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Ep. 03: Dance Monkey Dance

Ep. 03: Dance Monkey Dance

Nate Salgado



Ramblings of a crazy baby fat man. Thanks for coming back!

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You're thicker than a snicker, you get real sad when you see your own picture, your belly's getting bigger, but Nate's podcast's about to make you a winner, the show's called Baby Fat, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Fucking hot, hot Peppers, what did I tell you? How good is Pepper? Shout out to the boy. Listen to History Buffs, Pepper's podcast, you know? Before Baby Fat, after Baby Fat, pause Baby Fat right now, go listen to History Buffs, go listen to the Rushmore podcast, that's the first podcast that Pepper did, he did with his buddy Thomas, and they had a series of topics, and then they would give their, not a series of topics, they would pick a topic each podcast, like let's say UFC, and they would be, they would go, what's your route, wow, I'm really blowing this already, get it together Nate, no, it'd be like, what's your, still get, Mount Rushmore, what's your Mount Rushmore of a certain topic, why was that so hard? Some things are hard for me, folks. Welcome back to Baby Fat, thanks for coming back, I'm obsessed with this right now, every 17 seconds I think I think about this podcast, and what I should do, you know, some topic or this, that, and the other, it's just, I'm obsessed, and yeah, thanks for coming back, thanks for listening to Baby Fat, I'm your host, Nate Salgado. What's up? It's a beautiful, beautiful Friday, coming at you live to tape from an undisclosed garage, Go Rage, my Go Rage, I just got a TV from my garage, slash, slash, slash office, slash storage area, slash gym, my favorite part of the garage, I have a power rack, and it's like, it's power rack, slash, slash, I can't say slash, I can't describe Mount Rushmore, again, shout out Peppers, how, how fire, how fire is that intro, surreal, it's so surreal, I gotta just keep going, cause I'll just goon out on podcasts and shit, so my power rack, I bought it from this guy, off Facebook, shout out Facebook Marketplace, send in your best find, yeah, your best finds, but more so your best purchases, that you've purchased, that you've completed the commerce of, whatever the fuck I'm trying to say, I'm off today folks, send in your best Facebook Marketplace purchases, for me it's my power rack, for $200, I got this custom power rack, from the armory, in Marshall, Missouri, I think that's where the armory was, or this guy that was in the National Guard at the time, they had upgraded their equipment, and he took one of these home, and it was too tall for his garage, so he just put it up for sale on Facebook Marketplace, and your boy scooped it, for $200, so fucking sick, I can do anything on it, bench, squat, high deadlift in there, it's kept me sane, and yeah, I look at it from my office, from my now, oh, from my podcast studio, my palm cast, but what got me started on this, is I looked up, I got a goddamn TV in the garage, it's been a revolution, I'll tell you why, I had an espresso, of course, my crutch, my crutchty crutch, and it's really jamming up my throat right now, pause, anyway, I got a new TV, and my gosh, has it helped with the cardio, I didn't even look for the entirety, I walk at a brisk pace, with the incline all the way up on 10, for 3.25 miles, so 13 laps, and it really gets the job done for me, I get a really good sweat, I can just tell in my cardio from the daily movement, how much better I feel, and my breath is there, and it's honestly, for you fellow baby fat asses out there, it's the laziest way to lose weight, and if there's anything that the hispanic express, nate the great, nater, nato, naterade, oh, blanking, already, damnit, don't want to open my phone, but if there's anything the brown noise can tell you, it's the lazy way to do something, it's kind of my thing, yeah, where was I, oh my gosh, happens all the time, something about the TV, I got a TV, oh yeah, it helps the cardio, I was probably just describing my workout, anybody that will listen, I'll tell them, okay, that's what I'm saying, the laziest way, I'll tell them my program, the program, so anyway, that's how I walk for 71 minutes, Jesus, in that 71 minutes, I complete 3.25 miles, the thing tells me I burn around 715 calories, feel good about that, love it, and I just got a TV right in front of my eyes, in front of my noggin, it's perfect, just walking towards it, I've noticed that my gait is more up on the incline of the treadmill, to where I'm almost walking off of it forward, instead of just a couple weeks ago, a few weeks ago now, when I started the program back up, I was just, I mean, clipping the front, the ball of my foot was just dancing, dancing on the back of the treadmill, just about to slide off, about to lose it, and I almost busted my shit a couple times on it, but haven't yet, knock on wood, anyway, I've been watching TV while I do my cardio, and it just, it's a time eraser, it's a hack, it's the ultimate hack for me, I usually listen to a podcast, but then my boy, who should have already got a shot on in a year, baby fat wouldn't even be here yet, if it could have possibly came in the future, I really, like I said, 12 years in the making, really fucking dragged my, really drug my dick on this one, thanks to John, I was gonna, about to blast him out, thanks to JD, about to dox him, thanks to JD, I started this podcast, he sent me a clip, probably a month ago now, he was, you know, fucking around on his computer, and I think he must have some kind of microphone, or maybe he recorded it straight from the computer, him and his son started like a little cast, them together, and it was like, dude, first off, neighbors didn't, doesn't even like podcasts, I've been trying to get him into certain podcasts for years, and he just be like, I don't get how you can listen to people talk, and he started a podcast before me, literally, literally, everybody has one, so I had to, we had to get the baby fat out there, gotta get it out there, so we can trim it, anyway, JD started a podcast, and without that push, not only would I, this baby fat not be in existence yet, I wouldn't have got back on the program, beyond, he's, he's, it's crazy, cuz, man, how am I gonna, how am I gonna talk about you, JD, without saying your last name in reference at some point, you're just gonna get completely doxed, I mean, who's gonna listen to this, me on my deathbed, and my posterity, some friends and family, we've talked about this, so anyway, neighbors has always been, he was always small, he was a wrestler, and they starved themselves as it is, excuse me, and he was just, I think he wrestled like, you know, 105, or whatever the, like the smallest fucking weight class was for many years, and then even through high school, he was like on the smaller end of everything, like trying to, I don't think he was trying to stay small, I think he always was trying to get big, and I think probably some of it had to do with, you know, his, raised by a single dad, they probably had the same three meals, you know, on rotation, I don't think, you know, his dad was a gourmet chef by any stretch of the imagination, and maybe that led to not enough good nutrition to build this guy up, cuz as soon as he got on his own, and started fucking eating whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, instead of the freshman, yeah, he got the freshman 15 pounds in muscle, and also like 15 inches, he's huge, he's fucking bigger, stronger, faster, he's probably faster than me too now, but he might have always been faster than me, I don't know, we're probably always on the similar level there, I know he references how slow he is, or was, because he never worked his legs, but he's jacked, and he's been tight on his program, and I wouldn't have got back into working out if he wasn't, not constantly, but just enough, like checking in on me, letting me know what he's doing, what he's been up to in the gym, you know, just always asking for advice, giving, you know, advice that he'd seen here, that he's learned, or picked up, or anecdotal things, and it's like, thanks dude, I really appreciate that, something, and I've been telling you for a few months now, maybe in a couple months, yeah man, I got to get back to it, I got to get back on the horse, I got to get back on my program, whether you believe me or not, that was up to me to prove, you know, and without your, you know, without you being there dude, I wouldn't have this pomcast, and I wouldn't have got back on the program as soon, baby fat wouldn't be here as soon as it is, thanks dude, shout out JD, what is up, dude, I can't get over the intro, I cannot wait to hear the outro, Billy Ty hasn't sent me anything yet, and I'm not gonna bug him, he's got a family, he's got a full-time job, he's got this and that, it's gonna rip, can't fucking wait for it to get here, but this is a big, king of the segue right there, this is a big UFC weekend, did we talk about UFC a minute ago, I don't know, anyway, maybe it's just on my mind, UFC 300, it's crazy, 300, I watched one with my stepdad, my brother Patrick and Jevin's dad, in 1998, 1999, like pretty early on in the organization's inception, I was on the shit, I was young, I was a young fan, watching the David and Goliath VHS tape with Hoist Gracie and some huge fucking dude, and he just chokes him out and puts Jiu-Jitsu on the map, insane, you know, just like Mark the Hammer Coleman, it was like Frank, Tank Abbott, Frank Abbott, that's that one fucking, that fuck show with that fucking pervert, I think or something, but Tank Abbott, dude, just a dude off a barstool, that knocked motherfuckers out, it was, the rules were literally no holds barred, whatever that means, no holds barred, oh, that's what it was, I'm in real time realizing what it was, so you could do any holds you could do, no holds were barred, if this, oh my God, I had to speak that out loud into a microphone, and you guys had to figure, that happens to me constantly, I'll just, you know, learn something that I've been doing incorrectly for almost 35 years, and you guys were a part of that one, so congratulations, but anyway, and it was like no low blows, no eye gouges, like three rules, so great, and I really appreciate Pat, my brother's, my stepdad at the time, my brother's dad for introducing me to UFC, and being a sports guy in general, he watched football on Sundays, he got me into the habit of that, I've been watching football since that time as well, and those are my two biggest sports, UFC and NFL, I would say, used to be NBA, you know, can't, I'm about to blame it on Kobe, around the same time Kobe died, I stopped watching the NBA as intensely, I don't know what the coincidence is there, but let's not blame the guy, Jesus Nate, anyway, I had to take a little hit of that espresso, but yeah, I, UFC 300, it's crazy, how far it's come, how much it's changed, I really tried, I'm a book publisher, and I, you know, reach out to potential prospects that, usually we've, I'm a coffee table style book publisher, the fine books division within my company, and we reach out to people that have anniversaries, and UFC just had 25 while I was with the company, and then recently 30, and I tried, I tried to shout out Uncle Dana on Twitter even, to get a damn book published, could never get a response from anybody, anybody at the PR team, or just any email that I could ever find, because that would have just been such a, such a cool project, and with coffee table style books, as many of you know, it's picture heavy with captions and sidebars, as I say in my spiel, but anyway, think about it, the UFC coffee table style book, the footage and film and pictures that they have, it would just be a sick book, I almost published with Bellator, I got to the VP of communications, can't remember his name, I used to, used to be a lot pre, pre COVID, I had to operate a lot differently in my job, and I just was a lot better remembering names, and specifics on projects, now I guess I'm just overwhelmed, anyway, like you guys give a fuck, but anyway, I almost published Bellator's tenure, here I am talking about an almost sale, how fucking cool, this is peak podcasting in 2024, this is what people want, this is what you came for, that is the most baby fat shit ever, that is the fattest of baby fat that nobody needs to carry around, what the fuck, yeah, I almost published a book with Bellator, how fucking cool, we're not even, it's not even a fucking fighting organization anymore, god damn it Nate, anyway, my computer went to sleep on me, so bear with me, I'm gonna type and talk at the same time, and try to open it up, and it's so awesome that my work computer now requires us to have a password that is over 20 characters, so it's very hard to get my password, and it worked the first try, so this card is so, I thought 299 was better, but as I was, just briefly, before I hit record, going over this fight card, starting at the early prelims, it's insane, insane, it's stacked from T to B, T to motherfucking B, so your early pregame, what I'm gonna do, I'm just gonna run through the card, the full card, and tell you who I bet on, just like what my gut is telling me, cause we don't have enough time to really get into the minutia of things, and a lot of you don't give a fuck, but it's UFC 300, so we're gonna go over it, and I can't wait for tomorrow, my little bro Patrick's gonna come, I got him the Freedom Funnel, if you watch Protect Our Park, shoutout JRE, I got him the Freedom Funnel, which helps you drink beer at a very rapid pace, and we're gonna watch UFC 300 together, we, me and my brothers try to catch a lot of cards together, we watch 299 together, um, Alex were you there? Let me know if you were there, I have a bad memory, I was drinking, I know Patrick and Jeven are there, no, you didn't drive down for that, anyway, it was a fucking good time either way, yeah, I don't think you were there, it was a good time until Cheeto lost, but anyways, Patrick's coming over tomorrow, can't wait, made some chili today, gonna have some motherfucking chili dogs tomorrow, it's just gonna be a gay old time, and so, pause, really weird to use that, I just thought it'd be cute, but I'm talking about my bro, sorry dude, alright, bets, Jim Miller vs. Bobby Green, now damn it, Jim Miller's kinda made like a renaissance, and the dude's been fighting forever, this is the Jim Miller claim to fame, he fought on 100, fought on 200, he's getting ready to fight on 300, they asked him this week, what are you gonna do on 400 if you're not still fighting, which, it'd be so fucking nuts if he was still fighting, if they allow, anyway, he's gonna have to be a ring guard girl, which, I hope they let him do something, you know, commentate a ringside, just bring him in, bring in the legend, Jim Miller, Jim Miller, but he's fighting main Bobby Green, my gut tells me Bobby Green, I think Bobby lost his last fight, again, I don't know enough to even be talking about this, I'm a casual, call me a goddamn casual, I'm not, I just gotta tell you how long I've been watching it, but, I'm not autistic enough to remember Bobby Green's last fight, his last opponent, whether he won or lost, I just feel like he lost last time, and he was on a heater, and he got derailed a little bit, and he's trying to get back on track, and Jim Miller's a good stepping stone for that, I bet Bobby Green, the next fight, Jessica, Jessica, my mom's name, I can't even say my goddamn mom's name, Jessica Andrade, Andrade, I think is how they say it, versus Marina Rodriguez, which, I don't know Marina Rodriguez, but I did see Jessica, on many occasions, bash, bash, I think Rose, yeah, Stroud, is that Rose's division, is she the one that picked up Rose and slammed her on her goddamn head, pretty sure, but this girl, Marina Rodriguez, I don't remember her, if she's Mexican, I'm for sure, I'm gonna go with her, my gut's saying go with her anyway, because of her record, which is 17-3-2, pretty dang good, especially in MMA, let's go Marina, Jessica, are you, are you going, you got a foot out the door, let's see, I don't know, Jalen Turner, Jalen the Turner, Burner Turner, versus Hanato Moekano, Hanato Moekano, that's how you say it, oh, this one's tough, Jalen Turner, my gut says Jalen Turner, Moekano's no, no easy fight, and has a better record, but man, Jalen's been, he's just been getting better every fight, and I think I bet against him a couple times, and really paid for it, busted up my card, my parlay, because I didn't believe in Jalen when I should've, and I'm not gonna do that this time, let's go Jalen, that's the early prelims, that's the fuckin' early free fights on ESPN+, that's crazy, that's crazy, thank you Uncle Dana, oil em up, alright, prelim, the preliminary card, have you guys seen Kayla Harrison, dude, dude, has the same arms as Kamaru, I was looking at it side by side, same arms and traps, you're telling me there's no, no picograms, I don't, I need to know what you're doing for arms and traps, Kayla, they look fuckin' phenomenal, now you look like 60 in your face, but so does Holly Holm, who you're fighting, who's actually 42, which is just fuckin' really old, so, it's Kayla Harrison's debut, some of you might know Kayla Harrison from the Impractical Jokers, one of the Jokers punishments was to be at like some kind of wedding, and Kayla was there, she's an Olympic Judo practitioner, and I think probably gold medalist, and she, I think it was Murr, just Judo flipped Murr all the fuck over, this, you know, looked like East Coast, Woff's backyard into the pool at one point, and just, yeah, she's a menace, I've only seen highlights, I've never really watched her fight, I've never watched a fight of hers, but my gut's saying Kayla just because she's so scary looking, but Holly is, you know, such a good kickboxer, does she stay on the outside, is Holly like the UFC vet that's just wily and this is just a different game over here, and she's been there, done that, I can totally see that, I might bet on home if the number was right, because Kayla's gotta be the favorite just because she's so scary looking, she's 16 and 1 though, damn, she just gets her hands on her and just fuckin' flips her ass, that one's tough for me, I'd put in two bets most likely, I definitely have an underdog bet with Holly if she was the underdog and the number was nice, my gut's saying Kayla, I'm scared of her too, fuck, next fight, Aljo vs. Calvin Gator, love seeing my boy Aljo get back in there, gotta be tough after that Sean O'Malley vicious knockout, he's gotta be out for blood, everything's telling me Aljo's just gonna take Gator down, no fuckin' around, dominate, maybe even try, Gator's a great boxer, especially compared to Aljo's hands, one would think, but he's gonna be pissed, I got Aljo all day, all day. Now, again, the number was great, maybe on a side bet, take Gator on that under, sure, but my gut says Aljo. Alexander Rackick vs. Yuri Prohaska, Yuri, I'm coming, he's coming, pause, Yuri Prohaska, Rackick is no joke either, but is Yuri all smoke, is he not a samurai like he says, I don't know, I want it to be true, I want him to win, maybe more than what's realistic, my betting brain keeps looking over at Alexander's name, but damn, come on, Yuri, we're going for Yuri here, baby fat, those are the free fights on ESPN+, that's nuts, Yuri, he's the main on the premium, so disrespectful, but this is why. Max Holloway vs. Justin Gaethje, first fight on the main card, Max Holloway vs. Justin Gaethje, both fan favorites, who do you pick? I saw Max fight live vs. Arnold Allen, and I was on a huge Arnold Allen, like, just British fighters in general, really backing him, and I thought Arnold, I mean, thought he had it, thought he had it, and Max outclassed him, he showed that no, you're not ready, you're not ready for this, and Gaethje, well, Max, first off, Max is going up in weight, and Gaethje's the most violent, the most violent in there, just knocked out Dustin Poirier, and Max is talking about, yeah, I'm going for Max, I mean, the money, the smart money's on Gaethje, it's his weight class for one, and he knocks people two fucking weeks back in that weight class, Max is going up, just everything's stacked against Max, but I told myself, I'm never going against Maxie Baby again, he proved it to me in person, I hope Max wins, let's go, let's go Maxie Baby, but I mean, there's no loser there, what a phenomenal fight, I mean, who doesn't like Justin Gaethje, he's a fucking dog, he puts every bit of him in there, on the line, he doesn't leave anything, he leaves everything in the ring is what I'm trying to say, he's just the people's champ, so I think that's a BMF, I think they're fighting for a BMF title, bad motherfucker title, that's just how perfect, can't wait to see that one, it's probably the fight I want to see most, then the co-main event is the women's crawl weight champion, Weili Zhang, and forgive me, I'm not familiar on how to pronounce this woman's name, I've seen her clips, especially going into this fight, these two, they'll play Weili, and then they'll play, is it Yan Xiening, forgive me, but she's got a great record, so is Weili Zhang, my gut tells me it's the era of Weili still, but obviously, China is starting to produce, or forgive me Yan if you're not from China, but just judging on your picture, sorry, not racist, let's just call it, Asia is starting to produce some high level women competition future champions, it's coming, the men have not had so much luck, I mean of course the Korean zombie, who else is there, I'm already, you know, that's the only one I know, I know there's been a few others, and it was always hilarious, you would have a dude in there that, you know, practiced karate, or something like that, and he would have like, he would be holding his hands really weird, and he would just get molly whopped, a wrestler would just fucking pick him up and slam on him, there's been, you know, dudes from Asia come into the UFC and try that shit, love it, now we get the best version of that on the internet with dudes going to dojos, you know, just a wrestler, an MMA practitioner, doesn't even have to be that high level, they'll go in and show a fucking master shifu how much bullshit all that is, you know, ain't nothing a double leg can't fix, what's up guys, what's up, last fight, the main event, Poetan, Alex Bahetta vs. Jamal Hill, Jamal's been out a while with an injury, he was the champ, then he got injured, relinquished the belt, Alex fought yuri for the title, got the belt, now here we are, it's Jamal's time, I'm loving Jamal's presence this week, in, you know, fight week, at the weigh-ins, at the press conference, he's not taking any, I mean, Poetan is a, he's a stone, stone cold stabby, stabbage, stone cold savage, I would, that would be one of the scariest men you could be locked in a room with, they showed a, I watched a video, he hit the thing at the UFC fitness center, whatever the fuck it's called, performance center, I can't remember now, that Francis Ngannou hit, Francis got like a 1300, Alex Bahetta got like a 1900 on it, Francis is a heavyweight, Alex was a light heavyweight, like what, and Francis is a monster, a monster human, he's a monster, so that one's gonna be a barn burner, let's face it folks, it's gonna be a goddamn barn burner, what's gonna happen, I don't know, what's Jamal gonna do, cause Jamal's got those sneaky heavy hands too, but man, Alex is fucking, my gut says Bahetta, but I want Jamal to win, because what I've seen this week, so take that for what it is, guys, that's all, I'll bore you with UFC, if you're not big into UFC, I'm sorry, it's part of my baby, it's part of me, it's part of who I am, and it's what I'm gonna talk about, especially when we have a fucking huge card like UFC 300, now don't, don't, don't buy it, hit your boy up, babyfatpod, gmail.com, and I'll send you a link on stream, and we won't tell Uncle Dina, that's all, just hit your boy up, what's your Starbucks order, what do you get from Starbucks, I'm like an Americano, but with a couple extra shots, especially if it's early, that's what I'm gonna get, just black coffee, couple extra shots, anything else, I'm gonna just consider a shake, you know, so much, so much sugar and stuff, they're delicious, don't get me wrong, my daughter always orders something that I truly, truly, my babyfatass wants, but I usually have discipline, I'll get an Americano, couple of espressos, that's me, what do you guys get, I'll get a, don't get me wrong, I'll fuck with the pink drink, especially something like traveling, are you guys different when you travel, I'm fucking different, I'm a different goddamn person, I'm one of those persons that money doesn't exist in an airport, oh, $91 for four beers and fish and chips, thank you, but you're gonna get a big tip for that, I'm a different person than that, especially when it comes to coffee and it's an early flight, fucking give it to me all, give it all to me, I don't know, I just splurge when I'm traveling, I mean, most people travel on vacation, you do that on vacation, that's cool, I'm traveling for work, I'm trying to make money, not spend my money, do I have apologies this week, I thought of this one the most since that first episode, shout out grandma, graham cracker is what I call her, she's my graham cracker, shout out grandma, still sorry, I didn't have an apology last episode, and that's the thing, I'm gonna be bouncing back and forth in between topics, we're not gonna hit on them every week, it's gonna be really inconsistent guys, sometimes I'm just gonna be regurgitating stuff that I've heard throughout the week from other podcasts, sometimes I'm gonna have some original thought, sometimes it's just gonna be, oh, fucking me being a big fat fucking baby, baby fat, that's what we do, and I'm sorry for that, that's my apology, there it is, brought it all around, I'm sorry to you guys, sorry for that burp, you didn't hear it, that's why my voice got weird, sorry guys, this is low energy nate, even with the crutch, that's what my daughter says, she's like, you need to like, you know, pep it up a little bit, she didn't say pep it up, but that's not me, first off, this is for me, give me all the criticism, critiques, please let me know, I will definitely take it into consideration and try to improve, but ultimately, this is for me, and my posterity, which she is one of, and she was like, yeah, you need to be more upbeat, I'm like, that ain't me, love, that ain't my bag, I can barely put the mask on to do that in public, to be cordial and polite, and people aren't even fucking reciprocal to politeness nowadays, speaking of pet peeves and other topics we've hit before, if I'm polite, please just be polite back, you know, it's like, hold the door, a simple thank you, there's so many little gestures, why am I the one, it's always this goddamn Walmart, why am I the one, I feel like my car is in the way when I'm buying, I'm going, excuse me, you're not saying excuse me, bitch, you were in the fucking way, it wasn't me, I was just trying to be polite, it's called being polite, no reciprocation for it, it drives me nuts, so I'm sorry if I'm low energy, that's my apology for the week, or if this comes off monotone, if this comes off, whatever it is, this is baby fat, this is what it is, there's going to be people that love it, there's going to be people that hate it, that's another thing I think me and Lou have in common, that's what he always says, at first people hate him, and then they grow to love him, and now I think he's saying that they're starting to hate him again, which I fucking, that's me, that's so me, at first, I'm abrasive, I'm brash, I'm too much, but if I get my hook in a person, that's something they like about me, they'll end up loving me, they do, and then they'll end up hating me again, but eventually, I'm open, they'll come back around and love me, baby fat y'all, fantasy football, why didn't we sign J.K. Dobbins, why didn't the Chiefs sign J.K. Dobbins, give C.E.H. another contract, I guess, C.E.H. really showed up in the playoffs, playoffs? But damn it, look at that, Dobbins and Patty Mahomes, same team, it's been great, nothing's really happened on my fantasy team front, nothing's really happened in the football world that I need to update you guys on, tried to get Husker U to trade with me this past couple weeks, and that hasn't worked out for me, I can't wait though, we're close, four months, in two and a half months, everybody will be talking about fantasy, there'll be more to this segment, brought to you by fantasy football, yeah, I guess that's all I have to say about that, Movie TV recommendations, we're gonna have a movie night tonight, oh wait, did you guys just hear that big sniff, I did it again, but I think that was more just like a regular big inhale, which I've done quite a few times on this episode, I'm a little scatterbrained tonight, I could barely fit this in, my BBG, she really, she's sacrificing right now, so let me do this, she needs my help in there, got fucking four kids in there right now, one of my daughters is at a friend's house for her birthday sleepover, but there's four little ones in there, couple of them, one of them might be down for a nap, two of them might be occupied, but the baby, baby always needs something, but she was like, yeah, you can have an hour, could take an hour, and it got me thinking, I've had the luxury just to kind of, when the lightning strikes, the iron is hot or whatever, come in here, flip on my two turntables and microphone, and start recording, start laying this shit down, tonight it was like, alright, monkey, dance, you got an hour, hurry up, it's a little hard, podcasting is hard, you guys, is that what I'm saying, no, but I get it, I guess that's what it is, that's why I've got burnt out on shows, and you'll eventually unfollow somebody, or just fall out of love with a show, because it just is stale, and I think part of that, it gets overproduced, they get a lot going on, and they have to turn it on at an exact time of the week, each week, that's got to be hard, not enough drugs, or Adderall, or cocaine, or espresso, or Red Bull, or, not enough, you name it, in the world, to be able to, I mean, some people, I guess, can just turn it on any time, and that's, you know, that's you, dog, you're blessed, all going back to, yeah, I used to, used to really be able to be like that fake, chipper, you know, that's what it is, raised in a cult, sorry, mom, it is, Mormonism, the LDS, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, fucking crooks, got like a fucking hundred billion dollars of gold, or fucking hundreds of billions in the bank, it's been going untaxed, and they just get to reinvest, and there's huge real estate tycoons, and they got all sorts of shady god dang business going on, bunch of monkey business, I know it, yeah, and then, not to mention the really weird sex that break off from it, that, you know, marry underage women and have multiple wives, it's real fucked up shit, but I guess that's, that's why I get, what, what was it? What the hell made me bring up Mormonism? Why would I even share that? That's why I am the way I am on something. Huh. Lost in the ether. This one doesn't feel like it's going back, folks. This one's not, it's gone. It's gone. But yeah, I was raised in the church. I, um, I'm noticing that too. When things get really personal, I have to like stop and pause and try to, when my brain is telling me right now to decorate what I'm going to say, that's when I go to the ums and, you know, yeah. It's put a sour taste in my mouth. I don't like organized religion because of it. I've said for many years that I don't believe in God, but really, I adopted what used to be, used to be Joe Rogan's philosophy, and it could still be. He seems to be really coming around to Christianity these days. But the, I don't know. The just, I don't know. I believe that I don't know. And I believe that anybody that tells you they know is probably full of fucking shit. And that's just from my personal experience, you know, having to go to church every Sunday for three hours, be miserable, not be able to go out on Saturday nights. It's real kind of selfish reasons because a part of me not only misses the camaraderie that, you know, organized religion kind of provided, but part of me, I'll go back to my TV wreck here in a minute, because if I did have that, you know, calm spiritual side to me still, I was a different person back then because I did have that. It was like a haven, you know, not heaven, but it was, you know, I'm not exactly sure what it is. I guess I haven't thought it out all the way, but I do know that I miss the calmness from it. And I wish that I had some kind of, I don't know if spiritual aspect in my life is the right words, but maybe, you know, I still have morals and ethics that I go by, but I don't know if I pick those up just from everyday life or from that religion or gleaned it from the religion or Christianity, whatever. But I don't know. I do feel like I'm missing something in that aspect, but at the same time, I still firmly am like, I don't fucking know. And the biggest one is, you know, okay, there's God. Well, who created God? And who created that God? And who created Him? It's just an infinite loop of... And then I remember being told that we aren't capable of understanding everything. Our little pea human brains can't wrap our minds around all the glories of God. Maybe that's true. Who knows? I don't. I don't know. That's what I do know. Yeah, I don't think that's coming back. Why did I bring that up? Anyway, I did remember my TV recommendation, because I did sputter movie and TV recommendation. Was it movie? Were we talking about the movie? What movie was I going to... I'm all over the place folks, but TV. Shout out JD again. Jonathan. Shogun. Shogun on Hulu is so good. It's the best show that I've seen in years. And now I'm starting to speak loudly. I'm sorry if you're having to hit the volume down. I'm just now learning mic etiquette. I really need to eat this mic more. Get in y'all's ears. Sorry. Sorry. I've been backing away and I can just see the lines on the equalizer. You can probably really hear me. It already is hard. That's the technical thing that I'm trying to suss out. Not suss, that's not the right word, but... It's hard to get this recording loud when I transfer it over or whatever. And if I'm not eating this goddamn mic, you guys are probably having to fight that volume button. As a podcast nerd, I know how fucking annoying that is. And you're just going to want to turn off baby fat. And I don't blame you. Turn it off. Turn it off. We've still got some things to talk about, but I don't blame you. Current events. Current events. You have to have a drop. Will they give it up? But not on the spot. OJ died. Damn. Rest in piss, asshole. You fucking murderous bastard. It's tough. I get wanting to be on the side of... It's so complex. The racial aspect of it. They made up for Rodney King or whatever. But then you could get into that. He was... I don't know. Rest in piss, asshole. I'm not smart enough to really delve into the complex shit of that. That's not why you come to baby fat. OJ died. Kind of crazy. I think he said he had cancer and people didn't believe him. Again, I was backing away from the mic. My bad. Is that all that happened? I don't think so. I saw on Facebook, somebody said, like, beached whale. Earthquake. There was an earthquake. Yeah, NYC earthquake. I don't think they get earthquakes up there. They wouldn't have built skyscrapers. That had to be pretty fucking scary. That's all the current events I got. I'm not going to type in my computer and go click on... What's newsworthy to you? Are you a Fox News person? I'm not. What's on your news for internet? Send to babyfatpod at gmail.com. Let me know. I got like four of them up. USA Today, Yahoo, BBC, and Al Jazeera. I used to be a USA Today guy, but man, they just really... That's like ultimate, ultimate propaganda. They're just... Spiraling. Dead air. Spiraling. It's the ultimate propaganda machine. They're really just telling us what they fucking want us to know. Not the goddamn truth anymore. And I feel like when I go to BBC and Al Jazeera, I get the outside world perspective, and there is no sugarcoating it for America's candy asses. And they're saying, you know, our complicit things, or things that we're complicit in that don't necessarily get reported in through the US outlets. Yeah. What's better than that? Remember when Vice was the shit? It kind of got all fucking weird. I thought that was going to be it. When I was... When I should have started this podcast. When I was listening to Joe Rogan on my iMac and... Yeah, Vice. I was watching Vice documentaries. I mean, that was... Was that the good old days? I don't know. No. No, better days are coming. But anyways, we should have started the Bomb, Bomb, Bombcast back then. Thanks for coming back to BabyFat. Thanks for sticking it out this long. I'm sorry I've been all over the place. I'm sorry I've been heavy sighing, heavy breathing, probably snorting into the microphone. Let me open up my phone. I had a bunch of new topics on there. That's what I've been doing. It's going to my phone notes and adding stuff. I saw this really fucked up DoorDash commercial. While I was on my treadmill, watching my new TV. Yeah. High class living. Like a doctor. This guy was like at a family dinner. And maybe he was the ne'er-do-well. Maybe he was the black sheep of the family. They were kind of... You know, he was dressed a little bit different. Everybody was a little bit more buttoned up than he was. And he stood up and he was getting ready to like apologize to the family, maybe even individually around the table. Like it looked like he was getting ready to make amends. And his... who maybe would have been his mom or aunt in this situation, cut him off when he was getting ready to be like, I'm... Are you... And they're like, they cut him off. They're like, are you sorry you didn't sign up for DashPass? Are you sorry you didn't sign up for DashPass? Are you sorry you didn't sign up for DashPass? Are you sorry you didn't... But like... And then they started to promote whatever thing that they were trying to shove down our throat throughout the commercial. And it's like... I guess trying to give him an out to not apologize or make amends to... for whatever he did. This guy's trying to reconcile. And they cut him off. Like it just fucking rubbed me the wrong way. I don't know what's the messaging from it. Like what the hell? So we're supposed to sign up for DashPass instead of make amends or... I don't know. If you see that commercial and it pisses you off, let me know. Let me know. Because it pissed me off. It's fucking weird. Here's something... Here's a segment that I wanted to introduce on BabyFat. I talk about Joe Rogan a lot. He's a big influence. My son's name is Rogan. I used to be a real Roganite. But I wanted to recommend different guests throughout the podcast. He's got thousands. Is it thousands or is it just in the one thousands still? I don't know. Not that regular to listen anymore. But I'm going to recommend guests that I've listened to throughout the years. He's had so many brilliant people on or just amazing characters. I've got to learn so many different walks of life and views of life and stories and theories. Things I would have never come across on my own had it not been for that podcast and podcasts in general. But Joe Rogan, being the podfather of it all, we're going to recommend some guests for you that don't listen or have never listened. Who are we going to start with? There's just so many. There's so many. Multiple of these guest recommendations probably have multiple appearances on the show. Who's coming to my mind first? I guess Graham Hancock. You might have seen him on Netflix with his show something about unsolving the mysteries of Earth. He has a different perspective on history, on what the history books show. Remember history? His story. Somebody gets to write those. Somebody gets to dictate what that is. And Graham challenges it. He challenges the mainstream narrative on a lot of Egyptology stuff. He just thinks that ultimately we're a lot older than what... Again, I'm not smart enough to really articulate it in a nice, digestible way. That's why you need to go listen to Graham's appearances on JRE. Because he really breaks it down in a very eloquent way. I've read or purchased his books. I've read some of it. Really interesting stuff. Yeah, he does take some liberties. But you kind of have to, to fill in the gaps that aren't just laid out there. Because all of that stuff is slowly being uncovered and they do have to parse things together. And so I can see how people poke major holes in his shit. But it's a really fresh perspective. And I think he's definitely right on some things. I do think that we're a lot older than what we're led to believe. And his evidence, his main argument, is the stinks in particular. He has not only witnessed the right word, but when he looked at it, what he gathered was there was weather erosion from rain. That would have had to have happened over thousands and thousands of years. Maybe he even used the word millennia. I don't know. Maybe it wasn't thousands. Maybe it was hundreds. I think it was thousands. But he's saying the stinks is a lot older than what they're claiming. And just really interesting stuff. Gripping stuff. Stuff that, if you're busy like me, and you're basically an indentured servant, and you've servant paper. Have you ever seen paper? Shout out Waterworld. It's my movie wreck. There it is. Even if I already spoke about movie wreck earlier and I can't remember. Go watch Waterworld. Just Kevin Costner. How great. But yeah. Watch Shogun. Watch Waterworld. I'm losing it so much tonight I can't even remember what the hell I was just talking about. We're going to do an Are You Garbage card. Did you guys have fun last time with Are You Garbage? Everybody's favorite new podcast. Actually, Baby Fats, everybody's favorite new podcast. And our numbers are through the roof. No, they're not. Not yet. But we're building it. Today. The Are You Garbage. We're going to find out if you are a trashy, no, classy trashy individual. If you're a classy individual or a big old piece of trash, trash, trash, trash. Seriously, listen to Are You Garbage. They got it down so good. H. Foley's intro of the guest is the best in the business. Kevin's chiming in. T-Bone. New guy Luke. Listen to Are You Garbage. It's just such a brilliant format. But we're jacking a little bit of that tonight. We're jacking it tonight. Are You Garbage? Have you ever owned a butterfly knife? A butterfly knife. I don't know if I could. I don't know if I would say I could. A lot of sign in the mic. I wouldn't be able to take the card now. But there was a time when my brother's dad, Pat, when he introduced me to the UFC, we took in his nephew, Kyle, shout out Kyle. He lived with us for like a year or so, maybe a year and some change. And he had a butter knife and he let me fuck around with it. He encouraged it. He was probably trying to get me to fucking, you know, cut my shit. So I dicked around with one before. Did he leave it behind? I had like a vague memory. Maybe it's an implanted memory now. That he left it there and it became mine. It became mine. I had one along the way. Yeah, I've had one. Maybe it was that one. I fucking had one. So yeah, I've owned a butterfly knife. Who am I kidding? I'm fucking trash. We know that. But are you? Are you garbage? What video games you guys play on? That new Ronin came out. I'm really waiting for my brother Patrick to buy it because we game share. Do you guys game share? This is the coolest shit ever. If you're a boomer like me and you don't know what that is, you have a younger sibling, nephew, have him inform you what game sharing is. All Patrick had to do was sign in on my PlayStation. And now I can go in and sign, if he buys a game, I can go in on my PlayStation. You can only do it with one other person though. That's the caveat. You can't just go sign in to a bunch of PlayStations. But you pick one person that you want to game share with. And if they buy a game, you get it on your console. If you buy a game, they can get it on their console. And the way is, when Patrick buys a game, I go and sign in to his name. I download that game to the library, sign in under Patrick's name. And then when I sign out, I can sign in to my name. And it's in the library on the console so I can download it to my name. My profile, my name. Got the game for free. Since he doesn't have any kids, works a decent job. He makes paint with cement in it. It's pretty cool. And now he's got an office. Really proud of him. He really figured it out way before me. Anyway, I game share with him. He's always got the latest and greatest. That's how I was playing Spider-Man 2. Buy Ronin. Come on, Patrick. Buy Ronin. I've been, since watching Shogun. That's why I want to play Ronin, obviously. But Ghost of Tsushima was so good. I really want to go back and buy it, but they haven't dropped the price on it. Because, of course, it's a fucking good game. They're still making money on it. Why would they drop the price on it? But, I think there was whispers of another one of those coming out. So, in the back of my mind, I'm like, let's wait for that. But, damn. I've been wanting to buy an N64 lately, too. I want to get Blitz. I want to get 007. Proximity Minds in the Complex. Oh, so much gaming I want to do. I don't have enough time to do it. But, the idea of it, and the idea of having all the old consoles I used to play, and all the games I used to play. You can hear it in my voice. I'm getting excited about it. Low Energy Nate. That should be one of the nicknames, right? Not the Mexican water moccasin. Anyway. But, anyway. Thanks for coming back, guys. Thanks for listening to BabyFat. Should we end on a story? What kind of story do you guys want to hear? I don't know. Nothing's coming to mind. Except for, no. You're not ready yet. You're not ready yet. And, it's okay. Because, you're ready for this one. Kind of the reason it's called BabyFat. And, this is not even a story. It's kind of just a description of a time in my life. I told people. I heard the sniff. I heard the sniff. I told people for way too long. That, this is just my BabyFat. And, that's because that's what my mom had told me. She was like, you know, that's your BabyFat, Nathan. And, I'd be like, Mom. I would probably be self-conscious or coming to her about my ever-changing body. Or, you know, just getting fat. And, she's like, oh honey, that's just your BabyFat. You'll lose that. And, I did lose some of it. I stretched out in middle school. Remember when I told you I had the man legs and I was fast for six weeks? That was true. It did help. But, I never had a six pack or anything like that. I've gotten close to where if I would have just really put in the work and the effort, I probably could have got some semblance of stomach muscles or some semblance of a core. But, yeah, I've always carried around this chub. And, you know, it wasn't my BabyFat, Mom. It was because you had to work two jobs and all I knew how to cook was ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese. And, that's okay. Because, you know, we're here. The glow up. From the flow up. But, that's kind of what inspired the name. I see those pictures of me back in the day when, you know, I started babysitting my little brother, Alex, for my mom when I was eight years old. Don't call the cops. Promise. And, I, you know, cooked for us and did what I could to keep us alive. And, she was only across the street at this given time. You know, but I was in charge a little bit. I was given responsibility young. And, that's made me a good cook. You know, I have friends that can't cook a goddamn thing. I can cook. You know, that's one thing that came out of it. But, I wasn't baby fat, guys. I was just fat. I was just fat. Fat as shit. But, thanks for coming back. This is baby fat. This one's been tough. Tough for you guys. It's been tough for me. Dance monkey dance, you know. That's the name of the game, though. And, I'm going to keep doing this. I'm obsessed. There we go. Let's put a nice little bow on it. Let's get the landing gear out. Let's land this bird, as the great Tim Butterly will say. Shout out, dad meat. Shout out, Tim Butterly. I'm a podcast nerd, guys. You guys are going to hear these things, and I urge you to go and listen to them. It's so much better than what I am right now. But, I can get there. I'm not going to ever be maybe as entertaining as what comedy podcasts are for me. Maybe you're not even into comedy podcasts. It's not where you're coming to baby fat. You're coming to the rambles of a schizophrenic man. I'm not schizophrenic, but I don't know the word for it. On the spectrum man. And, I appreciate you. And, come back.

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