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Consecutive Lesson 1: Medical History (1A)

Consecutive Lesson 1: Medical History (1A)

Nelly Vera



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The transcription is a conversation between a doctor and a patient, Mrs. Bonilla. Mrs. Bonilla explains that she is visiting the doctor because she had an accident at work and her lawyer sent her to be examined. She injured her hand while working on a line in a cannery. She mentions that the long hours and lack of breaks at work contributed to her tiredness and the accident. The doctor asks about her family history of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, to which Mrs. Bonilla responds negatively. She also mentions that she has had mumps and measles in the past and had surgeries to remove her appendix and a wound. The doctor also asks about allergies, headaches, throat problems, and recent chest X-rays, to which Mrs. Bonilla responds negatively. The doctor instructs Mrs. Bonilla to put on a gown and get on the examination table. you Buenas tardes señora Bonilla, le voy a preguntar algunas preguntas sobre su historial medico antes que el doctor la examine, esta bien? Yes ma'am, that's ok Primero que nada, cual es la razon por su visita hoy? Well, my lawyer, he told me to come with this doctor because I had an accident at work and he sent me to this doctor so he can examine me Como se lastimo? I was sorting carrots in the line working in a cannery and when I stretched my hand like this all of a sudden I felt a pull and I could not use my hand Ha tenido este problema antes? Not exactly no, it's because we worked many hours that time up to 10 or 12 hours in one shift and I was very tired Usted trabaja parada en una banda transportadora? Yes Tiene que hacer mucho alcanzando? Si, yes And they don't let us rest when they should? They only give us one break at 12 noon for 15 minutes and I think that is illegal Ahora, le voy a hacer algunas preguntas sobre su familia, alguien en la familia tiene una enfermedad del corazon? No, that I know of, no Que tal diabetes? No, except my grandma, but she died years ago Alguien en la familia sufre de cancer? No, thank God, no Ha tenido consecutive less than one medical history? One A Buenas tardes, señora Bonilla, le voy a preguntar algunas preguntas sobre su historial medico antes que el doctor la examine, esta bien? Yes, ma'am, that is okay Primero que nada, cual es la razon por su visita hoy? Well, my lawyer, he told me to come with this doctor because I had an accident at work and he sent me to this doctor to examine me Como se lastimo? I was sorting carrots in the line working in a cannery and when I stretched my hand like this, all of a sudden I felt a pull, and then I could not use my hand Ha tenido este problema antes? No, not exactly no, it's because we work many hours in that moment up to 10 or 12 hours in one shift and I was very tired Usted trabaja parada en una banda transportadora? Yes, tiene que hacer mucho alcanzando? Yes, and they don't let us rest when they should They only give us a break at 12 noon for 15 minutes and I think that is illegal Ahora le voy a hacer algunas preguntas sobre su familia Alguien en la familia tiene alguna enfermedad del corazón? No, not that I know of, no Que tal diabetes? No, except my grandmother, but she died a couple years ago Alguien en la familia sufre de cáncer? No, thank God no Ha tenido antes alguna enfermedad infecciosa como la tifoida, el cholera o la diphtheria? That I know of, no I've always enjoyed good health Ha sido vacunado, vacunado, vacunada contra el tetano, el tarampion o la viruela? I think so, but I'm not sure When I was a child, we lived on a farm and it was very hard to get medical attention but I think I got vaccinated against these diseases My dad insisted in that Ha tenido alguna enfermedad que afecta principalmente a los niños? Como la varicela o paperas? Yes I remember that I had mumps and also measles Could it be that the vaccine did not take? I don't know Ha tenido alguna operación? Yes, in 85 they took out my wound and also my appendix 10 years ago Lo tomo que estaba hospitalizado por estas operaciones? Yes, I was admitted one week for my wound and I can't remember how much time for my appendix Tiene alguna alergia a comida o drogas? None that I know of, no Sufre de dolores de cabeza? No, nothing out of the usual You know, here and there When I go back to work very tired, my head hurts but I do not suffer from migraines nor none of that Tiene algún problema con su garganta? Dos persistente o dolor de garganta? No, none of that Cuando fue la última vez que tuvo una radiografía del pecho? Last year in my job, they obligated us to submit ourselves to a check up and they took radiographs Ha tenido algunas palpitaciones del corazón, dolor de pecho o falta de respiración? No, none of that by fortune Just the pain in my hand, here in my elbow and my shin and it runs up to my fingers Ok, esas son todas las preguntas que tengo Solo póngase la bata y súbase a la mesa de examinación El doctor estará con usted

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