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N8WUNZ 20230517 (F) Cases Against the State and Education Subcommittee Repo

N8WUNZ 20230517 (F) Cases Against the State and Education Subcommittee Repo




Liz updates us on her, Dora's and other awesome kiwis fantastic presentations of their objections(aka submission) to the Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 3). Liz also details some of the other presentations that she had time to listen in on. Great work Liz and Dora and all those that took the time to do this. Our children will remember those that stood up for their rights


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The speaker talks about attending a select committee hearing regarding the insertion of a clause into the Teachers Training Act. The clause aims to appoint two rainbow people to each board of trustees. The speaker expresses concern about the curriculum and the potential negative impact of these changes. They mention various submissions made during the hearing, including their own, which focused on the illegality of interfering in workplaces. They also mention cases from the past that support their argument. The speaker highlights the lack of impartiality in the select committee and criticizes the political party system. They mention some of the individuals involved in the hearing and their positions on the matter. The speaker concludes by discussing the possibility of legal action and the need for a united front against these changes. They also mention other issues, such as toilets and the UNWEF agenda, and express support for mayors and councils who resist these changes. I'll do Facebook as well, get that done while I remember. And then of course this morning, I spent the morning listening to the girls from Invercargill Who were the girls from Invercargill? Oh, was that to do with the schools? Oh yes, the select committee hearing this morning was to do with clause change, inserting clause 38 into the, I think it's the Teachers Training Act or something, no it's not the Teachers Training Act Anyway, it's about boards of trustees and they want to put two rainbow people in to each appoint them The government wants to appoint them Yeah, never mind whether they can do the job properly or not, that's irrelevant Well, when you combine it with the curriculum, which is already sort of in there Which they've now got warning that it's going to be, they expect it to be all operational by the 1st of May 2024 Oh, blimey We weren't the only people who, myself and Dora both attended, we weren't the only people Who had to say quite a bit, well I don't know what, today was the last day for subs Get yourself comfortable there Karen Bluffing up your cushions Blankie Yeah, today was the last day for submissions and I don't know how many days they had been assigned I made some notes on some of the people who did submissions And Dora and I were there from about 11, I stayed listening until about 12.30 I suppose We were only allowed, as an organisation we were allowed 10 minutes If you were an individual you were allowed 5, so if they needed 3 or 4 days of hearing, there's a lot of people And what I saw, I think I listened to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 At least 8 separate And the last 2 was a bit strategic, they put on Inside Out, the organisation And they put on, they had Rainbow Youth as the last 2 And the make up of the, I didn't get the names of everybody who made up the, what do they call them The works, workforce, no it wasn't workforce, what do they call themselves, workshop Anyway they had a special lot of people for the select committee Who were from different parties, because this is the rules, you've got to have people from different parties And they had a woman called Camilla Belich Now I don't think, and it was also her off-sider, so the deputy chair, was someone called Ibraham Omer And I don't think, I think they both list MPs for some reason Mr Omer was mumbling and grumbling about that you can't let them say that, you can't let them say that And Camilla, yeah Camilla's her name She was saying, oh you know, stick to the, you've got to stick to what the point of the submission is We're not here to do that, so she's interrupting I hope that Dora will come on So basically Dora made the first part of the submission And she added, you all heard the other night I think, on one of the previous Zoos How she talked about the curricula and the grooming that it led to Today she presented mostly, I should have sent it over to you sorry But we will put it up She's seen a bit of a history of, well sex education in schools But since the 70s especially, they're following the Kinsey What this guy called Kinsey, first name Back in the 70s he was being taught in the universities as some sort of sexologist or something What a pervert Did the most horrible experiments on little children etc So Dora talked about that a bit and they didn't like it at all I bet they didn't, wow No, no, and she was saying to Dora, no that's not relevant And Dora said yes it is, and kept on talking And then I came in for the second five minutes and I talked about how we're going to sue them And I said, you know, firstly I don't believe that it's lawful to interfere in workplaces Such as schools Under section 54 of the, it's not the State Sector Act, it's the Public Services Act Or Public Service Act, which is 2020 That Act is, section 54 is non-interference by the Minister with workplaces Nothing to do, so they're not allowed to interfere with convictions, hiring, firing, anything like that And I said that it was essentially the same Act as was in place from 1989 Unchanged, although it's under a new Act And back in 2002 I think it is There was a case, and I said, you know, this has come before the courts before And the case I quoted to them was Rankin and State Service Commissioner, I think Against, versus the State Services Commissioner It was heard, firstly it was a statement of problem in the Employment Relations Authority And then it got moved to the Employment Court because of matters of public interest In the Employment Authority, the Authority member, someone called Asha, who doesn't seem to be around anymore Was saying it's of great importance that the confidence of the public is kept alive And that there be no political interference in workplaces by the State So, because one of the things that you have to have for moving a case from the Authority to the Court Is public interest So, there's about eight cases apparently I only got a chance to have a look at the one this morning, Alfred Kinsey Yeah, very nasty fellow It was all a thing back in the 70s, university students couldn't get enough of it But, those are big people This is sort of, you know, the background to how he got his information Or what he based his theories on Which was going back to, you know, children start off as sexual beings from birth And we're talking about babies, right And this is kind of the basis of where it all started So, then I said to them, right, well this case And I said, you're all old enough probably to remember Christine Ring And I said, what is interesting was, when it was moved to the Employment Court There was a bit of a protest to jurisdiction of the Court And I said, what we're very pleased about as a union is that the Employment Court said No, the CEO or the Commissioner, I think it was State Service Commissioner Is an employee So, I said, we're going to, you go ahead with this We're going to go after the CEO of Education New Zealand And, anyway, so I got to the end of it And I had a minute, so I said, OK, you can ask me a question And she said, oh, well, actually, boards aren't employees I said, no, they're employers And I said, so, the teachers, our members are going to be suing the boards So, we've got two that we're going to sue We're going to sue the boards and we're going to sue And we can do it in the Employment Court Was she choking? She was like Yeah, yeah, you know, I mean, it was good fun But, yeah, so I stayed on listening to a few of them afterwards I'll just give you a quick rundown We had somebody called Meg Lim Apparently, she's part of the group that was, is, what's it called? Section 83 in school So, I think we've got the chat group OK, that chat group's lively Meg is in that chat group And her main focus was that parents are what the boards are made for, basically And not for any rainbow person who comes along That there was plenty of chance, plenty of people who are rainbow want to stand for boards No problem If she's on, it'd be really good if she can give us a little report If anybody puts their hand up Her name's Meg We had Janet Dixon and, forget what her second name was, McDonald They were from Hawick They also talked about forcing rainbow, you know, people from the rainbow community Into a board because of that link-up between the highly sexualised curriculum And part of the strategy, of course, is to have the boards push that on the teachers There was, there'd be no input from parents They talked a lot about the secret choice of a rainbow name So many parents, this is happening already in schools And many parents don't know that their children have got a secret choice rainbow name They picked up on what Dora said and said, yes, this is grooming And Ms McDonald talked about, these are people from Hawick And they have a group in Hawick I think it might be a community board group or a community group of some kind Ms McDonald picked up on schools are going to be run from top to bottom as rainbow He talked about them shutting out parents And he talked about Inside Out and Rainbow Youth Well, she jumped in then, this Camilla woman You know, you must stick to the point Inside Out isn't mentioned in the clause Why would it be mentioned in the clause? These clauses are just generally to push rainbow people onto boards Push them onto schools, basically to run the highly sexualised, paedophilic curriculum He talked about people who know about the connection between suicide and this confusion that's arising in young ones About their sexuality And I just noted down, he said it's to destroy everything we've worked hard for over the years He talked about it as a betrayal of education There was then somebody, and I'm not sure who it was, who came on and talked about Oh I know, she wasn't talking, she was someone who had autism And she was also deaf I think But she spoke really well And she's got others in her family She talked about how the international conventions If they're going to make changes to the Education and Training Act, that's what it's called, something like that Then, because she was looking at the rights of disabled children And she was saying, you know, pretty much the disabled children are getting You know, nothing's being done about them And, you know, there's no standards really that have to be in there And she said, she thought that putting the international conventions into the various Acts of Parliament Would make New Zealand come up to scratch on that Then there was a, there was a submission, completely in Maori I asked, Dora and I were in touch on the phone a little bit I asked her what that was about And she said it was basically about children are the future Well, she didn't, you know, it's a bit fancier than that But, you know, they're the custodians of what's going ahead And there was talk about the Maori world there, etc, etc But the thing is, Ms Delich, although she replied in Maori to the speaker It was very much, you couldn't really tell whether she understood what was being said or not There were some Maori speakers, fluent Maori speakers on the panel I think there was about eight people altogether And, but basically the questions then they were asked Because they were given chance to ask questions Was, you know, nobody could, you know, they needed translators If it's going to be, Maori is not known by a whole lot of people Those other people on the, who are going to be voting on this Needed to be provided with translators if Maori is going to be spoken So you need to have, that needs to be something in terms of, you know, that needs to be sorted Grey Power Hawick talked, the government was compelling people Talking about coercion, into radical sexuality is what he called it The school board, the school boards at the moment allow any person to stand for, you know For the board if they want And he talked of it as, it's blatantly ideological It's nothing to do with skills needed by the boards themselves And his last remark was, remove this abomination And lest we forget, because he talked about, you know, the fact that men and women Mostly men, had died to protect this country Then we had Inside Out Now we don't know what their names were because they called themselves Ko Aro So we had two purple hairs, both called Ko Aro So I guess that is, you know, because they don't identify as anything I suppose They both look like women to me They got petted basically by, you know, they got, oh awesome You know, talked about, oh, they got asked questions about what their background was All of that stuff and how terrific they thought they were, you know Everybody else either got no questions or they got, you know, yeah, they got no questions basically And told to, you know, interrupted by the board Then we had, you know, so their usual whining stuff was How terribly difficult it was for rainbow youth in schools, right It was terrible for them, and so we, you know, basically And said, and made out that what the former speakers had said was misinformation Yeah, so there was no such thing as this curriculum, there was no such No, no, no, it was all about protecting these poor children These predators are very, very skilled, very, very skilled Then we had Lillian, somebody from the Trustees Association And I put her down as a fat Chinese redhead with an American accent And yeah, she supports the gender confirmation stuff, you know, the whole carry on And anyway, so of course, one of the people on the select committee had to say Oh, we're so impressed with your qualifications And, you know, I've heard so much rubbish before all of this, it's so refreshing to hear So I think they had, I think that was, oh we had Then there was, the last one I listened to was somebody from Ape's Company Who seemed to be, but I don't think that they were talking about the curriculum at all He was talking about, historically, there'd been bad treatment for widows And bad treatment for widows and children when they came back from the war Not sure, I think they were in support of, you know, basically Kura And it was hard to tell what the Maori view was Oh, there was some people straight after us who came in And they'd come from, you know, they had the flag and they had Women can speak for themselves and they gave them a bollocking as well So yeah, very good show there I'm just going to ignore that phone call Very good show there And so they were another one who were on the right side And I think that was all of the people that I had occasion to listen to I was sort of doing other things and kept my screen on to hear them So it was an interesting morning Impartial? Yeah, well they certainly weren't And I could see a lot of stuff ahead Because all of that stuff is supposed to be recorded There's charts for judicial review If they try and put it into the, if they try and change it If they vote on it and say, yeah, we recommend it It'll be judicial review But in terms of the employment world, in terms of the workplace We are prepared, I said, you're going to see us You try and we're going to sue you Yeah, awesome So that was the morning in the select committee hearing So would anybody like to talk a little bit about that And then we've got a second part, but it's different of tonight's talk But it's a bit different from that So yeah, Jeff, go for it In your heart of hearts, Liz Do you really feel that the select committee parasites Take any notice of anything that is not in line with what they want to hear? There was an MP called Chris Bailey who seemed to push back And basically said, well, what's this got to do with educating children? So he was the only one who pushed back I don't know, I wasn't there the whole time Whether he had anything to say otherwise I think there was somebody else who talked a little bit about that too But I felt it was a bit of a patsy question You know, just a bit of a show to make it look like Well, you know, I might be considering this impartially Yeah, well that's why That's why they set it up with people from every political party that's represented In Parliament Not sure that Camilla, if somebody can have a look and see if Camilla Balich Or Ibrahim Omar has got an electorate I have a feeling they're both list MPs But once again, reason to get rid of political parties So we can get rid of MMP We can get rid of these party lists, right They're nothing but ring-ins for ideological reasons And they do not have the good of the country at heart You're going to love this one Go Geoff, sorry I was going to say, is that Omar character Possibly any relation to that Omar character in the state So wouldn't we have any idea about that What was that about Omar? This Omar character, I have to wonder if he, she, they're not decided, don't know yet Might be any relation No, no, it was a black man, I don't think he was The Omar in America, when she's supposed to be O-M-E-R, Ibrahim, no that's a man's name Omar, never mind, OK I'm based on your No, you've got the other Omar We've got an Omar here as well No, he's not married to his sister I don't think, well we don't know, do we Based on your experience Mila has worked as an employment lawyer And has been standing up for others since she was a This is a blurb I suppose She's been standing up for others since she was a baby She's a list MP for Labour Oh a list MP, of course she's a list MP Yeah, no she's a twerp And she thought she'd caught me out by saying Actually, I'm not going to ask a question I'm just about to say though that Board members aren't actually employees I said, well I'll answer you back They've got time No they're not, they're employers And they're going to get food too So, good fun we've had Can you tell me the Omar fella's name again Liz It's O-M-A-H-A-M-E-R-A-H-I-M And then the surname Omar But he was at a distance So I couldn't really read his name tag really well Probably list MP for Greens or I don't think so Try Labour Labour Became an MP to represent communities who struggle to have their voices heard He's list as well is he Yep, Labour Where's he from? Christchurch? Mount Roskill Mount Roskill, read more Oh, he spent years in a UN run refugee camp as an interpreter Oh that's what she said first off too This woman Apahat Apahat She said to Dora Before we start, are you a registered union? Dora said yes we are Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Yeah, watch out They must have had cognitive dissonance quite frankly Another point I would just like to raise of course Is that you say there are representatives of all the parties But you've only got to look at America And you've got the Republicans supposedly And the Democrats And you've got the Rhinos which are Republicans in name only And we basically, we've got the same here We have no real patriotic type politicians They're all infiltrators They're all traitors And they just sit there pontificating As though they're doing things for the people They're not doing things for the people They're doing things to the people Exactly, doing it to you Yeah, exactly Anyway, that's my little rant Thanks Liz for turning up today No, it was fun I imagine it was in a way Yeah, yeah Just one quick thing I'm kind of a bit hooked now Watching out for everything that has to do with workers What might happen as a result of this Is these groups that have presented and pushing back Could conceivably get together themselves And form an even bigger and better united front Perhaps even get in with the Union And become a real force to be reckoned with I reckon There's the grey power Yeah, grey power See, Halleck was, he was from grey power Halleck was very well represented Wow, yeah What was that? I missed that Somebody said about Farmer James That are going to a council meeting What was that? It's on the chat Did a post today about going to a council meeting And telling quite a number of people Infuriated at trains being able to use women's toilets The council admitted it Came from central government And that they can't discriminate Then he did another post outside Gore Council Supporting the mayor down there So Gore is saying to hell with you, are they? Some of the mayors are really stepping up Good, good I think it was Gore that had I think they had a huge contingent Of groundswell people Yeah, Southland making a stand Good on Southland When it comes to the UNWEF agenda All parties in government have to follow this narrative This was seen at the Freedom Village, correct Yeah, so they all have to go as well They tried to get rid of the Gore mayor Yeah, so political parties I'm not going to talk too much about political parties At the moment I'll talk about something more cheerful now About WorkSafe and NEMA Now, you know how I keep talking about And I think there was a case I think it was the Port case Where I said You know, the judge didn't like it But she had to follow the law And yeah, he only got the sack Because he did some stuff afterwards She was able to sort of dig her heels in about But that was after he'd already been sacked But WorkSafe and NEMA And I've said that I said to the judge It's not a workplace hazard And no, it wasn't her It wasn't her actually It was another authority member That I'm going to be seeing again And I said You know, it's not The Health and Safety at Work Act doesn't actually allow for Anything that's not an industrial disease It's to do with hazards arising from the work And anyway And I said, and imagine If you had to WorkSafe, I said, if WorkSafe had to prosecute it How are they going to figure out You know, where you got the disease and when you got the disease I said the barriers to the evidence would be just impossible And he said, oh no, well that's That's not what we're here to hear about So it brushed me off So anyway, Karen, here we are Karen, our researcher, found this case About What's it about? I said to her, what search did you put in? She said, I just put in health and safety She got this WorkSafe versus NEMA case It's a district court case because, of course, WorkSafe Is charging a NEMA And it always is heard in the district court But here's something great about the health and safety at WorkSafe I don't know where I put the first bit of it I made some other Notes as well, but these Paragraph 17 If NEMA It's NEMA Must first have a duty Under section 36.2 Now this is about WorkSafe was saying That this was in the context of the White Island explosion NEMA just went Sorry, WorkSafe went after everybody They also went after NEMA Which, of course, is another government department So just to stop you there, Liz So NEMA is National Emergency Management Agency Yeah, now they were the people Who actually, when we were in a state of emergency Until the 8th of June in 2020 It was under the Civil Defence Act Or whatever they run under That it was run, and then it was not anymore So they were pulled out of the picture So the paragraph 17 of this case This was decided in 2022 And I've just made notes NEMA must first have a duty Under section 36.2 To the category of people And I've made a note, others WorkSafe argues that NEMA does have such a duty Under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act And related instruments But critically, NEMA needs to have that duty Also under the HSWA Right? Expanding the duty beyond what you And this is paragraph 21 What used to be called occupational safety Would be significant and controversial The Act creates a strict liability offence Okay, so There's no answer to it It imposes a higher standard of care Insurance is unlawful WorkSafe's own obligations to monitor And improve safety conditions would be Potentially vast Okay So, but of course that's what they did That's exactly what they did With the so-called COVID Right? There was no duty on NEMA As a PCBU This is what the end result is Paragraph 22 The Australian proposed legislation Referred to care being taken in drafting a bill To ensure that a duty is limited To occupational health and safety Dot dot dot WorkSafe argues that I cannot infer That Parliament intended to exclude Public health and safety Dot dot dot However, the report urged caution In clear terms to ensure that an already Onerous duty was not extended Paragraph 23 Our section 36-2 Is almost identical to the equivalent Australian provision So We start banging on about this in our Courts And talking about it's based on the Australian The Australians can pick it up And run with it there Right? We've got to get the businesses To turn on the government Right? They're going to be wrecked Absolutely wrecked By this idea that you've got to look after The public health all of the damn time Okay? Paragraph 28 If WorkSafe is right about how far Section 26-2 extends Section 9 Because there is another thing about Section 9 in the In the Health and Safety at Work Act Means that WorkSafe As it's primary aim must promote Must promote And WorkSafe does not advance Must promote A safe marketplace is what he was saying I haven't written it all down here WorkSafe does not advance any evidence Of any guidance it has issued to Anyone based on a duty to people Beyond workplaces Now I think Because they were trying to say the Duty's there And then he's saying to them well you know Prove it to us what sort of advice You've been giving to these people They didn't dare say well You know what about all of the advice We gave to all of the businesses To keep people out of their business Right? Means that WorkSafe As it's primary aim WorkSafe does not advance any evidence Of any guidance it has issued to Anyone based on a duty to people Beyond workplaces, workers or work activity Other than this one instance I don't know what that was However that guideline appears to be To contemplate that other persons Such as visitors Need to be protected from harm Arising from work activity As opposed to work product So work activity If they're in a Walking around I think Erica explains it well If you're in a big warehouse And they're moving pallets You've got to be protected from that So they probably would have to fence off areas Where they're working and stuff like that Yeah? Yeah There was some more I don't know what I've done with it Anyway There's certainly plenty in the case To slam These workplaces with It's basically saying what I said In the section 83 letter You haven't got Any need to be looking after There's no duty on you to be looking after my Health, right? Because it's not It's not an industrial disease It's not You know Not asbestos It's not occupational health and safety It would have been more probably If If it had still been called OSH Right? We might have got You know, this is just one of these things Because the OSHA mandate Which I've talked about a lot Was The bosses there Right? They must have woken up to the idea Oh Because that was their case It wasn't the workers who took it It wasn't the unions who took it It was the bosses Small to medium sized businesses in the US That said We're not You know, this is And the lawyers argued This is not occupational This isn't an occupational health hazard And they also argued the separation of powers argument Both of them Which are relevant of course To New Zealand as well You say it to the You said it to the Bloody bosses And they said Oh That's an American case They are so stupid So stupid Yeah We're all responsible Who's Neil deGrasse Tyson? Oh that religious dude The Oh is it? No, maybe it's not Beg your pardon American Astrophysicist Physicist He's an astrophysicist Yeah, yeah Well, there you go Oh Okay Well Go off to planet Mars Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah Go do your spacecraft Oh, the priest for NASA Oh, there you go Awesome Yeah, well they They adore all of that stuff He's got oodles of credibility then Yeah, so You know It really doesn't matter Whatever they think Yeah, the HSWA is evidence-based and risk-assessed Exactly Evidence-based, right? And all of this fluffy stuff about Oh You know I might hurt you Or I've got to I've got to guard your Your health every which way I can That's the whole thing was You know, like looking out for the immuno Immuno-suppressed Compromised people Yeah, which is, you know Yeah, peanut butter sandwiches Yeah Yeah, and you've got You're making poor little kids so So anxious about, you know Stuff they shouldn't be worrying about You know, well, I mean this is This first part of tonight's Zoom was just Yeah But it's not great In terms of Of our friend Erika's argument But that's all right We'll bring it up Because They're going to If we don't bring it up And argue that They will So we want to be In on the kill before they even get there Because I think we can make use of it In her case as well Yeah, so Do you want to elaborate on that, Liz? Because that's Erika's case against Tennis Tennis and Sport New Zealand Yeah, well, one of the You see the basis of Of the complaint is that Erika's Contention about being another Other, being other You know, section 36 too But we can make use of this somehow Yeah Or other Yeah Because coercion Yeah So you can use the toilets Yeah, the toilets The toilets going to be the big The big thing Yeah The toilet is coming back in focus Because Yeah, we have to go back then to Public health And draw the distinction Because we can use it That's a good idea We can use it to Draw the distinction between public health And what we actually have to do about public health And All this bullshit they've been giving us about Having to, as PCBU Address What is Basically public health in workplaces And, you know, we'll use this To Get a lever in At Workplaces themselves, yeah So that case, Liz, that Karen found Do you want to send me the link for that? Yeah, I will Later, tomorrow? Yeah I'll send it to you later Yeah, attach it to the Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah 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