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020924 New Moon Aquarius

020924 New Moon Aquarius

Natalie SkrinjarNatalie Skrinjar



Angel number 2727 symbolizes harmony, balance, and intuition, and it encourages you to trust your instincts when making decisions. 2727 urges you to practice self-reflection and do grounding exercises, like meditation, to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

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The speaker welcomes everyone to the new moon in Aquarius and discusses the significant energy and alignments happening during this time. They emphasize the importance of finding balance within ourselves and taking care of our own needs before serving others. They mention the rewiring of mental patterns and habits and the opportunity for growth and clarity. The speaker also talks about the importance of connecting with our hearts and desires and envisioning a positive future. They mention the need to let go of things that no longer serve us and embrace the changes that are happening. They encourage self-reflection and setting intentions for relationships and personal goals. The speaker expresses excitement for the opportunities and growth that lie ahead. Hi everybody. Welcome in. Welcome to the new moon in Aquarius. I hope you guys are all well. I hope you guys had a good day and a good week. And that you're getting the chance to relax and reflect. And this is some pretty good energy. Pretty pivotal to be honest. And I'm excited to get into it with you guys. I want to thank you guys for showing up and being here with me, tuning in to listen. And I want to take a second to kind of acknowledge how powerful this time is. Whether you're into astrology or not, we have Pluto going a lot. And connecting a lot with Aquarius. Venus and Mars are now in there as well. Uranus is with the moon, which means it's with Pluto as well. And Aquarius. And this is shaking the ground in a way, especially with Uranus, the Great Awakener, it is giving us a new place to find balance within ourselves. A new way to, I don't know if it's been said before, but a new way to set a foundation. And even taking the old foundation and taking that down to rebuild. And I don't feel it in a negative way. Aquarius is very mental energy, so there might be, some people will feel it as instability, depending on their level of awareness and their consciousness. And others can see it as an opportunity. And we always show up with compassion for everybody that's around us. No matter what their state of mind or their state of heart is. We can see how we were once them, or we are them in the same breath. And the way that I'm feeling this energy is a rewiring of mental patterns and habits and breakdowns and attachments even, especially I'm seeing for myself personally. I think that we're getting the opportunity to find balance and see where we've really thrown ourselves off track, where we've really fallen into. It doesn't feel like we're falling anymore, or it doesn't have to. I think that the balance that we're getting and we're seeing kind of like where our own energy is and in connection to what we are surrounded with, with the masculine and feminine, I'm going to say that it's got a lot to do with relationships and relationships to ourselves, of course, but the way that we are feeding ourselves to be connected with others, the way that others either nurture or drain us, the way that we feed into others, or whether we pour from an empty cup, or whether we have the capacity to fill ourselves first. I think that this is something that Aquarius asks as well, before we can help serve our community, we have to make sure that we are nourished, balanced, and calm, and that we have energy to give, and that we are thinking and feeling and straight and emotionally balanced and physically balanced, and so how are you taking care of yourself? How are you coming back to yourself? There's a good hermit energy that I have felt for the last while that has been going into, and not always with the clarity that I have now, and I think that's how it goes, and when we come to the new moon, and with all the alignments that are here, we come into more alignment, so as each kind of passing day goes, we kind of just see what our process was, and now we get to look back with clarity on how we were trying to sort things out, and it might have been confusing, might have been foggy, might have been a little bit too, I would say connected to, or worried about others, and not so much what was our own energy, maybe too much influence, or imbalance even, with our thoughts and situations, and all this kind of stuff, but we really are at this kind of peak moment of here you go, serve it on a platter, and when your moment of clarity comes, because it will come, what direction is it showing you? And I think with this mental clarity, it's a good place to be able to look at your heart, and Aquarius, I don't know, I have a Venus Aquarius and a North Zone Aquarius, so I know that it's not always easy to feel the feelings, I'm good at intellectualizing them, and so with that mental clarity, how can we get into our heart, how can we confirm how we are feeling, how can we feel what we are feeling, and how can we make sure that the direction that we're going is going to feel how we want it to feel, how we desire it to feel, there's so much energy ahead that we can feel, so much excitement that's coming, so much purpose and mission, and love and service that's coming, and connections, and new homes, and a whole bunch of new, but almost from this higher mind, so in this period, I want you to be thinking of, like, everything that you could possibly want, and how good you can feel, I want you to kind of get into that peaceful joy, and have laughter, and have this sensuality, and how good this can feel, and play, and service, and healing, I think that this is such a beautiful healing time, Aquarius is a star, and it's just like being based in exactly what your frequency needs, each individual person is getting a healing at this time, each individual is getting exactly what code they need to balance out, to bring them where their path next leads, and it's such a beautiful thing that knowing that Aquarius takes care of the community and the collective, that this is happening across the collective, and so we as the ones that have done the work ourselves are going to be further called to step into action. I'm laughing, I'm thinking, I'm thinking of, I hope you got your rest, and I hope that you continue to take care of yourself, and prioritize yourself, because there's going to be new ways that you're needed, new places that you're needed, new people that need you, and it's going to feel so good to be able to witness what all of your work has done for not only you, but what it's going to do for humanity. When I see this, I see like a sunrise on a beach, with just like say a hundred people there, just in awe of like a new day, and everything that like you've overcome to be here, and everything that this new day promises. So it's almost like what do you want to do? Who do you want to be with? How do you want to show up? I know that everything is already inside you, you're going to meet new teachers, new guides, you're going to become a teacher, you're going to become a guide, and it's just so exciting. I love it, love it. And this really does feel like a wish come true, and there is still a part that has to crumble apart, and that's okay, because we know where we want to go, and we might want to bring some things with us that can't come, that just aren't vibrationally a match, and it might not feel fun letting those go. It might be a whole process, and I just want you to know that you are loved and protected, and that you cannot make the wrong decision, that your path is laid out for you, and every step that you take is your path, you can never mess it up, and I want you to be comforted, and to just know how to take care of yourself, you know that best. So while we see the last little bit of our foundation crackling, and while we see what doesn't get to come, keep the vision of what you know to be true, of what is coming, of what is coming for you have the highest intentions, with the highest love, with the highest truth, and just keep asking, keep believing, and keep feeling as if it's coming, as if it's already here. I think we might have a little bit of, just as the last little bit of the processes that we haven't drawn out yet, like mental patterns I'm thinking of, that we're still going to want to attach to, and that's okay. As it comes, we want them to come with us because we love them so much, so there's no shame in any of this. We want what's best for people and for situations, and we know and see these things. Part of us also knows who and what won't make it in a sense, but we also know that what we leave behind, what we give to God, what we say goodbye to with love, is going to come back to us in unimaginable ways, in ways that you didn't even know it was possible to love that much. So there still might be a little bit of sadness, heartbreak, grief, loss that comes, but this is how we awaken. And when we get to the other side, we get to see. And it's not a forever thing. It's not us trying to control anybody else's path. And so with grace, we are able to keep moving on ours with peace, trusting in the divine, knowing that what's meant for them will also knowing that what's meant for them will also come for them. It may not have been with us. So there is no love lost truly. And I thank God for that. But there's no energy that needs to be wasted or this mental energy that Aquarius is may have us worrying about it, may have us thinking about it, overthinking about it, ruminating about it, trying to find ways to and fix and control. But we also get to know what's for the greater good. And in this moment, we have to choose ourselves. Because of everything that you are, that people need that magnetized to you. When things are no longer vibrationally a match in your current reality, might even already be your old reality, but the things that you're thinking of that need to be let go and it's not necessarily a person, but maybe it's a pattern or a habit or the way that you speak or you know, it doesn't need to be a huge thing. Although this is very big energy, it's very pivotal energy. What you manifest now will change the direction of your whole life. So I want you to be very clear. And if that means just being in your own energy for the weekend, or make sure that you put in the time and the intention really to think and feel what it is that you want. How you want your relationships to be? What do you want your home to feel like? How you want your clients to feel when they're in your practice? When they have your product, what you want to bring to other people's lives? And just how blessed you are. A just for this awareness and B to just keep moving forward. There's such like a grace and a gratitude for especially this situation that you're trying to bring with you. Oh my god, there is like the most love. The most love that you have felt to date possibly, like in your entire life. If this is what we think love is, and how good it feels, and this is everything that we do is based off this. Even like when we fight, when we are upset, when we are hurt, when we are angry, it always goes back to this is happening because I love you so much and I don't want it to not be love. And I want the best for you. I want this. I want like, it's just always in its highest frequency. So imagine that frequency with what you felt love to this current moment in your life, if you could think of the highest, highest version of it so far, the way that the earth and the light is expanding. What is to come is going to break your heart wide open and it's gonna feel so good. But we see that we have to let go and we have to trust and just know that you can't miss it. It's already yours. So while we're back and forth between two worlds for a little bit longer, it feels like there is a time coming. When you're ready, a decision will be made. And it will be divine. It will be inspired. So while this energy is here, I really encourage you to like have a seat in silence and darkness. And bring yourself into peace. I did a meditation a little bit earlier and just had like, so much more capacity for light. So much more balance and so much more clarity. I know that I have a lot more mental energy kind of going on right now. And while I know that my heart feels peaceful, and my whole torus field is vibrating with peace and coherence. And while I'm bringing myself into into unity consciousness, I know that I also feel it. And the capacity for our feeling is going to get even stronger. Our capacity to feel love is growing. We have the masculine and the feminine balancing and shaking away anything that no longer serves. And that is such a huge weight, such a huge burden that you're carrying that might not even feel that big. Maybe something that we're so used to that it doesn't feel big. Maybe we've brought so much light into our bodies already that our capacity for it is good. Like we have space for this burden, but it's also not necessary. So it's clearing out. So when this transit comes, and when it goes, allow it to shake what needs to be shaken. Not a word, but have conversations that you want to have and know that. Know your truth is what I'll say. There might be people that are so used to having you around and love your energy. And again, your capacity is so big and your light body is so big and strong that while you know it drains you, you might be okay with that because of your love for that person. And the love that we feel at this time is so strong. The relationships that we still have after everything that we have already given up are the ones that mean the most to us. So if you're sitting here and you're thinking about a specific person, I know that love is real. And I can't imagine how many lifetimes that you spent with these people and what ways you've always come in to love each other. And something about that is so powerful. It's so profound. But the lesson that I am so grateful for, from this person or these people, for what I am being taught in this moment, at the same time is not something that I can teach them. It's my lesson. They might be teaching it to me. But I cannot teach them how to come with me. And still I love them for it. So while it might feel mental, it is very emotional. And so while we are crisscrossing back and forth, before the right time, I guess, before the moment where we are ready, for the moment we are awakened to this. It's okay. The great light is compassionate for you. In the meditation today, I felt capacities like expanding because of how pure I know and and this and this is the part where you have your internal authenticity that is aligned. And maybe the people that are around you do as well. But what sets you apart is your connection to something outside of you, even though it's also in you. But you're outside and you're inside connection to the divine. 2727 I wonder what that is. You have this truth within you. And this love within you. But you also know that outside of you, the divine, the universe, God's source, also has everything handled so you don't worry. Your trust and your belief that has brought you here is what sets you apart is what you get to take is what you will be met with on the other side. Also, it's not a grass is greener. It's a it's a match your matches there. Everything that is for your community, your loved ones, giving you family, new spouses, new partners, new friends, new jobs, new homes. It's such a beautiful world that we get to dream and we get to call in that we get to bring in like the most beautiful sunrise on a new day. I just see so much healing for ourselves and for the collective, and not like a blanket sleep over the collective every single person individually I mean, is getting this. And so I still have this worry. Currently, I don't think I will have it after this, but I still have this worry about the people that feel like are being left behind. But in the same time, I know that they will be matched with their match. They will be brought to who they need for healing for their next lesson, just like we will. Keeping prepare. But I don't know if there's any preparation necessary. I feel like we've done all the work. And this is just the final connections that need to be made. And so don't, don't be frustrated by the fact that you don't know what's going to happen. You don't know what's going to happen. You don't know what's going to happen. The final connections that need to be made. Fewer realizations. And so don't, don't be frustrated with yourself for going back to check one or two more times or whatever it is that you need to do. Just that in the overall plan you are taken care of. That your higher self has you. That your ancestors are moving things into your way and out of your way. That your angels and guides are more connected to you than ever. It's just such a pivotal time. It's so cool. So cool. Feels human. Doesn't always feel that way. You know, the last few months have been pretty dark. Now we finally have a little bit of spring. My piece of advice as always is be in nature. Be with Earth Mother. Be nurtured by her. See her bounty. See how freely she gives and how beautiful she is. Always in centering I send my love down to her. And I've done this for years but it's never, it never fails. It literally never fails. It always, it always comes back to me in like, I can't even say tenfold, I can't even say it like, you know, she's so powerful. When you give something to a woman, to a mother especially, she doesn't just give you back what you gave her. She turns it into even more, exactly what you need. Her own medicine for you. And each person on the planet gets to do that with her. There's so much love to be shared. And then I'd look up at the sky. Look up at the stars. And I'd look up at the moon. And I'd look up at the stars. And I'd look up at the moon. Look up at the stars. And I just wonder. I see that I'm protected. I feel the protection. I feel the direction. I feel the answers coming. I feel closer to the creator. And because I've grown into mother and because I love mother, Father Sky can come in and completely change. Completely bring so much light, so much love. So much strength, exactly what you need again. But more focus, more direction, more clarity. And this is the balance between the masculine and feminine as well. When we're balanced between the mother and the father, our heart is safe. We get to be a child. We get to feel as we want to. And play and create. And heal. And heal others. So that's what I think is coming. That's the energy I want to stay in. That's the energy I want to expand and bring to everybody. So I think I'm going to leave this here. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you guys have a good new moon. And I'll see you soon.

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