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N8WUNZ 20230428 (F) HSWA Section 83 for the Safety of Our Children

N8WUNZ 20230428 (F) HSWA Section 83 for the Safety of Our Children




28 April 2023 HSWA Section 83 for the Safety of Our Children HSWA Section 83 - For the Safety of Our Children A continuation of the jaw dropping revelations from Wednesday's zoom Help us wake up those still not aware of the evilness that will stop at nothing to destroy our children. We are the warriors our children need!

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The conversation revolves around concerns about a report on the sexualization of children in schools. Dora is preparing a notice of concern to be delivered to various authorities. Section 83 of the Health and Safety at Work Act is discussed as a potential tool for teachers to address safety issues. The conversation highlights the need for action and potential class actions against schools. The UN's influence and the normalizing of pedophilia are also mentioned. The discussion emphasizes the importance of protecting children and the need for awareness and action. I think all the recording's going. Oh, OK. Oops, there's my connection wasn't there. Yeah, could you send Dora an invitation again? She thought she had it wrong and deleted it. Dora Smith. Oh, OK. Yeah, we were just talking about that report from Safeguarding Children. Good evening Jan. Yeah. And that was part of the notice of concern that Dora's putting together. We just got it completed. We'll talk mostly about what we can do with Section 83 tonight. Yeah. But Dora will be on soon. So where will I send it to her, Liz? Let's see. I'll maybe send it online. Can you just give us a quick breakdown? While I'm doing that, could you give them a quick breakdown about what we talked about on Wednesday night, Jan? Yeah, so Dora did a very, very good job of running us through the horrors of what is starting to be taught in schools and going to be rolled out across schools nationwide by the sounds of it. It's horrendous. It's in the World Holocaust Organization's, it's on their website as well. As far as, yeah, there's basically no holes barred as to what kids from the beginning preschool. Yeah, so basically it's just going to be a free for all. And apparently some of the chat today on the posts was confirming that kids are already just, yeah, it's just terrible. Yeah. So Dora was, yeah, horrified about these goings on. So she's, with Liz's help, putting together a notice of concern for delivering to boards of trustees, principals, probably I suggested the police as well, because there's actually criminal breaches of Crimes Act with this stuff. So we need some weapons of law once again. And Section 83 is, Section 83 of the Health and Safety at Work Act, which means if there's a safety issue in the workplace, you can withdraw your labour and the employer has to fix the issue. Yeah, so it's going to be super interesting to hear from Liz about that now. Now, just going back, someone sent me a message. Oh, do you want it unrecorded, Robin, or are you thinking just to, because it's a little bit different to what we're talking about right now. Well, I've sent her a text telling her to go to the page. So, hi, Paul. So she should be here soon. I sent a couple of quotes, a couple of comments that were on the Rumble page, and it was very interesting because I think they kind of give you, you know, the two, I'm not saying extremes, because, well, one of them is how these so-called minor attracted persons or paedophiles, as we know them, see things. Now, the writer didn't indicate whether he or she was in favour, but certainly gave a very succinct breakdown of that. Now, I sent you that. The other comment was from someone who was watching from Canada and confirmed that exactly the same thing is happening there. So if we could bring those up and we can discuss those comments. Absolutely. So, basically, why it's happening everywhere is because it's UN-centred. So WHO is the part of the UN, of course, that is running the show. And how it happens is then each health department and each, or education, probably, education in each country is then sent the, basically, is sent the, take that off, is sent the, you know, what they want to do and is sent the agenda, let's say that. So, you know, we know that about Agenda 20 and Agenda 30, the rollout of this sort of paedophile-centred scheme for New Zealand is 2024. So they're hoping to roll it out in 2024. But you're softening up the education. The Department of Education is providing a pretty, pretty shocking, what they call health, what they call a health curricula. And I'm starting to get feedback now from the parents saying, you know, saying to me in a message saying, my son hates going to these classes. Came home the other day and said, I'm not a girl, the 14-year-old, and the kids are getting pretty, pretty packed off with it, right? Time for teachers to step up. Yep, yep. Oh, have we just lost Liz? We might have, actually. Yeah, I think Liz's internet's a bit unstable again. She'll pop back on, I'm sure. I have no sound. Okay, I think everyone else can hear Kate, so you might have to just jump off and jump back on again. And Liz will be back with us shortly. One moment, caller. But yeah, teachers need to step up. I just can't believe anybody would be teaching kids this garbage. They must be absolute robots. Just insane. Yeah. I mean, taking the jab for your job, that was one thing, but putting this crap on other people and children. Oh, my goodness. Well, that's good. Thanks, Alicia and SK McKenzie. Yep, and you're right, Alicia. We need all the help we can get. Well, you know, to some extent, it's the same as in America. The president, I think it was, of the National Teachers Union over there, was pushing the jab left, right and centre. And now she, like many of these politicians, is starting to backtrack. But the damage has already been done, unfortunately. I just hope it's not too late over here. It'd be really good, actually, if the kids actually got together, you know, the high school kids and actually started protesting or something. I mean, there's probably no reason. That would be good. But if you think back to when Black Lives Matter was being pushed over here, the kids were all in favour of backing Black Lives Matter. So, you know, they just got brainwashed. It's sad. It is. Yep. It is. Yeah. They've done a good job. Oh, there we go. Liz is back. It says it's unstable. Yeah, I'll bet. As soon as you start to discuss this bloody thing. Anyway, so if we can have a look at those quotes again. One of them, as you remember, was... No. Oh, here we go. Oh, stay on. One of them was that they're watching in Canada. There's a Facebook group called... And another for SOGI International Group. If no one believes about sexualisation, they're in schools... There, meaning New Zealand, I think. Then have a peek at what's happening over here. It is happening. They are trying to normalise paedophilia. They are pushing agendas that are messing with kids' heads. Suicide among young people is rising. People need to wake up. So that's for a Canadian cousin. Then there's another comment that I've posted. The premise is... Children are sexual beings from birth. Before they are aware their gender does not fit their sex. So children as young as two or three years old are aware they are trans. And should be able to choose medically, surgically, transition before puberty. The UN recently amended the age of consent to decriminalise sex with minors if they are able to consent. So if a child can consent to sexual reassignment before puberty, they can consent to sex with whoever they choose or as the MAP, M-A-P, paedophiles, aka minor attracted person community, like to say, love is love. There is no age. That is unbelievably sick. Unless you look at that drawing that came on with your invitation tonight, people. That is a depiction. Here we go again. That is a depiction of the so-called god, Baal, I believe. What was that, Jeff? Moloch, I believe. It is Moloch, you're right. Yeah. And he had a, yeah, he had this, they used to heat up a big thing in his hands, you know, a big bloody frying pan, basically, in his hands and throw children onto it. That is what all the fire is about. They child-sacrificed to their god, right? This is satanism, people. This is satanism. I never believed I would be saying this to a group of New Zealanders, but this is the case. Yeah. So what's been happening, I'll put up a chat page to go with the No. 8 Workers' Union page, on the No. 8 Workers' Union page, or associated with it. And, of course, you don't have to be a union member, but you just have to, you know, join the page. And you can chat with people on there. You can get the, you know, you can talk about all of this stuff. You can leave suggestions about what we might do. You can find people in your area. You can, we talked last time about action that you could take, actions that schools who are giving, who are teaching this stuff, whether they're teaching it or not, be outside, making a noise about it. Yeah, you could get the kids out, but, you know, a lot of people cannot because they actually have to be somewhere else. They cannot keep body and soul together if they take their children out of the schools, which, you know, because of the way the structure of work, children have to be babysat, really. And you'll find if you read that article in Safeguarding Children, that link was put up on Wednesday night, wasn't it, Em? The Safeguarding Children, that's the Willow Duffy one. But what we can do, we can put permanent links to them on the union page. We could do that on the union website. Yeah, we could have a special area of the website that we put these permanent links up to so people can go and see what's actually going on in New Zealand. I have combined Telegram, which I'm loading in to remember. Yes, good, OK. So, you know, share as much as you can. We talked about on Wednesday strategies for once we have this notice of concern, it should be done by next Wednesday, I think. I think, oh, it looks like Alicia was putting it up there. By next Wednesday, we should have the letter. Sorry? I was planning to have it done by the weekend. Oh, did you? Yeah, that's awesome. Well, what we can do, what we can do, Dora, as soon as it's done, send it off to Emma and she'll load it on to the, permanently on to the union's website. And then it can't be touched. Yeah. My concern is that this is like a broken week for school. And because we had ANZAC and it's the first week of school, I don't want to leave it too long. No, I agree. Yeah. Hell no. Yeah. As soon as you get it to me, I'll just, I'll send you my email address right now. OK. Can you, so dealing with, so that's kind of dealing with the criminal side. Can you put up a, put up section 83 for us, please, Emma, so we can go through that and I can work on having also a section 83 letter specifically aimed at the school, the schools and people in work in the schools. Right. So that teachers can have something to rely on. Yeah. Have the bottle to go through with it. Well, if they don't, they might find themselves in the end, you know, facing charges, you know, facing criminal charges. We can't guarantee that, of course, but I think the more noise that people can make around the criminal nature of this, the more chance we have of getting people to take civil action. OK. I was just going to say that. I was just going to say that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I was just going to say that we could do some class actions against the schools. Yeah. Yeah. They're going to argue back and say and brush it under the, this is education, but there needs to be a balance around the message. Like I've spoken to other professionals and it comes down to this. If I sat down and spoke about what they're speaking about to my children, face to face at my table, I'd be criminally charged. How is that any different? If I spoke to my son or my daughter about anal sex and they went downtown and said, mum said, this is how we do it, da da da, and someone does a notification to Oranga Tamariki, I'd be investigated. That's a fact. So, on the tort of reason, Yeah. How is it any different simply because they are a teacher, the difference is they are in a trusted position and they are meant to keep our children safe. The onus is not on them to sexualise our children. And it's not on us. No. There's a time when a child or a young preteen or even a teen becomes interested. That's when they voice, that's when they instigate the conversation. We don't sit down with 5-year-olds as parents and start talking about masturbation or with 8-year-olds about anal sex. We don't do that because we know intrinsically that that is a value and a moral thing that is just taboo. It's wrong. That's why they created the Oranga Tamariki Act which was the Children and Young Persons Act in 1989. That's why they created the Vulnerable Children's Act because they realised there were so many loopholes in the Oranga Tamariki Act that they designed the Vulnerable Children's Act to try and patch up their failing system and let's face it New Zealand isn't in the top 13 of the world for child protection. They're already failing. They're leaving it to the bloody bureaucrats and we can see what they did about the facts can't we? Filthy bureaucrats. They're going to dump it on a teacher who's loved teaching all their lives and now they're going to be looking at 35 faces and thinking oh my gosh I've got to talk about this what was once a taboo and should be a taboo thing you know I would be charged. It's a thought I'm going to drop off 30 kids or whatever they're my new entrant children and by the end of the year we've talked about masturbation Hello? No. Has anyone got a sense of reason out there? What are they doing? Yep. Yep. Yeah well they're all seeing these people that they're teaching us to as well and you know as you say sexual grooming is pretty much it and yeah in any other situation they would be arrested Absolutely. So this is why we're going to use the Health and Safety Work Act for the teachers particularly so the teacher is a worker a worker may cease or refuse to carry out work if the worker believes that carrying out the work would expose the worker to a serious risk to the workers or other person's health or safety arising from an immediate or imminent exposure to a hazard so we have to sort of pull this apart and say right the worker is the teacher the other person is the child ok the serious risk to the workers safety well safety safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the health of the teacher although I don't know how they can go home at night and it would be a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the workers safety arising from being accused of a crime for a start but health perhaps is not a serious risk to the 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