Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
There is not a friend like Jesus, trust Him everywhere you go. There is not a friend like Jesus, trust Him everywhere you go. He has trod the way before you, suffered every pain and woe. There is not a friend like Jesus, patient, tender, kind and true. If you'll be a friend of Jesus, He will be a friend to you. There is not a friend like Jesus, when you draw your life's first breath. If you'll be His friend while living, He will be your friend in death. There is not a friend like Jesus, patient, tender, kind and true. If you'll be a friend of Jesus, He will be a friend to you. There is not a friend like Jesus, what a blessed thought to be. Hold it in His arms of power, heaven, eternity. There is not a friend like Jesus, patient, tender, kind and true. If you'll be a friend of Jesus, He will be a friend to you. Praise the Lord. Thankful this morning to have a friend like Jesus. And He has left us an example that we should follow in His steps. Who did no sin and neither was guile found in His mouth. And the Psalm says, There is not a friend like Jesus, patient, tender, kind and true. If you'll be a friend of Jesus, He will be a friend to you. I trust the Lord that He inspires this morning that we would be more like Jesus in our patience. And these are the thoughts the Lord's been working with me through this week. And we'd like to turn in the scripture of 1 Thessalonians, the 5th chapter and the 14th verse. Whoever has that first may read it. 1 Thessalonians. I didn't understand the scripture. 1 Thessalonians 5 and 14. Okay. Hello, Asher. Hey, Dad. How you doing? Alright, we've turned over to 1 Thessalonians 5 and 14 to read. 1 Thessalonians 5 and 14. Yes. Is that the reference? Yes, it is. Praise the Lord. Thank you for that reading. We exhort you, brethren, be speaking to saved folks. Warn them that unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak. Be patient toward all men. This tells us that saints should not leave the work of ministering entirely to the spiritual leaders. In this verse, Paul directs his readers to accept several responsibilities. He charges them with the responsibility to warn the loafers about their slothful attitude. And Christians should keep on doing good to everyone and rejoice. They should keep on praying and offer thanks in every situation. Also, we're instructed as believers not to ignore or reject what the Spirit wants us to do, nor take a slighter view being about the Father's business. There are several things concerning patience that we have here. Patience may be increased. Patience should be exercised. The attributes which patience should be accompanied and miscellaneous points of patience. Turn with us to Romans 15 and 5, please. I'll read that. Now the God of patience and consolation grants you to be like-minded one toward another. We see that God is a God of patience along with Jesus Christ. With God's help and encouragement, everyone in the church can live together in harmony. Everyone in the church can live together in harmony and glorify God with one unified voice as they serve each other ahead of themselves. They must welcome each other as Christ welcomed them. Christ is set forth as an example of patience in Matthew, the 27th chapter and the 12th and 14th verse. Would you get that for us, Christi? In Matthew 27, 12 and 14. And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? And he answered him to never a word, in so much that the governor marveled greatly. Thank you. Matthew only records one statement from Jesus to Pilate during this impromptu trial at the governor's headquarters. Pilate had asked him if Jesus was the king of the Jews. Pilate had asked him if Jesus was the king of the Jews. And Jesus said, classically, you have said so. Effectively meaning, yes. While writers such as John include other details of the conversation that was the gist of his response beyond that, he had little to say to Pilate. He listened as the Jewish religious leaders rained down accusations on him. Anything they could think of to get the Roman governor to condemn Jesus. Jesus didn't refute or answer even one of their charges. Though it is obvious some were simply false. Pilate was amazed. Why wouldn't this prisoner defend himself? It was almost like Jesus was ready to be condemned and killed. That, in fact, is exactly the case. Jesus knows that his enemies have abandoned truth to seek his death. He knows the Gentile governor will eventually choose stability over justice. No further statements would matter, so there's little point in making them. When he suffered, the Bible says, he threatened not. When he was reviled, he reviled not again. Thinking about how we live in a world today that, in a country, that people look like they are proud to say, I have a freedom of speech. Well, you know, we should better have the grace of God because everything that people feel like come to their mind to say may or may not be the thing that God is pleased with. And those who are facing others who feel like they have a freedom to just say anything they want to say, we surely better have the grace of God and some patience. We better have the grace of God and some patience on hand in order to be able to withstand and to be able to still hold in the truth in ourselves. I've seen a person in a leadership position as the truth came out in a message. He felt that it made him look like he was out of fellowship with the old time way. And he took advantage in front of the saints that he was being crucified. Oh, you just crucified me, unquote. That wasn't even it. He was found short of the truth by the word of God. Him and another well thought of brother minister had already been implying the messenger was being fanatical. And as far as the message was concerned, it was a matter of the refuge of hell that was sweeping away the refuge of lies. I couldn't say anything in that meeting, but praise God and amen. God set forth the prophets and the saints of past ages as examples for us in patience. Let's turn over to the book of James, the fifth chapter and the 10th verse. Would you read that for us, Sister Lois, in James 5 and 10? Take my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord for an example of suffering, affliction and of patience. Thank the Lord. Take my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the Lord for an example of suffering, affliction and of patience. Now let's turn over to James, the first chapter and the fourth verse. And read that, please. Since you're already in James, Sister Lois. Okay. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Thank the Lord. We see that God is a God of patience. And Jesus is a person of patience. And he set an example for us that we should follow in his steps. Who did no sin and neither was guile found in his mouth. When he suffered, he threatened not. He became obedient. Obedient unto the death, even the death of the cross. And James is encouraging us and exhorting us to let patience have her perfect work. God is urging his oppressed Christian readers to remain patient in their suffering. They must refuse to give in to the pressures that turn on each other. Instead, they should continue to believe God's promise that the day of the Lord is coming and all will be made right. Now patience produces experience. Randall, would you get for us and read Romans 5, 4 and 6, please. Romans 5, 4 and 6. Okay. Okay. For when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died to the ungodly. Oh, excuse me. And the hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us when we were yet without strength. Yes. For when we were yet without strength. Read on. What more do I need? Six. Yes. For when we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly. Thank the Lord. I believe the Lord gives us these things that we may be able to benefit from them. This is describing the great benefits that come with being justified by God's grace through our faith in Christ. Paul began the previous verse by saying that we rejoice in our sufferings. In the context of those who express faith in God as exemplified by Abraham, Paul also did not mean by this that we feel happy when things are hard. Instead, he showed that for those in Christ, suffering is an opportunity to move closer to God and to grow in our faith. Suffering for the believer produces endurance. The ability to continue trusting God for longer periods of time and through more difficult circumstances. This is a battle-tested faith of endurance that produces in Christians the quality of character. Christians of character choose to keep doing the right things on a consistent basis. The pattern is that suffering causes us to trust God on a deeper level. And the more we trust God, the more likely we are to consistently make right choices. We become Christians of proven character. Patience produces hope in us. To suffer with patience for well-doing is acceptable with God. We'd like to move on to another point here, that patience may be increased. Well, how does that increase? I would say by constant exercise, by passing through the deep trials. Let's turn over to James 1 and 3. Christie, would you read that for us in James 1 and 3? Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. Yes. The trial of our faith is, in short, about faith. It's about trusting God. God wants us to respond to trials, to the hard things in our life, in a way that demonstrates our trust in Him. Another point is that patience should be exercised. Now, in running the Christian race, we find in the book of Hebrews, the 12th chapter, and the first verse. I'll read it. Wherefore, seeing we are all so compassed about with so great a cloud of witness, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. God wants us to bring forth fruit in our lives. He doesn't want us to be weary in well-doing because He says we'll reap if we faint not. May God guide our hearts into the love of God and into the patient waiting of Christ. While we are here, He wants us to rejoice in hope, in patience, in tribulation, continuing instant in prayer. May we be followers of the Lord through faith and patience and inherit the promises that are for us. Another point. Now, these are the attributes which patience should be accompanied. Let us turn over to 2 Thessalonians, if you would get that far, Sister Lois. 2 Thessalonians 1 and 4. So that we ourselves glory in you in churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecution and tribulation that you endure. Praise the Lord. Paul expresses gratitude to his readers for their faith, love, and perseverance in the face of persecution and hardship. Brother Mark, we boast about you, about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials that you are enduring. We boast of you and all the saints among God's church of their perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials they are enduring right now and have endured until the end. They love not their lives as said in the word unto death. There is an accuser of the brethren. And the devil is the accuser. He goes before the Father and he accuses us. Keeping books on us and listing every shortcoming and every time we've made a mistake or stepped aside or anything we may have done that he can try to use against us to tell the Father that we are not what we say we are. He's the accuser of the brethren. But the word says they overcame him. How? By the blood of the Lamb, praise the Lord, and the word of their testimony. You know, if we have testified to the glory of God, that's overcoming the devil. That's right, that'll put him to shame. The devil just likes for us to be quiet and not have anything to say. And it says they love not their lives unto death. There are saints that I personally knew who lived under terrible conditions with an unsaved companion who suffered illness that God healed them and then later on took his jewels out of this world to a heavenly place. Said the rest from their labors and their works do follow them, praise the Lord. Life on earth is but a vapor, soon we'll lay these bodies down, but if we continue faithful we shall wear the victor's crown. Brighter than the stars of heaven, brighter than the dazzling sun, we shall shine among the ransomed when our work on earth is done. Praise the Lord. God wants us to be strengthened with all might according to his glorious power unto all patients in long-suffering with joyfulness. We are insufficient of ourselves to do and bear anything of ourselves. And I'd like to conclude with the thought that we began with in the outset, we must be patient toward all men. And 1 Thessalonians 5 and 14, from the outset of this message, brethren are to warn them that are unruly, to comfort the feeble-minded, to support the weak, to be patient toward all men. Let us be reminded that saints should not leave the work of ministering entirely to the spiritual leaders. We too are to accept several responsibilities. We are charged with the responsibility to warn loafers about their slothful attitude. Christians should keep on doing good to everyone and rejoice. We should keep on praying and offering thanks in every situation. Also, we are instructed as believers not to ignore or reject what the Lord wants us to do. He says, quench not the spirit, despise not prophesying, hold fast to that which is good. Let's be encouraged to be about the Father's business. Let's bow our heads and our hearts in prayer. Father in heaven, we as believers are weak in ourselves and insufficient to do or bear anything of ourselves, but stand in need of strength from above, even of all might, of all kinds of spiritual might and strength, proportionate to the various kinds of service, temptations, and trials that we are called to endure. We come to you in Jesus' name, in whom there is no darkness at all. Strengthen us with all power, according to your great might, so that we can both endure and be patient, even having great joy while enduring, always giving thanks to you, heavenly Father. We pray, O God, right now for our devotional service today. For the people on this call, we ask that they would be filled with the knowledge of your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. O God, help them to know you, to know your will, and to receive with meekness the engrafted word, to know your will be revealed in your word. These blessings we ask in Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Any Thanksgiving and prayer requests or excitations, testimonies? If not, say that again. Well, I had an incredible time where I had not been able to water the garden for days. I missed a time, and I thought it was a miracle that it rained, you know, after, you know, quite some time. And so, it made everything so much easier. Thank the Lord. And so, it was like, I had no idea. I had no idea. And this problem, it happened, and the rain happened at the same time. And I thought it was incredible. Yes, it is. Thank the Lord. A lot of times, people have a tendency. Yeah. A lot of times, people have a tendency to complain about when it rains. But God knows what He's doing when He sends the rain, doesn't He? Yeah. I've been thanking the Lord, too. You know, I have a... Mark had a rift line along the fence line where we had plants. Anyway, there was a leak. A leak. And it was not getting to the rest of the other plants that were down on the line. But the Lord has sent rain, too, for us. Normally, in June, we don't have rain. Thank the Lord. Thank the Lord that He keeps that plant that doesn't hit the drift line. The Lord gives rain for that one, too. Yes, He does. I thank Him for His goodness to us. Amen. It's true, we have to pray for patience. Yes. The Lord sends help that we encourage to pray for more patience. Yes. You know, any time that we need help, there's always more help. Even though we may use up a lot of grace, but there's more grace. Thank the Lord. That's good. Thank you. Thank you for that. The portion of Scripture that says, This time, Speak a little louder, Brother Mark. God is prepared. God is prepared a found foundation. Thoroughly prepared foundation brought in great patience so that everyone who receives life from above can live with dignity. When you think about this, I say, Lord, why do we have to go through all the Old Testament? Why does it all have to be all those sentiments? It's part of the work of patience. Yes. I say, Lord, I don't get all that much out of it. Well, it's there to get. It's there for everyone to get. It is for God. It's been thoroughly and completely prepared. Yes. Now, we look at our trials and our tribulations. We say, I won't no more. I won't. It lands on me. My foot has improved and gotten better. It seems like I can hardly wait at times for being up and around. I'm not. But I've come to realize that there are things that are wrong. By having laid on the Lord my sins, they can't be wrong any other way in my humanity and what I am as a person. So, I have to settle down. Trusting the Lord with patience that it will come in due time. Yes. That's a great encouragement to me and a great strength. And I find that it opens wide the gates of glorying in God, receiving grace from Him. Just hold still in the trial that I'm in and not complain about it. Not go run out of grace to do it. Not getting impatient with the Lord. But rather just waiting on Him. I think the Lord for that is the only way to get. Yes. So, you ask Him where to get. So, I want to go through it like I'm supposed to go through it. Being that I've got a strength and a power from God and an ability to trust Him with an unwavering faith. Oh, that makes me glory in my soul. Praise the Lord. I feel like I love the Lord more than ever. And I want to love Him more yet. I want to trust Him more. So, I thank the Lord for His praise going about His work. He doesn't look at time like we do. He doesn't look at something like we do. But He has what we need to be able to bear. As long as we need to bear. Yes. As long as there's a due time not yet fulfilled. That's the Lord. Amen. Praise the Lord. Anyone else? If nothing further, let's turn to page 151. More like Christ. More like Christ. My heart is praying. More like Christ. From day to day. All His graces rest this lay. While I tread my pilgrim way. More like Christ every day. More like Christ. More like Christ. My heart does say. Yes, more like Christ. More like Christ. Every day. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. More like Christ. 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