Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker starts by greeting and encouraging the audience to share the information with others. They mention that they have some great stuff to talk about and wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day. They mention a story about a young man who was hurt in a football game and wore a jacket that the speaker believes is blasphemous. They ask for 300 people to join the discussion and share a Bible verse from the book of Philippians. They briefly discuss the origin of holidays and their personal celebration of Valentine's Day. They then transition to a story about a mother whose son is incarcerated for murder. The mother shares her struggle with anxiety and depression, but also shares that her son is being used by God in jail to spread the gospel and help others. The speaker emphasizes the idea that all things work together for good to those who love God. Hey man, hey man, let's get that pencil sharpened. Hey man, boom. Good morning, good morning, good morning. Love it. All right, let's get some, let's get some folks on here. Let's share the good news. If you're all listening right now, go ahead and pass this out to some folks and let them know to get on here. We've got some great stuff to talk about. Good morning, good morning. Good morning, Ms. Melanie. Good to see you. Good morning, good morning. It's good to see you this morning. Praise God. Hey, send this out to your friends. We've got some great information. We're going to talk about some good stuff. Very good morning to you, Pastor Paul. Hey man, I received that. It is going and it is a very good morning. I forgot to say happy Valentine's Day everybody. Happy Valentine's Day. Ms. Debbie gave me my little treat. You know, I get a smile on face. Gave me one of those little heart-shaped cookies and all that cool stuff. So good morning. Happy Valentine's Day for those of you who love that beautiful romantic holiday. Good morning, good morning. Hocus Pocus 369. Good morning, good morning, good morning everybody. It's good to see you. All right, let's get 300 people on here. Let's get started. I hope we maintain 300 because I think we've got some great information this morning. We're going to be talking about a story that was shared with me yesterday and I'm also going to be talking about mocking God. If you saw my post last night, it was a good morning, good morning, very good morning to you, Pastor Paul and everyone else on this live. If you saw my post yesterday, I talked about the young man who was hurt in the football game and then he dons a jacket that I believe is blasphemy, but we're going to talk about that also this morning. So let's get 300 people on here. Pass this to your friends, family. This is something to listen to this morning. We'll start off our Bible verse this morning in the book of Philippians if you want, but you guys want to turn there. Somebody said, holidays are pagan in origin. Don't disagree with you, don't disagree with you, but I'll tell you what, I don't celebrate any holiday as, if you will, the origin of it. How can I put this? When I celebrate Valentine's Day, it's just to show an incredible love that I show every day to Miss Debbie. I don't think about its origin, I don't think about its roots, but I just take this holiday to give her a dozen of roses. I also give a dozen, I mean not a dozen, but a flower, a rose to my daughter, Kiana, and I give her a rose and I will give her a rose until the day she gets married and her husband will give her roses then. So that's what I look at. So always an excuse. Sorry, my thoughts. That's okay. That's all right. I don't make any bones about it. I don't, I don't, I don't. Perfect beer, brother. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. I'm just telling you what my viewpoints on it, but I respect people's opinions. So if you have an opinion on something, as long as you're respectful in that delivery, I receive that. So amen. All right. We got, we got close enough. I wanted to get 300. We got 298. Are you all ready? Turn your Bibles to Philippians chapter one, verse six. Philippians chapter one, verse six. Give me an amen if you get there. Philippians chapter one, verse six. If you don't want to turn there and just listen to me, we can do that also. Philippians chapter one, verse six. Here we go. You ready? Philippians chapter one, verse six says, being confident of this very thing that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until, Oh, we'll complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Wow. Philippians one six. He says, and I paraphrase he who started a good work in you and I will bring it to completion in the day of Jesus Christ. Let me tell you all a story, but let me pray real quick. Father God, we thank you. We praise you. We honor you. We lift you up, Lord. I thank you for allowing me to see another day. I thank you for allowing me to see my beautiful wife. And I thank you for even allowing me to talk to my daughter that lives in Oregon this morning. Father, I thank you for allowing me to just share the word on this platform. And Lord, I pray that we, as we listen to your word, we let it renew our mind that we would amp up our faith that we would be the soldiers, the disciples that you've called us to be Lord. And I pray for each individual under the sound of my voice, whatever that situation they're going through, whatever that circumstance, whatever, whatever it is, dear Lord, I pray that they would place that at your feet and that they would leave it there and that they would trust in you and that they would just honor you with their lives. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. All right. So I talked yesterday about going through things that are difficult. We were looking at, excuse me, we were looking at 2 Corinthians and we were looking at Paul's writings when he talked about the thorn in his flesh. We talked about how he prayed to God on three different occasions. And God's response is, my grace is sufficient. And he basically says, it's when you were weak that you're made strong. Even Paul talks about that, in my weakness I'm made strong. And we really looked at that. And we understood that. And somebody chimed in and said, Pastor Paul, will you pray for my son? He is going through something. And of course I'm going to pray. But the individual said, no, you don't understand. I need to speak to you because my son is really going through something. And I said, okay, okay. So as you know, on my organ here, good morning organ, my baby girl's over there. Y'all keep her in prayer. But as you know, on my bio, my email's there. And this individual, good morning, lamb, this individual sent me an email. Now the connection with this individual is that they live in Fresno. I have some roots in Fresno. My wife's from Fresno. So the individual sent me an email, sent me a phone number and said, will you please call me because I really want to share and I need prayer for my son. I said, absolutely. When I called the individual, I said, I'm going to tell you right now, I never feel comfortable speaking with a female, but I felt that led by the Lord that I needed to speak to you. So this individual shared something with me. First, let me set this up. A godly woman raised her boys. I think based on what I understood, single mom who raised her boys. She's in the process of buying her home. Just to give you a backstory about this individual. And so she says, but here's my prayer, Pastor Paul. I have a son who's incarcerated. And I said, okay. And she goes, and he's incarcerated for murder. She goes, but, you know, and I have to say, when I heard this, I was a little taken back because, you know, murder. She goes, now listen to me, Pastor Paul. I said, okay. She, she said, she goes, I moved out to a particular suburb outside of Fresno. And she goes, and I did that because I've got one son that academically was excelling. I've got another son that was just athletically excelling. I wanted to move to this area so I could help cultivate the gifts that God gave them. I said, okay. She goes, but one of my sons just happened to be at a party. Now I'll stop right there. How many of us have gone to that party in high school? How many of us have gone to that, that get together at high school? And you know, and I know that there's things that are completely, oh, wait a minute. I'm so sorry. Things that go on at a party that are completely out of your control. So let's set that up because I don't want you going judging anybody. I sure am not going to, because I've been at those parties. So this young man was at a party and then the mother told me all of a sudden shots rung out, meaning gunfire. In the process, her son now has been arrested and he's incarcerated for murder. You can imagine how broken this mother is. You can only imagine how her heart weighs heavy. Now, remember we talked about yesterday. There are some of us that are serving God. There are some of us that are in our word. We're in our prayer, just like this woman and some things happen. Come on. We can all agree with that. We are serving God. We are in our scriptures. We are church every Sunday. We're tithing and offering and everything that a good believer does. But we are going through a storm. We are going through a season where it seems like everything is just coming against us. And this is the circumstance and the situation for this mother. Now the other son is attending a prestigious college doing quite well while she has to struggle in her prayer closet for the other son who is now incarcerated on charges of murder. And she told me, she goes, Pastor Paul, I haven't really been able to speak to my son and I don't know if he did or did not do it. Now it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. We're not focusing on the crime, okay, because we know and you know that you can be at a situation, you can be in a party, you could be somewhere and something takes place and all of a sudden you're standing there. You're standing there and you're being accused. So that's not our focus. But she says, Pastor Paul, I haven't really even been able to speak to my son and it's been three years. Three. And I haven't really been able to speak to my son. And when I mean speak to him, she can go and see him through the glass and I guess he has the ability to communicate through some type of electronics. But I need a sincere over a cup of coffee conversation to say, baby, what really happened? Real quick, a quick, quick, quick, for my moderators. Moderators, show grace and mercy. But if folks are getting a little out of hand, you know what you need to do. The individual that keeps going back to the subject of slavery, I've seen them before. You know what? Don't play with them. They just want to create division. We've got something beautiful we want to talk about here and I think we've shown enough grace and mercy. I've seen that go past the screen. If this individual has made their statement that they don't trust God nor believe in God, then let them go. They can depart. They don't have to be here to create division. I don't understand why an individual who does not believe in the Lord or trust in the Lord needs to be here. I don't understand that. Back to the story. So this mom said, I haven't had that intimate conversation with my son that I could know what really happened. But here's the beautiful part. Let me tell you this. And she said, I'm a praying woman. First obstacle. It was during the COVID. Now, you remember, he's in three years, you can do the math. It was in the process of COVID. And so when he was incarcerated, he was supposed to get his trial, but the trial was being backed up. It was being pushed back. Thank you. And it seemed like that for whatever reason, every time there was going to be an opportunity to go before the judge to prove the process, the trial kept being pushed back. Number two, the individual that was representing her, the attorney, she said, I paid him X amount of dollars and he didn't even care. Thank you. He didn't even care. Matter of fact, she says when the lawyer would go into the court to represent the son, to build up to the trial, the gentleman, the attorney didn't even know my son's name. And you can only imagine how defeated the mom felt, how defeated, thank you, how defeated the son felt, the family, that this attorney that you've paid X amount of dollars and y'all know attorneys aren't cheap and they're not rich people. Matter of fact, she even said, Pastor Paul, the money I make, I don't make enough money to afford an attorney, but God made a way. So she finally got to the point where long story short, she heard about an attorney that helped a friend out or family member out and she wanted his information so she could get to use him. And so she finally found that attorney and this attorney said, I can help you, but that my, my fee is going to be $75,000. Now, you know, and I know that we will do what we need to do for those that we love. You know, and I know that, that is that if you, if it's your mother, your father, your children, whomever it is you truly love, you're going to do what you possibly can do to raise that money so that family member that whomever that you are representing can have the best representation possible. And she said, Pastor Paul, she said, then the, the, the, the, the, the lawyer said, I'm going to cut you a break. I'm only going to charge you $60,000, but we need the money within 90 days. She said, she said, I, I, I, I, I, you know, did a GoFund account. She said, but that wasn't enough. That raised probably a couple thousand dollars. She goes, but by the grace of God, I raised that money by the grace of God. And she said, Pastor Paul, I can't give credit to anybody, but God. Now these are only highlights. I'm going to take you to what I'm really going to get to, but I really need you to hear these highlights. And she says, by the grace of God, I raised that money. And it was only to the grace of God. I can't give credit to friends or family or anyone else. It was by the grace of God that I, uh, that, that, that, that I raised that money, but let's go back to the scripture I was reading because now I'm going to take you where you need to go. Watch this Philippians one, six, look what it says. Philippians one, six, watch this being confident of this very thing. What is that thing? Let's look, look at that. He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Did you hear that? Let that resonate. Let that go deep into your spirit, but being confident, being confident, knowing that God is able to bring come to completion. The very thing that he started within you, being confident of that. You know, there's people that have let us down like this lady in the first attorney. Uh, uh, uh, uh, and we don't know about the second attorney. He, he comes with a great reputation and he sure costs a lot, but can we fully put our confidence in them? I can't say that, but we can say that being confident in who in God, why? Because when he starts, he will bring to completion, but we must put our faith and our trust in him. No matter the situation, because we read yesterday that it's when I'm weak, I am made strong. When I'm going through my stores that I can see the light, the light. It's when I'm in darkness that God prevails with, with, with, with the illumination. So we have to understand that, that right there, that verse again, being confident of this very thing that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Back to the lady's story. So she said, pastor Paul, and now we get to the nuts and bolts. She says, pastor Paul, I have been beside myself. I have been dealing with anxiety and depression that my child has been incarcerated for three years and I'm unable to help him. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm unable to hold him. And she goes, and we get to interact or communicate through, through, through technology, but that's not enough. But here she goes, she goes, but this thing is, is, is, this is what I want to tell you, pastor. When I said, what is that? She goes, my son is being used by God in jail. I go, what do you mean? She goes, he's on fire for God. She says, my son, my son. Now she's got another son at a prestigious college. She's proud of him, but she didn't brag about that. She bragged about her son is being used by God in jail. And I don't know if any of you have any family members or friends or someone, you know, that's behind bars, but praise be to God that God will send a servant into a place that you think God does not exist. And the gospel can be proclaimed behind the walls of a prison. And I said, praise be to God that the apostle Paul wrote a majority of his scriptures behind the bars of a jail. Think about it. I said, sister, I hear how sad you are. I hear how, how, how, how you just feel like the pressures of the world, but we got to go back to our brother. Brian's verse. Hang on. Let's, let's pop over to Romans real quick because we got to go to my brother. Brian's versus his favorite verse. You, you, you got to hear this. I know, you know, the verse, but you've got to hear, he says, watch this. He says right here, he says in Romans 8, 28, uh, Romans 8, 28. Ooh, I got to wait a minute. Wait a minute before I go there. I don't know why God took me right here. Ooh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hang on. Oh, Ooh. I'm not going to read that, but look at Romans 8, 28. Let's look at this. You know, my brother, he loves this verse and I, and I understand why. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Let's read it again. And we know that all things work together for the good to those who love God, uh, to those who are called according to his purpose. Come on now. So this young man has been accused of a crime who has been incarcerated for three years. While that circumstance in this, this, the situation is so heavy to carry, but things are working out where God is using him in the prison. God is using him to share the gospel. God is using him to, to, to pour into people's lives. The mom told me that, that, that the son has given out her number and the individuals are calling the mother when they get out and she's watching and she's providing shelter. She's providing transportation. She told me that the young man even told his mother, mom, I'm not going to get out of here anytime soon. Sell my car. There's going to be a young man that's going to call you, sell my car and take the revenue, take the money to help his family. Y'all are you listening to me? Are you listening to me? This young man is being used in prison. I'm gonna step on some toes. We're free. We're able to get in our car. We're able to go to the grocery store. We're able to go attend the Superbowl party. We're able to do whatever we want. And we don't even think about helping our neighbor. We don't even think about helping the family member. We don't even think about calling the older parent that we haven't talked to in a minute. We don't even think about reaching out to the child that we dismissed. We don't think about forgiving the individual that did us wrong at work. But here's a young man young man on charges of murder, who is sitting in a cell, who is take redeeming the time. Oh, I know I'm stepping on toes, who is redeeming the time, sitting behind the cell, sharing the gospel and good news with other inmates. The mother told me he the young men that are getting up that are calling saying, your son, if it wasn't for your son, I wouldn't be here. Your son has a peace in his spirit. Your son says God loves you. Folks, we're talking about prison. We're talking about jail. We're talking about we're talking about people that are without hope. We're talking about people that are in a darkness. We're talking about people, in some cases, who won't see the light of day in years. But her son, even though it looks bleak, even though it looks hopeless, even though he is in the, even though he's surrounded by walls with no escape, his heart is free to share the gospel and good news of Jesus Christ. Those of you who tell me there's no God, I know we're not going to operate on feelings. And I know we're not going to operate on stories. And I know we're not going to use that to make that the foundation of what we believe. But it's a tough thing to deny. Oh, it's a tough thing to deny. This young man is being used in a powerful way. Why? Let's go back to that scripture that Brian loves to share with us. And we know that all things work together. All things work together. I don't know what happened at that party. But all things are working together. I don't know what the altercation was with emphasis on a gun, the shots that rung out, but all things were working together. I don't know what happens behind to this individual, this young man. I don't know what's happening to him behind those walls of that jail. But all things work together. All things. See, there's some souls in that place of incarceration that God is using this young man to speak to. There's some souls. I was speaking to a young man named Ricky yesterday. And he said, I come out of my job, Pastor Paul, and every time God moves up on me, there's this gentleman that I need to speak to. He says, and I haven't done it. And then he said, this one particular particular day, I felt the Lord said, you need to talk to this young man and invite him to church. And Ricky said, I did it. And the young man says, what's up with you, Christian? Every time you are the second one in a short period to want to talk to me about the Lord. Why? Because God wants to use us. And it doesn't matter where we're at. It doesn't matter how much we know. It doesn't matter who we are. God wants to use us that we make love on each other that we may share the gospel because what all things. Once again, let me read it. Let me read it. Because I don't want to mess it up. Watch this. Here we go. It says right there, excuse me. He says, and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God. See, this young man is being used because he loved God. And that because he loves God, he's loving his neighbor and his neighbor happened to be in cells and he's letting them know God loves them. And when they're getting out, he's providing them a number, which is his mother. And his mother is providing, if you will, a, a, a halfway point so that they can transition into the world so that they can be acclimated so that they can, and I'm sure the mother's dragging them to church and she's praying for them. And while she's hurt, while she's sad, her son is being used as a soldier in the battlefield. Come on. Come on. Thank you. This is what it's all about. Go back to Philippians one six again, go back to Philippians one six, but watch this being confident. And this is where I had to encourage her because all that I shared with you is what she shared with me. And some of you are just on cloud nine, just like I am. You're like, my God is good. But from a psychological perspective, this does not dismiss the fact that she cannot hold her son. This does not dismiss the fact that she can't attend church with her son. This cannot dismiss the fact that she can't fellowship with the very boy, with the very son that she carried for nine months and brought into this world. And she is going through her storm. But I told her, and I shared with her, once again, Philippians one six, being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun a good work in you. And in this case, I'm going to say his name. God has started a good work in Joseph. Watch this. Watch this. I'm making it personal. I'm making this personal. It says he who has begun a good work in Joseph will complete it. I'm making this personal. I'm trying to get you to see something here. You need to make this verse personal. He who has begun a good work in Joseph will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. My point is this. I told the mama, I have an empathetic spirit with regards to what you're going through, but I believe God is going to do something magnificent. He's going to do something powerful. You're going to see your greatest chapter, the greatest breakthrough, because God has started something and God will bring it to completion. And you must trust in God. You can hear her tears through the phone. You can hear her tears through the phone, but these were not tears of despair. These were not tears of depression, anxiety, but these were the tears when the scripture, hang on, let's go to that second Corinthians again, because I don't want to misquote it. Oh my, my, my. Let's go to that second Corinthians again. Let's get it right. Let's get it right. I think it was second Corinthians chapter 12. Second Corinthians chapter 12. This is what I heard. This is what I heard. And he says in chapter 12 verse seven, unless I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelation, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me less. I'd be exalted above measure concerning this thing. I pleaded with the Lord three times that he might depart from me. And he said to me, my grace is sufficient for my strength is made perfect and weakness. What I heard was the strength of God through the Holy spirit made strong in her weakness. And she understood that I am not in control, but God has got my baby. This is what I heard. God has got my son. But you know what she said? Watch this. She admitted something. Watch this. Are you ready? I told her, I said, ma'am, what you're going to have to do, you're going to have to leave your baby. See how I made that personal? Because all of us, we got our babies. I said, you're going to have to leave that baby at the throne now. And I said, you know, I got four kids, three girls, one boy, and I've taken each one of them and I put them at the throne of grace. We've been talking about grace. Y'all, y'all get where I'm going. We've been talking about grace. What do we say? Grace was unmerited favor. We looked at mercy. What is mercy? Do not receive what I deserve. And I've taken my children, ma'am, and I put them at the throne of grace because you are not the only one as a parent. This is, this doesn't just apply with parents and children. This, this could apply with a spouse. This could apply with a coworker, a neighbor and an uncle. It doesn't matter, but you take them and you place them at the throne of grace. And you say, God, this is on you. Not, not, you don't say that disrespectfully, but you're saying, God, I trust in you. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm just like the father with, with the son who took his riches and he left. I believe the father prayed onto God and said, Lord, bring him back. Back. And what happened? The son, as he, as he got his mind together and realized, I'm going to go back to my father's home. I told the woman, you got to leave your baby at the throne of grace. And this is what she said. This is rich. She said, pastor, I do, but I find myself taking them back. And I said, sister, we're all guilty of that. How many of us, how many have us done that? We, we, we, we want to trust in God. We want to take that circumstance. We want to take that person. We want to put them at the throne of grace, but in our, in our emotion, in our intellect, in our nurturing, uh, uh, attitude, we want to take it back. But I'm trying to tell you, brothers and sisters, leave that situation, leave that individual, leave that illness, that finance, that job, that house, leave it at the throne of grace and allow God to take care of it. I said, sister, we're all guilty of that. I, I, I'm guilty that I think I need to help my children. I think I need to do this or do that, but these things are bigger than me. They're above my pay grade. These are things that only God can deal with. And I've got to trust in God and believe in God. I said, sister, you're not the only one that struggles with that. Sometimes I think God needs my assistance. God doesn't need our assistance. All we need to do is trust in our father. That's all we got to do. All we got to do. We can cry. We can, we, we, we, we can be on our knees for hours in our prayer room, our prayer closet. We can, we can, we can, we can, uh, speak to the Lord continuously about the subject. Nothing wrong with that, but it's in my weakness. I'm made strong. It's at that weak point at that weak point that I understand. We got to go back to our brother's verse in the book of Romans, that things are working together for the good. Why? Because I'm trusting in God that when he starts. Once again, that's back to, uh, uh, what, what Philippians one six is being confident of this very thing that he who has been a good word, being confident that he was, but there has begun a good work in Joseph, in Paul, in lamb, in Brian, in grace. He who has begun a good work in you will bring that to completion. Again, put your names out there. Please, please, please put your names out there. Put your names out there. Watch this being confident of this very thing. Put your names on there. I'm going to say your name with this verse. Please. I saw lamb. Put your name on there. Let's listen to, uh, uh, Shalom peace. Amen. Emily, Liz, Ashley, Teresa, uh, Patricia, Amy, Jennifer, Lisa, Ryan, Melora, Gabriel, Tamara, Logan, Carolyn, Donna, Juanita, Kim, Vanessa, watch it. And I just named now. I don't want to leave anybody out, but watch us being confident of this very thing that he would begin a good work in all those names that I mentioned and the names that are coming, Holly and Stacy and Tammy. Let me get back. Who else? And Renee, Dwayne, Manos, Raul, and the list goes on. Victor, Ray, watch us, watch us, watch us in you. He will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Make this word personal. And the list goes on and all those names that are listening right now, attach that to this verse in Philippians one six. And it says being confident, this very thing that he was begun a good work in all the names I mentioned will be complete until the day of Jesus Christ. And as I got done speaking to this sister, she encouraged me. Folks, let's trust in God. And you're going to have some people whisper in your ear. You're going to have some individuals bring the negative vibe. You're going to have some people that think they know more than the word, but you need to say Satan. And I'm not saying you're calling them Satan. I'm calling. I'm saying that you talking to the spirit of the antichrist. Satan get behind me. I got God on my side in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. I've got the Lord on my side in the name of Jesus. Satan get behind me. I'm trusting in God. We talked about this yesterday because we are going to end every prayer. Lord, let your will be done. Back to this lady, her will wasn't her son to be incarcerated, but God's will is being done. Her goal wasn't to speak to her child through a glass window, but the Lord's will be done. She didn't know. It wasn't her plan that she was as an unofficial halfway house. That wasn't her plan, but God's will is being done. And it's for the progression and the advancement of the kingdom and kingdom work. But we understand that all things are working together. They are. Because God's will is being done. God love you. I love you. I wasn't this matter of fact, I was going to talk about folks mocking God, but we'll save that for tomorrow. But as for this sister, I'm not going to mention her name. I did. I was reluctant to even mention her son's name, but let's keep Joseph in prayer because Joseph right now, and this is really where her call was going to, and I hope she's listening this morning. Matter of fact, I'm trying not to see her name because I might go right into tears of joy, but Joseph is going through his personal season right now. But think about it. Think about it. Joseph, and I'm just putting myself in Joseph's shoes. Joseph is trusting in God. He's being used by God. He's encouraging other men when they get out to serve God. But Joseph is going through that season where you not doubt God, but you're saying, God, is this it? How many of y'all been there? You, you, you, you, you, you. Amen, Ray. What the devil meant for evil, God. Ray? Ooh, Ray. Ray. Who said that statement? Anybody know who said? Because we're talking about a young man named Joseph right now. Who made that statement? I just gave you a little hint. Ray, who made that statement? What you meant for evil. God, that was a revelation y'all. Y'all didn't catch that. We're talking about a young man named Joseph that's incarcerated right now. His mama. Who, who is the one? Who is, I just said it 50 times. Who's the person who said that statement? What you meant for evil, God meant for good. Somebody tell me. Somebody. All right now, Brian, come on. Oh my, oh, Ray. Brian, put the verse out there. See, oh, God just gave us a revelation. Our prayer is that Joseph, who's in jail, understands in his spirit, as he goes through this darkness, come on, come on, that what was meant for evil, God means for good folks. Just, he gave it to us right there. That's the prayer. We need Joseph. Not, we're not talking about the historical biblical Joseph. He got it. Cause you remember, he spent some time incarceration. If you remember his brother sold him into slavery. If you remember, he was even in the house of, uh, uh, was it Potiphar? He was in, yes, it was Potiphar. He was in the, and the wife made a move on him. And next thing you know, he found himself, but he found himself out of the jail cell, second in charge. We're not talking about him. We're talking about 2023 Joseph, that's sitting in a jail cell, but we pray that he understands what you meant for evil. God meant for good. See when Joseph gets there, he will, he will, he will be able to look past the walls. When, when, when, when, when Joseph gets there, our Joseph, he will see beyond the circumstance and the situation saying, God is using me here. I am a soldier on this assignment. This is where I'm at. It doesn't matter what happened at the party. Didn't matter back to Joseph. Didn't matter that his brothers sold them into slavery. Didn't matter that he was incarcerated. He didn't, it didn't matter that, that, that, that, that whatever happened happened, but God used them and raised them up that he'd be second in charge that when, when, when, when his father and his brothers needed food, there was someone in place that they could go to. And he said to them, what you meant for evil, God meant for good. Think about it. When our Joseph wraps his heart around that, he's going to be okay. So the prayer from the mother to me is just pray for my son, because he's going through a season right now. And we can all agree, even us who are out free. Sometimes we go through a season where all you can feel is sadness. Maybe some of you have not experienced that. I don't know. Some of you Christian folks, I feel you. I wish I could just be on that spiritual high all the time. I know some of you probably on spiritual high all the time, but sometimes you go through that season where you just, it's hard to even get up. It's hard to even think positive. It's hard to even pray for somebody. I know some of y'all don't know what I'm talking about. You may have never experienced that. I'm talking about some of us who have gone through that thing where you serve in God, you read your word, you're in Bible study, you proclaim in the gospel, you're doing everything, but you're in that season where you're just struggling. That's where Joseph's at. That's where Joseph's at right now. He's struggling. And we ain't going to judge him because we all can relate. At least most of us can relate. But we pray that the joy of his salvation will be restored. That he understands what was meant for evil has turned for good, and that he be used in a powerful way to touch each life of every man, to let them know that God loves you. Because y'all got to hear something. You got to understand something. When people go to prison, the ideology and the philosophy is that they are going to be is that they are going to be rehabilitated. That is not the case. When individuals become incarcerated, they are changed, and in most cases, made worse than they came. But God is going to take this soldier, Joseph, and look in the eyes of those men and say, you are God. You are somebody in the eyes of God. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, and the Lord loves you. Joseph is being used in a powerful way to rehabilitate with the inside with the inside out by the way of the Holy Spirit. So let's pray that Joseph, by the power of the Holy Spirit, do what he may do or do what he must do by the glory of God, and keep his focus on the cross. Father God, we come before the throne of grace. We come as humble children. We come as your bond servants, slaves unto Christ. We pray for our brother Joseph. We pray that you would just surround him with legions of angels, of angels, that you would put a hedge of protection around him, just cause his spirit to leap, Father God, with joy, not based on the surrounding circumstances, but the eternal promise. Father, we pray that you use Joseph, that he may share the good news with each individual that he encounters. Lord, we pray that that favor will be up on him at every corner, may it be the guards, may it be fellow prisoners, may it be the warden, may it be the court system, may it be the attorney. Lord, we pray for favor on his life, and I pray in the name of Jesus right now, if he's not up, Lord, or if he is up, that our prayers would just go to the throne of grace, and the Spirit right now will give him a peace. That he has a purpose, and that he cannot be defined by a prison, nor a judge. That Joseph understands that he is a free man, because he is a child of God. And Lord, I pray for each individual Joseph talks to, I pray for Joseph's mother, that you give her strength, that you give her the resources, that she may be used in a powerful way, that her tears may be turned into joy, that her sorrow may be turned into celebration. Father, I pray this. And Lord, while we have been talking about Joseph, I pray for his brother, that you just watch over him, that you keep him, that you bless him, that you would bless this family. And Lord, I pray for each individual right here, right now, that are going through circumstances, maybe not extreme, maybe even worse, but I pray as we've heard your word, that our faith be lifted. Father, we praise you, we honor you, we lift you up, and we ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. Wow. Praise be to God. All right, I'll go through and answer some questions. Moderators, thank you. I saw a few times where you had to tell people to be respectful. Folks, let me be honest, what was the verse you wanted to read? Oh, what verse was it? What verse was that you wanted me to read? But back to what I was saying until we see that verse. Folks, I know I don't mind on you. I have the idea this morning. Miss Amy, thank you. Welcome. Yeah, please follow this content, and please, we're here to help you. We're here to help you. Yeah, please follow this content, and please, we're here just to proclaim the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ. These moderators, each one of them, follow them. They're personal friends of mine, and we're just here to share the gospel good news. So welcome. If you haven't been with us before, we thank you for joining with us. And we're here every morning, and Lord willing, we'll be here every morning at 630. And I was going to say, for those of you who are, if you will, on the balance beam of your faith, maybe you had a walk with the Lord and you walked away, you know what? I will forever respect each one of you. And I pray that you will get on this platform and respect us. I think that you can speak your peace without being sarcastic or disrespectful. And so I'm in Arizona. We're in Arizona. You can speak your peace and not be disrespectful. Please, if you have something to say, you can get a hold of my email. Pray for, please, my current job is shutting down and asking God for guidance. Wait a minute. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Father God, I come right now with regards to Jennie and her job. And Lord, I think that's the name I saw. Lord, this is something that's out of her control. This is something that's beyond her. And Lord, your word says, if an individual does not work, they do not eat. But Lord, you said if we ask anything in faith, in faith, in faith, Lord, that would be given unto us. And Lord, I know anything doesn't mean anything that's beyond your word. I know anything that we ask with regards to the scripture in the context of the word, Lord, you will give. And this individual right now, Lord, is asking for another opportunity if it be at another job. This individual right now is asking if it's not another opportunity at another job, that her job would keep her, so she can provide for herself and her family, Father God. Lord, I pray that if it is your will, that you will open a door. I pray if it's your will, that the message, the email, the text, whatever it is, letting her know that we are not letting you go, but your job is still here. But whatever that is, God, we're just asking that you provide the means on which this individual can take care of themselves and their family. Father, we ask this in the precious name of Jesus. We ask this of our Father, Abba Father. I reiterate in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen. There you go, Miss Jenny. There you go. So like I was saying, if you have doubts with regards to your relationship with the Lord, please don't come on here to be disrespectful. We're just here to share hope for people and with people who are going through something. We're not here to thank you so much. We're not here to beat people down. We're not here to point fingers and say, we're right, you're wrong. But we're here to share the word of God and give people hope to endure the things that they're going through. That's what we're here for. If you're bringing anything other than that, I must be very candid with you. You're not welcome here. Because we don't know about you, but I do know about us. We are going through our own personal struggles day in and day out. We are going through our own personal wars and illnesses and financial problems and lack of jobs and relationships. We are. We don't know about you, but we are. And we know that our help comes from the Lord. That's what we know. And we are encouraging each other because we know in our word, it says, iron sharpens iron. So if you come on here with anything else other than that, we don't need you here. You don't bring us that value. But we welcome you, even if you disagree with us. If you would just listen and evaluate the love we seek about it. And what is that love? God. Because we believe that only through God, the sustainer, the creator, the alpha, the omega, the ancient of days, only through God that we can get through life because we have experienced his grace. But if that means nothing to you, we respect your opinion, but we prefer that you keep your opinion and your negativity to yourself somewhere else. Please. All right. If I can answer any questions, it is 731. If I can answer any questions, I will. If I can't, I will double back. Praise be to God. But thank you all for being on here this morning. You encourage me. You encourage me. And we stayed at least above 150. Thank you. Wow. That was beautiful. We stayed above 150 and faith because I've been told I'm an abomination. How do I reconcile with faith? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Why are you an abomination? Let me understand that. Why would somebody tell you that you were an abomination? Please. Why? This is my first time here with you, but I'm glad I found you. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Is that create? Create a difference, I bet you. I can't see the whole thing. Create indifference. I was kicked out of the church because they found out I'm. Okay, I see what you're saying. You were kicked out of the church. Okay. Because of the lifestyle that you that you live. Okay. Will you do me a favor? Will you look on my content? Okay. Look on my content and will you contact me via email? Please. All right. I'm going to tell you right now. I love you. But let me be very transparent with you. I don't agree with your lifestyle. So you just know where I'm going from. But I don't agree with the lifestyle of my son who lives with his fiance. I don't agree with that lifestyle. But I love my son and I love you. So please go to my email, reach out to me and let's talk. All right, let's talk. I won't belittle you. I won't dismiss you. I will respect you and I will love you. Okay. I don't think this is the place for that conversation. So with that being said, I will pour into you how you reconcile with that. All right. But I want to know where I'm coming from. And I want to be transparent with you. I love you. I will respect you. I do not, based on the word of God, agree with the lifestyle that you've chose. But I love you. Okay. All right. Anything else? Anybody? He's got you. Amen. God has got you. Amen. God bless. Love the pastor. Dislike the sin. Love the person. Dislike the sin. I understand. I don't know you, but I love and respect you. Amen. Please go to my email. Reach out to me. I will respond. How's the Bronco? Josh, I was driving it yesterday. It's beautiful. It's beautiful. The Bronco is doing beautiful. Josh, did you change your picture? You changed your picture. I didn't know that was you at first. Because you changed your picture. But the Bronco is doing good. My ABS light went on yesterday. And it's running. It's running beautiful. I'm in the military. Need motivation. Well, military guy, go on my email. Go to my TikTok. And look at my email. Reach out to me. I'm here to encourage people. I'm here to help people with what's your plans for today. Plans for today. Well, I've got a couple things I've got to do. And so, you know, I don't know if I shared with you guys. I was consulting for a company. But they minimized my consulting obligation. So I don't know. I'm going to go find a side hustle. I'm going to go do something. I don't know what that'll be. There's a church down the street called Rock Point. And they had a couple openings. Not as pastoral position. But I'm going to see if I can get a gig over there. At least part-time. And so Lam is asking about the verse you want us to read. God led you right before Romans 8, 28. Oh, what was it? What was it? Oh, you know what? Hang on. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, I know what it was. I don't remember the address. But I know what the verse was. Thank you. See, my memory's getting better. But I don't remember the address was. Watch this. I'm looking the verse up. I know some of the words. But my memory. Okay. Boom. Romans 8, 38. Romans 8, 38. And what happened was, when I was going to 28, I saw it. And then when I looked down again, I didn't see it anymore. But I guess God, at that moment, wanted me to go to the other verse. Watch this. Romans 8, 38. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. I want you to hear this. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8, 38. Ray and Lamb, thank you. When I was going through, I saw it real quick because I thought, because Joseph probably is doubting himself because Satan is whispering negativity in his ear. And he's like, Lord, I'm unworthy of your love. That's grace. Lord, I haven't done right by you, but we see grace again. Lord, I'm not the very best I need to be, but we see grace. And then that verse popped up. And watch this. For I am persuaded, but let's back up. Let's back up because 37, bam, watch. Yet in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. That's where Joseph, that's my prayer. He's got to understand, even though I'm in this jail, this prison, this place of incarceration, and I'm here for a reason, but I am more than a conqueror. Watch this. Why? For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. That was the verse. Thank you, Lambriel. Thank you, Ray. That was the verse. And y'all need to go with that one. I am persuaded that nothing could separate me from the love of God. And the list goes on. Why? Because he loves me. Why does God love us? That's grace. We are unlovable. We, the image bearers of God, we are unlovable. But he loved us to the point that he sent his begotten son to save us, to be the substitute, to go to the cross, to pay the price for sin for us. That's mercy. Unmerited favor. That's mercy. I mean, I'm sorry, that's grace. But mercies, he did not give us what we deserve. Undeserved favor. Amen. That was the verse, husband. All right. Woo! Let's answer a couple more questions. And 739, I know I keep writing my mouth, but you guys hit me on a verse and I get excited. God bless you. I needed this. I need this every morning. Ms. Chloe Grace, we need that word, don't we? Brother Ray, thank you. We need that word. We need that word. It's that word that gives me that strength. The coffee is just a plus. This is only a temporary fix. This is the sustainer of life. That word is the sustainer. All right. Thank you. I think a lot of us need it. Amen, don't we? Let's see. The movie War Room was grace and mercy in it. Come on. Oh, sorry. War Room is beautiful. And I mentioned that before. If you guys have not seen War Room, check it out. What are three ways we can stay accountable? Three ways. Stay accountable. First, why you got to, what do I need to stay accountable to? So, first one, read your word. All right. Read your word. I got to understand what is it I'm going to be accountable to? What is it I'm going to be accountable to? What is it I'm going to be accountable to? What is it I'm accountable for? What is it I'm accountable about? So, read the word. Number two, prayer. You got to stay in continuous prayer. Back to that subject, War Room. You got to stay in prayer. That's, War Room is your prayer closet. You got to stay in prayer. And last but not least, be careful who you associate with. Let me simplify that. Be careful who you're running with. Run with some folks that are like-minded. Run with some folks that are about prayer. Run with some folks that are about the word. Run with some folks that attend church. That's not to say that you need to walk around with your self-righteousness and looking down on creation. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying, be careful. I used to think, I used to think that somehow when I was a young man, that I could run with some goofballs and not be a goofball. I used to think I could run with some knuckleheads and not be a knucklehead. But I'm telling you, inadvertently, they can have an effect on you. So if you want to mount up that level of accountability, be in that word. Be in that prayer. And be around folks that bring value, biblical value to your life. You know why? Because that conversation is different. When you have a brother or sister who is a believer, now I'm talking spiritual brother and sister, that conversation, you get around folks that are not about the word. They're just talking about stupid stuff. I was, okay, I'll give you a perfect example. And I don't want to get into the subject, but I'll just give you a perfect example. We've got family friends, Nick and Davida. And we hang out with Nick. Nick and Davida are the most wonderful Christian folks. We hang out, at least real hang out. And Lam, you know Nick and Davida. Lam, you know Nick and Davida. Yeah, there you go. I love them. We hang out with them at least two, three times a year. And that means we go to their, I like going to their house. Because they just, they own a catering business. And they always make the coolest food. But, and they got a beautiful house. But I love hanging out with them. But you know what I really love about hanging out with them? Is that the conversation. Nick is well read. Rick is an amateur apologetics guy. And the conversation is, we'll sit. Oh, we'll sit. I mean, we were over there for Super Bowl. We might have paid attention to the Super Bowl for about, I don't know. Maybe the last half of the fourth quarter. Praise God. Thank you so much. We were over there. But you know, we were talking about the Bible. We were talking about salvation. We were talking about this and that. And so, it was just beautiful. But I was, when I was over there, I was telling them, we all have a mutual friend. And Lam, I'm not going to say his name. But you know him too. Lam lives in my area. Lam, Lam and Lam's family, my family know each other. So that's why I keep bringing Lam up. But we got a mutual friend. Every time I talk to him, he wants to talk about the flat earth. I don't care about a flat earth. I don't care. My point is, with you and your question, be around, be about your Bible. Be in your word. Be in prayer and be around people that are like-minded. Be around folks that are going to bring value to your life. That's how you cultivate that accountability. But if you ain't in your word, if you're not in your Bible, and you're not around people that are like-minded, the Bible is quite, I think it's in the book of Amos, it says, how do two walk together if they don't agree? How do two walk together? Thank you. Thank you, Ms. Kim. How do two walk together if you don't agree? Yeah, there you go. Yeah, it's a distraction. I mean, if the earth is flat, round, rectangle, who cares? But we get caught up in that conversation. And I don't, I just don't, I was, we were talking to him and I told him we were leaving and we talked about a mutual friend. And I said, I don't have time to even deal with that conversation. But if you come to me and say, man, you know what? God has been good to me. And, or you come to me and say, hey, I was really looking at the scriptures. I might not know it because I don't know everything. Right there. Yes. How can two walk together except they agree? Thank you. How can two walk together if we ain't on the same page about God and the word of God? Now there's a difference when you are ministering to somebody that's different because you're ministering to them. But my friends, people ask, and I, hey, I'm gonna tell y'all right now and be honest. I got a lot of brothers and sisters, but my only friend is my wife, Debbie. I don't be hanging out too much. I got a lot of brothers and sisters in Christ, but my friend is Miss Debbie. But if I'm going to sit and break bread with you, guarantee. You better have a conversation that's going to bring value to the life. And the only value that I see in life is the bread of life. And who is the bread of life? Jesus. So that's, there you go. That's, that's my, uh, uh, Pastor Paul coffee talk information for you. So there you go. I don't, I don't rip and run with a lot of folks. Sound like my dad. They're out there ripping and running. So there you go. Any other questions I can answer before I get off of here? Uh, do you believe in rainbow bridge where we meet our pets in the afterlife? Uh, that's so funny. You would bring that up. Uh, we have a running joke, you know, we have pets and, and we, Akilah, our smallest dog, uh, we had to bury in the yard out there. But, um, I, I gotta be very, very, uh, solid with you on this. Animals do not have souls. They don't have souls. They are created, uh, uh, for us. We have a soul. We are made in the image of God. However, they're going to be animals in eternity. As for the labelization of a rainbow bridge, uh, this or that animals do not have souls. So while I, my, my pup pup in the next room and my pup pup that's buried in that yard, God gave them to us. And they, you know, that, that one back out there, Missy cornered a rattlesnake. She's been loyal to this family. The other one that we, you know, died, buried. She's been loyal to this family, but animals are here for us. And with that being said, they don't have a soul. So when they die, they go back to the dust of the earth. And that's the, but, but however, thank you. Thank you. Pro pro grunt. Hoorah pro grunt. Now pro grunt. I'm assuming professional grunt is an indicator and I'm looking at the beard. So I'm thinking it's an indicator of who you used to be and what you do now. Please help me. Let me know. However, uh, uh, uh, but here we go. So with that being said, I love my animals. Got two little goats in the back. I love my animals. But when it's said and done, they go back to the dust of the earth. And so it used to be all right. Pro grunt. Amen. Nah, you didn't used to be, you know, the words, you know, used to be. I, I, maybe I asked the question wrong. There's no use to be. You always will be by the grace of God. But it's nowhere in the Bible that states that we are assuming that. Well, um, wait a minute. Help me understand. Hang on, hang on, hang on. Oh, so wait a minute. Are we assuming that the, uh, I'm playing. I love you. Okay. Um, hang on. Where is it? In Ecclesiastics when it talks about the soul going back to the dust or the flesh. Somebody help me here. And I know, I know Jehovah Witnesses love to take you to this verse. Uh, uh, I want all fur babies in heaven. Well, there's going to be some fur babies there and we're going to know there's going to be all kinds of animals and, and so on, et cetera. Help me find that verse y'all. You got some brilliant people. I want to say it's Ecclesiastics when it talks about going back to the dust. And I know anybody help me. It talks about the soul, the person going back to the dust. And I'm trying to answer the person who said, yes, where does it say pets do? Pets do what? Go back to, well, let's look. I'm not sure yet. I'm going to answer the question, but I'm, we, well, look, if we look at Genesis, let me ask you this in Genesis, who was, who was given a living soul? Three 20. What? What? Not saying you're wrong. No, no. But let's talk, James. I hear you. No, no. I hear you. I love the conversation. I just want to make sure that I'm on. Is it okay? Class Ecclesiastics three 20. Okay. Let's go there. Let's go there. Let's see what it says. And then after that, I'll take you another place. Cause I think, I think we can really look at this. All right. Here we go. All right. So let's turn Ecclesiastics three 20, man. Come on, basketball. Okay. You know what? Don't ever be ashamed to use your index. Uh-huh. Yep. I said it. Don't be ashamed to use your index. Five 64. Okay. Here we go. Don't be ashamed to use your index. Okay. Here we go. Don't be ashamed to use your index. That's why it's there. Okay. What did we say? Three 20. All right. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. What we got here? Hang on. Okay. Let's start with 18. I said in my heart concerning, uh, uh, uh, the conditions of sons of men, God test them that they may see that they themselves are like animals. Okay. God test them that they may see that they themselves are like animals for what happens for what happens to the sons of men also happens to the animals. Now, real quick. I know there's some people who say, well, we're just like the animals, but hang on. One thing befalls them as one dies. So dies the other. Surely they all have one breath. Man has no advantage over animals for all is vanity. All go to one place. All are from the dust and all returned to the dust. Okay. Now, okay. It's interesting. Verse 21, who knows the spirit of the sons of men, which go upward and the spirit of the animal, which goes down to the earth. Oh, wait a minute. So I perceive that nothing is better than that. A man should rejoice in his own works for that is his heritage for who can bring him to see what will happen after him. So we see there that while man, the soul is eternal man, meaning humanity, we see in that verse, it says they all go to dust. They all die. Some people will just take that verse and stop right there and convince you that you are like the animal, that you just don't, we don't believe in hell, that you just go to the dust. But if you look at it, it says all go to the one place, right? We all die. All are from the dust. I agree. We go back to the dust and all return to dust. Amen. Verse 21, who knows the spirit of sons of men, which go upward and the spirit of the animal, which goes what down to the earth. So there is a difference. So I don't believe now, though, if I take you to the book of Genesis and, and, and, okay, let's, let's, let's look at this verse. And I'm using this Bible that, you know, I got my one Bible. It's super highlighted. All right. Take me to the verse. Somebody find that verse for me. When it said that God blew the breath of life. Throw that verse up on me. Is that, is that Genesis three? Somebody give me a, what's that verse where it says that, uh, uh, must have assault. Animals can, oh, well now, no, no, no, no, no. Animals are instinctually do what they do. They're they, they have instinct. You can train an animal. An animal is perpetuated by food. All right. But where's that where he says he blew the, he blew the breath of life and man became a living soul. Where is that verse? Somebody throw that out there for me. Okay. Genesis two, seven. All right. Let's turn to Genesis two, seven. Somebody let's turn there. Let's turn there to seven. What's that say? And the Lord God for man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life and man became a living being. We became a soul, a soul lasts for eternity. All right. Now this is me. This is what I believe. I know some of you love your animals so much and I get it. We're animal lovers. We, we, we love animals. Okay. I get it. I'm, I'm cool with that, but I'm just trying to be honest with you. When an animal dies, it goes back to the dust of the earth. However, trust me, they're going to be animals in eternity. And guess what? They're not going to harm you. That means you can like, hello, lion. And you can pet that lion. You can go, hello, rhinoceros. And you can pet that rhinoceros. You can, you can, you can literally be able to engage with animals that you only can look at in a zoo. And I hate zoos. You can, you will be able to embrace an animal that you've only seen on national, uh, uh, what is it? National wildlife. So there you go. I know some of you, you love your animals and that's cool. That's really cool. But I'm just trying to answer the question based on what I believe the Bible's teaching us. And, and it's, but it's not a salvation issue. If, if, if, if animals, uh, uh, go to heaven, meaning if my little puppy that we buried out there in the yard, national geographic, thank you. Um, um, if, if, if all of a sudden Lord takes, takes my, uh, life and I'm in the presence and there's Akilah, that's her name, Akilah. Okay. That's cool. But I believe, uh, uh, uh, uh, nothing but a memory. What are your thoughts? Um, I don't, I think, and I don't want to sound, I don't want to sound, how can I put this? Okay. I think that you and I are going to be so overjoyed with love that we will not worry about the events or the experiences or the things that took place while in this life. See, this is, this is where people don't, when the scripture talks about eyes have not seen ears and not heard, uh, and I paraphrase the thing that the Lord has for those in store for those that love him. We don't understand. We, we take moments in life. We take moments in life and, and, and we, we, we, uh, if you will label them to think this was a great moment in my life, or this was a great moment in our life. But all those things will mean nothing compared to being in the presence of the Lord. None of those things, do, oh, do you think we'll be busy in heaven? Yes. Uh, that's a great question. Um, those things will mean nothing. They mean something to us now because they are fragmented parts of our lives that we gravitate to that, that perpetuates our memories. But when we get into the presence of God, boom, now heaven, this is me. I believe in the presence of God. Will we be busy? Yeah. Yeah. It talks about it. Where is it? All right. Help me out, everybody. Help me out. Help me out. You know, my memory, but now we won't look up, but we will. I believe when we are in the presence of God, we are going to eat. We are going to work. We are going to love. We're going to be at the greatest Bible studies. We are going to be in the perfect conditions. Water, air, rain, uh, uh, uh, you name it crops. There won't be diseases. It will be. And we will be in a kingdom. Remember, remember that Adam and Eve and how we understand what the kingdom is going to be like, if we look at the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve interacted with God. And, and, and, and, and, and, and they were placed in this garden. There'll be work. I think, I think if, if you're, let's say your gift was a violinist. Yeah. Bible studies, well, Bible studies, not in the sense of, of, of, of the Bible, how we read the Bible now, but I think Bible studies in the sense like Jesus, Jesus, Melchizedek, break that down. Melchizedek, as a matter of fact, me, me and my brother here, James, we were on a live and we were talking about Melchizedek. Would you, will you teach us about Melchizedek? I think those kinds of things, because the Bible is quite clear. There are volumes of books that have not been written of the things that God did. Think about being with God and him breaking down every facet and every aspect to us as his children. Think about it. It's going to be beautiful, but I think we'll work. I think life as we know it's, oh, let's say that in this life, you were a Christian violinist and you were a good violinist. I think there, you're going to be a good violinist. Let's say that you were, I don't know, I believe in this life, you, you, you, you did. And I'm not saying what you did here, you're going to do there. But what I am saying is you're going to be the very best version that you can be, because why you will not have that sin nature. That's what I believe. I believe that the very best version that you can be that in this life, you never saw. You will be that there. And yes, we will work. We'll, some of us will be probably farmers. Some of us will probably be builders. Some of us will probably be, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, no, no, I don't believe that. I believe that we are going to see and experience the kingdom that we desire internally. Right? Abraham, what did you feel like? And that's another thing, sister. I wanted to catch him. Watch this. Watch this. Hang on. Can you imagine talking to Abraham? Isaac? Can you imagine that? Paul? And how about all the people that you meet that you met along the way? I'm excited. I'm excited. There we go. All right. Y'all made my day. It is 801. I must be going. Thank you, Paul. Thank you so much. All right, everybody. God bless you. Have a beautiful day. Yeah, Paul. Can you explain the three days of dark that we're going to go through tomorrow? Let's address this because this is that's an interesting question. So hang on. Okay. All right. Y'all have an incredible day. Keep your faith. Tomorrow we're going to be talking about in connection to my post with regards to how can I put it? Disrespecting God. All right. You got folks out here asking for God to bless them. And in return, they commit blasphemy. Who am I talking about? The young football player who was wearing the jacket. And I don't know why he wore it. I don't know the circumstance. But with all that being said, we're going to talk about when people mock God. We're going to talk about that tomorrow. Let me pray. Father God, thank you. We praise you. We honor you. We lift you up. Lord, I just pray that you just bless us. And Lord, thank you. Thank you for allowing all of us to come together, that we could talk about you, that we could proclaim your name, that we could just bounce things around, Father God. But Lord, when it's all said and done, we praise you. We honor you. We thank you for your grace. We thank you for mercy. And Lord, all the prayers that I couldn't pray for, you know, you know the prayers that are needed. And Lord, I pray that you would just just bless us and keep us and show favor on us. Lord, I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. One last thing. The individual who said they had been labeled by their church as an abomination, please email me. I really, really, really would love to talk to you. However, once again, remember what I said. I don't agree with the lifestyle that you chose, but I love you unconditionally. All right? Okay. God bless you all. Have a beautiful day. May the Lord bless you, watch over, and keep you. Amen.