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The devotion is about feeling valued and having self-worth. It talks about how we often seek validation from others, but that doesn't truly fulfill us. We need to see ourselves through God's eyes. The scripture from Psalms reminds us that God made us just a little lower than Himself and crowned us with glory and honor. Our true worth comes from being God's beloved creation. It asks two questions: where do we find our sense of value, and how can we adjust our attitude and behavior to reflect how much God values us. Good morning. Today's devotion is titled, I am God's Masterpiece. And today's scripture comes from the book of Psalms, chapter 8, verse 4 through 5. What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. All of us long to feel like we matter, like we have value. But so many of us struggle with feelings of being unworthy. That's one reason we spend so much time trying to make people like us and respect us. We think that helping others or winning success will fill in the holes in our sense of self. But life doesn't work that way. We'll never get an accurate picture of our own worth through another person's eyes. For that, we need to see ourselves through God's eyes. David addresses this issue in today's reading. He basically asks God, why are we important to you? And he finds his answer in the way we humans were created. God made us only a little lower than himself and crowned us with glory and honor. That's where true self-worth comes from. It's an eternal realization that God, whose majestic name fills the earth, Psalm 8, verse 1, gives each of us glory and honor just for being who we are, his beloved creation. Ask yourself, question one, where do you tend to find your sense of your own value? Do you tend to rely on outside sources such as other people or on internal attitudes? Question two, all through today, personalize and ponder the words of David, God has crowned me with glory and honor. Ask God, creator God who made me, forgive me for disrespecting your creation. Help me adjust my attitude and my behaviors to reflect how much you value me. I do pray that this devotion helps you today in your recovery.