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Neeron Shaba - Free will?

Neeron Shaba - Free will?

Neeron Mansour



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The milk is gone because you forgot to buy it. But why did you forget? You got distracted buying chocolate because you wanted to cheer yourself up. The weather influenced your mood, which was caused by temperature changes. The Earth's atmosphere was formed billions of years ago. The universe was created from the Big Bang. This raises the question of whether our lives are predetermined. Although everything is made up of atoms and follows certain rules, we still have free will. Without it, life would be meaningless. On a chilly winter morning, you wake feeling weary, prompting you to see comfort in a cup of coffee. Your usual preference is coffee with old milk, yet upon opening the fridge, you discover the milk has vanished. But why is the milk gone? Well, because you forgot to buy milk yesterday. And why did you forget to buy milk? Well, that's an interesting question. See, you were going to buy some on the way home yesterday, but then you remembered you had to get some bread as well, so you went to the bread aisle. However, the candy aisle was on the way to the bread aisle, so you went there first because you have a sweet tooth. And they had this new caramel chocolate, which was pretty cool, which you bought and then forgot to buy milk. So really, the milk is gone because of chocolate. But really, you only went to buy chocolate because it's kind of a cloudy day and you wanted to cheer yourself up a bit. And it's only really been a cloudy day because of temperature differential over the Scandinavian Peninsula, brought on by east-moving winds and pressure fluctuations. So really, the milk is gone because of the weather. But the weather is only really there because of the atmosphere which formed about four billion years ago as a result of gas escaping from the Earth's interior. So the milk is gone because of the Earth. But the Earth is only really there because a gas cloud condensed into the Sun and the solar system a few billion years ago. And all of that came from the Big Bang, billions of years before that. So really, the milk is gone because space and time materialized out of apparently nothing, fourteen billion years ago. And if that's true, did the universe know fourteen billion years ago that a machine exploded, formed into galaxies and stars and they gave rise to planets and the planets developed ecosystems, single-celled life, complex organisms, humans, human society, domestication of cows, the invention of coffee, milk and coffee fridges, and finally you, that you would eventually run out of milk, fourteen billion years later? Well, maybe. If you were playing pool and you hit the ball at a certain angle at a certain speed, you could say exactly where the balls are going to go, right? It's all predetermined. If you took exactly the same shot a thousand times, the balls would do the same thing a thousand times. Well, if the Big Bang happened a thousand times over just the way it did fourteen billion years ago, would you run out of milk a thousand times fourteen billion years later? And doesn't that mean your entire life is already determined? Like the date of your birth and death was already predicted the moment the universe came into being and everything has to happen in a certain order, just that way, just like a pool game? No, definitely not. We've got free will, right? I mean, just because the universe is made of atoms bumping into each other that have to act in a certain way based on what happened before and just because your brain is made of atoms that have to do the same thing and it's all part of the same system, you can still just decide to do stuff, right? Because otherwise, we're just balls in a cosmic game of pool with no free will at all, meaning we're just robots, caught in a deterministic system with just an illusion of choice, but really having no control whatsoever over our own lives, deluding ourselves into thinking we're somehow different to all the other atoms in the universe and that would mean you've never made a real choice and never will and whatever you decide to do next in life isn't a decision at all, but was always going to happen and there's no point to ever doing anything ever again because everything was pre-decided at the beginning of time and life is completely meaningless and empty and I guess black coffee isn't too bad.

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