Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Pamela Denise is excited to continue her show and share her thoughts on relationships with black men. She emphasizes the importance of being with someone who makes you happy and supports your goals. She also discusses the challenges of staying in a damaging relationship and the need to prioritize self-care and happiness. Pamela announces upcoming episodes featuring a therapist and encourages viewers to join her Facebook group. She expresses her desire to have a male co-host to bring a positive perspective on love and relationships. Despite feeling tired, Pamela is determined to keep doing what she loves and hopes to inspire others to do the same. Hey y'all! It's your girl Pamela Denise. We're just chillin' out today. Um, I'm coming on today just to come on because we need to get these shows going. Um, you know, I've been out and, you know, it's one of those things where you gotta stay focused. You gotta stay focused and you definitely want to do what makes you happy. And I think this is one thing that I can always, you know, say that this makes me happy coming on and talking to y'all and, um, just, you know, it feels good. It feels good to come on and just kind of express how you feel. Um, I'm just going to go off the rip. I'm just off the rip right now. Um, I haven't, I have no material. I'm just straight off the rip, on caps, whatever you want to call it. But, um, I think that relationship. Black men. Relationship. Black men. Yeah. Okay. Let's get into it. Um, and I want to come on and also say, you always want to, I don't know if I've said it before on one of my previous shows, but may, I may have or I may not, but you always want to be around that someone that makes you feel good. Um, ultimately, like I would always say, you want to feel good about yourself, but it's also important that you be around a man that makes you feel good. Um, just kind of add, add onto what you already, you know, do, you know, and, uh, because it can, I'm just going to tell you, it can be very, um, in my own experience, I always have to bring stuff to my experience. Oh, y'all can hear me. Um, I always have to put my experience, um, on my experience on certain things. Um, cause you can definitely get with someone that, um, is not watching out for your, your feelings and, um, you know, your emotions and things of that nature. But I know the ladies that are listening on this show definitely are on point. I know they're on point. Um, I just want to come on to say that we're going to be continuing on this journey. You know, it's definitely a journey. Um, this is my baby. This is my baby. And I smile when I come on and talk to y'all. Um, I feel real good. I feel real good. Um, so with that being said, it's so important to do the things that you love, the things that you want to do. And you really, really, really can't let anyone come in between that. Um, I've seen, I think I've seen relationships end because someone is doing what they love to do. But you, do you have to choose? Because, um, I guess it just depends on what it is or what it is or what it could be. Um, but really ultimately I think, ultimately, I think that a person, if they know something makes you happy, then, you know, why would they try to come in between that? Or why wouldn't they encourage you more? Somebody said that it could be jealousy. Yeah, it could be jealousy. Um, that could be one thing that, uh, in your relationship that your partner don't want you to do something. Um, or maybe they may not realize how much it makes you, you happy. Um, welcome to my show, Black Women's Butts and Our Relationships with Black Men. Uh, might I add, Black men, we do love, we do love Black men, and at least on this show we do. Um, but are we going to tolerate the BS, the bullshit? No, we're not going to tolerate the bullshit. Um, we're going to get real and we're going to start saying how we really feel. And if the shit ain't working, the shit ain't working, get out of the shit. Because, um, um, you know, if you keep trying, you keep trying on something that ain't working, um, what they say, you know, about the dead horse, shit ain't working. And you're only really gonna, you're just putting yourself in a further, further, further, further, further, um, what's the word? Somebody need to, somebody need to send me the word. You're just going to put yourself in, uh, further damage, you know. And, and, you know, I, I do feel like when, when there's a breakup, I mean, it could be a happy ending. Shit. It could be a happy ending, um, or it could not be, or it could be, it could be damaging. Um, just depends on how long you stay in something that you know is damaging, um, not only for your mental health, um, for your finances, you know, all of that. And that's gonna be our next, our next show. We're going to talk about, um, finances. I'm okay. I'm okay with doing 50-50. I'm okay with it. Um, I think I said previously on my show before, um, just in a brief, a brief moment that, um, you got to take care of yourself. You got to take care of yourself first before you can take care of any body else. And, um, I know y'all know that already. I know y'all do. Um, I'll be on, on Friday with the Food for Thoughts Friday. Y'all keep me pumped up. Y'all keep me pumped up because y'all know I'm single. Y'all know I'm single and it's hard out here for a single woman. Um, um, you know, some people want to be single, you know, but I guess I'm getting to that point where I'm like, you know what? Let me date. And I have been dating. I can't tell y'all everything though. There's something to come, but I can't tell y'all everything. But, um, yeah, I've been dating, um, just getting out there, seeing what's out, um, you know, trying to be happy, you know, with the, you know, cause I'm happy, you know. Um, it seems like I'm the most happy, you know, when I'm out, you know, doing things for myself, shopping, you know, self care. Um, so it's always important. That's why I come on to say, you got to make sure that you're with a person that, um, wants to see you happy as well. That is so, so, so important that y'all want to, um, so important that you want to be with that person that makes you happy. Um, just choose, just choose. Don't, don't choose yourself last. Um, just choose, choose you, shit. Why would you choose somebody else? That shit just don't seem right. It does not seem right y'all to choose somebody else over your happiness. And the older I get, the more I realize you don't need to choose someone else over your own happiness because life, um, when we were young, you know, life teaches us, you know, and, um, like I said, as we get older, you know, you want to enjoy life. I do. I need me a glass of wine though. Get me a glass of wine. Um, I don't want to keep y'all on here long and we do have a guest speaker coming up and she will be on, on our next show next Tuesday, um, at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Black women, but in our relationships with Black men, we're going to be going on YouTube, we're going to be going on Facebook live. So we do have some things coming up. I'm sorry y'all, it's taking me some time. I think I might've got distracted by something and, uh, it just can't, yeah, I'm going to just be honest and be upfront. You can get distracted and, um, um, just don't quit. Don't quit and, um, don't choose, don't choose, um, your, like someone else over your happiness. Y'all know, y'all know what the hell I'm saying. Don't choose your happiness, well, wait a minute, wait a minute. Don't choose someone else over your happiness. I get that right before we get off the air, but yeah, we are going to be on Facebook live. We're going to be on, um, YouTube. Um, I'm going to see those clips at, uh, YouTube as well. And, um, we also have a group, a group coming or we're going to have a group where you can, uh, join on Facebook, um, group black women's books and our relationships with black men or forget how that looks. Either way, it's something like that. I will let y'all know, um, Friday, um, the, uh, pages and where to follow. Um, just so we can, uh, we can all stay together and get connected and, um, oh, oh, what else am I going to say? Tuesday, we're going to have a, um, therapist on, um, next Tuesday 8 PM. So, um, well, you know, y'all tune in and for those who don't get a chance to tune in, just go and it'll be on, um, Spotify. Um, so we're going to be, it's just going to have to get a little bit lit up here in the room. And I know right now I don't have a lot of energy. I don't sound like I'm energized, but right now this is what you getting. I get no extra. Um, I'm kind of wore out. I just, I've been doing the most. I've been doing too much and, um, I'm just going to keep it up front and keep it real. But, um, I'm back and we are moving forward and, uh, this podcast, I'm loving it. I'm loving it. I'm loving it. Um, I just realized once you do something that, that you love, you're not going to stop doing it. You want to keep on, keep on, don't matter what hurdles come your way. Um, you're just going to keep on, keep on as long as you can. And, um, I want to stay with y'all and I want y'all to stay with me. Um, and I just want, I just want so much more, um, hopefully and I'll have, you know, when I do get pitched, I'll have my, my partner come on and we'll be able to join the show. Right now it's kind of boring. We do need it. We do need to get, you know, a black man on the show. Come on black man, where you at? We need to get our black men talking. You know, I just need to get them talking and, um, not talking, not saying, not talking about the negative, but talking about the positive. Talk about some, um, the time, the, uh, back in the day when you got, you got Marvin Gaye and that time frame. I don't know if there's too much to ask, but I know it's still some black men out here that know how to love. And, um, like I always say, you can love who you love, baby. Um, love the right person. Let the right person love you. Um, as I go along in this, in this journey, you know, I'm just realizing I'm loving me and I'm choosing me. And if that means it's going to take a little longer for, for our, um, our black man co-host to come on, um, then, you know, hopefully, hopefully he will manifest them. He will manifest them and he'll show up because, um, I always, and I do feel like, um, uh, our black men are strong, um, even though society doesn't, doesn't let it be that. Um, but we don't want to give up either. We don't want to give up. Um, because I've always said, I think I might've said, um, you know, maybe the first, first show has only been a couple of shows, but we are still in the making, y'all. We are still in the making. So, um, it's taking some time, but we are going to be on Food for Thought Friday. Give you something to think about on a short clip. And then, um, Tuesday, um, at 8 PM. And either we may have, um, a guest speaker on Tuesday. Um, that those are, that those are our goals is to have guest speaker on Tuesday, but we do have a therapist, um, that is going to be on. We're going to figure it out. She is out of town. Um, and I would like to, um, get her on. Um, we're going to figure that out. Um, a lot of this stuff is, it could be, um, well, it could be, it could seem complicated, but it's just one of those things. Once you figure out, you know, your, the area that works for you and the, you know, things that work for you, um, and your show, it just kind of comes together. Um, but, um, that's something that, uh, I think I just want to make it so you guys enjoy the show, you know, ultimately. Um, I am your girl, Pamela Denise. Um, you can follow me on Pamela Denise, uh, Facebook. I am on Facebook. Um, but we're going to be going live, um, on Facebook, um, group. And we're going to also go live on YouTube, which will actually, we probably won't be live on YouTube, but we're going to be just doing some, uh, you'll find some videos on YouTube, um, Black women's thugs and their relationships with Black men that we love. We do love our Black men. Um, but I just want to say peace to you all, um, and, uh, keep it short and sweet. And, uh, you guys, have a good night. And I will see you on Friday. Food for thought Friday. All right. Thank you so much. Remember, love who you love. And let's talk about it, baby.