the start- Please head back and- It is definitely worth actually listening and finding out- You're also here when we've upgraded the equipment at the same time. Yeah, but you will find out how we've got to where we are basically. So again, that falls with anyone that's listened before about places, for example, like the places we've been. So far, yeah. So we've actually done socials. We've done- Southampton. Southampton social. That's it. Yeah. Up to this point. So yeah, Southampton social. That was our first social very fucking far. Yeah. For us to travel to four socials. I say far for us to travel to. We keep saying, we're going back to another Southampton social. So it's still the same distance. But that's a different one. That is a different type of social, yes. Different hosts. So, okay. So we've covered social. We've got clubs then. So the first club ever going to, the Boudoir. Yeah, LB. We didn't gel with that one. No, I don't think I'd go back there. Yeah, I agree, yeah. We always say give a club, you know, two tries. We may at some point, but it's not on the tick list. We won't rush. Yeah, I was gonna say, if we do, it won't be any time soon. It will literally be the case of, if there's an event there that we might be interested in going to, but other than that, no. So, where else have we been? Liberty Elite. Liberty Elite, I'd like to go back there. Yeah, for a non-event. Yep. Because that's just a fucked up event. Yeah, I wouldn't reckon it meant that one. No, I wouldn't either. To be honest, I can't even remember what the event was called. Some poker night thing. But I think we actually said in the episode, we didn't know what the hell it was. No, we didn't even know who the hosts were, and we don't even know where they fucked off to. No. Where else have we been? We've been Penhouse. Penhouse Playrooms, yep. We have been there. We've been Bedhoppers and The Wanderlust three times. What have we done? We've done Red Hot Hot Summer Night. Went at Wonderland. Went at Wonderland. Was there another one? I feel like we're missing one. No, that's it. No, yeah. Because we've got the one coming up in March. That is actually now all sold out, guys. Well, we sold out the Hotel Takeover, but there is still tickets for... Just for the night. Sorry, just had to get that in there. We have been to Penthouse for three club night events, well, Takeover events. Yes. And once for Halloween. Yep. So, four times Penthouse. Would we go again? Of course. We would go with the hosts not there on a night. Yeah, so just for a private event. I'm partly tempted to go on a just plain Saturday night. Nah, I don't think I am. Why? Because, I don't know. To see what it's like on a non-event, non-party. Like Halloween. Okay, so again, if we do, I'm not in a rush. The next club we have been to is my favourite club, and this is why I've left it till now. Vanilla Alternative 2. Yep, so VA. I can't tell you how many times we've been there. I can't even work out how many times we've been there or for what events or nights. But we've been there loads. Yeah, we have. Are we gonna go again? Of course. Of course. We actually don't have any clubs to visit this month. No, because it's Babe Socials. Yeah, we have two socials to attend this month, and... As of the time this comes out, we've already been to one. Yeah, so no club nights for this month, just the two socials. Unless we manage to get an extra babe set up. I don't think we can. We're going to Southampton. Yeah. If it was another local social, like the one, the first social we went to of the month, I think it would be different. Yeah. But who knows? We may or may not be able to squeeze in some meets locally or plays locally in the meantime. Yeah. But I wouldn't think it would be a club. No. I don't think it'd be a club this early in the year. No, but we will be going to a club next month. Yep, 10th of February. Back to VA. My favourite place. Yeah, and that's for Valentine's, isn't it? Yep, so, yeah, places with it. We keep saying, as you've previously heard, JDs. Yep, and we want to try the Annex, but we keep hearing... I think there's just so many mixed reviews on both JDs and the Annex. Yeah. That I'm really torn. Between going to either of them. Yeah. But at the same time is, I think we need to, to make our own opinion. Yeah, I get that. I just think, because our time getting out is limited, so to say, I think it's the case of, part of me doesn't want to go to a place... And not like it. And not like it, because then we've wasted so much time and effort, in a way. But I suppose if we go early enough... We can always find a club somewhere else. Yeah, yeah, I suppose. For example, JDs. If we find that that's crap, it's not far from a VA. No. So, I don't know. Yeah, we think about it. See what happens. We can think about it, and I suppose go from there. But yeah, so, as we've just pointed out, we're going VA on the 10th of February. Yep, if you're going, guys, please drop us a message on Instagram. Because that's the only place we seem to, or Swing Hub, or Fab, where we respond back quick enough. Well, you will get all the social information at the end, to be honest. Yep, just drop us a message and say, we're going to VA on the... That would be nice. Well, we're gonna actually pinpoint to a few people anyway that we're going. Yep. And, you know, every time we go to a club, we sort of mention, oh, we're going here at this time, this date, whatever. Come along. If you wanna come along, come along. If not... See you later. Yeah, so we're not the type of people that are ungrateful to have people around us. But it's the case of, you know, we know everyone's got different... Schedules. Yeah, so we're happy to go to a club alone. We just inform people... Who we know might wanna go. Yeah, or who we haven't seen for a while, and... Yeah. So, anyway, one thing I did really want to pinpoint today, because it is a recap, and I think a lot of people that know us would agree. Mm-hmm. Confidence. Yes. Like, if you said to me, you know, how long have we been more active? Nearly two years, year and a half? Yeah, year and a half. So if you said to me back then, we are gonna be where we are now, I'd laugh in your face. Yeah. I would actually be like, oh, fuck off. There's no way on this earth I would've gone off with a single bloke. There's no way on this earth we would've couple swapped. There's no way we would've been in an orgy. Yeah, exactly. And I'm still, you know, so far behind with confidence, but I've got so much more to come out. Yeah. But I feel like every time we go meet people, go to clubs, even doing a recording... We're getting more, you're getting more and more confident. We've had it knocked. Yeah, but who doesn't have their confidence knocked? But the thing is, if you listen to the first ever recording, the way I sound... I have. Well, I know you have, but... Recently. Yeah. As a recap, that was because of the recap. But if you actually listen to how, not just I sounded, but how you sound. Yeah. To how we sound now and how forward we are. Yeah. Like for the first two or three episodes that we recorded, I don't actually think I sort of swore and... You were polite. I picked different names for like different things rather than just being like she or I squirted or whatever. So rather than saying squirted, I'd be like, they just, yeah, went everywhere. I didn't know how to... Phrase it. Yeah, because at the same time... You're trying to make it slightly PG, but it's not a PG programme. No, it's not at all. But what I had to get my head around as well is that I could openly turn around and say, yeah, she squirted or, you know, he come. And I think before I felt like, can I really say those words? Can they come out of my mouth? Whereas now... Yeah, it's like, she squirted, I sucked his dick. Yeah. I got fucked. And it's just, I don't know, it just feels... It's becoming easier. It is, but I still feel like it's a bit weird. Saying it. Yeah, like, don't get me wrong, confidence is still an issue with the unknown. Yeah. So if we go to socials, clubs, meets, where I don't know somebody or I haven't been speaking to them for long, I'm like, yeah, hi, and just casually sit and don't want to move and, or in some cases, stand and don't move. In one place. Yeah, one place. But I always get into a conversation at some point. It's just at what point? Yeah. I would say half of the time, it's like nearly three quarters down the line. But I've got better. Yes, you have. And I find that sometimes, if I'm nervous now, I over... Think it. Yeah, but I also over speak. I just waffle shit. And I feel like you just gotta take it how I am. You may see me one day and I'm just sitting in a corner and not moving to actually full-blown... Yeah. Underneath someone. Not necessarily underneath someone. Normally, you like being on the bottom with a woman sat on your face. Or me casually laying down, just her laying down, hiding between the legs. Yeah. Nothing wrong with that. So, yeah, confidence, that is... Getting better. Still growing. But I've come and we've come a hell of a long way compared to what we were at the beginning. Yeah, because we had that point of, and we've had it several times, where I've said to you, do we carry on? Because it's not feeling like it's progressing. Yeah, so, again, it does involve confidence. We've been to places. And I've been one to withdraw. So Mr. W is one to be like, you know, let's go speak to that person. I'm like, really? Right now? Like, let's just wait. And I think that's when that pisses you off, don't it, really? Yeah, because they could be, like, that could be the couple you're looking for. Yeah, I'm aware. And I sort of kick myself all the time. Because you don't do it. All right, there's going to be one day I will surprise the fuck out of you. And I will literally speak to every single person in eyesight or arm's reach. Yeah. And it'll be you going, what the fuck's going on? I'll wait for that day. Yeah, give me 10 years. 10 years and we're out of lifestyle by that point. I ain't waiting that long. No, it's just about gradually building. I do want to pinpoint, though, sometimes comments between us. So say you, what you just said, for example, right? Oh, 10 years, I'll be out of lifestyle by then. To some, that may come across as peer pressure. But it's the way we are. Yeah, because we actually done a... Review for... The Wanderlust Swingers. Yeah, that was after Red Hot, or was it when... No, it would have been Red Hot, I think. Yeah, I think it was. So we actually done, like, a little clip that we sent in for her podcast, or their podcast. And it was made a point by Daryl that, you know, it can come across to many that what you had said in that clip was peer pressure. Yeah. But it's not. No. Like, I will pinpoint again to people on here, like, Mr. W is my comfort. He is my go-to. And he knows that I need to be pushed. He knows what boundaries he can push up to. He knows when I'm not comfortable. Yeah. So although he'll sit there and say to me, go speak to that person in the club, if I'm hesitant and I point blank, say no, it's a no. Yeah, but we're gonna work on that issue. I actually feel we need the confidence, like Snake, because of how he was in that hot tub. Do you know what part I'm on about? Yeah, the last V.A. trip. Yeah. Right, so maybe we need to actually spend a bit of time with him, and I'm like, right, trade me up. Let him rub off. Yeah, I need to be like you. Obviously not necessarily like him as a male, I'm female, but yeah, like, confidence-wise. And I just feel I need to not let what people think get in the way. Like, we're out in the public. Who cares what anyone thinks? Yes, I know that, but we're out in the public. Yes, on here, we still refer each other to Mr. and Mrs., but people know who we are. People know what we do. But we never keep it a secret. No, and I don't really give a shit that people know, and you know, some people can judge. But I feel like as much as that doesn't bother me, there is still sort of a slight part in the confidence side of things because of that. I've just gotta get past that line. Yeah, it's the case of, what's the point in worrying what people are saying because they never had the balls to say it to you at fucking pace? No, I get that. And the thing is, we are polite people. And if someone wants to talk to us, we'll quite happily talk to them. If somebody's like, oh, you know, we really click, we really got on, do you wanna play? They're not really our cup of tea or our dynamic, then we will say, I'm not sure... At this point. At this point in time, you know, this is something we're into, but maybe in the future. But I feel like because we're like that, I should have more confidence. Yeah. But I don't know, we will see. Let's have, you know, these next couple of months, we get up to the next event that we've got. The next event, we need to be... In March. I am going to do my very best to be on that Discord. Well, I'm gonna, because we know one person who is going to that one. We know a few people that are going to that one. Yeah, but I know one gentleman that I could probably get into a message through every day, going, get on the Discord, get on the Discord. Is it a G? Yeah, I thought that's who you might be on about. The single male. Yeah, he'd probably be like, mate, that's too much ag. You get your own wife to do that. Nah, I reckon you do it. Or the other couple. I need to set myself a goal, or do you know what? An alarm. Literally, like a random point during each day, once that other Discord opens, to be like, pop on, just to sort of like... Chat job. Yeah, I just think that's the problem with Discord. So we're on a couple of Discords. Yeah. So, Discords are so hard to keep up with. Yeah. You could literally go on there one minute and have a conversation with someone. Pop back on there, say, 10 minutes later, and there's like 10, 12 different conversations that have gone on. You're like, okay, shit, I'm lost now. Or I can relate to the conversation that was like five conversations ago, but I can't relate to the conversations now. Yeah. You know, so do you backtrack? Do you not? So it is a hard thing to sort of... But then it's a good way to just get involved and crack on. Yeah, no, I'm aware. So we have also joined a few different Discords. We're on a Discord for the people that go to events. Yep. We speak to regular people on there that we've met through different events. We're on the VA's Discord. Yep, we're on... VA's Discord, though. I just, I don't know how often I even check that because there's so many chats for so different night, many night events. Yeah, it's... But at the same time, you can pop on and be like, oh, we're going to Benny's by night, for instance, or by night, whatever it's called now. You can see and you can put in there who's going tonight, like... Yeah, like a few times on, I think it'd be, is it Seductions Saturday or Saturday Seductions? Yeah, I think so. A few times we would pop on there and like, you know, we'd be going at the weekend or even on the day, we're like, oh, we're going, anybody down there tonight? You know, and you can have conversations like that and it's easier, but the VA Discord isn't something I regularly go on. No. Not that regularly go on any Discord, but yeah. I think there may be a couple others that you may be on, but... Well, I'm obviously on two of the same URL and one different. Yeah. Are you less that? Also with socials. Yeah. I'm still doing better. You've got a lot better at the start of this year, end of last year, start of this year. I've got no choice but to get better. Like, I just feel I'm going on. Like, okay, so FAB, for example. I'm still a bit bad with FAB because, yes, we get email notifications, but because you don't get a notification for an app, for example. Yeah, like Tween Hub. Or even the Discord, like, you know, they pop up. So, because it's not a point-blank app and in your face, you've got to go and check it. Sometimes I'm like, oh, shit, I was on a conversation with someone five days ago. They actually replied. So, I do always ask, sorry for the delay, you know, and then carry on the conversation. But most of the things I'm getting better with, you know, you've got X. I don't actually use X. I don't really. I think that's sort of a social media account I don't think we're going to use anymore. Unless someone can give us some pointers on actually how to use it. Well, I never went into an X account. I never even downloaded it on my phone. But Instagram. Oh, we're on that. I'm on that with messaging, pretty good. Yeah. Posting, not so much. The thing is, I'm one who I either want to post things I shouldn't be allowed to post. And that's where we get banned. Yeah, or it's things like too shit to post. But at the same time, just post it. Unless it's like majorly no. Yeah, and I think that's my issue. Yeah. Because obviously things we've been on before where I could just upload topless pictures or, you know, pictures of underwear sets and stuff. Yeah. I feel like you can't realistically put that on Insta. No. At all. So. You could do, like, if you're in a laundry set because you see that on there all the time. Does that mean I get to go shopping soon? I suppose so. So, okay. I'm going to try and get better with the posting. I've got better with the messaging. I'm pretty much up to date with all the messaging on Instagram. Okay, I'll set you a challenge. Okay. Until the 27th of this month, you've got to post twice a week. Okay. One about the podcast on a Friday. Right. And something else sexy during the week. Okay, let's see if I can do this then. Although I would say. If you do, if you don't do it, you lose your shopping trip. I need a shopping trip before that date. All right, I'll return everything. Okay. Okay, so I'm allowed to go shopping. Yeah. And if I don't post, I've been forced to return everything. What's the 7th today of recording? Yeah. So you've got 20 days. Okay, so that's three weeks. Yeah, three weeks. Six posts, that's what it'll be. Two posts a week, three weeks. That seems so easy. No, no, no, no, no. We're not changing days now. And two reels a week. So you do post. No, I can't do two reels a week. I can do one reel a week because that would do with a podcast. Yeah, and a reel and a post and two posts. Do you know what I need to do? I need to get back posting videos on TikTok. I got really good. Yep. And I was like doing like, what? I think one down max, like 22 videos a day. Yeah. And then all of a sudden it was like... None. Yeah. Okay, so... We'll see how long this lasts. Yeah, it's probably not long. So everyone will hear next time that I've failed already, miserably. But, okay, so we are going to also speak about Swing Hub because that's another thing I want to discuss. As the recap, because everyone's obviously now moving on to Swing Hub, I know some people are still staying on Fab and Hub, but I think Swing Hub for me, I like using the app. It's easy. I get notifications, but... And you can jump on it, see everything go. It's just quick and easy to, you know, maneuver around. But I just feel like there's still not many people on there. Not in our area. Yeah, especially not local. So we will discuss next time about people more local, but that is what I would like to see on Swing Hub. I'd like to see more local people. Use it. Yeah, because I feel like, yes, you can find local people on Fab, but to me, Fab isn't a safe account, in a way. It's safe to a point. Because I feel like you literally need one photo to verify on Fab. And then anyone can set up an account. Yeah, and not be verified. Yeah, and not be verified. Or they're like, set up three, four different accounts and verify themselves throughout these accounts. But whereas with Swing Hub, I feel like it's got the proper verification. Yeah, I think that needed. Yeah. And especially the case of every year, you have to re-submit. So say, for instance, Do you? Yes. Oh, I didn't know that. That's part of the system they've put in place. But it's a good system, because say we broke up, I could still be running that one. Yeah, I suppose. And pretending. Yeah. Yeah, no, I get that. That makes sense now. I wouldn't. I'd make up my own and go. I'm doing what you're doing, yeah. Yeah. Okay. You'd probably do the same as well. That really does make sense. But I just feel like... The year's verification, and if you don't do it, you lose it. Or they put a halt to it or something. It's a good idea. Yep. I wish that it'd just be a bit more on there. Yeah. Or more people using it. The thing is... Or the location setting. Yes. To be better. Yes. And I do need some message gauge about that. Yeah. So I was just about to mention that. So our location, we can't actually have the location where we are on there. It's like the next town across. Village. Village. The next village across. Because if we put our town on there, it actually sends us to somewhere else in the country. Yeah, it sends us up north somewhere. Yeah. And then we're getting messages from people down there and we're like, hold on, you're like hours away from us. Yeah. How's this working? But I also want to look more into what we can and can't post on SwingHub. Yep. Because that's another thing that I'm unsure on what I can post on. Yep. I'm happy to post whatever, whenever. But you do have a friendzone point on there. Yeah, I know. But again, still, can you put pictures on there? Again, for example, can you put topless pictures? Friends only. Only on the friends only? Yep. Okay, so when it comes to other pictures that you've got on FAB, like you should put your private account in FAB. Yeah, it's basically that. So I could technically put pictures of me and you Yeah. on there and that would be allowed? Yep. Last thing I want to do is upload a picture and end up being banned from something. It wouldn't be banned, it'd just be not put on that part. So all pictures have to be verified? Think so. Or at least refused? Yeah. I suppose they can't verify you. I think they'd check them because they don't want it being full of dick pics like FAB is. Straight away, you look at some people's profile pictures, is a dick, and I'm like, says a lot about you. The thing is, and I don't know if we've discussed this before, but I get some people are like, they see a dick pic and they're like, oh my God, yeah, I'll sit on that or whatever. Yeah. But at the same time, I feel like, just be a bit more classy. Yeah. I'm not saying we're classy, we're probably really common as fuck to some people, but it's like, stick a picture of you in a- If I wanted to see it, I'd ask for it. Yeah. Why can't someone's profile picture be of, if it's a male, for example, a single male, a picture of their chest, or you think about the fact of, maybe if they're in a suit and they don't want to show their face, just show them in a suit, or a shirt, or just anything but a dick pic. Also, I would put it out there is, if there is a couple, you're a single lady, I know a lot of people don't want their profile, like their picture out there, but what I would say, is if you're going to do that, when you're like, three or four messages in, if you're having a good conversation, just be like, hi, here's our face pics. See, I'm gonna stop you there, because I don't agree with that. So what I agree with, why be three, four, five, six messages in? Why not, if you don't have face pictures on- Your profile. Yeah, and say for example, like us, our profile is face pictures. Yep. We're not- We're not afraid of it. So, say somebody messaged us, they don't have no face pictures on their profile, and they have read our profile. Yep. Saw what they like, and then sent us a message, and just put, hi, looked at your profile, pinpoint something on the profile, that makes it clear they've read it, and then, maybe like, this is us. Yeah. Which a few people have done. Yeah. A few people have messaged, there was a single guy, a couple of days ago, he messaged and he was like, saw your profile, wanted to say hi, this is me, you know, if you're not interested, I understand. Yeah. And to me, I respected that. Yep. And I was like, actually, that's pretty decent. He's a single guy, already straight away, offering to share his face with us. Yeah. Rather than share his dick. Yeah. Normally, 90% of the time, it's like, face pic, dick pic, it's like- Yeah, and then like another face pic, just to throw that out there. But, I don't know. So, yeah, that's pretty much, I think we've probably waffled, about loads of shit. I hope I don't get lost, tonight. Hopefully not. I say tonight, maybe- In the morning. Yeah. Whenever anybody listens. They're- I hope they don't get lost. Where do you want, 2024 to go for you? 2024. I don't know, in all honesty. I don't tend to plan much. If you don't plan much, and you don't look for something specific, you're not going to be disappointed. Yep. So, I'm not going to say in 2024, I want to go down the route of having, an orgy, every two months. Find four unicorns. Do you know what I mean? I don't do that. So- Finding one unicorn, would be good enough. Yeah. And, I will say, I do want 2024 to go, down the route of, meeting more people. Yep. Socials. Making more friends. I'm not necessarily, you know, in desperate need, to find people to play with. No. You know, that's not been our thing. I'm happy to play with you all the time. Yeah. But yeah, friends over play. I'm happy to find as many as we can. I'm happy for more socials. Yep. One thing I do want in 2024, is new clubs. Yep. I want to do what we said before, where we travel, you know, for a weekend. Yeah. And do two clubs, over the weekend or whatever. Yeah. And yeah, just continue our journey, and get into- See where we go. Yeah, and learn more. Mm-hmm. What about yourself? I'd like to talk to more. Yeah. So, socials, or being at a club. Just constantly being, in our own, little way. Yeah. If we're not meeting people, we don't really talk to people. Yeah. All we do, and we don't. I'd like to, build on the connections we've made, this year. Yep. The people that we've made, and build on the ones, we've just made. Yep. Yeah. I agree actually. It's a good point. So yeah. We shall see, where 2024 gets us. And, more orgies. No. No more fucking orgies. Especially not in a small room, like Swindon. Which we actually forgot to mention. Yep. That's a club we went to. But anyway. We'll wrap it up here. Yep. So, socials, find us on, Sweeney, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. We hope you had, an amazing start to the new year. We have. We've had a good start to the new year. Mm-hmm. And, we hope to continue our positivity, and we hope you continue yours too. Yep. So, thank you for listening. And goodnight. Goodbye.

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