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03082024- Pisces Season Heart Flame

03082024- Pisces Season Heart Flame

Natalie SkrinjarNatalie Skrinjar



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The speaker discusses the current astrological energies between the Virgo full moon and the Pisces new moon. They emphasize the importance of healing, being centered and grounded, and using tools to maintain a high vibration. They encourage listeners to reflect on what is being shown to them and embrace the opportunities and experiences that arise. The speaker also mentions the thin veil between dimensions and the power to manifest dreams during this time. They share information about the discovery of the true tuning of music in the universe and its effects on the body's harmonics. The speaker talks about their personal experiences and connections to the hermit and high priestess energies. They express gratitude for the fluidity of time and the space to do what is needed. The speaker notes the communication challenges between Virgo and Pisces and discusses their own astrological placements. Hi everybody, I hope everybody's well. Such a cool space that we're in, in between the Virgo full moon and the Pisces new moon, almost at the beginning of the new year. And I think that this has been such a profound healing time. Really a culmination of the last year, as you might expect at the end of a cycle. And I hope that everybody is in their hearts at this time, and is centered and grounded, and is using the tools. And keeping the space of themselves to be able to keep themselves in the highest vibration. So I hope for you, and I hope that you're taking every moment that you need, and giving yourself exactly what that is. And between the space there's... simply I can only put it as a profound healing that has taken place. And I think it is interesting what is facing you in the mirror. And I don't know if everybody feels this way. But I love what it is to look at, and to really reflect on at this time. What is being shown to you, and I believe what is being given to you, and the opportunities that are arising, and the experiences that you're in. And with all the energy and the light flooding the planet, I hope that you're taking the time to rest that you deserve. Or if you have the energy, I hope you're using it to your full expression. I wanted to come on here before the Pisces New Moon, and I haven't looked at the astrology really. And I really wanted to come on and say how solidly connected you are. And I hope that you have no doubt of that. And I know that everything is working in divine order, and I hope that during the Pisces New Moon, you really gain this trust of who you are as a cosmic being. Of a child of the divine. And I hope that you're able to flow with that, whatever that means for you. Whether it's creativity, or play, or travel, or wherever it is that it is taking you. I hope that you're really able to feel free. And again, always be in your highest expression. We have Pisces, and I hope that this is a time that you're able to be solidly footed in your dream world. The veil is really thin right now. Maybe I don't mean solidly footed, but in a way that allows you to have that flow, and that ease, and that grace that Pisces has. And I think at this time that we can make our wildest dreams come true. Our power to vision. Right now is so amplified, and so supported. Especially from the Galactics. I love this song. I hope that your heart space is open. And I hope that time just plays through you. And I hope that you're able to I hope that time just plays through you. You're just dancing through life. At this time. Do everything you can to make yourself comfortable. And cozy. Take naps when you need to. And really find that stillness. I guess is what this new moon is asking for. Such a feminine energy. Such a peace that can run through. In Pisces. That lets us see our world in a new way. And lets us see our bodies and our spirit. And just allow for what is truly. In the week. In the two weeks between the Virgo full moon and this new moon. I'm really just trying to be in the space of allowing what is. And whether that is despair. Or anger. Or joy. Or laughter. Or even moments of productivity or things more physical. Allowing for whatever the moment needs and allowing yourself to show up with the wisdom and the strength that you have. Undoubtedly. And just being allowed allowed to surrender to the moment. To give everything that you have to the moment. Allow these tiny moments of interaction to be your steps toward ascension. Always learning. One really cool thing that I've learned in the last two weeks. And I might get a little technical here but I don't. I don't know if anybody has heard of Robert Edward Grant the polymath. And I loved this discovery and I've just been working with it in the last couple weeks. And really, unconsciously in the last six months even. If not always. In his study of mathematics and in the Vitruvian Man of Da Vinci's. With all the sacred geometry that's in there. And really that's what I've been working with more recently. More recently. He solved a code of Da Vinci's. That I don't know if it had ever been solved before. Or in our current time. Or how aware anybody else was of this before he did. But I know he has many patents in mathematics. And his discovery was the true tuning of music in the universe. Through the Vitruvian Man. Finding that the lines in the body where once they were thought to be whole numbers. One through eight. Which goes through chakras. Which goes through dimensions. And in music. And in all dimensions of life really. We're actually off by 1.26. And I mean most of us know that like musical frequencies that are played in the mainstream are altered. And are distorted. And then there are pure frequencies. 432 or anything that really adds up to nine. I found. Is a pure frequency. And based off a whole number. And his discovery was that the musical notes were actually off by 1.26. And so when he applied this and extrapolated it out through all of the calculations. All of the frequencies suddenly raised just a little bit. When you hear it side by side. But with even like a 432 hertz piece of piano. Piano music. And you hear it then in the precise temperament tuning. When you hear it in this. It activates the full geometry of your body because it is so precise. The harmonics get activated when it's played or when you're playing it. If you play an instrument and it's tuned to this temperament. And I've been listening to it this week in my meditations. Just doing silent meditations. And it was downloaded to him as the musical wave of time. And it goes from the root chakra. And it has all the colors and everything corresponding. It goes from the root chakra to the crown. And it just sounds like moving through time and space. And if you think of the dimensions, if you think of like first dimensions where it's just for example like the core of the earth and you just kind of hear the magnetics and you can just hear the core. And you move into the second dimension where you have the elemental. And you can hear the water running through the sacral chakra and stuff like this. And you get to the solar and the heart and you keep going up. But the way that I've been seeing it is really just activating my torus field and not only activating it because it is active but keeping it in harmony. And precisely tuning. Which is so so so so so so immediately grounding. It's so peaceful and so interesting. And I think it just brought in so many such a deeper connection and such an easy connection. And there's different ways you can listen to it. There's a person who has taken this mass and put it into musical software and created the tones with it that created these. And there's different tracks that are like six minutes for like a little energy check and meditation. There's 30 minutes there's an hour and then there's individual chakras if you want to work with the sounds that way. And you can just look up precise temperament tuning and you'll find his mathematics of it and then you'll also find a friend of his who turned it into music if it's something that you're interested in. But it's just such an interesting concept as you're listening to it it's called a wave in time. I love that for Pisces season. And like and where we were on the 8th so I think we're still maybe in the second deacon coming to the end of the second deacon of Pisces. And then we move forward with Aries season and the spring equinox equinox solstice spring equinox. I'm pretty sure. No it's got to be a solstice because it's not equal. Yeah, solstice. And I've decided that that I will be planting all my seeds in my garden on that day. And I'm not a gardener so I just really want to see how this works. And I'm just kind of trusting that the cycles and I'm kind of just super grounded when I'm out there and doing it. And it's a really good connection for me to have. I love also between the Pisces between the Virgo and the Pisces the energy of the hermit and the high priestess. Going back and forth between those has been so healing and so eye-opening and so heart-opening also. And it's so nice to be able to go into environment without expectation of how people should be acting and with having hermit and high priestess having such a sure knowledge of myself. I think knowledge is the word I would use. And allowing that to be like almost be unaffected I don't know if it is unaffected by the environment but it allows for that flow of allows for that flow in them. And for whatever the moment calls for again accepting what is and being what is and allowing what is has been a really fun practice. I think as we move more into heart energy and heart consciousness I think as we start to move past and heal the heart I think it's such a good practice to just kind of have like an inner smile in there and maybe that's a meditation I'll record as well. There's so many possibilities at this time and there's no rush. That's what I love right now also. Time is so fluid here and it seems, I'm not sure if it's just my environment but it seems that I'm being gifted the space to do everything that I need to do. And I hope that you are too taking that for yourself. There can be between Pisces and Virgo which I have Pisces, Sun and Virgo rising So I know this axis very well and they are opposite signs of course and with Virgo and now it's interesting because it's reversed to me that it's going from Virgo to Pisces and I have it from Pisces to Virgo Oh actually no No, in my chart I see now. Okay. In my chart I have the same Virgo rising than Pisces which actually ends up being just over my 6th house almost at the horizon line So there is this kind of communication between the two that is Virgo very details oriented and Pisces very etheric so there's a difficulty communicating between the two Mercury also falls in Pisces because there's not very much clarity I think, I don't know if I would use clarity as the word but the Mercury falls because it has so much access here but not the language to use it so there's a lot here that goes unspoken and if you know anybody with that energy they're very quiet today it was a very quiet day and just very internal and very introspective and I think I will just continue it's just like an honoring I don't know how much needs to be said so I won't keep this long but I hope you get to enjoy this energy as we prepare for the new moon maybe I can look up the astrology I'm out for a little bit tomorrow and come back with a full update or a meditation and actually I think I want to pull a card, give me one second okay so I've just gone and shuffled some of my decks and I'm just going to tune in and do a little check in and see maybe if we can see what it is we're going to be moving through and first I'm going to use Kelly Kalodny's Archangel's Moon I'm going to use Archangel Gabriel's deck I don't know if anybody has this it's a relatively new deck but it's healing codes are really really profound I haven't seen many decks like it and so I love this we get Heart Flame Great Passion I don't know if there is a more heart centered sign than Pisces and so I really want to dig into that expansion that we'll be moving forward for and really just move toward what moves you and I'm going to do a couple tarot cards from the Light Seers deck and I have the Nine of Pentacles I like this the Six of Cups and the Seven of Swords I feel like you're moving forward with something that feels really important to you you might be a little worried about it but I think it seems like it's going to be working out I think maybe something that you've been worried about for a long time something that really matters to you by showing you how you can be more of yourself in that situation I'm just going to check the bottom of the deck I have the Four of Cups in reverse which I think is great where it's like not being worried over spilled milk not worrying about the past also having an emotional foundation here whether it's with yourself or with the Six of Cups and I think it's a good foundation to move through with the Nine of Pentacles to build upon as well it's a heart centered that's good a heart centered feeling that I get with everything that we're moving through and for my Elemental or Rosac we have Adventure this card is an Astronaut with a bunch of geometry on it it's a number two card in the direction of the south if that hits anything for anybody I really think we are moving forward and getting ready I think that also once we get into the depth of our heart however unknown it is to you or however known it is to you the expanse of it is going to be you would say monumental and it's going to be so much fun for you this is what you're going to love doing this is what you're going to enjoy this is where you're going to want to spend all your time and from the Sacred Creators deck it says choose who you are becoming number seven and you're good it's got a couple different directions that you can go on it choices that you make in every second about how you want to react how you want to respond how you want to take care of yourself how you want to nourish yourself how you want to show up and how you want to be in the world and I don't know the name of this deck but it's a heart energy or love energy deck and the card is discernment you are developing the skill to distinguish love from fear truth from illusion that is so perfect for Pisces when we feel like we can get so much in the fantastical we can often be led into illusion and fear being so far away from reality and as the saints move into love and into truth and seeing it all around you as well and my last card from the Spirit of Mot from Egypt and these are the Hermetic Principles not the principles because there are so many they are um the laws of which are asked of you as you enter the afterlife if you lived life in this way it's called I think it's called living with a feather heart when you are entered into the afterlife in Egypt it was how light did you live how able were you to give everything up and have your heart be as light as a feather so let's see the final message Pisces and it says I achieve with integrity and so everything that we are building as we work from the heart space and as we choose who we are becoming the foundation that we've laid has all been aligned and here it has aligned with the sun and really just perceiving what it is that you are meant to that's what I really hope and intention for this new moon will be this feels good and if it has the polarity that we can often experience with two fish just being the knowing and being in the acceptance of what is and the allowing of what is and I hope that you are able to connect with yourself at the end of this astrological new year or at the end of this astrological year the veils are really thin and the time for ritual and ceremonies will be heard among spirit guides your ancestors your angels and archangels your own heart, your higher self and source as well I love connecting with you all I hope to see you in the next couple days be well everybody thank you

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