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cover of Avant Garde Canto_1
Avant Garde Canto_1

Avant Garde Canto_1

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The speaker mentions that they learned about the Avante Garde style from a fashion figure named Peter. They explain that this style focuses on unique designs that are not mainstream, often incorporating futuristic elements and artistic cuts. The speaker also mentions their personal preference for a brand called CCP and how it represents their identity as someone interested in Avantgarde fashion. They appreciate the effort and beauty put into each designer's work. 我都唔係好記得係邊個教我開始著呢種Style 呢種叫做Avante Garde嘅Style 佢零碎碎係銅鑼灣百德新街嘅一間上樓鋪Ink 入面阿Peter 一個都係香港嘅時裝教父 咁話專門呢個世界專門 即係原來有一啲嘅設計師係設計呢啲比較接近好似未來人囉 或者藝術感重啲 更加講求呢個剪裁 但係通常都係一啲比較冇咁主流嘅剪裁呀 或者布料呀 咁大家見到鞋嘅部分更加係啦 大家有啲朋友問我 點解你以前有一段時間成日著住一款同一款嘅波鞋咁樣 咁呢個牌子叫CCP呀 Carol Christian Powell 咁亦都係 當年呢 我作為一個啱啱鍾意Avantgarde呢種Style嘅 門外漢嘅一種身份象徵 因為呢啲波鞋 Full Pay咗之後都要等年幾兩年先至可以 等到對波鞋嚟到香港 所以係有呢一個系列囉 咁呀我都覺得到而家 著都好好睇嘅 雖然可能自己已經唔再局限係嗰種嘅Style入面 我都覺得每一件作品都係 設計師嘅心血都係好靚嘅

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