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cover of Inherited Mando_1
Inherited Mando_1

Inherited Mando_1

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From around 2013, I have been living in some historic buildings in Hong Kong. Maybe it's because of the living environment, but I also like to decorate my home with a vintage feel. Slowly, I started feeling like I should incorporate that vintage vibe into my clothing as well. So, what you see here are some second-hand clothes. You might notice some fabric with holes or patches from cigarette burns or something like that. That's because many of them are actually old clothes from the 1930s and 1940s. Of course, before I wear them, I make sure to properly clean and handle them, so they are safe. 我大概从2013年开始就在香港有居住在一些的历史建筑里面 也许是因为居住的环境吧 我也喜欢把家里面布置成这种年代感比较重的一种环境里面 然后慢慢慢慢就觉得好像在衣服上面也要体现一点这种年代的感觉 所以大家在这部分看到的呢就是一些 他们有个字叫做古着 大家会看到有些布料上面甚至有给老鼠或者用那种 就是被那种烟头还是什么之类的 就烫了个窟窿啊或者有补过的痕迹 因为当中有很多真的就是旧的衣服 有一些1930年代1940年代的 当然我在买回来以后在自己穿之前呢 队友完完整整的处理过所以是安全的

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