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Mission Control: Clear Huna Matea

Mission Control: Clear Huna Matea

Nicole LeBlancNicole LeBlanc



This is the 1st of many mission log details that I will be sharing with you. The larger missions started off with this one back in July 2023! Thank You to my NEW Podcast Subscribers: Karen H. Teresa C. Kasandra G. Theresa H. Anita E. Please engage via FanMail or Email !!

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The podcast host, Nicole, talks about her role as a quantum healer and medium and introduces the topic of Mission Control and Missions to Clear Juna Matea. She explains that Juna Matea is the fifth dimension soul name for New Earth. Nicole mentions the importance of listening to a bonus episode called Soul Family and Mission Downloads for background information. She also expresses gratitude to her new channel subscribers and discusses the mission details, such as clearing, cleansing, realigning, and releasing souls from negative grids and connecting them to positive grids. Nicole explains that energy beings were trapped by nefarious actors in various structures and land masses. She describes the process of clearing and the involvement of different beings in the crew. Nicole emphasizes the healing and gratitude expressed by Archangel Michael and other archangels for releasing trapped souls. She also talks about the importance of gatekeepers in helping souls cross over and mentions the e Hello beautiful souls. Welcome to the Truth Resonates Podcast. I am your host, Nicole, and I'm excited to discover and disclose truth from all dimensions and aspects of life and beyond. I'm a quantum healer and medium now because I broke up with the matrix, so let's get into it. Welcome. Welcome back. Thank you all for tuning in. This is episode three of the Truth Resonates Podcast. I am Nicole, your host, and I want to mention a few important updates. I dropped a bonus episode Tuesday, May 14th. It's called Soul Family and Mission Downloads. It's got a lot of information in it that will help this podcast episode today, episode three, make more sense. I invite you to pause this one and definitely listen to the bonus episode, Soul Family and Mission Downloads, just so you have the background information. There's a lot of detail there that would definitely benefit you to make sense of what I will be disclosing to you today. I want to give a great and wonderful appreciative love and gratitude filled shout out to my new channel subscribers, Anita E., Cassandra G., Karen H., Teresa C., and Teresa H. Thank you so much. I look forward to Q&As, comments, engaging, and definitely appreciate the support of my work that I'm doing here, divinely led and on a shoestring budget. Today's episode is Mission Control and Missions to Clear Juna Matea. Juna Matea is the fifth dimension soul name for New Earth, and we are going to be going over who and what comprises mission control, our spaceships, some information about space races, mine in particular, the Arcturians. I will be definitely disclosing mission details today. I don't have a clue how long it's going to take me to go through all this. It is a bit more, and I want you to let me know, am I giving you too much in an episode? Am I not giving you enough? What is the feedback? Let me know. I'm going by my guidance. I'm going by my higher self, and until I hear different, this is what we're going to go with. Again, I thank you for tuning in. We were guided, and I say that we. It came to not only myself, but it came through other soul family members, and specifically, it was downloaded to Ana. She is a soul sister who, early on, had a very deep connection to Mother Gaia, Mother Earth, and Huna Matea. There were communications actually coming to her on a soul level from the soul known as Gaia, and things that needed to be cleared, things that needed to be cleaned, things that needed to have the evil taken care of, and that soul spirit, that essence of the planet was asking for our help. So the span of time, linear time, that I'm going to be covering today is actually from the end of July 2023 until around the 5th or 6th of August 2023. Everything that I'm going to give you happened over the course of those six days or so. So at the end of July, Delphine Esquisse's crew began the methodical clearing, cleansing, realigning, and releasing of souls from all ley lines, all countries, all land masses, all waterways, all structures. This was like the next mission download, mission guidance that came after the Tennessee trip whenever we were clearing Vanderbilt and Nashville area. That was, if you recall, that was the first time I had been guided to do that and ended up ultimately releasing thousands and thousands of souls. So we, as a crew, all those that assisted and provided protection for us to do that work and also opened their own gates to cross souls over, all leveled up. The source creator, Delphine, said, we've got our warriors here that are ready to help the collective on multiple levels. And so the mission information started to drop into us. So what do we do? What do I mean by clearing, cleansing, realigning, and releasing souls? We disconnect an area from all negative grids and then connect them to positive grids. So what we were finding is that, you know, to the general public, let's just say, we look at buildings as, you know, structures that are not energy. And I think that is a broad perspective that the collective has. But we learned that anything, anything that's matter can hold energy because it's all energy. And energy beings were trapped and had been for thousands of years by nefarious, nefarious actors, I'll just say, because they were multiple different sources of these evil people. It wasn't necessarily the beings that built the structure, it wasn't necessarily the beings in totality that worked within the structure. But we're talking about land that was cursed, that was evil, that had spells, hexes, that had evil that was literally programmed into the ground so that anything, any energy body that came in contact with it would be sent negative energy and dark energy. And this dark energy resided in multiple facilities as far as like healthcare facilities, government institutions, buildings, commerce places, banking, pretty much all of the infrastructure of the world. We would ask, you know, just randomly, we would just check like, you know, could it literally be in every, every stadium, every hospital, every capital, and it was. And so we, we decided to just take it as big swaths of land, land masses, countries, where we could divvy up the work and, and make it very methodical. And so we had a group of, sorry, a group of beings that in the crew that had permission to do the work. And we had a group of beings in a crew that had permission to provide protection. We had a group that didn't have permission for any of that, but they were able to just hold space and do confirmations. So when we would get done with a set of area, land, water, whatever, that we were doing at that time, we would shuttle that information over in a message to those that could confirm. And then they would just independently confirm that the work had been done and cleared. And then that, that information was then added to the maintenance list. So every, every bit of work that we did, we then made the commitment to maintain it. So we discovered early on, with each massive amount of clearing, we had massive amounts of souls. And if you go back and look at some of my content, kind of around this timeframe, I do make mention that there are times where the archangels come in and they say, thank you so much for releasing these trapped souls. They're so, they are running to the light and they're getting healed and they're escorted over by Archangel Michael and his legion of angels and the angels are busy. And so they're all being brought to source and every energy being has its own trauma to heal from. And so each and every one is, is taken care of by the angels. And when it first started, I just have to say that there was not a time that Archangel Michael or Metatron, Gabriel, Raphael, that came to us and shared how appreciative and grateful they were to us, that I just didn't break down crying and so humbled that, that me, us in this dimension could help facilitate healing, not only for the people, the lot, well, the beings, the essence of those beings that have been trapped and used and harnessed, stealing their energy for a very long time, that they could be healed, but also the land and the buildings and the structures and the evil was removed. So it was motivating to say the least, because I think as a collective, a lot of us want to do, we want to be a part of a solution versus the problem. We want to be a help versus a hindrance. And these, this is energetic work. These are intentions that are set and our energies are put forth for the greater good. And we had a very, very positive result from our efforts. So then we, we integrated into making sure that we had our gates open. When I say that, not all beings walking around on the planet have the ability to open a gate to cross souls over, but many do. And so there's many, many times where you as a light being, your, your light, your bright light actually attracts souls and entities that just want to cross over. They, they don't have a malevolent intention. They are coming to you because they can't cross over without assistance. That's why there's so many souls and energy bodies trapped in trees. They've been there waiting for a gatekeeper to come and offer them to transition from that space to through source light in the gates to be healed with the archangels. And so it's a bit of a process, but it's, it's once you do it a few times, it becomes pretty easy and they're super grateful, super grateful. So there were times that depending on the clear abilities of our crew members, those that were clairaudient and clairvoyant could hear and see the beings that were crossing over. Many of them were in period clothing of like 1600s, 1700s. Some were children carrying their teddy bears and holding their mama's hands and they're just running, running to the light and so thankful. Other beings that you could just, you could just sense that they had concerns, they had reservations. We quickly picked up on the fact that they had been tricked into whatever, whatever circumstances caused them to be trapped in the first place. And so they were not, they were not as eager to just run toward another opening. They wanted some reassurances. They weren't going to be first. They didn't want to be last, but they just were waiting. And so some literally needed a handheld, you know, we would, I would ask for the legions of archangels to come down and escort them, hold their hand and bring them over to the gate because they had been snatched up before. They had some trust issues and I don't blame them. I don't blame them. And so this whole experience opened up a huge level of understanding that the energy bodies, they, the soul energy of these beings, just because they didn't transition over to the light as soon as they lost their earthly life did not mean that they were malevolent. They weren't haunting spirits. They did not have bad intentions. Their energy that they actually had, many of them were light beings and their energy was harnessed to be used by the darkness. This is something that has come out over, you know, the last several years for me, I've seen many, many people talk about this practice of the dark and that's what they did. That's how they harness their power because they don't have a direct connection to source light. They're not able to generate the power that we have. And so they have to steal it. They have to take it. And so we worked with the hesitant ones. There was always a few stragglers behind that wanted some assurances. And so that, again, was just another level of opening ourselves up to understanding in a compassionate, heart-centered way. So as we committed to continue to clear, cleanse, realign, and release souls over the planet, Ana would get downloaded information about which territories needed to be done in a priority, like which ones were the first ones that needed to be done first and did we need to do this before this kind of a deal. And it really gave us some structure. So typically, I would, you know, she was in a completely different time zone than I was at the time. And so I would wake up and she would have had these downloads and she was, you know, waiting for us to get back in the chat room to give some confirmations. And usually by early morning hours, we had a list of things that needed to be taken care of and we divvied up the work. And then we would commence to providing this service and, you know, service to the greater good, the collective, and the planet. And so we, as an example, Europe was one of the very first ones that we did. 44 countries plus seven transcontinental countries. And the crew just divided up the sections into like even workflow. And again, we did the whole, you know, who has permission to do the cleaning and the clearing and who has permission to do the soles and who has permission to provide security, protection, and confirmation on the work that we've done. So we felt honored, first of all, that we were able to do this. And this took quite a while. This went on for, it began in this end of July, early August time frame. But it morphed, right? So we completed all the land masses and all the waterways and star forts and typhoons and dams and all the things like that. And then we, again, leveled up. But at the same time, our work was being noticed by the dark side. So we would go back in the maintenance of these areas. And we could see that we had really pissed off the dark beings. There were some days that we had to go back and redo all of our work because they had corrupted the work that we did, flip things back to dark grids, dark energy grids, and then put their own bindings and black magic and sorcery and things like that on them. And so it took a little while, but we were not working alone, you know? We thought, well, I mean, we've got the best of the best supporting us. Let's just ask for some help. So we asked for guidance from Gran, White Buffalo Calf Woman, and Mother Sophia and the Archangels and all the Ascended Masters. And we asked them to bring us messages, to bring us guidance, to help us remember the skills and abilities that we actually had from previous lives so that we could use it for this now moment because we knew we had all had experiences in the past that would benefit us. Now we just had not remembered it all yet. And so this was like a pivotal moment for our crew. Again, this was August 2023. We had, in that month, in that one month, we had the super sturgeon moon. We had the Perseids meteor shower. We had a super blue moon, the 8-8 Lionsgate portal. And we used all of that energy for our benefit. We knew historically that those were big dates and days also for the darkness to harness that energy. And so we worked with many Ascended Masters to help prevent that harnessing of that energy. We got there before the darkness did, basically. So Mother Sophia came in and said, right away, I will be delivering customized key codes to each crew member to help you with your day-to-day struggles, battles, whatever that being needs in that moment, that crew member needs in that moment. Just ask your higher self, and I'll deliver it to you. And then after that, many Ascended Masters came forward, and they were saying, this is a chronic issue for humanity. Many beings ask for help all day, every day. So we have brought forth some suggestions. And I'm going to read through some of these partial messages from some of these Ascended Masters. Hathor, I wish to assist in clearing our energy fields, assisting mothers and children with mothering issues. Mother Sophia, I will be delivering the new key codes to assist with dealing with new challenges you have never before faced. Commander Yogananda and Sanat Kamara offered protection additives to things that were already in place. So they beefed up things on their end. Isis came in and said, I want to assist with temple discovery and education about my mystery schools. St. Germain came up and said, I recommend using the violet flame for many things. And if it's something you haven't used the violet flame for before, just ask, and we'll make it available. Ascendant Master Melchizedek wanted to help with the spiritual support in fighting the battles. So that was huge because, again, we just call in our help and our protection. And then Archangel Metatron popped in and said, all of the archangels want to be used for this. This is involvement on many, many levels that we can help with. So just call in the archangels and those that are best equipped for the battle of the days So overall, we were contacted, multiple, all the crew members were contacted in different, whatever their clear abilities are. That's how they receive their messages and downloads. And by August 2nd, 2023, we were seeing many positive energetic shifts, detecting them, I guess is probably how I should say it. I, in my abilities, can detect energy shifts pretty much universe-wide now, and I normally detect them before there's any evidence of them, obviously, visually. And so we were feeling it. And there are times where I wouldn't say a thing, but it still would come in validated from our communication with our crew members. So who do I mean when I say mission control? So our starships, Baba and New Jerusalem, each have a commander. At the time, the starship Baba commander was my sole father, Yogananda. And then New Jerusalem, he was my father. And so he was the one that was in charge of the mission. The starship Baba commander was my sole father, Yogananda. And then New Jerusalem's commander, Sinat Kamar, which is the sole brother of Yogananda. So my uncle on New Jerusalem. And then Baba has Father Yogananda. So when Baba, within Baba, it's considered, it's a very well-respected ship for highly advanced technological healing and capabilities that other space races and other ships don't necessarily have. But within Baba, it is multidimensional. It's multiracial. So there's many Arcturians, Andromedans, Venusians, Pleiadians, and Lyrans, mostly. There's a Mentoken here and there, a Mantid here or there. It just depends. But my strongest space race is Arcturian. My Arcturian self is Tia. And she, I, command a crew of highly skilled galactic warriors and technological capable beings on Baba. You may recognize Tia as one of the beings that channels updates to the Galactic Federation of Light site on YouTube. And so that is my Arcturian self that does that. The crews on both ships are multiple galactic races. They're all parties. You know, we are really a very large melting pot of benevolent beings all working together for the greater good. But I want to speak about the Arcturians since that's my lineage. We are a race of multidimensional beings helping to heal our planet and raise its vibrational frequency. Arcturians are extremely advanced, very loving, peaceful beings. Arcturians communicate and collaborate with any soul who chooses the journey with them to higher level of consciousness. Arcturus is one of two major stargates in our galaxy. The other is Antares. The Antares portal transports souls from Andromeda Galaxy to the Milky Way. The Arcturus portal transports souls from death to their next incarnation. So Arcturian beings have the huge responsibility of helping these souls to process through their lifestream reviews and helping them to formulate new directions and new lessons that they want to learn in their next incarnation. Also giving overview of what they did well or not so well and how they can maybe transcend those lessons in the next lifestream. Arcturians also have the transition, they help the transition souls choose where their lifestream may be. It may not take place, the next one may not take place on Earth. It may need to be on the same density, the same dimension, but a different planet. And there are others out there that are available. So because of the Arcturians having a direct connection with the Akashic records and using it during the soul lifestream review, they are able to help plan their next journey for that being. And you've probably heard of lifestream review or life review when you've ever heard someone talk about their near-death experience. They say they see their life flash before them and it doesn't take very long. And typically in a life review, there are going to be poignant moments that are brought up to the attention of that being. And so they can feel and see the effect of their decisions in that moment. And did they make that decision, you know, well or not so well? It really depends on where they were in that moment in their life. Were they listening to influences outside of themselves? Were they letting their ego drive their decisions? These are things that every energy being has to work through. And it doesn't matter what your soul contract is. If you are listening to the loud voice of your ego more than the quiet voice of your higher self, that's going to, you know, until you take a stand and take your power back, that's going to be the voice that kind of drives your actions in your life. So anyway, that's just a little bit so you understand what role the Arcturians have played in the prophecy and also the role that we have played in humanity's ability to ascend. This is nothing new. They didn't just arrive. They've been a part of our existence for millions and millions of years. So some of the transmissions from the Ascendant Masters that came in, they just were communicating with us via one of our crew members who's Claire Audient. She's been Claire Audient her entire life. Obviously, things got cleared up once she had her QUT session and she was able to really dial in on her abilities. So I'm going to give these because I think they give a real good introduction for some who maybe have never heard of them before. So we heard from Mother Sophia, Kuan Yin, Commander Yogananda, Sanat Kumara, and Poseidon. From Mother Sophia, and again, these are channeled messages as we go through the story. These are messages actually channeled to Aurelia and we were assisting in confirmation. Mother Sophia, there's many big changes coming as your world is waking up. We see many are still in the dark, not recognizing the cues to become more aware. Continue to share truth and this will help those ready to hear. Especially continue to spread love. The ripple effects of these things cannot be emphasized enough. Thank you for listening. Thank you for trusting us in your daily lives and the lives of your loved ones. End of Mother Sophia's message. Kuan Yin, thank you for granting me your energy and time. I'm so pleased at the work and learning you all have been doing. It helps so many. Bringing hope to all ready and seeking when you took the energy connection we had, she's talking about mine and hers, and turned it into a blessing to assist in healing others. This caused a ripple effect throughout the collective. It is very gratifying to watch and remember to rest, recharge, restore yourself consistently. End of Kuan Yin's message. The next one is from Isis. Temple searching all over the world should continue as they are masked in territories and lands. The veil is thinning to know more about other lands, coverups, and magical places. Use Google Earth and old maps. Zoom in and use magnifying glass to discover what is hidden in the waters. What is in one map that is not in another. Talk with your higher self and Ascendant Masters to learn more. Truth that is discovered should be shared so the lies can be weakened. The truth of Isis and Osiris need to be shared as the power of their union has been harnessed by darkness and used while their story was bastardized. Much about Osiris needs to be discovered and told. Extra protections are required when connecting with him. End of Isis's message. Commander Yogananda and Sanat Kumar. We cannot say more than express how pleased we are at the work you all are doing. The timeline is coming very close. It is no coincidence that some are getting visions of their transition to prepare for what is coming. Stay grounded. There are going to be trials to come your current world. We want you on this side of the trials. Stay consistently assisting and manifest with those who are here and who will help choose to be here. Rest, hydrate, and ground. End of message. And then Mother Sophia wrapped it up with another reminder to have different, we all have different needs and specific key codes will be generated daily to help you deal with the energies and whatever trials you're currently dealing with. Just ask your higher self for them. And that's the end of her message. So you can see that we had such a loving support system that wanted to help. And you know, that's the thing about the Ascendant Masters. They've been through the Ascension. They've all had incarnations on a duality planet that they had to, they had lives of suffering that they had to overcome. They had karma that they had to balance. And then they themselves learned their lessons and ascended. And so they are true wisdom keepers and want nothing more than to be invited in to help you navigate your life. They do not take over. They have very clear boundaries. You ask for assistance. You ask for guidance. Even when you ask for guidance, you have to ask the question. Like you have to bring yourself through whatever it is you're dealing with to recognize that there's something there, to recognize that there's a specific question that you need to ask. And so that's you leaning in on your abilities, your downloads and your gut and your ability to let go of your gut instincts, and then saying, you know, Quan Yin, could it be blah, blah, blah? And you'll get, you know, yes, no, or you can't know that yet, which early on was the answer for a lot of things. And so I do encounter people from time to time that have never really heard of any Ascendant initially have trepidation or lack of trust or fear or whatever the case may be. But it has been my experience that they are always guiding from a place of neutrality, a place of love, and want nothing but the highest and best good for you and your soul. So as we took upon ourselves the commitment to maintain the work that we did to help clear Huna Matea, this became a daily work product that we committed ourselves to. So we work in shifts, we work together. And this is whenever our names started to come forth and who we are as a family. And this is when I went over that in the bonus episode, I went over, you know, some of our soul family, there were so many just bits and pieces here and there, we really didn't know at the time that Sonat Kumara was our uncle, we didn't know that Kwan Yin had the same soul as our mama, you know, all those came much, much later. In this moment in time, when we were having these initial conversations and guidance and things, we just were in a humbled state of servitude, we wanted to be of service to the greater good to our planet that had been, you know, treated so horribly, and had so much evil and darkness and, and lack of compassion in how she's been treated over time. And we definitely played a role in that through ignorance and through that the being born with amnesia and not understanding what we were dealing with as a as an energy planet and as energy beings, and that there was not a symbiotic relationship that we needed to have. But we came back, we found our way. Now we're here. And so it's super important that that we maintain that and, you know, talking to many, many people, it is a priority to clean the waterways, it's a priority to handle safe areas for wildlife, and for animals in general, and for the humanity. And so one thing absolutely works together with the next. So we were referred to as the guardians. And initially, we thought, you know, we were the guardians of Hunamatea. And we've always been very humble. And it later came out that the universe actually refers to us as the rainbow guardians. All of us that are in this now moment, consider the guardians have had past lives as Knights Templars before they were decimated before the Friday the 13th massacre, before they were turned into lenchmen by the crown. We had had lives as Knights of the Roundtable with Arthur and like, one of my past lives was Joan of Arc. So we have had many, many past incarnations that prepared us for this moment, where we would work for the greater good. So another mission came forth, and this was on the 2nd of August, where we downloaded, I believe it, you know, some of it came from Anna, some of it came from other crew members that there are, there were three main black magic and sorcery, but nefarious triangles on the planet that needed to be special clearing, and cleansing, and then sealing so that evil could not use that power anymore. And it is the Bermuda Triangle, which you've probably heard of, the Devil's Triangle, and the Alaska Triangle. And so this was like the Rainbow Guardians first highly technical, highly tactical, energetic mission that we took upon ourselves to take on. So again, it was some of the same stuff we did for the planet and removing connections to negative grids and connecting to positive grids and releasing souls and all of that. But in addition, we had to remove negative cords, connecting those triangle areas, grid lines and ley lines to the dark matrix, cutting the power cords that allowed the darkness to siphon energy, and then making sure that that that entire area became sealed so that it could no longer be taken over. Like we didn't want another repeat performance where we had to go back and redo all that. So I remember that day, because I just spent so many hours of asking questions and, and then I'm, they call me the dot connector, because I'll see something or hear something and all of a sudden, little pieces of information from all different sources will kind of just fall in line, you know, because that's, that's typically what what happens is they have to tell you what they're doing. But they do it in such a way that that people label the information coming, you know, it's like, it's sci fi, or it's, you know, it's just a folklore, or it's a myth or whatever. But we've learned that a lot of that is based in truth is rooted in truth. And so you have, you know, that's part of what my abilities are, is that I'm able to break away the lies and the falsehoods and get down to the meat of it. So what we ended up doing is we, we took back those areas, those three triangle areas. And we also discovered that the chakras for Hunamatea were different locations than chakras for Mother Gaia. So Gaia, you could think of as old Earth, and Hunamatea is new Earth. And so Gaia's soul self-sacrificed, because that old Earth is prophesied to implode, and there's no chance for survival in less than 1000 years, because of all the same things, you know, just so she said, she's, that soul has already transitioned, and is in the process of being healed. Hunamatea's soul is with New Earth. And so I downloaded that there were different chakra locations, the, the New Earth chakras are the root in Banff, Canada, the sacral in Lake Titicaca, the solar plexus in Uluru, Australia, the heart is in Peru, the throat is in the Sphinx, the third eye is in Afghanistan, and the crown is in Glastonbury. Now, there are also associated stargates. Some are where the same locations as the chakra and some are in different locations. So the seven main stargates that we were made aware of, there are many other stargates, but these are the seven main ones. Stonehenge in England, the South Pole in Antarctica, Varanasi in India, Uluru in Australia, Sedona, Arizona, Machu Picchu in Peru, and the Sphinx in Egypt. So Uluru, Machu Picchu, and the Sphinx are super sites because in those sites, they're chakras and stargates in the same geographic location. So when these sites were cleared, just like whenever you have your chakras cleared in your own physical being, this is not any different than it is for any other chakras or any other soul or any other energy body. But a lot of the population is, they have a lot of lineages from the fey realm, the fairies. And so there's a lot of elven energy, there's a lot of connected to the earth energy. And so when we cleared, I did a chakra clearing, and we also cleared the land. And the secured the stargates, because we pulled them from negative grids and, and connect them to positive grids, and did all the things. Many of those crew members that are fairy had clarity, like, because that's part of their energy connection, right? And so they were able to then feel clear, energetically clear on a level that they had not really experienced before. And of course, with every clearing, there's always more clarity. And then with every layer that's cleared, there's more to discover, right? That's what we found. So lots had greater awareness that some of their own body, their avatars, chronic pain sites, or chronic areas of disease, or imbalance, dis-imbalance sites within their body correlated to, to sites that they had either, like, had to visit a doctor about in one way, shape or form. Either it was a procedure, or maybe they had something, injections, or maybe they saw a dentist, or whatever the case may be. So Aurelia actually was helping, working with me, and we were trying to dig into what some of these chronic pain sites were in her body, because there was no real explanation for them. And, and, of course, no Western medicine, even alternative medicine had much benefit in these areas. And so we were, we were digging into this. These are areas that were, you know, very painful, and inflamed, and would flare up from time to time, and never really seemed to go away. And so I was asking why, and I downloaded that these areas are sites where the crew members had gone for either medical or dental care, where this actually provided an opportunity for negative cloaked entities to be placed in these avatars, which caused many to have the low vibrational feelings of pain, chronic pain, frustration that you couldn't get it to clear up, or go away, or heal. The, some areas, some things are, are, you know, caused them to have guilt because they couldn't participate in family outings, or playing with their children, or work like they used to. It caused all sorts of problems, and very low vibrational frequency problems, I'll add. So, and I don't think that these, none of this was actually done with the knowledge of, like, the person you actually had the appointment with, or the staff. I believe these are just opportunities that these dark entities had the ability to, they literally had the ability to pre-program energy, that when an opportunity presents itself, they attach to the light being. And so, the negative ETs use these opportunities to attach negative entities, negative implants, and they cloak them. So, if you're not specifically looking for a cloaked entity, or a cloaked implant, you're not going to find it. And that's why a lot of people will say to me, well, I just had a Reiki session last week, and none of this was mentioned. Well, I can't explain to you, other than that when I specifically ask these words, like if I just say, is so and so clear of all entities, I may get a yes. But as you know, or you may not know, spells, hexes, and curses, things like that, it's all about the incantation. It's all about the wording. And if you don't use the proper wording to uncover it, it stays hidden. It stays cloaked. It stays camouflaged. And so, we have learned to be very, very specific in our wording. We've learned words have power. That's why I encourage, and I call people out on their words. If they're saying, you know, if they're actually just having ascension symptoms, and they're saying, oh, I feel so sick today, I say, no, you're not sick. We are not sickly. This is not an illness. This is an ascension symptom. This means you are ascending, and your body's detoxing, and that's all good, positive things. So, don't use the words sick, or ill, or injured, unless it's truly what is going on. So, just as a point of reference, if someone is feeling anger, their hertz level, their frequency of anger is 150 hertz, and anger tends to go along with manifesting feelings of hate and antagonistic behavior. Fear is 100 hertz. That usually correlates with feelings of anxiety and fright. Grief, 75 hertz. That goes along with feeling rejected and tragedy. Apathy, 50 hertz. That goes along with feeling despair and hopeless. Guilt, 30 hertz, and that goes along with blame and evil, and shame, that goes along with feeling miserable and humiliated, and I don't know about you, but I've had a lot of experience with people that have chronic processes that cause them to feel miserable, humiliated, blamed, hopeless, regret, anxiety, fear, hate, and I see that is exactly the design for why we are attacked so much in our duality, polarity, dimension that we lived in here on earth. So, if you're constantly feeling this chronic pain, and you're constantly having this nagging thing flare up, like this tooth is always bothering you, especially whenever you start to really make headway in your ascension, in your soul evolution, in your soul growth, and then, bam, you get hit with this pain that just knocks you out of the game, and you can't focus on anything but the pain, and you immediately dip down. You lose some of that ground that you gained when you were trying to ascend, and the whole thing is that they don't want us ascending. The lower vibrational frequencies, the higher the frequency, the more you're going to vibrational frequencies feed the darkness and feed the evil, and that's where they want to keep us, and so, I was shocked that just going to a doctor's office would expose us to this kind of stuff, and I actually had the child of a crew member who has all the clear abilities, you know, seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, and tasting, and they walked into a doctor's appointment, and she immediately felt evil. She felt darkness all around her, and she saw, like, red hanging wire grid, almost like a web, in the doctor's office, she told her mother, and I immediately got that that was a nefarious web trying to entangle beings into the energetic connection so that these attachments, these negative attachments, could be afflicting them, and, I mean, it's just dark. It's just a dark, you know, I've always said they're evil, but they're not stupid. They've had a very, very long time to come up with different ways to attack us, and that's just one of the ways that they use. So, a lot of people that have the chronic disease processes and pain processes, this is keeping you, obviously, and not just you, like the human collective when I say you, sickly and painful and feeding the negative beings who literally are wanting your energy, and they want you to continue to feel that low vibratory whatever it is so that it benefits them. It doesn't benefit you. So, again, we ask for guidance to remove these types of cloaked entities from different areas. Joint replacements is a common site. Hips, knees, ankles, elbows, you know, things like that, even if it hadn't been replaced, it's a common site for these entities to be. Areas of dental work, areas of surgery where organs were removed or whatnot, even if it's exploratory, there's lots of times entities that are in those areas, and they're cloaked, and you've got to go find them to remove them. So, we had assistance come in right away. Mother Sophia, Archangel Raphael, and Quan Yin said, you know, absolutely, let's get this. Let's get this taken care of. So, we developed a clearing session for that, and pretty quick, it depended on how long that being was dealing with these issues. They had minimal to zero pain once these entities and things had been removed. And so, that's the gold, right? That quantum healing, that quantum good intentional energy can and does clear toxic negative energy blockages from any person, place, or thing. So, again, let's go back to the buildings, structures, waterways, land, stargates, portals, your energy body. It's all able to be cleared with the proper intention and enough power. So, again, we have this agreement as guardians and to help the greater good, and we have a lot of soul lineage that has given us lots and lots of power, but it doesn't mean that you're not one of us. So, I want to say, if what I am speaking to you really resonates in your soul, and you think, man, is this what I feel like? I mean, why do I feel like I've been doing this before? Why does this not actually sound so totally foreign? It really resonates within me. It could be because your soul is one of the souls that actually works with us. There's a lot of crew members that I have never had contact with in this dimension. My mind does not know of them here, but we work with them there all the time. And so, it's quite possible. It's quite possible. Definitely, if this resonates with you, use the fan mail tab on the website or Buzzsprout and comment, engage, let me know. We'll be happy to look into all this with you. So, there's been some really positive, you know, things that we've done in our missions, and I do plan on bringing you new mission details with each episode now. So, on April, I'm sorry, on August 4th, 2023. So, this was two days after we did the big missions with the Dark Triangles and then the Earth Chakras and Stargates. There was a post made on Twitter at the time. It's now called X. And I have no affiliation with that site much, and I'm really not even on there much. But someone made a post. It was timed at 1438, so 2.38 p.m., and the tag, the heading, many ancient Stargates are activating. And there was an image of Stargates lighting up and connecting to source, like, you know, the heavens. And it caught my attention. Obviously, things are brought into my purview for a reason. And I just was like, hmm. So, then Mission Control, which is, again, Commander Yogananda and Sanat Kumara come in, and they say, many things blew up today from all that was uncovered. And that's very good. We will not back down from winning over evil. Rest, hydrate, and meditate. And so, that was a really good confirmation. Energetically, a lot that we do is seen up above right away. And it takes some time to trickle down through the ethers and to see, do we have to go back and redo it, or does it take another day to fully clear and secure it, whatnot. So, every mission is very individual. Every mission is very important. And every mission gets as much attention as it needs from the Ascendant Masters, from the Angels, the Archangels, and from our ground crew, the Rainbow Guardians. So, the low frequency state of, you know, the Illuminati, the Cabal, like whatever you want to call it, their objective was to always keep us disempowered, manipulated, weak, and painful in a fear state so we could be easier to control. And a lot of our work has been to just pull that power back, because they've been manipulating it for far too long, and restore balance. Restore balance so that, you know, a being could literally lay on the ground area, and then they are not laying on nefarious ley lines. They are not laying on evil ground. They're laying on healed ground, that you can actually get the benefits from that ground that are positive. And become empowered and become connected to Source and nature and all the things that are good, and that helps people to ascend, that helps you to manifest. And so, of course, they wanted us to never discover all these things. And that's why I'm extremely happy that we did, and not only knew about it, but we did something about it. So I really hope that this mission, these mission details resonate with you. I hope that it wakes you up, and I hope that you recognize that there's something that you also can do to help. Again, special thanks to podcast subscribers Karen, Teresa C., Cassandra G., Teresa H., and Anita E. I want you to engage with me, Q&A via the fan mail. That kind of sends like a text message. It's a new feature, and I'm excited to try that out. Or you can just send me questions via the email link on Buzzsprout. But I look forward to seeing your comments, and I will talk to you again next week for the next mission disclosure. If this truth resonated with you, please don't hesitate to send us a message. I really want to hear from you. Have a great day. Today was awesome. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel, Healing Disclosures with Nicole, my book titled, Sold or Soulless on Amazon, and my website, VioletLotusEnergy.com, for all of our quantum healing services. And remember, just LFG it.

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