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Hypnosis to cope with Jet Lag

Hypnosis to cope with Jet Lag

Naomi BennettNaomi Bennett



Hypnosis to cope with jet lag. 10 minutes to guide your body into a new time zone with ease through grounding and playing with time distortion.

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This recording is a hypnotic session to help release symptoms of jet lag. It guides you to ground your energy and connect with the new time zone. By altering your perception of time, you can adjust your body clock and avoid jet lag. The session ends by bringing you back to full alertness. Welcome to Leading Light with Naomi. This recording is hypnotic in nature and should not be done whilst driving or operating machinery. Find a comfortable place where you can relax for 10 minutes. You are going to be shown how to ground your energy and this will help you to release the symptoms of jet lag. To start with you are going to close your eyes, relax and give yourself a deep breath in and out. On the next exhale you are going to take your awareness to behind your eyes. You are going to trace the number three in your mind three times. Three, three, three. Now you are going to trace the number two in your mind three times. Two, two, two. Now you are going to trace the number one in your mind three times. One, one, one. Feel the energy in your body, call back your energy from all the people, times, places and events, just call it all back to you. As you inhale draw your energy into your lungs and as you exhale feel your energy filling your entire body. Notice your root chakra near the base of your spine, feel your energy pulsing there. Extend your energy downward from your root chakra like a tree growing roots or like a waterfall cascading down into the earth. See it going down, down, down all the way to the centre of the earth. Now let your grounding cord expand until it is as wide as your body, deeply rooting you into the earth. You can use this grounding cord as a way to reduce symptoms of jet lag. You can imagine your grounding cord connecting to the time zone of the place you are flying to, imagine it connecting to your destination. You may open your eyes in this time zone and feel different as you are now connected to the new time zone but when you get to your destination you will be ready to take the new time zone all in your stride easily and surprisingly much better than you were used to. As you drift deeper into this gentle hypnotic rest I am going to be talking to you about something, hypnosis helping you to make jet lag a thing of the past and this is something that will come so easily and naturally to you that you will find yourself looking forward to reaching your destination when you go on your travels. You already know how to alter your perception of time, perhaps you can remember waiting for a long awaited holiday or an exciting event, celebration of sorts and it seems such a long way away or when you are really not looking forward to something that you know is inevitable such as a hospital appointment, a business meeting or having to break bad news to someone you love, how time seems to speed up and before you know it the time has arrived to do or go to whatever or wherever is necessary. Perhaps you have experienced attending a meeting or seminar in which you have absolutely no interest in and the speaker is boring and you seem to be stuck there forever trying hard to remain awake and pay attention to the matter in hand and yet when you are enjoying an activity immensely doesn't time seem to fly and suddenly it's time to finish and you reluctantly go back to the next task in hand. So many of these occurrences can take approximately the same length of time and yet it is as though our mind is creating that sense of how long or how short something is. So you see you have already experienced time distortion and this is just one of the tools that you can use in order to help you avoid jet lag the next time you are travelling long distance. In order to effectively use your ability to distort your sense of time you will find that you are actually one step ahead of each situation. You plan your adjustment by knowing in advance what time it will be when you arrive in the country that you are travelling to. So for example if you were making a trip from the States to the UK then you would anticipate travelling forward in time. If the time difference is 6 hours in front then your body clock is gradually adjusted while you are enjoying your flight. On long haul flights there is always time for yourself and your thoughts, time to go inside and play with the time as you wish. Imagine a clock in your home, see where it is on a wall or a shelf or a mantelpiece and if it's an analogue clock then see the minute and second hand gently rolling ahead to the time it is now in the country of your destination. If it's a digital clock then watch the numbers moving rapidly in the same way. Think about your routine, what are you usually doing at that time, imagine yourself there doing whatever it is you would do, sleeping, eating, working, spending time with family or friends or whatever else would be happening. Make this as clear and real in your mind as it can possibly be so that you actually feel yourself experiencing that time of the day or night. If it's daytime then brighten the colours and the sound if this is appropriate and if it's night then make them dimmer and feel yourself becoming sleepier and sleepier, eyes heavy and ready for sleep. Your body clock is adjusting in just the right way and now is the time for some fun as you take your mind to wherever you would like it to be. You are thinking and feeling and experiencing the time as it is now in the country you are travelling to and the you that is sitting here on the plane is functioning exactly as you should. Now it may happen that your actual journey passes through several time zones and if so you can adjust yourself to each one if you wish or you can stay with your destination time, just do whatever works best for you and when you finally reach the place you are visiting your body feels immediately that this is the time it should be. If you arrive at a time when you would normally be fast asleep if you were back at home then you remain wide awake and alert until your new bedtime as your body clock rapidly adjusts to its new time. And stepping off the plane you experience a wonderful surge of energy, you had plenty of time for rest and your body is refreshed and alert, however if you arrive in the middle of the night then you go to bed when you are able to feeling tired from the long journey and ready to sleep until your new awakening time and when you awake you are pleasantly surprised to notice that jet lag no longer exists for you, you have conquered your sense of time and you feel very proud of yourself. That jet lag is now a thing of the past, you are in control of your sense of time and this makes you feel good, for it's a wonderful feeling to be in control. And these suggestions are firmly embedded in your subconscious mind and grow stronger and stronger as each day goes by. In a moment I'm going to count from 1 to 5 and at the count of 5 you'll be fully alert and refreshed with wonderful feelings flowing through your body, calm and peaceful thoughts flowing through your mind and distorting your sense of time now comes so easily to you whenever you need it, whenever you want it, you have the ability and this makes you feel good. So get ready now as I count to 5 and come all the way back at the count of 5, 1, 2, 3, coming slowly back, 4, eyelids beginning to flutter, wiggle your fingers and toes and 5, eyes open wide awake, mind and body returning to normality. Thank you.

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