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cover of Early Days Canto_1
Early Days Canto_1

Early Days Canto_1

Not The FirstNot The First



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The speaker feels a bit embarrassed because the clothes mentioned are from their early days in Hong Kong when they had just started working and didn't have much sponsorship. The clothes are from affordable brands and have a certain vintage feel. Besides clothes, they also mention a black bag called Tuff that they used to carry their work clothes, water bottle, and other necessities when they went to work. The bag holds memories of their early work days. 嘩,這一件我也有點不好意思,因為是很早期的衣服,幾乎是由我初初來香港生活出來工作,甚至乎那段時間不是很借到贊助的衣服, 所以大家都會見到是一些非常親民的牌子,甚至乎在顏色或者質地上大家都會見到,真的有一定的年代感。 除了衣服之外,大家都會見到其實都是我早期出來工作,有時就算是社交方面都會穿的衣服,我現在有時見到當中的某些牌子,我都有很多回憶。 如果是第一天來Not The First的朋友,大家都會見到有一個黑色的袋子,我不知道有沒有朋友帶了它回家,一個四四方方,一個牌子叫Tuff, 那個袋子就是我當年每一天,即是由My Way,AM,PM年代,我每一天出來工作的時候,我的前經理人Bella都會拿著的袋子, 裏面就會放著我工作的衣服,或者是我的水壺,一些工作上的必需品,毛巾,是一個保姆袋來的。 所以在這個袋子裏面,我都會不斷去review一些在我早期工作裏面會用到的物件,和生活上的衣服。

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