Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The hosts of Talk Time with the Donnelly and Friends discuss the topic of transparency versus privacy. They debate when it is appropriate to be transparent with someone, especially when first meeting them. Some believe that transparency should be immediate, while others think it should happen gradually as the relationship develops. They also discuss the importance of transparency in matters such as STDs. The hosts agree that transparency is important, but also acknowledge that there are levels to it and that personal boundaries should be respected. Welcome to Talk Time with the Donnelly and Friends. Now, today we're going to dive deep in. This is our second episode. Now, due to multiple audio failures, this episode will strictly be audio recorded. However, you still will gain the same experience. Now, we're going to dive deep in with our topic for our episode two. This is called Transparency Versus Privacy. However, we always like to start our show off with introducing everyone. Now, you guys all know I'm Nelly Nella Don. Nelly Nella Don, Talk Show, TTD, Don with Nelly. We also have Dom, 1X pure, underscore 24. Black fan, Mr. Nobody, that's all that's there. Follow us on all socials. We're on everything, so if you type in Talk Time with the Donnelly, you will be able to find us. However, the date for today is May 26. We're going to dive deep in. Now, I'm going to start off by saying, in life we are placed into different situations where you have the opportunity to be transparent or private. In what situation do you choose to be honest or dishonest, or as society would say, private? Now, for me, I'm going to start off by saying a lot of people tend to confuse transparency and privacy with just the opportunity to be able to lie. But I'm going to ask my friends some questions. We're going to go over. We're going to dialect a little bit. Everybody's going to get to say how they feel about things. And then we'll live stream, and we'll get our fans' opinion as well. Now, when you start off talking to someone and you're dating, at what point do you begin to be transparent within a date? So question number one, I'm going to ask Dom in, a.k.a. Mr. Nobody. When first meeting someone, do you believe the starting point of beginning to be transparent is from the moment that you meet them, or is there a time frame for you? Well, when meeting someone, especially if you want to date, it's the first date, and that's called the honeymoon stage. So I feel like when we are in that honeymoon stage, it's all about fun. It's all about the vibe. And it's also about getting to know one another. But as far as just off the bat, nobody's going to be transparent. We just stuck in that honeymoon stage. Well, then, wait a minute, Dom. I'm going to let you chime in a bit. So when you first meet somebody, you've got a time limit on when you're transparent, or do you feel like too early, maybe too soon sometimes? I feel like there's different levels to transparency. I feel like the first level is my name, age, number, the basics. And then stage two, that's further along in a relationship. We have to build to that. You know what I'm saying? So when I say build to that, let's say the last episode, the first three months. I always feel like the first three months of dating or a relationship is the honeymoon phase. You don't really know what that person is like under pressure. You don't know what that person is like when they're angry or when they're really going through the different seasons in their life. You don't know how they react. So I don't know. I'm going to let Black speak how he feels on that. When you first meet someone, do you believe that there's a certain point when it's too early to be transparent? Well, when I first get into a situation or talk to somebody, I'm expecting transparency, you feel me? Let me know everything from the jump so I can know you got the job or not type shit, you feel me? I feel like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Basically, you come into the situation, being up front, it's up to me just to listen to see what is broad or what's real or not type shit. But I'm expecting you coming in the door. I want to, if the shoe's on the other foot, I want to let you know everything so you can feel comfortable type shit or, you know what I mean? Your mind made up, you feel me? So you're saying, within the first three dates, or the first three link ups, how is your paranoia, though? The first day, whatever it was. I feel like it's levels to it. I honestly don't, though. I really, like, so I'm going to disagree with you on this one, Don, because I feel like that kind of, like, takes it to, like, the poker face, in a sense. Like, if you out here wearing a poker face, nobody will never truly know who you are. And it could, like, make things dated, like, for, like, when you are taking those stages with, like, beginning to get to know somebody and going up into the relationship basis. Have I, like, been engaged in, like, certain, like, situations where people, yes. If I feel like a person is putting on too much of a poker face and trying to, like, portray their life, even if they're trying to overly glorify their life, or if, like, you know, their life isn't what I want it to be. I don't want to, like, be entertained with someone for three months, and then I find out, like, you know, who you, like, the person could be putting themself up as being this successful paid man, and then once you get to, like, that three months in, he's putting on that poker face, and then he's not. Can I add on one thing? People rely on their resume a lot, so you feel me? Transparency. Exactly, that's true. Yeah, but I feel like it's still levels to transparency, because I'm not going to tell you my full-life story on, like, the first date. It's a respect thing, a respect thing. So, the only reason why I say that, and, like, really, I believe, like, transparency in the beginning, because when you don't, it opens up the door for other levels of betrayal and lies, and, I mean, we'll get into that. And we'll remind you of that simple game everybody knows, like, having an ups on somebody type shit. Exactly. That's right. So, like, for me, if I find out, like, and, I mean, we'll get into that in later episodes, because definitely you guys would, like, be soon hearing, like, my life's autobiography, and of course I'm going to allow my friends to, like, tell their different stories as well. However, when you first meet somebody, it's your job just to be who you are. If they can't accept you for who you are, then you might don't want to be with that person and the only reason why I say that is because, for the most part, my outward look, a person will assume, like, oh, yeah, she's fast. Oh, yeah, she's this, she's that whole time. Like, you know, I come home to my kids, I'm home every day. Like, the online world versus the real world, you're two totally different people. Like, the online world will think, like, child, I'm probably out here having sex with this person, this person, that person. The online world is just a world of make-believe. You could be whoever it is that you want to be. But that's what I'm saying, like, that's why it's so important, especially for me. Like, I don't really have much family, so if I'm out here making friendships, building relationships, I expect whoever it is that I'm dealing with, whoever it is that I'm talking to, I truly, like, expect them to, like, shit, like, if you fucked up, like, let me know you fucked up. Like, not even just that, like, it's a lot of, like, other shit that goes on, like, in the beginning, like, with dealing with somebody. Like, and you have to be transparent with it. Like, and I mean, I'm kind of jumping off topic, but I'm still on topic. The STD rate is crazy in Philadelphia. It's crazy, period. So if you can't be transparent enough to be like, hey, yo, this is my chart, like, it would never work because there are people out here that's lying put on those poker faces, and they're ruining people's lives that does not have those situations. So, transparency, this is why I started off with that question. I believe this part, the moment that you tell me next, like, okay, well, on the STD parts, I definitely, well, I'm gonna agree to disagree. Well, I'm gonna say 50-50, because I do agree, like, you definitely burning with something that you can't get rid of. I would like to know that before we go any further. However, if the relationship, like, I don't know, like, the relationship, let's say when the sex do come, then, like, you know, per se, I don't know. It depends on how fast you got, like, the person you're moving with. Like, it depends on how fast you're moving. I still feel like there's definitely, like, say if you meet someone, and the first, no, no, I wouldn't say the mystery game. I definitely believe, like I said, it's level, because to me, I'm not gonna tell you my full life story. Now, important stuff, like STDs, or, like, if I got a baby daddy, a crazy baby daddy, like, something that'll affect the other person's life too while dealing with me, yes, I believe that I should be very much transparent. But as far as, like, I feel like certain personal stuff, that's why I feel like when I say level to me in person. When I say personal, like, as to why I am the way I am. Like, if you ever wonder about, like, oh, well, why she always, like, when she get upset, why she always go above and beyond when she get upset? No, no, that's the life story, though. Like, one thing is, like, within our age bracket, and, like, just completely, we gotta be comfortable with being able to, like, speak on those life traumas. Like, that's where the autobiographies wanna come in, come in at, like, those storytelling episodes. But you gotta be able to be comfortable with living in a scene that you're in, or you're gonna be out here, like, hurting people, hurting people. Right. So that's definitely something to think of. Yeah. As far as the age we're at right now, like, transparency, like, transparency is good. It's important, because, like, time being wasted, that's, like, everything. That's true. I believe in the time wasted, but I still, I gotta say, you know, like, there's levels to it. There's levels to it about being transparent. There's levels. So, what you're saying is levels, that kinda goes into, like, the, it goes into, like, a different topic, but it's like a repeated cycle, in a sense. And, like, when you're in that repeated cycle of, like, oh, I'm not gonna tell him everything because I don't want him to think this. That's misleading. So, as much as, like, you know, you'll be like, oh, well, why did he lie to me about this? You gotta always think back to, okay, this is topic number one, question number one. Yeah, but say if I'm on the first two dates or something, like, and then I feel like, you know what? This ain't even gonna work. I feel like that would've been a waste of time. I'm telling you everything about me, and then we ain't even gonna go nowhere. It's like a waste of time. So, that's where you gotta kinda, like, yeah, you gotta be able to, like, figure that out, like, pull that out. Like, I mean, if I go out with somebody one time based off of those conversations, I could already know, like, all right, dang, I'm not gonna, excuse me, I'm not gonna talk to that person ever again in life. So, I just feel like transparency, it starts in the beginning. All right, so let me ask you this. On, like, the first couple of dates with you, if you met a new person, a new guy or a new woman, what's the, like, what is it, like, when you say, I'm being transparent, what specifically is you being transparent about? Everything. Are you an example? Like, yeah, give me an example. Y'all wanna know. All right, I got an example, right, all right. I dealt with some shorties and shit like that, you feel me? Like, me and them and all that, I kinda put the pieces together to figure out, like, he was escort, you feel me? So, like, if the motherfucker would've told me, I would've, I would've, I could've put my phones aside type shit and just been, like, a friend for him. So, instead of being, like, shorty, you feel me? That type shit, like. Now, go back to the, what, the reality and the up, you feel me, reality. Versus the social media to make the world, to make for you. Like, on a social joint, you look like a whole dickhead cause you thinking that shit, you feel me? Yeah. It's a cool thing. The reality, everybody, you feel me? Yeah. That's crazy. Cause they could be flexing, like, they got it like that on a gram and in a real world. So, let's go into our next question. Our next question is, do you believe you should be transparent, like, like, with your whole life minus the filters? Like, cause I, like, I feel like a lot of the time, people would tell you, it's like you said, basically, like, what they want you to know. Like, so, it, like, it, it, it further carries, like, that narrative of, like, you know, your social media life versus your real world. So, how do y'all feel about that? I mean, how do I feel about that, though? Usually, people keep them joint separate and shit, but I, I try to tell them, like, you know what I mean? I feel like you could. Keep it the same, you feel me? Like, I don't know. I mean, I hope I don't sound like I play games, but when you say filter, I mean, like, I just feel, I just don't feel, just me, maybe it's just me, I just don't feel comfortable telling a person 100% about myself if it's not gonna be no more, you know? So, and I'm, I'm kind of jumping off, like, okay, you know how people say, refer to themselves as, like, oh, I'm like the onion. You had the, I got layers, there's layers to me. So, do you think, you feel what I'm saying? A lot of people that's out here, not even gonna cut you off, though, but a lot of people that's out here, y'all gotta focus on healing before y'all date, because you can't be out here, like, trying to meet someone and wanna be transparent, but they're, like, they gotta unseal the layers that somebody else built upon. Now, I'm not saying be vulnerable, but I am saying, like, that transparent level, it trickles down into, later on, like, marriage, like, serious relationships, and it, it, like, it get kind of, like, held over your head, like, like a weight in a sense, and you're, like, damn, like, where the hell did this come from, or why is this going on? You cannot figure it out, but you can figure it out, because, at the end of the day, you always gotta reflect on, you know what, at the beginning, I was doing this, and I was doing that, and then it just becomes, like, a nasty, repeated cycle that just never goes anywhere. So, next question. Next question. If you do not start off being transparent, do you believe that what overall affects the relationship? Absolutely. Hell yeah. Absolutely. Explain, elaborate. Because whatever in the dirt is gonna come to light, whatever in the wash won't come out in the rinse. So, you can try to hide it as long as you want, it's gonna, it's gonna resurface, eventually. Because if a motherfucker gotta find it on their own, it's gonna be a problem for you, so you feel like they won't look at you the same, and you're gonna be a character. They just be maturing after that, and so, that type of time. Especially if it's something that's, like, serious. Like, if I find out you got herpes on my own, like, that's gonna be a problem, where I got a HIV, or something along those lines, or I find out you hiding kids, and they're all full of the sun, your baby mama at our front door, because we done moved in together, and she got the location and stuff. Yeah, that's, so that's why I'm saying, like, that transparency is really, really deep, when it comes to, like, just different levels and stuff. Now, do you think it's okay to be fully transparent in a relationship, in a marriage, or do you believe some privacy is needed? I feel like some privacy, as long as it's respectful, of sex, privacy, to life. Let me think of an example, like, like, for example, right, I'm gonna speak on relationships. Like, say if I'm out, and I seen the ex today, you're like, oh, damn, what's up, you look good. You know, he wanna pretend it. But if I'm like, oh, I'm married, I'm on to my, I'm good. If it was respectful, you know what I'm saying, then, like, I don't think it should, I shouldn't have to report that. Oh, babe, I ran into an ex today. Damn, he's gonna start getting questioned, and now he's gonna start coming up with different ideas. Then, vice versa, because I'm gonna think, like, damn, well, what else happened? You know? But if it was innocent, I don't wanna know. I believe it's good to let him know, too. See, if you don't, you feel me, he might go spin that story, and continue to type that, you feel me? And the simple fact you let him know, it's like, he's like, all right. But it was innocent, like. Nigga wanna have an up on you type shit, you feel me? That's all it's about, having an up hand on you type shit. I mean, that's a big thing. I feel that, that is big. Like, you never wanna give, like, the next person you wanna up. The first thing, that don't, that don't, that don't be everything, you feel me? I feel like that's probably my problem. Now that I'm sitting here and having this conversation, I'm doing a little bit of self-reflection. And it got me thinking, like, damn, you know, when you, when you've been one-up on before, like, when somebody had one-up on you, your plan is always, oh, I'm never gonna let somebody come up one-up on me again. Hurt people, hurt people, yeah. I just realized that, I gotta work on that. I'm so 15, I gotta work on it. You be you, right? And somebody step in for that. I mean, that shit, that shit, that shit, like, that shit, like, it's just impossible right there, you feel me? Yeah, like, it's like, ain't nobody say you did something, can't nobody hold nothing against you, none of that shit. Like, it's you. It's like being on the run type shit. You know, any time you're looking at the shoulders, you feel me? If somebody, they, they know the four of you, they wanna add you, they wanna add you back to the four of you. You feel me? That's true. Ain't nobody, ain't nobody say nothing to you. Right, that's true. Because I remember us, for example. One day, he got into a car accident, and I didn't find out about it, and so, the lady called me up. Yo, you owe me this day and the third, your boyfriend ran into my car, and I called, I'm like, oh, why this lady saying this? You probably been thinking some other shit. Huh? You been thinking some other shit? Because he ain't tell you about the accident? Yeah, I'm thinking like, damn, oh, no, this is a crazy thing. One time, he came home with a flat tire. I'm like, well, damn, why you ain't tell me? Why I gotta go out and find out, you know? But that's what I'm saying. It's always something small. Yes. That can be so big. That can be translated so big. So, again, could keeping things private in a relationship damage transparency and trust? The hell, yeah. Y'all basically. I'm gonna take my answer, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes. Yes, yes. Okay, you had to think about it, right? I had to, we had to talk about it. When is it okay not to be transparent when you're in a relationship and a marriage? Well, like we just discussed, it's always good to be transparent. I don't know about that question. Especially in marriage. Like, if you're married, like, this is your partner. You shouldn't, this should be your go-to, your back home. If your partner's got, like, relatives, friends, trying to get in your business, just to, I guess, tamper with shit? Nope, that's not what I mean, y'all. I'm talking towards one another. Outsiders don't matter. Oh, then, no, no, no, no. I mean, it's a straight joke. It's a straight joke. You know what I mean? Ain't no sucking high on that type shit, right? You're buggling, you're not tight-fisted. That's all it is, right? Now, why do y'all think, in our age group, privacy is an excuse for a reason to be misleading? That, like, to mislead? You mean, like, at our age, right now? Like, in our age group, like, a lot of people, and I know I don't have people all, shit, main reason why, like, I'm currently in my own divorce process. Like, people will use privacy as an excuse to, like, basically, like, oh, I didn't have to tell you that. It's like, well, we supposed to be a union. You should have told me that. Why do people in our age group, they think it's okay to keep things private, especially from a significant other? These are- You don't gotta know every detail of the certain shit, but you can't get the full in-depth, like, what a nigga got going on type shit. Explain. I use my brother for example, type shit, you feel me? He incarcerated type shit, so I would let motherfuckers know type time a nigga would be on for supporting the jails, but not full detail type shit, you feel me? That's like, you know, you might don't ask no, you might start running your mouth type shit, you feel me? Everything, I mean, it's good to let them know certain shit, but not everything, you feel me? Not the whole, whole thing, you feel me? And you don't know their true intentions, you feel me? And if they're- There might be steps to that, you feel me? They might gotta learn certain shit. Yeah, it might be something that they stay hot and they just don't want, like, you know, they ought to be like, oh, I'm taking this to the grave. I mean, yeah, yeah, yeah. There could be something like that. But even if it is something that they're taking to the grave, necessarily in a relationship, nor in a marriage, you shouldn't be taking shit to the grave. Like, you should be able to tell your person everything, or again- If they don't want to involve their relationship, that type, like, some stories will be newsy to the point, like, they want to know what's really going on and shit outside of the relationship. Y'all don't have those full level of conversations? I'm saying- Because I would say in my relationship, I've had those full level of conversations. The problem was, like, in two of my major relationships, the problem was the guy fully being transparent and having those conversations with me. And then, again, once you find out some shit, that shit like, oh, no, this is a rap. Because, again, that wasn't something that should have been private. Like, we literally should have, like, been, like, same way I'm sitting here telling you, like, oh, let me tell you how this boy just tried to fuck. You should be able to tell me, like, oh, why, shit, shorty was trying to suck my dick in the car. Like, y'all should be able to have that full level of transparency before y'all shit gets fucked over. On that note, that's it. I agree with that. Yeah, as far as that, I feel like, too, some guys, well, some people, street guys, like, if you're dealing with a street guy, some things are better left unsaid. Like, if he's in the street and he's doing a lot of street activities, me personally, I don't want to know about it. That's certain stuff I don't want to know. So, I beg to differ. Like, if we- And if you out here shooting up the block, please don't tell me. No, listen. Please don't tell me. As a woman that's dealing with a street dude, you supposed to mind your, like, if they tell you, you're supposed to, like, listen. But I would not want to know, and then the feds come busting your shit down. Like, you supposed to be able to know, but as a woman that's dealing with a street man, you supposed to also know how to shut up. Mm, that's true. So, I feel like in relationships, especially in those ones where those, it's like, you dealing with a street nigga, yeah, you supposed to know everything, business and all, because this is the thing. If they, like, if they out here doing some bullshit- I don't want to know about the crime activity, though. But you not knowing about that crime activity could be hit or miss. If your nigga get bust, and, like, he get ignited, let's say you do know a little bit about a little bit, but you don't know nothing about that. Like, if that's your man, your man, he's going to protect you at all costs. But, you know it. I mean, I'm not telling nobody to lie, but however, that's a way for you to know how to protect your family. Well, listen, on that topic, like, that street shit, I'm motherfucking not telling you that shit, it is protecting your family. Yeah, and then not only that street nigga, you're not supposed to bring that drama home. Nobody's supposed to know where you really live at. Nobody is supposed to know where your family is. No, so it's hit or miss with that. We done seen the best of the best street men get blind. Your woman is supposed to know what's going on. Like, because at the end of the day, God forbid that somebody do run up in the spot, you thinking everything is hunky-dory, you ain't going to know who to go grab the strap, like, because you just, like, oblivious to it. Oh, I thought that was our friend. But if your man was telling you all that, nigga was going to tell you all that behavior, you could protect your man. That's why my man, I feel like, too, if your man, if he's all in the streets like that, he's going to do his part, too, in protecting his family and making sure no drama or no harm coming up. For example, Lil Durk, he said none of his friends, none of his homies, none of anybody he's dealt with, business-wise, like, only people that come to his house is just family. Nobody knows where he's living, where his family lives, where he's headed. Like, you see, like, a street man, if he really do love his family, he's going to protect them and keep them far away from his bullshit and stop it because he want his bullshit to affect him. It's the love of the world if he truly cares. It's 50-50, like, we'll be okay in a race race, man. It's 50-50. All right. Next. And I know it'll be much easier if the cops come. If I really don't know what's going on and the cops do come and pick me up, I'm like, listen, I really don't know. If you know a little bit too much, you might slip up tonight. You might not know. I'm like, if they don't know, you're not supposed to, though. Like, that's why it's definitely level to deal with a street dude. So, it brings me to the next topic, examining your own behavior and unbiased communication, thoughts on transparency and privacy. What does examining your own behavior mean when it comes to being transparent versus being private versus relationships, get to know someone in marriage? Now, y'all got some time to dialect, talk about it. Like, I want to know y'all opinion. Can you repeat the question one more time for me? Okay, examining your own behavior and your own unbiased thoughts on transparency and privacy. What do you feel as though, like, what do you feel as though is a deception? How do you kind of see the word? Transparency and privacy? For being transparent versus being private. Like, when you meet someone, relationships, and also in a marriage. For me, personally, when I do, like, I feel like, for me, like, if I'm, like I said, like, if I feel like a person, and, like, we want to go out, or we want to do this, we're going to, you know, do the long run in a relationship. For, like, me, personally, I feel like I'm an open book when I know, like, yeah, this is my person. He's for me, I'm for him. Then it's, like, then I feel comfortable. Then I feel like I could, like, I feel like my man, he would have to create that space. It's like I would have to create that space for him. I'm still trying to understand the question. Huh? I'm still trying to understand the question. All right, so, the question. It doesn't have to be his or my. No. You don't have to feel uncomfortable. It doesn't have to be your own behavior. I mean, it's just a person. I don't know. I'm going to say, just separating the bullshit from the real shit, type shit, you know what I mean? I don't know. I guess it's the gold, and then the dirt, and transparent type shit, the privacy shit. I mean, all right, all right. If I'm being transparent, and I feel like you're not being transparent, some privacy shit might get cut on, type shit, you feel what I mean? I feel like it's not 50-50 type shit. So, you believe in wasting your time? I mean, sometimes. I mean, since you said sometimes. That's why, too, like, you have to also be able to trust, make sure you, like, to trust the spirit with your person. I mean, like, when you, when you're addressing something, it might don't always hit, so you're going to waste your time with certain shit just to get a positive result, you feel what I mean? You gotta waste some time, like, not too much time, you feel what I mean? You gotta know what's your, what's your little, your deadline on playing with time type shit, you feel what I mean? My job might be, shit, a month of some shit, you feel what I mean? Fucking with somebody, saying nothing changed, or whatever. I might fall back, type shit, you feel what I mean? Dom? Well, for me, examining my own behavior, I feel like, when I think back on it, I feel like, I should've been more transparent. I should've been more transparent. Honestly, I don't know. I don't even know. Can we just get this question to go back, because I gotta think about it. Okay, so for myself, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll go, that way it makes things easier for everybody. I believe, personally, like, for me, it's never me, because I'm an open book, and I, like, I'd rather be an open book, and you see every black, Gemini personality I have, versus you thinking I'm some Suzy homemaker, and then you turn to find out, you're like, wait a minute, this, this girl, like, you know, shit, she shaved now today, like, shit, it's pump day in the bitch's channel, like, but, you know, I'd rather a person knows my true self. Even when you waste your time, though, right, if you're learning a lesson, learn some type of lesson out of that little time. Yeah. Every L is a lesson. Even with them little people. Don't regret shit, just go with it. I feel like I eventually become an open book. I feel like, again, going back to topic one, layers, it's levels. So, and it's not in a sense, like, that I'm playing, but it's like, you know, as you're getting to know each other, that's me being transparent. That's like, you know, you won't be able to, because if you ask me a question, I'm going to be honest. You know, and that's another thing that I wanted to say earlier. I think we should also walk into, well, then again, I was going to say, we should walk into like, dates and stuff, with your own personal list of questions, and so what do I need to know, or what do I want to know about this person in particular? It's like, you know, I know Steve Harvey, and all of them, talk to him, and he's saying, asking me, well, what do he plan on doing with the rest of his life? Or what's his career goal? Yeah. Well, on a date, like, I don't want a date with somebody I already know. On a first date? Yeah, I already know what that's like. Sure. You know what I mean? It's like, I think I need like, a month or whatever. So you think your girl out, her first date is after a month, that means that person might just y'all talking over the phone, getting to know each other. You don't see her within that 30 day period. I mean, I've been with her for like two, three, four months, and we just talk, and I mean, nothing's touching, or whatever. It's like, all the talking, I'm just sitting there, sitting there, and I know the mother fucker, you feel me? Of course, we could just date, but, I don't know. I'm just saying, I'm not going to, just taking it without, you know what I'm saying? I'm taking it as, you know what I'm saying? They just want to eat, you feel me? They're not really trying to, you feel me? They don't care, they don't care about what you talk, they just trying to eat, type shit. And you can pick that up within a 30 days? Yeah, cause I'm like, I'm talking to you on the phone, type shit. It's not typical shit, you feel me? I'm already testing you, to see like, what type of mind you got. So, so you already walking into, a situation, I play, I play heavy mind games, you feel me? So, I'm talking to you, I'm not just talking to you, you feel me? All the questions, anything, I'm standing to you, you respond to that, there's a reason behind all that shit, you feel me? Like I said, you got no ambition, or support, I'm calling it back, you feel me? So guys, like at the end of the day, basically with transparency versus privacy, I would definitely say, everyone has to like, just be mindful, like, it's a fine line, with being transparent, and being private. Overall, like, you'll learn a person, by their characteristics, like, socially, like what they're putting out, within getting to know them, and in life, we sometimes have to just examine our own, like, behaviors, if we wanna be successful, or if we wanna just, change the narrative of, like the repeated cycle, of just getting into like, like damaging, and traumaful behaviors. So, like you know, just start by just like, changing your own perception, and like just be willing to like, have those positive, and healthy conversations, in order for like you know, like you to get exactly what you're speaking, into the universe. Like, I always tell everyone, I tell my baby father, I tell you guys, like when we're having like our little pep talks, I manifest a lot, and what comes with manifestation, is you actually like, believe in what you say, you actually like, like you have to like, live within that positive being. Now you can troll, you can do whatever it is, that you wanna do that's dumb, when you're playing on social media, however, I do believe like, time is definitely like, a like, like a precious, like, like tool with anyone, and the last thing you wanna be out here doing, is wasting somebody's time, that you don't wanna like be with. So, we gonna wrap that up, like you know, we'll come back, you guys will know like, our next topic, would definitely be betrayal, and could you rebuild trust, once it's damaged. Stay tuned with, Folks Time with the Dodd, Nelly and Friends. It's a wrap. Thank you. See you on the next episode.