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On air Interview with The Ghoulfriend Hour Podcast m2d2radio WERP

On air Interview with The Ghoulfriend Hour Podcast m2d2radio WERP

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On air interview with Morgan and Taylor from the Ghoulfriend Hour podcast on the Michaels in the mid-day radio show.


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Two young ladies, Morgan and Taylor, are guests on a podcast called The Ghoul Friend Hour. They talk about their experiences at a haunted mansion in Pennsylvania. Morgan has a gift of clairvoyancy and saw spirits in the basement. They also experienced strange sensations on their way to the mansion. I have two young ladies that are on the line with me right now. I just met them on Friday at the My Haunted Matter USA here in Columbia, Pennsylvania. It was their grand opening. And let me just tell you, we had a fine time. And the ladies, they stayed even after I left. And they took some of their boxes and some of the stuff and checked out all the paranormal that was going on. So let's welcome them. How are you doing, ladies? How are you doing today? Morgan and Taylor are with us today. Yes. We are so good. And we are so excited to be here. So thank you for having us on. Yeah. Thank you. No problem. We appreciate you taking time to be with us today. And you want to tell everybody a little bit about your podcast, when it airs, when people can check it out, and where they can check it out so they know what you kind of do. And then we'll jump into some of the stuff that happened on Friday night at the My Haunted Matter. Yes, absolutely. So I am Morgan Fuzza, also known as your host, your ghost host. And we have the Ghoul Friend Hour. And I'm here today with my co-host, Taylor, if you want to introduce yourself. Hi, I'm Taylor. I'm usually your host ghost or your toasty ghosty. It kind of depends on whatever I'm feeling in the episode. And you can find us on Spotify, Apple Music, all the major streaming platforms. We tend to kind of go off of our guests that we have on, because lately, we have been having a ton of guests. Normal episodes, we typically shoot for anywhere from Tuesdays to Thursdays. But we always tell people to check out our Facebook, our Instagram. We do have a website, theghoulfriendhourpodcast.com. And we're always looking for listener submissions, or any kind of guests. So if you want to be featured or want to come on, you can always reach out to us at theghoulfriendhourpod at gmail.com. And actually, that's how I found you, ladies, and your podcast. I was watching, because you interviewed the guys from the My Haunted Matter USA here in Columbia, PA. And that's how I came across you. And I remember you, in their podcast, you were saying that you were so anxious, you couldn't wait to come on Friday night, and you couldn't wait to bring all your little toys with you and to try and see what was going on in the manor. And I turned around, because I heard your voice, and I turned around, and I looked, and I was like, oh, I recognize them! So I had to introduce myself. It was just so great, so fun, meeting you guys and getting a chance to talk to you. And I'm glad we got a chance to chat a little bit that night, so we can do some, you know, some stuff together. Because we're always looking for stuff to do here on Music to Dance through radio. So that is great. We appreciate it. Yes. Yes, of course. All right. And people really want to meet you. So I'm excited to dive in. Yes. Yes. Well, of course, I know that you ladies stayed up until what? You did the overnight thing until like four o'clock in the morning, correct? Oh, yeah. That's right. And how was that? I was told from J.J. Jarvis, who's part of the staff here at M2D2 Radio, who stayed even after I left. And he told me about experience. I don't know if you heard about it or not, but he had an experience, I believe, in the children's room. Yes, he was talking all about that. That was so awesome. Yes. He offered a cookie, I guess, that you guys had. Yes. Yes. Yes. And he was saying he came down and he told us. He was like, yeah, like it felt like a kid was sitting on my lap, like he felt this pressure on his legs. It was so awesome. Yeah. That is absolutely incredible. And he was also telling me that, Morgan, you have like some type of gift where you were seeing things in the, I guess it was the basement. Can you tell everybody about what you were actually seeing? Yeah. So, basically, the whole journey of this podcast and kind of why I started things was because I've had a gift ever since I was little, and I've been kind of on a journey to define what that gift is. And I wouldn't say that I've defined it quite yet, but I will say it's very close to clairvoyancy. So, it's just, clairvoyancy is kind of like a knowing, so it's like a little stage in your brain that kind of shows you, you know, the afterlife, the spiritual things that you're reading in the room. So, what was happening was, through our initial walkthrough on the tour, obviously, the very first place they brought us to was the basement, so we were very excited for that. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And they did bring us up to, there's two guys to the basement, and what was crazy about it was, if you listened in on the episode with the gentleman from My Haunted Banner, I have had a warning dream from my grandmother, who has since passed on, and it wasn't anything scary, but more so just a, be weary, be careful, that there's something down there that you just need to kind of mind your Ps and Qs with. And in the dream, I had a very specific vision of me standing with my feet, and what appeared to be, I kept saying, like, baseball, like that dirt, that clay, and I was like, that's such an odd kind of dirt, it's very particular, so, and I kept focusing on my feet, so I was like, okay, we get down there, and immediately, I knew exactly where I was, we hadn't even really, the first space that you go into is all concrete, it's all dirt, and I recognized it immediately, but then when you walk through there, there are two portions of the basement, one that is closed off because it was used as part of the Underground Railroad, and then another portion that is part of the mill. When I was walked down there on the initial tour, I did come face-to-face with what I called as like a creepy-crawly shapeshifter, it was a male entity that did not retain his shape, but I realized through investigating that he does this as a scare tactic to keep people from helping the spirits that he is unfortunately holding there. So, yeah, that was the experience that I was having. We had some really profound evidence come through during the Estes Method that really confirmed and validated a lot of the things that were coming through my gift, and it was both, I guess the word I'll use is jarring, because it was a very bold energy, I guess is the correct word that I'll use, I wasn't a fan of it, and he's a very, I don't want to give too much attention to him particularly, because he's not an identity, but there were two women spirits in the basement that I think are very kind, and they were looking for some guidance, for some help, and they came through and were able to kind of be able to talk to me a little bit, we were able to tell their story, so it was a really emotionally moving experience, but I'm glad that Jay could be down there to experience that and kind of be a third party to witness everything that unfolded, because we went down there not once, not twice, but three times total, and time was a completely different feel, and it was just, I walked away from there with a lot of just revelations and just a lot of questions, and you know, I think that's what the mansion does, is it leaves you with a lot of open-ended, and it keeps you coming back, it is very magnetic. Right, yeah, and I think I heard, I think J.J. told me this, that you had mentioned this, that even on your way here, because he was like, talking about him, like you said, we don't give a lot of attention, because he's not a good entity, but on your way here you said you felt like your vocal cords were being crushed, is that correct? Yes, yes, so it was Taylor as my witness, and as my co-candidator, what I like to do with my gift is I'm big on writing, so when I'm headed to a location, or even if I'm just at home and I'm channeling something, I always write it down so that I can either bring it to somebody and say, okay, how do we validate this? So, on our way driving, it seemed to happen, I guess, Taylor, would you say, when we passed under the bridge? Yeah, it was kind of like when we got onto the Civil War grounds, but it started beginning, and you were starting to state all these things, and I'm like, Morgan, we should start writing this down and timestamp it, so that later on, you know, we can look back and be like, oh, you know, we saw this, you know, Morgan was seeing this, and we're now validating it, and I wanted to timestamp it, because I know sometimes in the, you know, society that we're living in, sometimes people don't, you know, believe, so I was like, let's timestamp it, yeah, and it was crazy what we wrote down and what we, you know, heard later on at night. Wow, that's... So, that was kind of what happened, is we seemed to have, when we had entered, I didn't realize that the bridge had, I don't really know too much about Columbia PA, but what I did realize is when we passed under that bridge, we both immediately had felt a very strong feeling of there was something that had gone on there, and I started to pick up more, and Taylor can also validate this, I began to get very emotional, and it kind of was like word diarrhea, like I was just kind of venting, and I was getting, you know, tearful, and there was just a lot of emotions going on, and then all of a sudden, there was an extreme pressure on the right side of my neck, almost like somebody was squeezing, like, I could almost pinpoint having a vocal cord within their hand, and they started to squeeze very tightly, and it wasn't, like, painful, it was just a lot of pressure, it was very uncomfortable, and I started to lose my voice, and I was like, why can't I speak, and why can't I, like, I was getting very frustrated, and then during the session down in the basement, I then started to feel on the other side of my neck almost like a whole hand around my neck, as if somebody was trying to stop me from telling more of what, I don't know if they have all the facts, if all of this had been validated, but yeah, it was very different than anything I've ever experienced, because it was more physical, it was very palpable, so it was different. So you've seen, like, a woman being beaten, is that correct? Is that something that you've seen there? Yeah, so without, obviously, because I'm just, you know, trigger warning for victims of domestic violence and S.A., there is a very graphic, I don't know how to word this, a graphic vision that was brought upon me, both vision and feeling, and I had a very distinct vision of a very sadistic and just monstrous assault that took place on not one, but two women down in that basement, so I'm really looking forward to trying to get their story told and figuring out what else happened down there that we can kind of validate and how we can help these spirits kind of move on and cross over. Right. Now, Taylor, how did you come about getting involved in this, and how did you meet Morgan? Did you guys, like, go to school together, or what happened, and how did this all connect? Yeah, we're actually cousins. Oh, okay. So, I've always been into the spooky stuff, and when she started doing the podcast, she was like, hey, Taylor, why don't you join with me? Like, we're like two peas in a pod when it comes to anything spooky, and we just kind of, like, grew from there, and then when she was telling me that, you know, she was going to go on the paranormal investigation trip, I was like, I gotta go. Like, I gotta, I know I'm all the way up in Jersey, but, like, I'll take the drive. I'll come down, because I've always wanted to, anything spooky, haunted, paranormal, that's just always been my thing. Horror is, like, my go-to genre, and that's just, you know, we've kind of just grown over the last year or so. I mean, it's going to be, what, a year in July, Morgan? June. June! Oh my gosh, I forgot. June, yeah. So, we kind of have just grown from there, but... Do you ever worry about, like, things following you home when you're at one of these investigations? I am. I don't know about Morgan. I was, so she kind of, you know, right when we left, the first thing we did was tell the, you know, the manor, no one's allowed to stay home, you know, come with us, you're going to stay where you are, like, we're going to go home without you, and surprisingly, I went home, and I felt safe, so I don't think anything came home with me, thank God. That's good. If anybody has any questions in our chat room, our chat room is kind of full right now, anybody, and if you're not in our chat room and you'd like to ask one, you can just head right over to m2d2radio.com, and that's M2, the number two, on each of those places. Come on over and you'll see the chat room, you just scroll down, and have a question for Morgan and Taylor, they'd love to answer them for you, and that would be great, if you want to pop in and just ask the question. So, yeah, and Morgan just popped in our chat room also, so you can ask any question that you like, and I'll announce it on the air and see if we can get them to announce it. So, yeah, I mean, to me, like I said, I hadn't been in that building, you know, the studio is based right here in Columbia, Pennsylvania, and we are, like I told you, we are the very, very, very, we are the official radio station of the My Hall of Matter in USA, you know, the guys told us that on Friday when they were here, you know, or when they were on the air with us, we were doing the interview, and we were so proud to be able to be part of a lot of the stuff that's going to be coming up, and like I said, it was just, it was great being there, but I'm one of those people, I'm not skeptical, because I do believe in a lot of that stuff, but I still get a little bit, you know, I'm just a little weary about some of it, I'm afraid of things following me home, I'm just always afraid of that. I think, I might go with you, I think the biggest thing to keep in mind with that, and this is kind of how I am, energy is super, super, is like the biggest part of all of this, and what your intentions are going into it, and how you feel coming out of it, I think knowing your own strength, and knowing that, like, drawing boundaries just like you would with any human being, and saying, listen, this is my safe space, that's your safe space, and here's the line, and then just going into everything respectfully, because that's one of the biggest things that we stress on the boyfriend hour, is education, respect, and just being smart, you know, using your common sense, you know, don't go in somewhere, kicking stuff around, disrespecting things, because you wouldn't do that in a human being, like a normal human being's home, like just walking into somebody's house, so why would you do that, walking into a haunted location, because, you know, what do you think is going to happen? That's their space, yeah, that's their space, so, yeah, we totally understand that, yeah. One of our questions from one of our listeners here, let me just jump back up, because people are throwing stuff in the chat room, and it's kind of moving the questions around, but I can't see them, so let me jump up here, let's see, Santa's Wolf Pack, she said, is this your very first time you have explored Columbia? Yes, yeah. Okay, so you've never been to the Manor before, this was like the very first time for you guys. Yeah, and a huge, I just want to give a huge shout out to Trey, Jeff, Daryl, and all just the absolutely beautiful people that we met on this adventure, including Interstate Paranormal, because they were a huge help, you know, kind of giving us a little bit of backstory and connecting us with Columbia, because it seems like there's a lot there to peel back. Oh yeah, oh yeah, and I think Trey is in the chat room, there is a Trey, I'm not sure if it is the Trey from the My Haunted Manor, but there is a Trey in there, so hopefully maybe he'll let us know. Trey, is that you that's with us in the chat room, or is it the ghost of Trey? I don't know. Either way, we'll say, hey Trey. That's right, and Santa's Wolf Pack says, I know most people focus on the mansion tunnels and the cells under the Market House, but she said she's heard that there are still spirits from the Native American Burial Ground up by the old train tunnel at Chickies. Yeah, you guys didn't have a chance to even explore anything of that, and Trey, that is Trey, by the way, he said it is. Hi Trey, how's that? So one of the things that we had written down, Taylor, if you remember, was I talked about as we were driving, I was having a lot of, I get almost like a vibrational sensation when there is hallowed ground. So me and my husband frequent Gettysburg, and one of the parts of my gifts is I can very much pick up when there are either hallowed ground or bodies that maybe don't have grave markers or it's sacred land, and so that would be really cool to see where that Native American Burial Ground is, and if that was someplace that we had passed by and picked up on. Right, right. And Crystal, who is one of our faithful listeners up there, she's working in Harrisburg right now, she said that these are great stories to listen to, and she said that having all those feelings of sadness, you can protect yourself with an essential oil called white, I think that's angelic, A-N-G-E-L-I-C, angelic, when you do investigations. She said that she actually uses it herself. Did you ever hear of that? No, I've never heard of it. I'm intrigued, though. Yeah, there you go. So yeah, Crystal kind of knows about some of this stuff, too, so I thank you, Crystal, for sharing that with us, and again, if you have any questions for the ladies while we have them on the line here, you can go ahead and ask it at m2d2radio.com, scroll down and you'll see our chat room, everybody is kind of hanging in there and asking questions, so yes. I mean, like I said, it was great being there. We're trying to work on something, because every year we have some type of get-together, we're celebrating 15 years on the air, and we wanted to do something different this year, so this came across perfectly, and we were talking to Daryl about it briefly a little bit, and also Tony, that we're thinking about holding some type of gathering for some of our listeners. Now, I know we can't do like we did at the party, where we had like 150-some people, but if we can get like 50-some listeners to come and hang out with us and have a good time one night, we're thinking about doing that for part of our party this year. We'd love to have you ladies come up and hang out with us. Yeah, of course. Yeah. So much fun. I'd love to do that. Definitely. And again, we're thinking about, we have to actually talk about a little bit more off-air, but Morgan and Taylor and myself, we talked about possibly running your podcast, the audio part of it, on the show, whether it be like Friday nights, maybe at 11 o'clock, because that's kind of like the spooky hour, I guess, or something like that, where we could throw your show on, and if people don't get a chance to watch you guys and see it, at least they'll be able to listen to the audio, and you do have many, many guests, like you said, that join you. What are some of the upcoming guests that you have coming up on the show lately? Yeah, so we actually have two guests coming up in this coming week, and let me pull them up right here. So we're going to have Lauren Helixson, our episode's going to be called Ghost on the Radar. She creates these really, really cool, I believe they're called REM pods, I think she has a little bit of a different name for them, but I'll give her a huge shout out. You can check her out on Instagram prior to the episode. She just does a lot of really cool work in the field. She's a magic, a mysticism, she's an equipment developer and builder, so she's just an all-around amazing gal. So she'll be on to kind of tell us a little bit more about them, and then we will also be having, this is a real true crime story of Charlie Shunick's sister, I believe her name was Nikki Shunick, and we will be talking about the ethical side of true crime with her, and just kind of helping to teach our listeners about, you know, if you start a podcast, you have a YouTube, the best way to approach true crime without re-traumatizing families and being good advocates for true crime warriors and some of the stuff that they've been through, whether they are here or since past. Right, right. Yeah, that sounds like that would be a lot of fun. Do you want to let everybody know, again, where they can actually find your podcast? Yeah, absolutely. So you can find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, we have lots of funny clips and we like to put a lot of humor back into the supernatural, but yeah, that's about it, and we can always give you our links and we can share them, you know, you can share them with the listeners, but that's where you can find us at. Yeah, and you ladies are now part of our family, of our M2D2 Facebook family, I think you've both joined both our fan clubs, so our fan page, so you can go ahead and anytime you have anything like that, feel free to post it, you know, you have any of your shows coming up, whatever it may be, to let all our listeners know that you have these shows coming up, that way they'll be able to go directly and enter the links and stuff. Let's see, Jordan says, again, did you investigate the kids' room when you were there as well? Did you go into the kids' room? So we kind of did, but the room that was next to it that I will point out, we didn't get to fully do a full investigation in the kids' room, but I will say, towards the end of the night when we did do a para-test in the room next door, I purposely put my back to the children's room and I had the cookies next to me, because I was kind of hoping since I substitute teach that maybe there was a chance the kids would take a liking to me, and I did notice with my back to the children's room, there was a few times where my knees felt very, very cold, and I also felt it on the third floor too, and so of course, me being me, I was like, oh, let me debunk this, and I was feeling my legs, and they felt warm as ever, so I was like wondering, I wonder if a kid was sitting on my lap. Right, right. It was crazy. Well, I had one of the videos that Jordan was filming for us during the Facebook Live. I heard, I don't even remember who it was anymore, it was one of the girls there, I'm not even sure if it was Amy or not, but somebody made the comment, it suddenly got so cold in here, so when you guys were in some of these places, did it actually get really, really cold? Yes, yes. It's funny that Jordan had mentioned a child sitting on his lap, and I'll let Taylor speak to this, but while we were doing the para-test, and just also, I don't want to divulge too much, but the para-test is this really neat piece of equipment that you guys will see featured on My Haunted Manor a lot. It is only specific to them. It's a very special piece of equipment, and I don't know the specifics of it, but it sends out frequencies, and then through this para-test, you hear real-time voices of these spirits or energies that are within this place, so we're doing the para-test, and at some point, Taylor had turned to me and looked like it is freezing in front of me. It just changed, and Taylor, I'll let you speak up from there to tell them what you thought it was. Yes, so when I was sitting next to Morgan, I came up the stairs, and I don't usually, when I get cold, I will physically show that I am cold, but most of the night, I was pretty warm, and I even had my jacket with me, but out of nowhere, when we started the para-test, I noticed that I was physically just shivering. I could not stop my body from shivering. Wow. Every time I felt any parts of my body, my body felt warm. I didn't feel cold, and again, I had the cookies next to me, and we even offered them, which the kids actually, they like to call them Sweeties, because that was so cute. Right. Sweeties. Yeah, but we were sitting there, and again, my legs just felt freezing cold, and I was shivering, but my whole body, you touched it, it felt warm as ever, and I thought it was the most craziest thing ever, and even following that while we were sitting there, Morgan and I, at the same time, noticed that coming up the spiral staircase, we saw this white, smoky kind of shadow that kind of just brushed up the stairs really fast, and that was where a lot of the activity was coming from, too, because everybody kept thinking they were hearing sounds and seeing things, so I thought it was really awesome, though. Yeah, so you guys, did you hear any voices at all? I know that on one episode of My Hall of Manor, there was one where they actually had somebody, and I talked with the guys about this on Friday, where they had two ladies there, and they actually, they asked a question, and they came out with this really airy, I mean, did you guys hear anything like that? I don't know about Morgan, but then again, Morgan was hearing everybody coming at her, but me personally was kind of like, I went into this like a half-believer, half-skeptic, because I grew up in a household where I had a lot of skeptics, and so I always could never figure out what was real, what's not, but I did notice towards the end of the night when we were doing that pair of casts that I kept getting fixated on the end of the hallway, and so I asked if I could put a cat ball down there, because it's just something told me that I needed to do that, and as I was walking through that one room right before the end of the hallway, I heard something on my left, like a man's voice, and immediately shouted out, I was like, I hear a whisper, and so Jeff came in, and he asked me where it was, so I'm hoping that, I don't know if there was a camera there, I'm hoping that we can go back and maybe pick something up, but that was like the only time I actually heard something, and I thought it was scary, but I thought it was kind of like really cool, and I was hoping to hear more. Yeah, yeah, because, I mean, who knows, once they actually look at some of that footage, there may be things in there that weren't picked up, but they're going to, once they look back at the footage, it'll be like, you know, oh, did you hear that, or did you see that? And Trey, actually, in the chat room, he also asked, he's curious if you have any cool experiments planned for the next time you visit the manor. Oh, Trey, you already know this. Yeah, so it's funny, I have actually, and Taylor, I don't even know if I have talked to you about this yet, because I have been on, I message Jeff, and I'm always trying to find new creative ways to reach out to spirits, and we have had a lot of success in the print shop. The male spirit that I was picking up on in the print shop, I kept feeling like he was trying to get out that he likes to listen to music, and so collectively, as a group, we had figured out that he loved old gospel music, and so we put on some gospel music, and we started getting some really profound responses, and so I wondered, you know, music, to me, from what I've learned in my time in hospice, working in healthcare, it's a universal language. I think we can all relate to that, especially on a radio show. Music just, it evokes memories, it evokes motions, so what I wanted to try and do, I had talked to Jeff about doing like an estus method, somebody upstairs on the third floor, and then somebody in the basement, because I do think there are two spirits that are linked up there, and possibly, the more that I kind of sat on that idea, finding ways to incorporate music into the investigation, and seeing if there, you know, music for the children, music for these, you know, women in the basement, finding ways to break through the barrier with these male spirits that are on the third floor and in the basement, finding out their connection, and how to kind of break that, and maybe help the female spirits that are residing within this home, you know, just finding ways to use music to explore, and radio waves during the estus method to get more answers. Yeah, yeah. Debbie also, DJ Debbie in our chat room wants to know, do you ever get scared when you do these investigations? Now, I know, Taylor, I have seen when you did the podcast that I watched with the guys from the My Hall of Matter USA, you had said, you know, that sometimes you were, you know, you're kind of like, you go do that, Morgan, because I don't want to do that. Do you get scared of some of this stuff? So, actually, what was crazy was that I, so I have really bad anxiety, and going into this, I was terrified, because it was the not knowing that was scaring me the most. Like, I wanted to go into this to kind of, like, confirm what was real and what wasn't. And the most interesting part was that when we got there, as soon as we did, like, you know, the Lights On tour, and I got down into the basement, which, of course, was, like, known to be the, like, worst part of the whole building, it was like all my fear had gone away. And the whole night, I had no fear, wasn't afraid. I almost, at some point, which I know is a no-no, there was points where, like, I almost wanted to, like, provoke, to, like, kind of get, like, to see what would happen. But, of course, I held it back. Yeah. But I was surprised myself that I went from being super scared going into this to, like, actually having a blast. And I can't wait to go back to find out more. Like, I honestly wish that I had done the Estes Method that Morgan did, but I was a little scared in the beginning, and now I'm like, I can't, I'm like, when are we going to go back? Like, I want to go do the method now. You want to do it. For our listeners, JJ also said, can you explain to everybody out there what exactly the Estes Method is? Yeah, I'm going to let you take that one. Yeah, absolutely. So, the reason that the Estes Method, I think, in my opinion, is so successful is you take what's known as a spirit box, it's an FB7, I believe is the correct term for it. It's basically a radio that scans through multiple frequencies, and the spirits can kind of pull words through these frequencies. And it's easier to, it's easier, like, if I was to just put a pair of headphones on you and have you experience it, because I know it sounds kind of wonky, but you have these headphones on, you're listening to these frequencies, and words will kind of jump out to you. Like, so, for instance, if you guys go and watch, we have a clip of my Estes Method that I did in the basement. They were also using a ghost box, which pulls words and says them out loud. So, at the same time, there was a moment during this Estes Method where I pulled out the words together. So, there was a song or something kind of sweeping through the frequency where it said together, and then it goes back to the sweeping. The ghost box actually said it at the same time I said together, and the Estes Method is kind of used as a sensory deprivation, so you have no sight, you have blindfolds, you have earphones, and the words jump out at you when the people in front of you or that you're with are asking questions or maybe not even asking questions. And the whole point of it is that you can't hear or see what they're asking, so you in turn are able to just pull words, and it should either answer their question or directly correlate or kind of validate what's kind of going on, if that makes sense. It's kind of a hard concept to explain, and I really encourage everybody to really just go watch my Estes Method that we have posted on our TikTok and our YouTube. Okay, okay. And since Trey's still in the chatroom, I also want to mention the fact that I completely forgot. We were all supposed to like bombard him for autographs, you know, and I completely forgot. I'm like, I got home, I'm like, oh, that's right, I wanted to get Trey for an autograph since they told us all to do that, and I completely forgot. But Trey, I don't think you're going to get away with that. You're going to give me one so I can have it on the picture. I do have a picture that we're going to be giving away of Daryl from the My Hall of Matter USA. We have a signed picture, actually, that we're going to be giving away on the air, so we're going to do that a little bit later on in the week, so I'm looking forward to it. And I believe we're still also going to be getting a T-shirt from those guys that we can give away, and we're going to kind of do a package deal with that, I believe, to our listeners out there, so yeah. So anything else that you can tell us real quick that may have happened that we didn't brush on at all today? I mean, there was so much I feel like it could go on for a while, but what I will say, I want to leave a little bit of mystery to this conversation because I just think that everybody, no matter who you are, you're going to walk into that place and you're going to have your own experience, and it's exactly why you need to book your session at My Haunted Manor USA. You need to visit the Samuel Miller Mansion. See what it's all about for yourself. Get a group of people that you love, you trust, you have a good time with, or even you're going to meet people there, even, in an investigation that you'll click with, and I think me and Taylor can both safely say we've made some lifelong friends with recent investigations, so definitely go book your session and find out for yourself, and just go into it with an open mind. Yeah, definitely, definitely. So, we'll have you guys post, we're actually, what we're going to do is, this clip of the interview, we're going to actually cut it down and have it put together. You'll hear the entire interview, just in case anybody missed it or you want friends to listen to it, and Morgan and Taylor are actually going to post it on a lot of their social media also to let you know, so you can go and listen to the entire thing, and if you're interested in booking at the manor, we'll put details in there also for it, but again, it was great being able to meet you guys, like I said, and being there, and I wish I could have stayed longer, but I couldn't, I had other things I had to do that night and stuff like that, so it was kind of, one of those things was a bittersweet. I was kind of glad to be there, but I was like, I don't know, do I really want to stay and stick around and maybe something follows me home or whatever, you know, so I just kind of feel a little eerie about that, but it was great, and I got to meet, what was the other lady you guys introduced me to? I was trying to actually friend request her on Facebook, and I couldn't find her. I couldn't remember her name. It was Emily, right? Emily, yeah. Yeah. So a huge shout out. Another great podcast that we're super excited to talk about is Only Ghosts in the Building. Okay. So definitely check out it. That's her, right? Yep, that's her. They are on Instagram, they are on Spotify, she does a podcast with her mother, and they are both phenomenal females. They have, I believe, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio, Audible, and Patreon, so go join their fun and check them out. Yeah, definitely, definitely. All right, ladies, well, I'm going to let you go. I know you've got a busy day ahead of you, too, and I thank you so much for taking the time to give us a kind of a background of what happened there at the Manor, and we're really looking forward to your next podcast, and as I said, we'll discuss it off the air later on about how we'll get that audio and start running that maybe on Friday nights. We'll do that between 11 and midnight where we could actually just run that for those people that didn't get a chance to, you know, don't get a chance to see your podcast. They'll get to at least hear it in its entirety with all these great guests that you have coming up. And again, I'm thinking I just may have to come on your show, you know. Stop it. Don't worry. Come on and come chat with us. Come have some fun and we'll get weird. That's right. We'll have a good old time. Well, once again, Morgan and Taylor from the Ghoul Friend Hour Podcast. Let everybody know again where they can catch the show and where they can check out your information so they can friend request you and follow you guys and all that good stuff. Yeah, absolutely. So you can find us on Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, all your major streaming platforms, and we have a lot of fun videos on TikTok. And again, this is the Ghoul Friend Hour Podcast. I'm Morgan. And I'm Taylor. And thank you so much for joining us today. Yes. Thank you, guys. We really appreciate it. You guys have a great afternoon and thank you for being part of the Music to Dance to Radio family. Yes, thank you. Thank you. All right.

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