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At Bell Excel, to check-in or check-out, choose the session and click attendance. Mark students present by clicking the circle next to their name. Timestamp is added automatically. Use the down arrow for corrections, marking absences or lateness. The roster shows transportation info and has space for notes. To check-out, click check-out and repeat the process. Scholars Check-Out/Checked-In shows the remaining students. Click a student's name to view emergency contact info. Welcome to Bell Excel. To complete check-in or check-out, begin by selecting the appropriate session from the menu. I want to take attendance for Power Scholars Academy at Pine Grove. This opens the session information screen. From here, click attendance. Your roster will display. To complete a check-in, click the circle next to the kid's name. Repeat this for all students in attendance. Notice as you take attendance, a timestamp is automatically added. If you need to make a correction or mark a student as absent or late, select the down arrow. This gives you additional options for these situations. In addition to helping you complete check-in, this student roster displays the method of transportation the student is due to arrive by, if that was completed on the application, and gives you space to take notes. Consider using this field to document a change in dismissal procedures for that student. To complete a check-out, select check-out from the top right center of the screen. Repeat the same process by clicking the circle next to the kid's name. The drop-down arrow gives you additional options. Notice the Scholars Check-Out slash Scholars Checked-In number. This helps you keep track of the number of students still to be checked out. If you need to view a student's emergency contact information, simply click the kid's name and it will appear on the right side of the screen.

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