T&CPS Assignment 02
T&CPS Assignment 02
Two studies were conducted to examine the impact of social media on adolescents. The first study found that as social media usage increased, mental health problems, alcohol, and drug use also increased. The second study concluded that excessive social media use led to poor sleep and lack of physical activity. Both studies showed that increased social media usage had negative effects. The first study focused on mental health while the second study focused on physical health. It is important to continue studying this topic as social media becomes more prevalent among adolescents. Hi, Professor. Today I'll be talking to you about the effect that social media has on adolescents and how it impacts them growing up. I looked at two different studies. The first focused on frequent social media usage and its prospective mental health problems in the U.S., and the second article was focused on the possible effects that using social media has on the health and behaviors of adolescents. The first study that I looked at was a four-year study that took place from 2014 to 2018 measuring adolescents aged 13 to 17. There were four different waves that took place in each year, for example. Wave 1 was January 2014 to January 2015, and Wave 2 was May 2015 to May 2016, and so on. Going from Wave 1 to 4, there was an increase in mental health problems, and as that percentage went up, so did alcohol and drug uses. Although the access to social media got much easier as the waves increased, that doesn't take away from the fact that adolescents' mental health declined when the drug and alcohol usage went up. The second journal that I observed conducted a study in Lithuania with adolescents aged about 8 to 16, and they tested whether a problematic social media use caused issues such as a lack in physical activity, a lack of sleep, or even if they woke up feeling tired. The study concluded that the more social media usage there was, the worse their participants slept and exercised regularly. Both of these studies reflect similar findings. They both show that with more social media usage, the factors being studied tended to show more negative effects. For example, in the first study, the more social media being used, more drug and alcohol usage was followed along with it, and in the second study, it showed that with more social media use, people were more tired and fatigued. I don't think that either study missed anything important, however, they were a little bit different. The first study focused more on the mental health of adolescents with social media, and the second study was more focused on how an unhealthy amount of social media can affect you physically. Moving forward, I would hope that both of these studies continue because social media is only growing and becoming more common, especially with adolescents. What was studied was perfect, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the numbers change moving forward.