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The speaker is expressing concern about the direction of the church and the influence of politics on it. He believes that Christians should have a biblical worldview and align their beliefs with God's desires. He criticizes the church for allowing politics in and believes that pastors and bishops have led them astray. He discusses the importance of seeking truth and doing research rather than relying on Google. He also talks about the history of the Democratic Party and its role in the abolition of slavery. He argues that Christians should reject certain social issues and vote for politicians who align with their core values. He emphasizes the need for black people to open businesses and create jobs instead of relying on handouts. He believes that the black community has been under hypnosis to vote Democrat and urges them to reevaluate their political choices. Hello again. This is Norman Goodman with another podcast. I've been having this podcast on my mind for, man, at least three, almost a month. I just haven't gotten around to really having the time to sit down to really start talking about the concerns that I have on my mind right now. As a child of God and as a person who is plugged into the power source, which is God's word, I'm concerned about my Christian brothers and sisters out there in this year in concern with the church and the direction that the church is going in and how the church has been under hypnosis pretty much since the civil rights movement. I know for some people it's going to be a hard discussion. Sometimes you just got to have these discussions as Christians. The Bible says, when I was a child, I spoke as a child and I act like a child, but when I became a man, I started to act like a man. I thought like a man. I moved like a man. When you are plugged into the power source of God's word, everything God's desire becomes your desire. Everything that offends God will offend you. Everything God hates, you will hate. We had the men's breakfast a couple of weeks ago, and one of our bishops, the bishop over the Japan district, he said a lot of great things when he spoke in the men's breakfast, and he said something that was profound. He said there is a difference between, I'm paraphrasing this, he said that there's a difference between a Christian and a person that operates off of a biblical worldview. A Christian is seeking God, has not yet found God, but a person who operates off of a biblical worldview has found God. That stuck with me because I always say I operate off of a biblical worldview. What does that mean? That means exactly what I say. Whatever said, whatever offends God offends me. My desire has become God's desires. If we're not feeling or thinking that way, then we really need to ask ourselves, are we Christians trying to seek God, or have we found God? Then why am I saying this? I'll be honest with you, I don't even like politics. Politics to me is the devil's playground. Something that a person who professes to be a child of God should not be participating in. I've said it before in previous podcasts is when politics came to the church doorsteps, the bishops, the pastors, and the deacons should have been out front with a shotgun ready to shoot anything politics that's coming on God's campus. We didn't. We opened the door. We let the enemy in, and we've been poisoned ever since. Our poor pit, our pastors, our bishops have led us and have been leading us to the pits of hell. I know that's going to be a little offensive to people because I know a lot of people love their pastors and their bishops. I'm not just talking about the black church, I'm talking about the white churches, the Asian churches, the Latin churches. People tend to worship their bishops and their pastors. I'm not that kind of person. I don't worship any man or follow any man. I may listen to what a man may be saying, but I always refer to the scripture. I'm a big history buff. I'm not talking about that history that they teach in the universities or that history they teach on the History Channel or Smithsonian Institute. That's propaganda history there. I'm talking about getting to the meat and potato, peeling back the layers and wanting to know the truth, the real truth. Knowledge isn't what you know. Knowledge is seeking truth, and that's an ongoing thing, which you think you know today, tomorrow may change based off of your due diligence. Okay. Google is not researching, folks. You got to do the hard work. You actually have to pick a book up. You have to read it. It has been said if you wanted to hide something from black folks, you put it in a book. One young man, he added, also, you put it in a pair of boots, and his idea for saying that is black people don't like to work anymore. What he meant by that is really get down to the nitty-gritty, get into the fields, work the land, do the hard manual work. We're too sophisticated now. We have a lot of degrees, so we got to be in a nice AC building, have our suits on and our high-heeled shoes on or whatever. Anything that requires any manual labor, we look down on it, but yet other groups are coming in this country taking those jobs that we now refuse to work and making money hand over fist. Making money hand over fist. Are we still looking for that perfect job? Booker T. Washington said, we have enough black people looking for jobs. We need black people to do what? Open up businesses and start hiring people. That's what we need to do. We as black folks in this country have done a very poor job at that. What I'm talking about is this election that's coming up in November. We have been under hypnosis, the black community, what I'm talking about. We've been under hypnosis since the Civil Rights Movement to vote anything Democrat regardless. President Johnson, after he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, said that he's going to have these mayors voting Democrat for the next 200 years. It's been about what, 60, what I'm 61 right now, about 63 years since the Civil Rights Act has been signed. We've been right on point. We've been voting Democrat. Any of us that vote conservative or Republican, we all seem to think that there's something wrong with that person. But as a Christian and as a person who's a child of God, all of our core beliefs should be conservative. We should be supporting the nuclear family the way God has planted out to be. We should be supporting the birth of our children. We should be rejecting homosexuality. We should be rejecting transgenderism. We should be rejecting giving people handouts with social service when they don't work and contribute to our society. We have people out there that have reared two and three generations off of social service, wear fair food stamps, and haven't contributed anything to the pot. People that are conservative are against that. But yet the Democratic Party says that we are the ones with the problem. Now as Christians, God does ask us, the Bible does tell us to take care of the poor and the downtrodden, the people who can't do for themselves. But the Bible also says if a man that doesn't work doesn't eat. Right? So I think we've kind of gone overboard with the handouts. And I think we need to get back to the way God had planted. But we can't do that if we keep voting for politicians that don't have our core values at heart, that reject God and Jesus at every turn, that push legislations that totally reject God and Jesus, that offends God. You know, transgenderism, homosexuality, abortion. Those are things that the church should never support. Those are things that people who claim to be godly should never support. We should reject that no matter what the case is. We should reject that. God has blessed us as black people, descendants of slaves, and even free blacks in this country. Keep in mind, not all black folks came in this country as slaves. We had over 30,000 free slaves on this continent in the mid-1700s that owned land, that owned land, and also owned slaves in the south. Okay? So not everybody that came over here that was from Africa was enslaved. They were free. Matter of fact, during the Revolutionary War, you had 500 free black men go to war on the side of our founding fathers. You know, history says that the first man to die in the Revolutionary War was a black man. He was a free man. He wasn't a slave. Okay? Um, so we need to, we need to, what I'm, the whole point of this podcast is hopefully I can get you to pause for a second. Okay? I can get you as a Christian, as a person that's trying to get you from Christianity, being a Christian, and getting you plugged into the power source of God's word. So his desires are your desires. So what he hates, you hate. All right? Um, I'm gonna give you a little bit of background, a little bit of history on the Democratic Party, and I'm gonna start with after the assassination of Abe Lincoln. Now, we all should be aware that it was the Republican Party that God had blessed to be the dominant party at that time during the Revolution, during the Civil War. And that was the party that outlawed slavery on this continent in 1865, after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Keep in mind, the five states that succeeded from the Union, slavery was deemed outlawed. But when Lincoln was assassinated, the Republican dominated Congress decided to free all the slaves. Okay? They didn't have to do that, but God had pressed on them to do that. So it was the Republican Party that freed the slaves, and it was the Republican Party that kept the slaves, that kept the ex-slaves free. Now, why do I say that? Well, let me go into a little bit of history here. The 17th president of the United States of America, his name was Andrew Johnson. Okay? Abe Lincoln was the 16th president. Andrew Johnson was the 17th president. Not to be confused with Andrew Jackson, who was the 7th president of the United States of America. Okay? Andrew Johnson. Let me give you a little bit of background on him. Andrew Johnson. Okay? December 29th, 1805, died July 31st, 1875, was the 17th president of the United States of America, serving from 1865 to 1869. He assumed the presidency following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, as he was vice president at the time. Johnson was a Democrat who ran with Abraham Lincoln on the National Union Party ticket, coming to the office as the Civil War concluded. He favored quick restoration. Let me say this again. I'll have you out. He favored quick restoration of the succeeded states to the Union without protection for the newly freed people who were formerly enslaved, as well as pardoning ex-Confederates. This led to the conflict with the Republican-dominated Congress, okay, culminating in his impeachment by the House of Representatives in 1868. He was acquitted in the Senate by one vote. Okay? I just want you guys to understand something. He was a man, Andrew Johnson, who was a Democrat, and the moment he became president, he wanted to return the South to its glory days and re-institute slavery. And it was a Republican-dominated party that kept that from happening. Okay? Just trying to help you guys out here for a little bit. But let me go on a little bit more. Let me try to see. Try to get down here. Johnson, Johnson, Johnson. Okay. Johnson implemented, here we go right here. Johnson implemented his own form of presidential reconstruction, a series of proclamations directing the succeeded states to hold conventions and elections to reform their civil government. Southern states returned many of their old leaders and passed black codes to deprive the freemen of many civil liberties. When you say freemen, you mean the ex-slaves. But congressional Republicans refused to seat legislators from those states and advance legislation to overrule the Southern actions. Johnson vetoed their bills, and congressional Republicans overruled him, setting up patterns for the remainder of the presidency. Johnson opposed, catch this one, Johnson also opposed the 14th Amendment, which gave citizenship to former slaves. Okay? Congress, check this out, also, okay, Congress passed a tenure of office act restricting Johnson's ability to fire cabinet officials. So anybody that was in his cabinet that disagreed with him, which was probably Republican, he was trying to get rid of them, terminate them, and the Republican party, the Republican dominated Congress had to put acts in place to keep them from doing that. Okay? I'm trying to get you guys to understand something. Okay? That it was the Republican party that freed you and fought to keep you free. Okay? Because the Republican party knew that this country, the United States of America could not be great if we had enslaved people. It went against the Constitution in the Bill of Rights, in the Declaration of Independence. This country is not perfect by no means, and no country is perfect by no means. But we have something that no one else has. We have a Constitution of the United States of America. We have a Declaration of Independence. See, a lot of Democrats don't understand, a lot of people who profess to be Democrats don't understand the difference between a republic and a democracy. Okay? Ben Franklin, coming out of the Constitutional Convention, when he was asked on the street by a woman what type of government did you give us, he said a republic if you can keep it. What's the difference between a republic and a democracy? Both of them are almost juxtaposed. They almost mirror each other. They're both almost looking at trying to get to the same point. But the difference between the two is that the republic has a document called the Constitution. It has a document in it that protects your individual liberty, your freedom from the majority, where a democracy does not have such a document. That means you are at the whim of the majority. Okay? You're not protected. Your individual rights are not protected. That's why we have 27 amendments, and the first one is the freedom of speech. That you should be able to say whatever you want to say without actually being persecuted, but as long as you don't infringe on anybody else. You may not like what the other person is saying. You might be infuriated by what the other person is saying, but under the Constitution, that person has a right to say it. And the Democratic Party, along with the Communists, have been trying their very best to unravel that Constitution, to take us into a socialist society, which the Democratic Party wants. Okay? Slavery is what they're after. All right? Slavery is what they're after. So as a person, a man or a woman of God, that claim to be God, you can't support a party or individual that wants to enslave you and enslave your mother, your father, your grandchildren, your wife, your husband, your friends or whatever, because that's what they're trying to do. All right? So I wanted to give you that little bit of insight about the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Okay? Because again, guys, if you're looking at legacy news, CNN, MSNBC, even Fox, okay, PBS, NPR, these are legacy medias, right? These are controlled by the bankers and Wall Street. These are propagandist organizations that are meant to control your mind. I have a ton of books. I mean, I have a lot of books. I'm not going to say a ton, but I have a lot of books on mind warfare. Okay? Manipulation, propaganda, manipulating the mind. You know, I have one book, It's Ripped with the Mind by Malone, Delusion of the Mass, Delusion by Malone. I have one, Battle for the Mind by Sargent. I have one called The Crowd by Gustave Le Bon. And this one was 18, this one was written, I think, 18, let me see when this book was actually written. 1895. Okay? It was first published in France and then in English in 1896. And I'm just going to go over it. I'm not going to read the preface. I think I'll just go over the back of it. But just give you a little bit of glimpse of what's in the book. I would definitely suggest buying this book, The Crowd, A Study of the Popular Mind, Gustave Le Bon. Okay? And it says, one of the most influential works of social psychology in history. The crowd was highly instrumental in creating this field of study by analyzing, in detail, mass behavior. The book had a profound impact, not only on Freud, Sigmund Freud, but also on such 20th century masters of crowd control as Hitler and Mussolini, both of whom may have used this observation as a guide to stirring up popular passions. In the author's words, that masses have never thirsted for truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master. Whoever attempts to destroy their illusion is always their victim. It's always that mass illusion. The people that can get the masses emotionally riled up is their master. And the one that tries to get them out of that hypnosis is their enemy. It's that simple. When I see that, again, our political landscape is controlled. Understand that. The Republican Party that we have today is not the Republican Party we had of Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln. Two different worlds. This Republican Party almost mirrors the Democratic Party with a little bit of slight differences, but they almost mirror each other. The Democratic Party has always had the black communities specifically under hypnosis. Our universities are under hypnosis. Our churches are under hypnosis. All of it's under hypnosis now. And now you have this guy come out, Donald Trump. And I remember when Donald Trump ran, I did not vote for Donald Trump. I did not like Donald Trump. I couldn't even stand his voice. I'm not telling you that I like Donald Trump. I'm not telling you that he's the greatest thing in chocolate milk. But two years into his administration, I realized something. This man was dropping some truth bombs that was waking a lot of people up. And he became the enemy. Nobody hated Donald Trump until the media, to the legacy media, the progressive media, told everybody to hate Donald Trump. Now the legacy media is telling you guys to love Kamala Harris. Now why am I saying this? Kamala Harris, and I'm talking to Christians out here, I'm talking to people who call themselves a child of God. Kamala Harris does not support your God and his son Jesus Christ. First John, second John says what? Those who do not accept or acknowledge the Messiahship of Jesus Christ are antichrists. Kamala Harris worships a Hindu God. Kamala Harris pushes homosexuality. Kamala Harris pushes LGBTQ. Kamala Harris pushes transgenderism. And Kamala Harris pushes abortions. I mean hard. Her, Biden, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, the Clintons, the whole Democratic, Warnock, the whole Democratic Party. Everything that's against God, they push. Everything that's against God. I want to think Donald Trump. Donald Trump doesn't care if you're gay, red, whatever. His thing is about this country. Getting this country back as the top dog in the world. That's his only concern. To what Kamala Harris and them is about destroying each and every individual in this country and protecting her group. Now again, I'm not saying that Donald Trump is perfect. I'm not saying any of that. I believe they all are in the same ilk. But don't hate a person because somebody told you to hate them. Don't vote for a person because they have the same melon. They look like you. Look at the policies. Look at your core values. If you don't want to vote for Donald Trump because he doesn't have your core values, don't go vote for Kamala because she definitely doesn't have you. Just don't vote at all. Or vote independent. How about this? How about vote Jesus Christ in 2024? I have a t-shirt that says that. Vote Jesus Christ 2024. See in the scripture, we are not called to participate in politics. We are called to pray for those in leadership that they might come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Right? Put ourselves under the authority of man that we might gain a few. It's the great commission that we should be focused on. That's the whole thing we should be focusing on. And I feel that our churches have been captured so hard that we don't even see it. We're reading the scripture. We can recite it. We can memorize it. We can sing the hymns. And we can do all the things. We can go to the altar and get touched by the pastors and the bishops. But then we do everything the opposite. We're like a contradiction walking. You know, because then we go right to the polls. We go right to the election and we vote opposite of every single thing we say we stand for. Just because somebody told us to. And we didn't trust in God. We saw it during the pandemic. A lot of people who profess to be godly people went out and took that shot. We didn't trust in God. We wanted the consent and the praise of man versus God. So we need to really focus on God's word. And we really need to focus on ourselves. We need to ask God really to search us. To search our hearts. Are we really searching for God? Are we really serving him? I don't think so. I don't think so. We should never have a politician in our church on the pulpit. Because politicians don't serve God. They serve themselves. Period. They serve themselves. I trust no politician. I don't support any politician. I don't do it. Because I know these are men and women. They're fallible. You know, I know they're not trying to serve God. If they were trying to serve God, then the problem with the violence in the communities, they would be advocating for women to not have babies out of wedlock and for our women to get married and put the man at the head of the household. Like Patrick Moynihan suggested in the Moynihan Report in 1965. The way God had laid it out in the Bible where Jesus is the head of the man, the man is the head of the woman, and God is the head of Jesus. I mean, that's scripture, right? Whether you agree or disagree or are indifferent to it, that's scripture. But unfortunately, we have adopted the world's way. The Bible says be a part of the world, but don't conform to the world. Don't look at our lives the way the world looks at it. Don't look at the world the way they look at it. Don't adopt their behavior. Don't go to Rome and act like the Romans. You know the old saying, when in Rome, do as the Romans. No, that's not what God wants you to do. He don't want you to do that. We live in a post-modern society that rejects everything God. That rejects everything God. And unfortunately, in the churches, we're doing the same thing. Now, I want to get into something that's intriguing. I have a book on my shelf, and there are three books in one. One is called The Miseducation of Negroes. The other one is The Stolen Legacy. And the last one is The Willie Lynch Letters and the Making of a Slave. Now, we have George G. M. James, who wrote Stolen Legacy. We have Carter G. Woodson, who wrote Miseducation of the Negro. Now, I've read the both, Miseducation of the Negro, and I've gotten halfway through The Stolen Legacy by George G. M. James, who claims that everything that the Greeks in the world learned came from the Egyptians. I don't know about that. I push back against that. But that's a discussion we'll table for another podcast. But the one I'm most interested in is The Willie Lynch Letters. Now, historians now agree that The Willie Lynch Letters are not real and authentic. It's a hoax. There is no such person as a William Lynch that lived in the West Indies and had a plantation. I've tried to search it myself. I've used Brave, Google. I've tried to find out, was there ever a William Lynch that had a plantation in the West Indies? And was there at any point in the 1700s that the slave owners in Virginia requested his services to teach him how to control their unruly slaves here in Virginia, in Jamestown? Supposedly, he came here in 1712 and gave a speech. But it didn't come to light until the 1970s. And then it didn't become really widespread until the advent of the internet in the 1990s. We've even had Denzel Washington quoted in, I think the movie's called The Great Debaters, where he quoted something about The Willie Lynch Letters. At this point, Willie's letters are, it wasn't written by a man named William Lynch. It wasn't. But somebody wrote it. And whoever wrote it, I could tell you right now, this person, whoever wrote it, was used to developing animals and breaking them, and also had a blueprint on how to control a human being, to make the slave, make humans slaves. See, when we think about slavery, we only think about the Negro, not understanding that every culture ever existed on the planet and in the world enslaved each other, whether it was the Asians, the Anglo-Saxons, the Indians, the Negroes. Keep in mind, it was the Negroes that sold the Negroes into slavery. This is a blueprint on how to enslave a people. In the letter, supposedly, Willie Lynch wrote, save the body, but take the mind. And I thought that was absolutely brilliant, because what I thought about was MKUltra, the CIA, mind control. I thought about my books that I have on my shelf that I was talking about, Edward Bernays' Propaganda, Edward Bernays' Crystallizing Public Opinion, Mass Delusion by Malou, Rape of the Mind by Malou. There's another one I have, Mind Wars by the military. You got Brainwashing in Red China, Battle for the Mind by Sargent, The Crowd by Le Bon. I mean, I have a plethora of books on that particular subject. And that has always been something that the power elites, the people at the top, have always been trying to figure out. How can we control the masses? How can we control them? And how can we control them? We have to get them mentally. We have to get them in their mind. You got Skinner. You have Pavlos. You have a lot of psychologists over the years and the centuries that have did experiments on human beings, on rats, on animals, on dogs, to see how they can control them. It's all about controlling human beings. And unfortunately, the black community has been like the perfect example on how to control the people. And I'm just going to read a little bit of excerpts from this book. And I've often said, I've said it to my mom, I've said it to my wife, I've said it to anybody who will listen. You got to go back to the Garden of Eden. The enemy did not go after, the serpent did not go after Adam because he knew Adam was too strong and he had a relationship with God. He knew he could get Eve because she did not have a relationship with God. See, Eve immediately was rebellious because she went against what Adam had told her. I talked about what Adam Weishaupt, Bavarian Illuminati, he said that the woman's mind is easily cultivated. You get to the woman and she can persuade her man. Okay. But what I'm reading here on the breaking process of the African woman, which I found fascinating because again, it talks about going after the woman. Why? Because she's carrying the world in her womb. Every female is born with the eggs that she's going to have for the rest of her life. She has life in her womb. You need one male to breed 100 females. You don't need 100 males. Right? So here's the process here. And this is part in the book of breaking the African female. And I'm going to read this part to you and bear with me. It reads like this. Understanding is the best thing. Therefore, we shall go deeper into the areas of the subject matter concerning what we have produced here in this breaking process of the female. They use the word nigger, but I'm going to use the word Negro. Okay. I'm going to substitute it. We have reversed the relationships in her natural uncivilized state. She would have a strong dependency on the uncivilized Negro male, and she would have a limited protective tendency towards her independent male offspring and would raise the female offspring to be dependent like her, dependent on the male, the way God had intended it. Now, they use the word nature. Okay. But I'm going to use the word God. God had provided for this type of balance. We reverse God, they say nature, reverse God by burning and pulling one civilized Negro apart and bull whipping the other to the point of death, all in her presence and in the presence of the offspring. Now, what they did was they took, they take the alpha male, the alpha black male, I mean, the big dog on campus. They take him, they beat him, they taught him, feather him, they set him on fire, and they tied him to horses and they pulled him apart in front of the female and the offsprings. Then the next alpha male, which was another one, they bull whipped him to the point of death. Don't kill him because we can use him for breeding. This is what the book says for later on down the line. Now, the female, now listen to what it says, by her being left alone, unprotected, why? Because her dependency was on the male. With the male image destroyed, her protective, okay, the ordeal causes her to move from psychological dependent state to a frozen independent state. In this frozen psychological state of independency, she will raise her male and female offspring in reverse roles. For fear of the young male's life, she will psychologically train, I like to use develop, him to be mentally weak and dependent, but physically strong. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her female offspring to be psychologically independent. What have we got? You've got the Negro woman out front and the man behind scared. This is the perfect situation for sound sleep in economics. Did you see what they just did? Is that not the case today? Is that not what happened during the civil rights movement? Exactly what happened. We put the female in front and the male, the black male was made weak that she would develop. Now, he doesn't see himself as a leader, he sees himself as a follower. That's why you have a lot of men, especially black men, that advocate and support feminism because they have been developed to be weak, not to be leaders, but to be followers. Even with a father in the home, a lot of boys are being reared to be weak and walk behind the woman. That's not what God had designed. This is how you make a slave. This is how you destroy a community. Role reversal. This is what you do. Now, I can go over, they keep talking about controlling the language, changing the language. Not teaching the slave your language. Because if you teach the slave your language, now you can't control him or fool him anymore. Now, he's looking in your eyes and now he's talking to you like a man and not as a servant. Now, he no longer looks at you as superior to him, he looks at himself as equal to you now. So, the idea of not teaching the language to the slave was very important, all right? And this is the thing in the black community today. See, we still see ourselves as inferior. That's why we are keep arguing and complaining about getting respect. Because we see ourselves as inferior to everybody else and not equal. Okay? This is what it is. We look at ourselves as inferior because we don't read. We don't educate our own children. We don't do that. We've let politics take over. So, I'm going to go over this part. This podcast really, I wanted to really call it Dear Black People or Dear Black America because I'm trying to get Black America, my Christian brothers and sisters, to wake up, to get out of this hypnosis, to pause for a second and go to scripture and not go to politics. All right? Not get caught up in this identity politics thing. Stop with the attitude of as long as it's not Donald Trump, I don't care who it is. And I'm like, you forget about what the devil is doing, but as long as it's not Donald Trump, it doesn't matter. Right? It doesn't matter if the person that you're going to vote for is advocating everything against God and his son Jesus Christ as long as it's not Donald Trump. Do you understand how unfruitful that is and how dangerous that is, the way to think? And make no mistake, when you're standing in front of God, you will be held accountable for that. You will be held accountable. So, I'm going to read this right here. And I thought this was like, when I read this, it wasn't funny, but it was funny because I had to read it because it literally talks to the black community all day. And it says food for thought from the internet. And it says, dear black Americans, after all these years and all we have been through together, we think it's appropriate for us to show our gratitude for all you have done for us. We have chastised you, criticized you, punished you, and in some cases even apologized to you. But we have never formally nor publicly thank you for your never ending allegiance and support to our cause. I had to laugh at that because I'm like, here we go. This is our open letter of thanks. We will always be in your debt to you. We will always be in debt to you for your labor. You built this country and were responsible for the great wealth we still enjoy today. Upon your backs, laden with the stripes, we sometimes had to apply for disciplinary reasons. You carried our nation. We thank you for your diligence and your tenacity. Even when we refuse to allow you to even walk in our shadows, you follow close behind, believing that someday we would accept you and treat you like men and women. We publicly acknowledge black, we publicly acknowledge black people for raising our children, attending our sick and preparing our meals while we were occupied with the trappings of the good life. Even during the time, even during the time when we found pleasure in your women and enjoyed in seeing your men lynched, maimed and burnt. Some of us continue to watch over, some of you continue to watch over us and our belongings. Think about that for a second. All this is going on and you still was watching over Massa and protecting him, right? And over his belongings and over his children, okay? Let me continue. We simply cannot thank you enough. Your bravery on the battlefield, despite being classified as three-fourths of a man and still outstanding. We often watched in awe as you went about your prescribed chores and assignment, sometimes laboring in the hot sun for 12 hours to assist in realizing our dreams of wealth and good fortune. Now that we control at least 90% of all the resources and wealth of this nation, we have black people to thank the most. We can only think of the sacrifices you and your families made to make it all possible. You were there when it all began and you are still with us today, protecting us from those black people who have the of timidity to speak out against our past transgressions. Thank you for continuing to bring 95% of what you earn to our business. Thank you for buying our heel figures, Karens, Nikes and polo shirts and all the other brands you so adore. Your super rich athletes, entertainers, intellectuals and business people, both legal and illegal, exchange most of their money for our cars, jewelries, homes, clothing. What a windfall they have provided for us. The less fortunate among you spend all they have at our neighborhood stores, enabling us to open even more stores. Sure, they complain about us, but they never do anything to hurt us economically. Is that true? I think so. I absolutely think so. Let me continue. Allow us to thank you for not bargaining yourselves down for business of doing business with your own people. We can take care of that for you. What he's saying is, let me read it again, allow us to thank you for not bargaining yourselves down with the business of doing business with your own people. We can take care of that for you. You just keep doing business with us. It's safer that way. Besides, everything you need, we make anyway, even kent clothes. You just continue to dance, sing and distrust and hate each other. Is that not true? Okay. Thank you for not doing business with your own people. We can take care of that for you. Have yourselves a good time, and this time we'll take, we'll take, have yourself a good time, and this time we'll take, take of you. We'll take of you. I don't know what he meant by that. It's the last, it's the least, it's the least we can, no, no, I know what he's saying. He's saying, have yourself a good time, and this time we'll take care of you. Okay. It's the least we can do. Considering all you've done for us, heck, you deserve it. You deserve it, black people, for all your labor, which created our wealth, for all your, for, for your resisting the message of troublemaking, trouble, of troublemakers like Booker T. Washington, Delaney, Marcus Garvey, Bethune, Tugman, and Truth, for fighting and dying on the battlefield, we thank you. And we really thank you for not reading, not reading about the many black warriors that participated in the development of our great country. We thank you for keeping it hidden from the younger generation. Thank you for not bringing such glorious deeds to your attention. For allowing us to move into your neighborhoods, we will forever be grateful to you, for your unceasing desire to be near us, and for hardly ever following through on your threats due to the lack of equality. We thank you so much. We also appreciate your acquiescence to our political agendas. For advocating your own economic self-sufficiency, meaning letting the government take over it, we're not going to take care of ourselves, and for working so diligently for the economic well-being of our people. You are real troopers. And even though the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments were written for you, and many of your relatives died for the rights described therein, you did not resist when we changed those black rights to civil rights and allowed virtually every other group to take advantage of them as well. Black people, you are something else. Your dependency upon us to do the right thing is beyond our imagination, irrespective of what we do to you and the many promises we have made and broken. But this time, we will make it right. We promise. Trust us. Tell you what, we don't need your own, you don't need your own hotels. You can continue to stay in ours. You have no need for supermarkets when you can shop at ours for 24 hours a day. Why should you even think about owning more banks? You can come back at ours. You have plenty, you have plenty of blanks now. And don't waste your energies trying to break into the manufacturing business. You work hard enough in our fields. Relax. Have a party. We'll sell you everything you need. And when you die, we'll even bury you at a discount. How's that for gratitude? Finally, the best part, you went beyond the pill and turned over your children to us for their education. I had to laugh at that one. With what we have taught them, it's likely they will continue in a mode similar to the one you have followed for the past 45 years, since school desegregation. And he writes down here, he says, and he writes down here, sincerely, all other Americans, all other Americans, thank you, Black America. Forgive me if I kind of stumbled over a few things there. But the message and the gist I'm trying to get through to you is this. The civil rights movement was a disaster for us. I've said that before over and over again. Integration was a disaster for the Black community. I've said that over and over again. You can see that in our communities. You can see that in our institutions. Before the civil rights movement, 80% of our children were born in wedlock. Now we got 80% born out of wedlock. Before the civil rights movement, there was 100% chance that a woman was going to have her baby. Now, it's a 50-50 chance that a woman is going to have a child, especially in the Black community, where the Black women abort their children seven times more than Latin women and almost five times more than white women. The most dangerous place for a child in America, in the Western world, is in the womb of a woman, especially of a Black woman. And that may be offensive, but I just gave you the statistics. It's there. You can Google it if you don't believe me. Matter of fact, I'm telling you not to believe me. I want you to do your own due diligence and look it up yourselves. The crime rate in the Black community is outrageous. We're still advocating for the same things again. We're trying to say we want to stop the crime in the neighborhood, but we're not asking our girls to be more responsible with their bodies. We're not asking our boys to be more responsible. We're not understanding that the lack of fathers in the child's life is detrimental to them. Crime is never going to go down unless we get the father back at the head of the household. That's a scripture. Whether you agree or disagree or indifferent, it's scripture. This is just something that, as I've grown over the last four or five years since the pandemic, as I've further started to educate myself and look for truth, it's like Neo in the Matrix when Morpheus was trying to – his muscles were atrophied and they were basically doing acupuncture. Neo opened up his eyes and he said, why are my eyes hurting? Morpheus said to him, because you've never used them before. Rest. The answers are coming. I'm trying to get not just the Black community, but Americans period, to open up your eyes, to start using your eyes, to start using critical thinking, to start looking at life through identity politics. Step back for a moment. Look at your community. Look at what's happening. Understand who freed you and who fought to keep you free. Understand who wanted to keep you in slavery. I know this is a lot of information. I could have went even further. I could have gone another hour in this podcast, but I know people have a short attention span and it's hard for people to stay focused because they all want to be entertained. I want to encourage more Black people in the Black community to read. I'm not talking about reading Critical Race Theory or Kendi's book, Stamped from the Beginning, or anything that's caused you to be fragmented from the rest of your brothers and sisters that don't look like you. You want to avoid literature like that. Stay away from Rousseau and the Enlightenment period. Stay away from Immanuel Kant. Stay away from books like that. Get into things that's going to cause you to come together with your brothers and sisters. If you are a person seeking God and you find God, understand your desires have to be God's desires. Whatever makes him uncomfortable, you have to also be uncomfortable with that. That's just period. I just wanted to talk a little bit about that. I know I'm probably repeating myself, probably going on and saying the same thing over again. For that, I apologize. But I'm just trying to get people to wake up. I really generally want people to wake up. This is not about me being right. This is about me just saying, listen, I have woken up from that hypnosis. I used to believe in American apartheid. I used to believe in the democratic movement. I went and voted for Barack Obama. I voted for Hillary Clinton. I've woken up. That's what I want for the rest of everybody else. It's about God's kingdom. It's about these United States of America. God had blessed us through something like slavery. He blessed us to be in a land full of milk and honey. No other black people on the planet are living as well as we are, as black people. Nobody. We are trying to throw it away and become socialists and destroy this country. We need to be fighting like a Dickens to keep this country strong. I didn't usually believe that at first, but now I understand the difference between a republic and a democracy. A democracy is dangerous. Socrates used to be huge on democracy. He championed it. He supported it until it turned on him and it put him to death. Then he understood what democracy was about. He said it was tyranny. It sounds good, but when you don't have your individual rights protected, then tyranny, totalitarianism steps in. Then everything that Mao did, Mao Zedong when he killed 85 million of his people with the Great Leap Forward, Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, the list can go on and on of people who promised everybody a utopia on earth. When everybody went for it, they decimated everybody. You've got to understand Kamala Harris does not want you to own a home. She doesn't want you to have private land. She doesn't want you to own a business. She wants you to be dependent on the state. She wants to take away your First Amendment right to speak freely. That's what the Democratic Party wants. Donald Trump is trying to protect that. Is he perfect? No. Does he always say the right things? No. I'm not looking for a perfect individual. I'm looking for somebody who's going to help protect my individual freedoms. I believe God has a plan. I don't know if Donald Trump's that plan, but I know Kamala Harris is not that plan. Now, all things must come to fruition in order for Jesus Christ to come back. All things have to happen, but I just want everybody to pause for a second and think and understand the decisions already been made. Who's going to be president of the United States of America? The banking system already had that already. That's why we have these two candidates and no one else. You know, there's no way Hillary Clinton was overqualified for the position of presidency and twice got knocked off. There's no way we could put Kamala, who's nowhere near Hillary Clinton, and she's that close to presidency. I mean, that doesn't make any sense. Doesn't make any sense. It's irresponsible. It's irresponsible as Americans even look that way. But to be honest with you, vote Jesus Christ in 2024. That's my vote score. As a matter of fact, if you're interested, I have that T-shirt on Amazon. You can plug in NAGWARS, which is N-A-G-W-E-A-R-S, when you go to Amazon, and I have that shirt, Jesus Christ 2024. I suggest you go ahead and purchase that. You know, that'll be a great thing for you to wear during this election season coming up. But anyway, and I'll leave that information in the description later. But anyway, let's end this with a prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for the knowledge that you are bestowing on all of us. I ask you to give us wisdom and clarity. I ask you to open up our hearts and our minds to you and your word and to be sensitive to your word and be sensitive to you so we can make the decisions that will please you. All right? That our desires become your desires. That our thoughts become your thoughts. Okay? That's what we're asking for. And Lord, I thank you. Lord, I ask you to forgive us of any of our transgressions. I ask you to continue to have patience with us and give us guidance and wisdom. And all of us that are teachers, that are in the church teaching you, teaching your word, that you give us the guidance to teach your word, not our opinions, but your word, so we will not be a stumbling block to any new believers. And Lord, I thank you. And everybody out there, I say amen. And I will talk to you on the next episode. Norman Goodman, signing out.

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