Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Hello! I think we're live. No, I always be doing that. I need to change mine. The intro is still in the works, honestly. It really is. Stop! Okay. You are now tuned in to another episode of Christ in College. Yes! Praise God. I am your host, Lana. And, honestly, yeah, like, I think we should just... Goodbye. Like, as you can see, there's just someone that looks exactly like me, like, sitting right next to me. Literally, my doppelganger is sitting right next to me. So, I just think we should get straight into the introduction, shouldn't we, yeah? Okay. So, who are you? Like, what are you doing here? Hi, everyone! I'm so happy to be here. My name is Mame Tumulima. I am Nana's twin sister, as you can see. And I go to Boston College. I'm going to be a senior, yearly. Yeah, I'm pre-med. And, yeah, we're going full force. I'm so proud of God. Yes! Before anything, she's a child of God. Before anything. Daughter of the Most High. Thank you. Daughter of the Most High. Yay! Oh, my gosh, I'm so excited for this episode. Episode 5. We're at a milestone. Low key. Wow. Episode 5. We are tuned in. Like, we're locked in. Let's go. So, yeah, I've been so excited for this episode. All week. And, honestly, as you can see, we're in a different place. Yeah. So, where are we? Okay. So, basically, we're in a hotel right now. Literally. But, we are here because we're actually on a youth conference, like, trip right now. I guess I'm on a youth conference trip right now. You know me. I'm from New York. I'm in Syracuse, but I'm currently in Boston right now for the Jubilee Christian Church Conference. It's called Code Blue, where the waters are troubled. Yup. Right? And the focus is basically on John 5. That's your homework. Go read it. You'll understand a little bit more about what I just said. But, yeah. So, honestly, today has been such a good day. We have to get, like, honestly, like, we look kind of crazy right now. Yeah. Like, our hair. Do you see how crazy we look? We look like wet dogs now. We look wet. Like, the waters were really troubled today. The waters were really troubled. And that's because we actually got baptized again. Praise God. Praise God. Literally, praise God in the comments, please. Drop comments below. Like, we got baptized. We were in the waters. We were just awakened. Like, the burdens lifted off. Everything just God. God. Gone. Gone. Just God. It's just God now. It's really just God. Like, we really lacked it. So, yeah, we were. How did you feel? I can't even put it into words. Like, just going into the waters. First off, it was mad cold. Let me start off. It was so cold, bro. Then we got in. They were praying. And then next thing you know, I'm underwater. Like, and even just that short snippet of being underwater was just, it felt so freeing. Right. And so refreshing. Yeah. And like no other. And that even being lifted up. Like, lifted into a new life. Because when you're down. Right. When you're down. Only Jesus can pick you up. Only. Wow. Only Jesus can pick you up. So what? Nah, it felt like that. I was a new person, free. No doubt. So, yeah, it was beautiful. How did you feel? It was so good. Like, I'm just so honored. Like, ugh. Honestly, everything, like I was telling on the phone earlier with Sandy, like, I feel like everything's been lifted off. Like, the doubts I've been having, the insecurities I feel. Like, today was just different. It was a day of revival for me. And I'm just so thankful to God. I'm so thankful that I was even able to make it to this. Like, I've been praying to God for that. Like, I want to be baptized again. Like, remember at the top of the month, I was like, I really want to get baptized again. Yeah. Because we got baptized when we were younger. When we were born. When we were babies. And it wasn't our choice. Yeah. But now, we made the choice. Yeah. For real, for real. Like, it stands. It's marked. And honestly, just joy. I just feel so much joy. Yeah. That's what I feel right now. I'm just full of joy. And I'm so thankful. So, praise God. But yeah, our hair is wet. Everything is wet. We're straight out the water. We're straight out the water right now. Like, this shirt is still drenched. Like, trust me. But we're straight out the water, man. No, like, because I just wanted the spirit just to be on me for this episode. Like, I just needed everything to come alive. Like, the Holy Spirit needs to continue what he just did. You know? And it's no coincidence that it's August 1st. What? It's a new month. It's a new month. Ooh, blessings. New month, new self, new everything. Wow. Just go in full force. Like, honestly, if you have been thinking about getting baptized, don't think anymore. Just go do it. Just do. Just go do it. Just do. Literally, there's nothing even to think about. Like, everything is going to change. Yeah. For the better. For the better. For his glory. For his glory, literally. But, yeah, okay, so, as y'all can see by the title, yeah, we're going to be in some people's houses today, I think. Yeah, we're going to be in some people's houses today. Yeah, we're going to be talking. We're ready. Yeah, so, as you can see by today's title. Oh, I always want to, sorry, I always forget to mention. So, this used to be a vlog channel. Now, it's a podcast fully honoring and giving glory to God. So, you're going to see a bunch of different types of videos, but I just kept all that on there to show my transformation. Our transformation, honestly. Yeah, like her videos, some of her videos are still on there. Yeah. Because this used to be our channel. Twinventory. Yeah, it used to be Twinventory for us and just Digital Diaries for college. But, listen, listen, it's like when God calls you, you kind of just got to answer. You got to listen. You just have to, yeah, you just have to answer. You have to pick up. When God calls you, you got to pick up. So, that's what I'm doing, and I just pray this episode will give Him the glory. I pray this journey with this podcast will continue to give Him the glory. And then, also, I always want to mention this podcast isn't just for college students. That anyone can listen, listen. The word says let anyone who has ears to hear listen. So, if you have ears and you want to listen, tune in. I don't care if you're a college student or not. I don't care what season you're in. Honestly, I just want to attract college students because I do believe that Jesus' name lacks in the college space. That's currently what I've been going through the entire year. It's just like, wow, people just don't fear the Lord. We just don't fear the Lord. And so, yeah, I just kind of want to bring attention to that. And hopefully, when God is ready to move, college students will come to this podcast and tune in. As well as any other person who wants to tune in and listen. Anyway, let's just get right into it, honestly. I think we've been just chatting. No more. So, as you can see by today's title, the title is called Friendships and Forgiveness, I think. Yeah, Friendships and Forgiveness. Probably going to be two parts, so stay tuned. This is part one, and we're just going to talk about friendships. Our verse for today is Proverbs 27, 17. Which is, as iron sharpens iron, as a friend sharpens another friend. Amen, I love that. Honestly, okay, it's on my heart right now. Do you want to pray? Oh, yeah. Girls just came running in here. Oh my goodness, I'm sorry, because we prayed off camera already. So, I'm ready to go. Ready to go. Let's invite you guys in. Let's get the spirit moving. So, yeah. Momay, please lead us in prayer. Y'all always give me prayer. I know y'all are tired. Anyway, go ahead. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for another day that you have blessed us with. God, we give you all the honor and all the glory. Your word says that you've blessed us with another day. So, we are just joyous and gladdened when we thank you, God, for all that you've been doing. And how your spirit has been moving, Lord. And right now, we just invite you into the space, Lord. Though you need no invitation, God, we invite you into the space. Lord, we ask that you fill this space with your spirit and with your glory, Lord. And not only this space, but the space of the son or daughter who is watching right now. We ask that you fill their room, whether they're in the car, whether they're in the gym, whether they're in class. Lord, we pray and ask that you fill their space with your glory and your presence, God. We ask that you touch our hearts this evening. Touch our minds. Transform us for the better, Lord. For your glory, Lord. We thank you, Jesus, in advance for how you're about to move in this episode, God. And we ask that the Holy Spirit transform the son or daughter that is behind this screen. Lord, we transform their heart and transform their mind, Lord. Your word is so good that you will remove a heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh. And I pray that, Lord, you will bless the son or daughter, the heart of flesh, God. To seek honor and glorify you, Jesus. So we thank you. We thank you so much. And I pray that, Lord, you just allow your spirit to move and allow your spirit to speak through Nana and I, the peacemakers. Lord, we pray that you guide us and lead us as mouthpieces to your kingdom, Father God. May you just help us spread your glory and share your name, Father God. We thank you. We thank you for our baptism today, Lord. Lord, we thank you for renewing us, Lord, in your spirit. And we're ready, Lord. We're ready to speak on your name and testify on your behalf, Jesus. So we thank you. We thank you so much. We love you so much. And we acknowledge and declare that, Lord, you are the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the creator of all creation, God. We thank you so much. And this we pray, Father God, let your spirit move. And this we pray, Father God, through your son Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Amen. Oh, I love these. I live. I live. Honestly, I'm so excited to have, like, someone to talk to. Yeah. Because I've just been talking to you guys for the last four episodes. And I don't know. I just feel like I can only talk to someone. It's so funny, though, because when I'm watching her podcast. I know y'all send me promos. I mean, when I watch her podcast, I, like, act like I'm talking to her. Like, when she asks me questions or something, I respond. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I love that. No, because we literally all we do is really talk about God now. Like, so, it's so easy. It's going to be so easy. I don't need to. We don't have notes. I don't have notes. I know y'all always can see me just be looking at my notes and talking to you guys. Today is really just whatever the spirit wants, whatever God wants. We're going to move. We're going to move. We're going to move. So, yeah, as you can see by today's episode, friendships and forgiveness. I think we already went through this, right? I said it. Friendships and forgiveness, 5th of May, 2017. Get there. Pull your Bibles out. We're just going to talk on this scripture and pull in other things, too. Yeah. So, what was our first question for you? First question for me? Yeah. Okay. What does a Christly friend look like or a Christ-centered friendship? What does that look like? A Christ-centered friendship. I think, first off, you can't have a Christ-centered friendship without love. I think to love your friends is so important. What we know love to be is patient, kind, doesn't record your wrongdoing, doesn't envy, and I think some friendships... Does not give up. Does not give up, yes. And I think some friendships, like when I was talking about envy, I think some friendships, some of y'all be in competition with each other, and that's not what the Lord calls you to be. Is that a book? Oh, no. Oh, no. Let me move it out of the way. Let me move it out of the way. But, anyway. Anyway, yeah. So, Christ-centered friendship. Honestly, I don't want to sit here and act like I know exactly what a Christ-centered friendship is. What I do know is that I have a Christ-centered friendship with someone other than you. Okay, honestly, I think we are more friends to each other than we are... Like, obviously, we're sisters, and honestly, being a twin is so different, because you literally have a built-in friend already. So, when I'm speaking to you about God, I'm speaking to you about anything in life, right? I come to you with anything, you're able to give me that advice, and you're able to encourage me, support me, even through this podcast, everything. You know the right things to say, because we have a relationship that's so, like, obviously experienced, but centered in Christ now as well. And so, yeah, I think Christ-centered friendships are friendships that love, friendships that are rooted in love, friendships that are rooted in support, and just friends that forgive, like, forgiveness is so important, which we'll get to that soon, too. And, I don't know, just having a friend that knows the right things to say, not necessarily knows the right things to say, but a friend that will pray for you, a friend that will read the Bible with you, a friend that may not have all the answers, but can lead you to the right answers, because the right answers are in Jesus, are with Jesus. To have friends like that, right, I think that's what a Christ-centered friendship should reflect. You know? Yeah. That's good. Always pointing you to Jesus. Yeah. Always pointing you to Jesus. That's good. That's really good. What about you? How do I go after that? I think about that. Accountability. Mmm. Accountability is very important, not to mention love, right? Yeah. But to love also is not to encourage one in sin. Talk about it. Talk about it. You guys are friends, you guys have declared Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and you are committed to follow Jesus. Or, you know, maybe you're on that track. You may not have gotten there yet, or like, are still juggling, because this is, it's not an easy walk, it's not an easy path, you know? You're going to mess up. But that's why accountability in one another is important. It's so important. You're so right about that. Accountability. Yeah. Accountability partners, they will change your life. Right. I think that's so important, to not be complacent in one's sin, right? Don't love each other in your sin. You're not growing. You can't even claim to love that friend if you don't correct them. Right. Right? Because, you know, Jesus loves us. Jesus corrects us because he loves us. So why are you not correcting that friend? Yeah, there you go. So why are you not correcting that friend that you claim to love? You only want the best for them. Yeah. But it's okay that they're going to the party, or it's okay that they're drinking, or it's okay, you know what I mean? Yeah. It's okay that they're smoking and all that. It's okay that they're indulging in their sin. Yeah. Oh, but you love them, though. Yeah. And it's so hard. I don't even want to, like, sit here and act like it's not hard to be that person not correct. Having to be that friend not correct, I struggle with it. Thank you. Especially all through this year. I still struggle with it. I'm still going to struggle with it. We're still going to struggle. Like, I'm still going to struggle. But if we're making that conscious effort, right, if we're giving it to God, to praying for your friends is so important. Yeah. If you're not going to war in the spirit for your friends, are they really your friends? Trust and believe. I am going to the war in the spirit, even for my friends that haven't been saved. Saved yet. Yes. Especially that. Especially that. Especially that. Especially that. Wow. That's good. Yeah, I think we just have to be vigilant. And, like, also, if you're seeking Jesus together and you see that, like, you know that you're seeking. Okay, so we're seeking Jesus together. We're friends and we're seeking Jesus together. We're supposed to both keep our eyes on Jesus. If you see your friends' eyes wandering, why, you've got to bring them, like, it's up to you if you claim to be their friend in Christ. It's up to you to redirect their eyes. Bring them back. Put them back on track. Because I think, especially in moments, and in college too, it's so hard with temptation. Temptation in college is crazy. Like, we practically live on the devil's playground when we're in college. Yeah, it's a breeding ground of sin. It's literally, literally the breeding ground of sin. And so it can be hard, especially when you both kind of fall back into that sin and you kind of don't know how to. That's why I love groups in a way. Because we can't all be sitting like that. There's no way we can all be that down bad, you know? We've got to have someone in there who's ready to pick one another up. So that's good. But yeah, there's definitely power in companionship. Right? There's power in companionship. Like, remember, we were even listening to the sermon yesterday. And the sermon had talked about friends that have faith, like, good faith. And John, isn't John somewhere? Where the man was healed because of his friend's faith? Yeah. Right? John 2. I don't want to get it wrong, but I think it's John 2. John 2, you can look it up. Yeah, but basically what I'm just trying to say in that... Let me just blow my nose. That was good. Jesus saw their faith. Jesus saw their faith. That's why the friend was healed. Yeah, it was beautiful. So you need friends that can go to war for you. You need friends that, when you're down, they can pick you up. When you're lacking in the faith one day, their faith is enough. Their faith is enough. You need friends like that. I question. I'm like, what does your friend group look like? If you claim to be a Christian, you claim to be a follower of Christ, what do your friends look like? Because you are who you surround yourself with. You are who you surround yourself with. Your flock is representative of who you are. Exactly. So you've got to check yourself. Do a little bit of evaluation. There's nothing wrong with that. Talk to God about it. Pray over it. I think that's something I've been really doing right now, is just praying over the friendships that I have. If it's what God truly wants for me. I think that's good. That's good. Do you feel like you're preparing yourself? Do you feel like God's preparing you to be that friend in Christ? Yes. How do you see that moving? Literally? Today? Today, right? No. Just even for the past, how should I? Even since the start of this year, January, it's been such a transformative period for me, and especially this summer is what marks my consecration period, where I'm just ready to surrender it all, to just give it all. Give it all. I'm done with the sin. I'm done being complacent in my sin. I'm done being a follower of other people and not a follower of Christ. Right. Amen. Praise God. In preparation for me, it's about my fruit. God, I feel, is strengthening my fruit, and now I'm called to do a fruit inspection. What does your fruit look like? What does your fruit look like? What do you bear? Because the rotten will contaminate the good. No matter how good you are, no matter how good fruit you produce, the rotten fruit around you will contaminate you. That's good. That's a way. No, what does your fruit look like for real? So I can actually answer that. No, please, I really want you to think about it. Put it in the comments. Just really think about your fruit and how God is shaping you, how God is changing you. I feel like right now, if you were to ask me, I'm in my pruning season. Yes, same. We both are. No, we both are. We've talked about this. Cutting things out. Some things just have to go. When God is calling you higher, some things just can't come with you. It's crazy. It's going to hurt. It needs to cut, basically. It's going to be painful, but it's bringing you closer to your purpose. It's bringing you to the person that he's called you to be. So embrace it. Honestly, embrace the grief. Embrace the pain. But also be prepared for what's coming because breakthrough is coming. You know what I mean? That's so good because you have to remember that God can't advance you if you're not in position. He cannot advance you into his kingdom if you're not in position. I love that you just said that. Get in position. And in that, who are the positioners around you? Who are the people around you? Who are the people around you? Oh, that's so good because if God's trying to bring you somewhere else, but you're surrounded by people who are stunting that growth, they're blocking what's next for you. Yeah. Essentially. Right. You can't even see what's next because they're literally right in front of you. Crazy. You can't even see what's coming, all the goodness that's in store for you because you're still stuck on what's not good for you. Wow. What may not be good for you. You know? So I think that's so important. Are your friends bringing you purpose? Are they adding to your purpose? I think that's so good. I'm not going to lie. I'm struggling with that. I can't lie. I kind of look around and I'm like, do I have intimate friendships with people that can bring me closer to my purpose? I can literally name on my hand. Honestly, other than you, I only have one other person that's truly pouring into me. Sandy, if you're watching this, love. I'm literally just on the phone with her, too. Love that girl. She's so good. The way we pour into each other, it's just so easy. It's so easy with her. And yes, we don't always talk every day. You know what I mean? It's not a friendship that we're talking every day and we're just always up each other. But when we meet each other, oh my goodness. There's no... The way the spirit just flows because I truly and fully believe that she is heaven sent. Wow. That's what I'm saying. Thank God. No, she is. Yeah. That is a friendship that I can truly, fully, hands down and say that God has brought into my life. I love that for you. And changed me for the better. I know. I love... I thank God for her every day because he's just always... He's working. He's working in her. Right. He's working in me. And I do think that we need each other for the purpose that God has called us to. Yes. That's good. Even in the start of this podcast, but this is why you need friends that are going to add to your purpose. When I was even trying to create this podcast and it was on my heart, I told Sandy about it. I hope she doesn't care I'm saying her name. But I told her about it and she was so excited about it. And after, a couple days later, when I was telling her, okay, I'm going to pass about it, she sent me this prayer from her own devotional or something like that. She sent me a prayer that was about kingdom purpose and kingdom calling. Wow. I'm going to tell you guys, I prayed that prayer every morning for the fast that month. And so just that little thing, that little drop she added into my process, it changed everything. Me saying that prayer every day, every morning, it uplifted me. It empowered me. God was moving in me and he used her in that way. He used her to add to my purpose. You know what I mean? And it was just a prayer. There's power in prayers. I'm not even trying to downgrade prayer. But all I'm just trying to say is, are your friends bringing you, do they add to your purpose? Because I know that Sandy certainly adds to mine. I don't even think she understands. I don't know if I even told her this. I can't remember. But she doesn't understand how monumental her sending that prayer was to me. If I didn't have that prayer, I don't know if we'd be sitting here. If I wasn't saying that prayer every day, because it was a long prayer. It's a lengthy prayer that I would say every morning. And it got me more prepared and ready. That's good. I love that for you. I think that's something I've been really praying for. I don't have a person, other than you. Don't play me like that. Don't try to play me. God did his big one, making us his twins. No, making us twins because who is better than one? Who is better than one? If two or more are gathered in his name, he's what? He's there. He's there. He's there. I'm so thankful, and I thank God every day for our twinship. Twinship, got it. Our bond is truly unbreakable. It is. It's built in. It's built in, in fact. But I think something, she's also a Syracuse student. She's 200 miles away from here. We do not go to the same college. We don't go to the same college, so it would be nice to have a Sandy. Yeah. I don't have a Sandy. Yeah. Your Sandy is coming. My Sandy is coming, though. Yeah. I really do. I don't necessarily, my friends, I don't speak for them, but the fire that I have for God right now, I'm not seeing that in the people around me. Okay. Maybe I haven't taken the effort to really figure out if that's like, but from what I'm seeing, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. And so that's something that I've been really fast before. I did a 21-day fast. Wow. I'm really dedicated to this consecration period, and one of the main topics was praying for godly friendship, for godly community. Yeah. I will always, especially, though, be thankful for the Christian fellowship community that I do have. Praise God for that. Praise God. And I think it's going to be an amazing year. Yeah. I'm so excited to actually grow with them. I feel like I have surface-level friendships with them. I don't think, I don't feel like, I think they can be better. Yes. Always. And they can always be better. Even my friendships can be better. Yeah. And go deeper. Yeah. I feel like I want to go deeper and share it with these people. Yes. So, that's so good. That's something I'm really excited for. That's so good. Aw. I love that. No, honestly, it's coming. Don't even worry. Things are just moving so fast for us right now. Just trust that your community is coming. Our community is coming. Yeah. Because we actually spent this week fasting for that, as well. Fasting for a godly community, discipleship, all things of the sort. So, we trust, in Jesus' name, that it's coming. And it's coming for you, too, if you really want it. Literally, like, what does that say? Oh, she's literally dying, and I don't want to hear about her. Sorry. I'm choking on my cereal. No, I'm about to spit. She's dying. She's dying. Are you okay? Yeah. I just need some water. Yeah. Continue. Sorry. But, anyway, I don't even know what I was going to say. Sorry. I don't know what I was going to say. Oh, I was just going to say that it's coming for you, too. Yes. Because I was telling I was telling Mama that, like, you know, community, it's coming for her. Like, those godly friendships that you so desperately want Oh, my God. It's such a desperate need for me right now. They are literally on the way. But God just has to prepare you. Go watch my last episode. I talk a little bit more about that. But God sometimes just has to make a shift in you. He has to do something in you before he brings those people. And that's why we talk about, like, what does a friend in Christ look like? Like, what does a Christly friend look like? Because we're still trying to work through that. And maybe the reason why we don't have that big community yet is because we're not ready fully yet. Yeah. That was so That is so good. It's so humbling. Because you have to be prepared for the friend that you want. There you go. You have to be, like, the friend that you desire. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Are you the friend that you want? Are you the friend that you want? And that's something I really had to ask myself this summer. And I was like, yeah, no. It's time to get up and fix it. Yeah. Like, literally. I don't That's good. I don't want to, like, you know I no longer want to, like, be in a headspace where I'm like, oh, I just want, I just want What about change? Yeah. Change your heart. Yeah. That's good. So, yeah. That's so good. And I think another thing to mention is do your friends only, like, bring you comfort? Or are they actually bringing you change? Okay. Tell us. Do you know what I mean? Because you need friends that aren't going to keep you comfortable but actually help you grow. Like, you need friends that are actually going to push you into your season of growth. Push you into your season of success. You know? Like, who are your friends? Are your friends disciplined like you? Are your friends in the words like you? Are they praying? Like, do they even desire a relationship with God the way that you do? Because if they don't, they're only going to bring you down. Yeah. They're only going to bring you down. And I think, I fully believe, I mean, it says it in the Word, too, that God designed us for a relationship. Like, we are not meant to do this walk alone. Right. So to anyone that's listening, it feels like they're doing this walk alone. Trust me when I say that you aren't. We are a body of Christ. Okay? There's people all around that you can connect to. But sometimes, you kind of have to re-evaluate yourself. Are you even doing the... Are you acting out in faith? Yeah. Like, are you doing the necessary steps to get what you want? Yeah. Right? Because even what the sermon talks about is like, okay, we can sit here and we can wish for friends all day. But, like, what are you actually doing to get those friends? Are you going out? Are you making the moves? Are you stepping out? Are you talking to people? Are you having conversations with people? Yeah. Right? So, yeah. I kind of, like, went off on a tangent there. Because I was talking about comfort. And change. Yeah, that's good. I think, like, on the comfort note, recognizing that a threat to your call is, like, satisfaction in your comfort. Do you know what I mean when I say that? Yeah. Because you need people around you who are going to tell you, no, you shouldn't be doing that. Yes. Yeah, that's not right. You need people around you that are going to make you feel uncomfortable. Yeah. But it's because they love you. And they want to see the best for you. They want the best for you. Right. Right. That's good. That's really good. Yeah. So, that's what made that movie pick up. Mm-hmm. Okay, let's get into worldly friends. Mm-hmm. Because how do we now navigate the friendships that we had when we were in the world Mm-hmm. now that we are fully locked in with God? Like, we're fully locked in with Christ. You know? Because that's something that we're also seeing. I literally That's literally our life right now. low-key, low-key. I mean, I don't know. It's like, no, it is. Like, I don't know. I'm going to tell you what this is. I don't know. I don't know. I actually don't know. Um, I think I'm going to God about it. Going to God about it. Like, simply, simple as that. And I think also planting seeds is important. Yeah. Listen, we are called to serve as the body of Christ. We're called to serve. We're called to spread the gospel, make disciples, right? Right. So, God didn't only change you for you, but he changed you for other people, too. Right? So, you might even be standing in the way of someone else's salvation the longer you stay hidden from them just because, oh, they're in the world and I'm not in the world anymore, so I don't want to talk to them. Right. No, that's not how it works. Jesus sat with sinners. Yeah. Okay? Jesus sat with sinners. I think, though, it is important to highlight that Jesus sat with sinners who wanted to change. Yeah. So, obviously, it's not going to happen overnight for friends that are in the world. Um, I'm sure there are some that do want to change but don't really know where to start. Yeah. Right? And you can be that seed. You can. You can plant that seed. Yeah. Because you have to remember that, like, your obedience in your love comes tied to someone else's blessing. Right. So, if God is calling you to plant that seed, spread the gospel. You don't know about Jesus. Just do it. Just do it. You don't know. Just do it. Even if you get, like, pushed back. Pushed back, yes. Confrontation. Because trust. Oh my goodness. The pushback I've been getting is crazy. The persecution. The pushback I get from friends that don't even know Jesus, for real, uh, it's hard. This is not an easy walk. But it's so crucial. Especially if you claim to love these people that you hang around. Yeah. If you love them, why are you not talking to them about the one who is love? Oh! Can we clap that? If you claim to love your friends, why are you not talking to them about the one who, like, he first loved us. First John. Yeah. Yeah! First John. 4, 19. We love because he first loved us. Yes. We love because he first loved us. He first loved you. So, tell them about who loved you first. Right? Wow. That's good. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. My spirit is moving, yeah. He's moving, for real. But yeah, no, I just think it's hard. Well, be friends. That's a... That's a hard one. That's a hard one. And especially, well, be friends, you also don't really respect your faith as well. Yeah. Um... That's a hard one. That's a hard one to pick. But I think the best advice I can give in that is staying true to who you are in Christ, number one. And two, not being afraid to be vocal about what you want, like what you like and what you don't like anymore. Who you are now, be vocal about who you are now so they can adjust. Right. Just be you, they'll adjust. Yeah, yeah. Simple as that. Yeah. Um... And if they're not respecting you, that's when they have to go. Right. Like, I gotta go. Like, that's when you can now remove yourself. Yeah. Because it's one thing to have a friend that's in the world and now you're new and born again, but it's another thing to have a friend that's in the world and doesn't respect who you are now in Christ. Yeah. Right? Yeah. So, I think that's important. Make it known. Make it known. Ask, and I encourage you to just ask God for the spirit of boldness. The spirit of boldness. Not even in the way you speak or you're vocal, but even in your actions. Yes. Ask God for the spirit of boldness, the spirit of confidence, to talk about him and to act like him. Yes. Like, that's what this walk is all about. Mm-hmm. We're just trying to be more like Jesus. Yeah. We never will be him. We never will. Ever. But we can try our best to get even, like, to be half the man that he was. Yeah. Praise God. Yeah. Praise him. But yeah, I think... Yeah, no, worldly friend is a hard one. It's a hard one. I'm still struggling with it. It's a hard one. I feel like because I just, now I've taken on now I've taken myself out of the world. Mm-hmm. Now I need to figure out how I'm going to navigate the world. The world. Yes. Especially, we're about to be seniors. Oh, goodness, guys. We're about to be... Please pray for us. Pray for us because it's going to be a hard year. Yeah. It's going to be so... It's going to be a hard year, but I believe that God will get us through it. Yes. We are called to be set apart. Mm-hmm. And we are called to... Yes, we are living in the world, but we're not of the world. We are not of the world. We can engage, but do not become. Yeah. We can engage, but do not become, though. Yeah. Jesus was not like them. Mm-hmm. He loved them. He wasn't like them, though. Yeah. So now we're called to not be like them. Yeah. We are called to be set apart. Yeah. We are a chosen priesthood, I believe. Right. It's 1 Peter... Is it 1 Peter 2-9? Ah! I don't know. I always forget the last number. Yeah. I always forget the last number. Yeah. I always forget it. But I think another thing... Oh, man. My head. It just came out my face. Oh. Also, love your worldly friends. Mm. Ah! I got that. You got it? Yeah, but go ahead. Love your worldly friends. Love them. Yes. Show them love. Just... Like, let them... Just be. Just be, literally. Let your light shine. That's so good. And that will bring... That will cause them to question. That will bring them to you. Literally. Just be like Jesus. They will be drawn to that. Yeah. Naturally. Because we are not like the world anymore. Yeah. That's so good. Love them. Just love them. Love them. The way Jesus loved us. Yeah. The way Jesus loved them, too. Yeah. Just love them, literally. He loves us all, literally. And you don't even have to do too much. Just let your light speak for itself. Yeah. Because if you claim to really be a follower of Christ, it will show. Where's the evidence? Yeah. They will naturally come to you. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. That's so good. 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