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Condemnation of sin  04-05-2023

Condemnation of sin 04-05-2023

Coffee with Pastor PaulCoffee with Pastor Paul



condemnation of sin. Jesus going to the cross 1st Corinthians 15:3 Be sure and stop by PastorPaul.tv and click on the register link at the top of the page for new notifications of audio and video and live recordings for this podcast. I choose love God bless you 💓

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good morning everybody good morning good morning good morning good morning good to see you all this morning praise God this beautiful Wednesday morning Miss Kim good to see you this morning good morning good morning good morning good to see you all this morning all right good morning good morning Joe good to see you good morning good morning good morning good morning Lacey good to see you this morning good morning Miss Joy good to see you this morning love it good morning good morning good to see you all this morning love it all right let's see let's get 100 people on here and we'll get started I must get off today at least 10 after 7 got my coffee too good morning praise God and all things got my coffee right here and guess what guys it was freezing yesterday here in the valley it was cold but by this time next week it's going to be almost 100 degrees so the cool weather has come to a close good morning Ray good to see you the cool weather's come to a close and the heat is about to come I think they said on Sunday it will be 92 degrees and it's going to be cold it's been 80s in Pennsylvania all right I love it all right the passion of the Christ we know that Palm Sunday was on Sunday and now we are going to turn into the the crucifixion so let's look at this real quick cuz I've got a I can't be on too long this morning I've got to get going so but let's pray real quick and then I want to look at some scriptures Father God thank you thank you for allowing us to see another day thank you for waking us up thank you for health the strength grace and mercy Lord I pray that you would just bless us as we look in your word I pray that we receive this word for the renewing of our mind that it builds up our faith that Lord we lift you up we glorify you you we honor you Lord we thank you for giving your only begotten Son for us Lord we thank you we ask this in the name of Jesus amen Jesus going to the cross good morning Nate I saw you there good morning Miss Jenny good to see you Jesus going to the cross why number one condemnation of sin Jesus went to the cross and he suffered because of sin because of sin watch this first Corinthians first Corinthians first Corinthians 15 3 for I deliver to you first of all that which I also received that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures Jesus Christ went to the cross for our sins anyone who says they have not sinned or does not sin is is calling God a liar we are all sinners we have all fallen short look at Isaiah 53 5 and 6 Isaiah 53 5 through 6 says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed good thank you lamb good to see you this morning so Jesus Christ was condemned of sin our sin the sins of the world the sins of humanity you can think of the worst sin and Jesus Christ went to the cross for it we deserved it but what the Lord showed us he showed us mercy and he showed us grace hang on second part of that we looked at first Corinthians and then we looked at Isaiah 53 but let's read verse 6 real quick it says all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity we have turned our own way we do our own thing we turn our nose up at God but Jesus Christ this coming Sunday we celebrate is going to the cross for you and I and we don't want to hear that but this is why Jesus to save us to restore us to bless us to bring us back into communion with the Father why what did God say to Adam and Eve he said that the day that you're disobedient the day that you eat of the tree of knowledge and good of evil the day that you disobey death shall come into this world and we can see the effects of that death now you say well why didn't uh Adam and Eve die immediately there was a spiritual death and there was a physical death the spiritual death was that they were separated from God out of the garden sin couldn't be in his presence the physical death eventually Adam and Eve both died and death passed on to each one of us but Jesus Christ went to the cross for that disobedience and that sin watch this he gave himself for our sins look at Galatians 1 4 look what it says Galatians 1 4 says who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil age according to the will of our God and Father so when God made that declaration of Garden of Eden then he sent his son in the form of a man to take the penalty that God declared death but here's the here's the powerful thought he who knew no sin took up on all sin which cancelled out the sin debt for you and I if we would put our faith in Jesus now somebody came on here I don't know if you caught it I don't know if you caught it Jim the the the title today is the cross the cross but I don't know someone came on yesterday and they asked me pastor Paul what is your opinion on this particular lifestyle I'm going to let you fill in the bank because blank because when I say something that that that the word states that all of a sudden I get counseled out I will speak the truth but I'm not going to let anybody trick me into saying something so I can be counseled out however someone asked me yesterday do you agree with this particular lifestyle you fill in the blank by golly if you follow the word of God God does not condone that lifestyle hence that makes it a sin so that individual needs to repent turn to God for that sin for that sin that that's individual I would assume supports active actively involved you know it's got a lot of little alphabets is actively involved and a part of and does is going to separate them from God think about it think about it that sin our sin sin separates us from God but Jesus gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil age so Jesus went to the cross as a substitute for you and I to deliver us from the addiction of sin from the bondage of sin from the slavery of sin Jesus did that for us so that you do not have to be in that lifestyle or that evil lifestyle that you can be free from that and free by what the Holy Spirit the Lord went to the cross he bore our sins let's look at first Peter 2 1 4 2 24 he went to the cross to bore our sins the cross folks don't take Sunday lightly matter of fact the the the death bearer and resurrection should be preached every Sunday it should be incorporated in every sermon if a preacher is not preaching it then he is not worth his salt but the cross is the is the is the center point of Christianity why first Peter 2 24 says who himself bore our sins who are we talking about Jesus who himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree just just an old King James version the tree how powerful that he hung on a tree how powerful that it was the tree that was symbolic which is the cross in the garden of Eden the tree of knowledge of good and evil the tree of life how is powerful it is that it was a tree that had to put all that to rest the cross is the tree the tree is the cross but let us read it who himself bore our sins on his in his own body on the tree that we having died to sins might live for righteousness by whose stripes you were healed it was he that died on the cross not not not anyone else and you know what hang on I want you to think about some food for thought can any of you tell me another religion where the founder of the religion not only found it but died for it can you name another religion where the founder also died for it but here's the good news but death could not hold them nor could the grave he resurrected can you give me that other religion could you express to me what other religion has done that and I say this with humility I say this with gentleness there is none there is none for Jesus who founded Christianity it is Jesus who went to the grave it was Jesus who resurrected and it is Jesus at the right hand side of the father so all these false religions that are out here they they might honor Muhammad they might honor Buddha they might honor uh Confucius and so on and so on and so on and so on they are still in the grave but Jesus resurrected the founder of Christianity died and resurrected and is at the right hand side of the father and is the mediator between us and God and nothing can separate us from his love think about that think about it even our calendar speaks to the resurrection or I should say please forgive me even our calendar speaks to the existence of Jesus from his from his birth to his burial think about it this is this is this is this is all about Jesus Kenan I'm so good to see you man Kenan get up tomorrow morning get on with me and let's do that let's do that tomorrow morning Kenan please I would love that if you could but let's think about it Jesus is the only one but he bore our sins as we as we as we looked in the scripture let's read it one more time in first Peter 20 20 first Peter 2 24 who himself bore our sins in his own body on the tree that we having died to sins might live for righteousness by whose stripes we are healed we are we say that in a prayer by your stripes we are healed it was Jesus that was beaten it was Jesus that was mocked it was Jesus who was spit upon it was Jesus that went to the cross it is Jesus and Jesus only whom we must worship praise and honor now there are false religions that would dismiss Jesus you got the Jehovah Witness saying well he wasn't God he was just a good person the Jehovah Witnesses will teach well you know what we don't believe that there was a cross we believe that there was a there was a staff that held them but not a cross we got the Mormons out there and said why why would I talk about the instrument or the tool that was used to kill God why would I even speak of the cross Paul spoke of the cross Paul talked about the cross matter of fact Paul said it's foolishness to some look at the look at the Muslims they dismiss Jesus as just a prophet they just they just minimize Jesus as just a good person but Jesus is more than a person Jesus is God who was the Lamb of God who went to the cross someone said bring up the Passover you remember the Passover you remember when when when when the angel of the Lord was going to pass over Egypt and the firstborn of Pharaoh were going to be destroyed and what it was instructed to put blood on the doorpost even if you look at how they place the blood on the top and on the side it was it was symbolic of the cross when the angel of death the angel of death passed over we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ let's make this more contemporary we are covered by the blood of Christ so when the when when when when when the angel of death we we it passes over us we are covered with that blood it was because Jesus went to the cross folks not us we couldn't do it we knew we we we we we knew sin we understood sin we are sinful creatures only Jesus could have went to the cross for you and I this is why I worship him see this this is where we're at we're at see this this is where we got to really dig deep we have to admit we need a savior I think it's I think it's uh uh uh Ray Comfort who teaches about the law when you look at the law when you when you when you look at the ten commandments and you ask yourself to the depths of your heart have I kept these and you have to come to the conclusion no I have never been able to keep them when you look at those those ten commandments in the book of Exodus chapter 20 and you just look at the ten and you look in the scripture and says if you broke one if you broke the least of any of these you have failed to keep any of them you broke them all in life a problem folks but Jesus fulfilled the law he kept the law he was perfect and not only that God sent him for us and because God could keep the law fulfill the law fulfill the law we transition from the law onto grace see it locked the law came from the prophets it was a school master we couldn't keep it was it was directing us it's it's questioning you right now could if God if you were to take your last breath let's let's stop right there because I'm pumped let's just stop for a moment I want you to ask yourselves a serious question right now and this is this is to the non-believer if you're on here listen to me if you were to take your last breath right now right now heart stop beating you stop flat you started flatlining and you stood before God would you be accepted on the basis of the 10 commandment your personal merit if God said I am going to look at you and I'm just going to make up a name I'm going to look at you Dave I'm going to look at you Susan and I'm going to say what merit do you have to cause you or to to to allow you to come into eternity and then he points to the law the 10 commandments and you look at him and you say well Lord as I look out of there I see one right off the bat that I know that I I I didn't do and Lord looks at you and say what Lord I used your name in vain and Lord looks at you and says you can't come in you look again you say well I know I've lied that makes you a liar you can't come in oh I I know I've I've I've stolen you know I wasn't much I remember stealing an apple or I stole a pen from work that makes you a thief now the Lord has declared the verdict that if you can't uh keep the least of these you've broken all of them and you have to come to the realization that you need someone that can step in that not only fulfilled them but kept them and not over kept them got rid of them in the sense that delivered you from the law unto grace unmerited favor folks we need the Lord we need Jesus I like what you said sister he paid the price in full for the wages of sin is death he paid and sin and death could not hold the whole Jesus Jesus suffered because of sin he gave himself for sin he bore our sins on the cross he condemned sin in the flesh through his death Jesus condemned sin in his flesh through his death look at Romans 8 3 Jesus went to the cross he he for what the law could not do that was weak through the flesh God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin he condemned sin in his flesh Jesus did that for you and I we couldn't do it we struggle with sin even as a Christian we struggle with sin daily there is nothing good in our flesh we all do some extremely more than others because of this true nature the spiritual nature and the sin nature it is continuously battling with each other but for what did the scripture say once again Romans 8 3 for what the law could not do in that it was weak through flesh in that it was weak through flesh God did you keep stealing you stole did you keep stealing then that makes you a thief for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin he condemned sin in his flesh it's that simple the Lord condemned sin in his flesh so that we could be overcomers so that we can be victorious so that we can be restored so that we can be healed so that we can worship God in spirit and truth so that we can have communion with our creator think about it wow Jesus killed sin making it possible for sinners to destroy their own body of sin when united with him when we are united with Christ we are overcomers look at 1st john 8 and 10 look at look at oh i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry i'm sorry romans 6 3 6 romans 6 3 6 or do you not know that many of us as we're baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk when we were raised in the newness of life we are new creatures and new creation we are free from sin and we do not have to be slaves to sin anymore Jesus killed sin still there it's still active but it does not have us in bondage or in chains see some of you before you had Jesus you were slaves to sin come on now some of you let's be honest your God was a whiskey bottle some of us were slaves to sexual activity outside of the scope of marriage some of us were slaves to to thievery some of us were slaves to drugs some of us were slaves to to anger some of us were slaves to to anger some of us were slaves to to to to bite backbiting and gossiping and and and the list goes on some of us were slaves but the moment that we got Jesus and Jesus got a hold of us we became free we were not slaves to that sin anymore did we struggle at first absolutely but we progressively grew out of that if we're honest this is why Jesus went to the cross to free us we don't have to wallow in the pool of sin anymore we don't have to be slaves to the flesh anymore that Jesus made us a new creature we're new creations I'm not the same person I used to be you know it's funny people tell me all the time it is I'm going to give you a short story people always my whole life have always said you are so nice you're such a sweet person you're such a kind person but they don't know they don't know that it's the Lord that makes me sweet it's the Lord that makes me kind it's the Lord that makes me gentle because I am none of those things when you look at me in reality when you when you really look at me in my heart and my my my my actions historically I'm not any of those things but it's through the grace of God that I'm free from those things I used to be a slave to anger I used to be a slave to bitterness I used to be a slave to revenge I used to be a slave to to to uh uh uh conflict but when Jesus stepped in I was free from those things now that's not to say I don't struggle still good morning good morning that doesn't mean that I don't I don't struggle once in a while with anger that doesn't mean I don't struggle once in a while with bitterness that doesn't mean I don't struggle once in a while with revenge is that that that flesh is still there but God has given me the ability to be free from it it doesn't have a hold on me anymore because anything that exalts itself against the word of God I pull those strong holes down in the name of Jesus I don't let those things get me anymore now I'm not saying that that can't happen I'm not saying that I I I don't I don't uh uh thank you thank you brother I'm not saying that I'm I'm completely free from doing that I'm not saying that but what I'm saying it doesn't have a hold on me anymore I remember when me and Miss Debbie were young our our our weekend I don't y'all know this y'all y'all don't know anything about this I know this doesn't mean much y'all but I remember me and Miss Debbie back in the day uh on if it was a Saturday night our our big thing was getting to the club we were slaves to that I I remember our big thing was getting to the club and and and getting some some alcohol in us we were slaves to that I remember we we we would go to the club get some alcohol in us and make some poor decisions and drive home under the influence yeah we were slaves to that and if we're real about it and we do some self-evaluation this is why Jesus went to the cross to free us from those things to free us from that slavery those addictions those afflictions he he went to the cross and when he said on the cross it is finished I I believe it I take that personal uh Paul it's finished you you don't have to be a slave to those things anymore you're free from that this is what it's all about this is what it's about man watch this Jesus went to the cross and he suffered because of love Jesus went to the cross when I when I walk around here and I say I choose love I I'm I'm I'm I'm I I'm I'm I'm speaking of a state of mind I'm speaking of a of of of of of God himself for God is love but God displays love by sending his son God displays the the the the the stellar example of love and action John 3 16 what what does it say for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have an everlasting life God displays his love by sending his only begotten son his son he now Jesus is separated from his father for the first time in eternity and eternity folks I understand eternity but I can't wrap my mind around eternity but Jesus is separated from his father for the first time in eternity steps into this wicked dark world for who us that within itself is a display of love in action there's a side note I just heard this from a preacher the other day Rick I hope you're listening because I you you you shared it with me too but watch this Jesus stepped out of his throne off his throne to come to this earth vile perverted evil dark wicked the agitators can go on he didn't abandon it he didn't destroy it but he came to it shouldn't Christians be going to the darkness not not I'm sorry I thought someone's pulling in my driveway when I mean that I'm not saying cross over to the darkness I'm saying go to the darkness and shine that light I'm talking about Christian folks going to like Jesus in going to good morning really good morning good to see you Jesus came into a dark wicked perverted world to what save the world to what save that which was lost or to find that which was lost us to go to the cross shouldn't we as Christians do the same shouldn't we go instead of staying right amen jt we should be influencers and stay instead of staying within the walls of the church shouldn't we go out in the highways and byways and share the gospel and good news of Jesus Christ like Jesus did but God displays the stellar and epic mindset of love for God is love once again I read it again for God so love the world God gave everybody an opportunity to receive his son Jesus God gave the world the opportunity you know what's beautiful about God watch this God and I know the debate here and there so and etc I get what you're saying but God has given you free will if you do not want to have anything to do with Jesus God will honor that if you do not want to praise the Lord if you do not want to honor or worship or do or be obedient unto what the Lord says he will give you that right and in that choice that will lead you to destruction and God will honor that but those of you who put your faith and your trust and your belief in Jesus God will honor that too and you and I shall be saved think about it people get in the great debate free will no free will trust me you have the Lord does not send people to hell we choose to go there why would a loving God send his creation to hell why would a loving God send his only begotten son to die for us and if you do not his only begotten son if you uh deny who he is and what he's done then one should be separated from God and their choice should be honored that's love that is love folks look at Romans 5 8 but God demonstrates his own love towards us and while we were still sinners Christ died for us what have some of you done what have some of you done historically watch this I'll get right in the future I'll quit sinning when I'm older I'll accept Jesus when I'm uh you know I want to I want to live my life the way I want to live when I get older then I'll receive Jesus Christ that within itself is not promise however let's read that verse again but God demonstrates his own love towards us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us see Jesus didn't wait for us to get right Jesus went to the cross to get us right and what did the Lord do while we were yet still sinners while we were still sinning Jesus went to the cross and you know it's amazing and fascinating God is all-knowing do we all agree God is all-knowing how many agree with that how many God is all-knowing just food for thought right now does anybody agree with that God is all-knowing agree agree Jesus went to the cross all-knowing and he went to the cross for the world knowing that many in the world would deny him many Jesus goes to the cross knowing in love for sin for us knowing that many souls would deny him or be in false religions but he went to the cross for them anyway that right there I'm even trying to think of a good example like that's like that's like I live in a rural area where the weeds are going crazy that's like make one of my neighbors saying hey I'll cut all the weeds on your whole anchor and that individual says well I'm not going to pay you why would I cut him then if you're not going to pay me why would I cut him then if you're not going to pay me I thought I thought I thought you know I would provide my services and you would pay me I know that's a weak example but think about it Jesus went to the cross knowing that some of us would not receive him he leaves in 99 for that one amen and I and I and that amazes me but it's love it's love the father wants to be in communion with his creation we are we are made in his image and in his image we we have free will because God has that free will he's given us that we have free will to choose to love him to honor him to to to to imitate his son to receive the holy spirit to to to to to live for Christ we have that ability and you know it's powerful folks I'm going to end right here we're going to end up with just we're going to take the next four minutes and just talk we'll follow back on this tomorrow all right let me make sure okay we're going to follow back on this tomorrow but you know what guys I thank God that he got ahold of me I really do I thank the Lord that he got ahold of me yes my my name is Pastor Paul yes I preach the gospel but when you strip all those titles away I am a soul in need of my savior I need Jesus I need him the perplexity of the world the wickedness the evilness the only rock I have is Jesus that's the only thing I have I'm going to be I'm admitting this to each one of you all I got is Jesus and that's all I need I'm not saying that as if I well it's all all I need is Jesus that's all I need I need his word I I stand on his word I stand on his promises my hope is for those things to come and I look at this world I say Lord everything I'm looking at is an indicator that you are coming soon all I need is you and I know that I am sanctified by his truth I know that he's not like man that he should lie but I feel sorry for people who dismiss the Lord and his son Jesus Christ I feel sorry for people who dismiss the truth I feel sorry for Christian folks who get caught up in all these these doctrinal debates and statements all that boils down is this folks Jesus Christ and the death burial and resurrection all of this leads to that moment that we are going to celebrate on Sunday the resurrection of Christ he has risen he is risen and that promise has come to us I can't wait to that day folks I cannot wait to that day that you and I are in the presence of the Lord I can't wait to that day that I see my mother and my my mother and my father again I can't wait that till that day that I see some of you that I met through tiktok I'm talking about that day that we are all together as his church that we are in the presence of the king and as I look across the room I see Josh over there I I I see Brian and Lamb I see Jim I see Ray over there I'm waving and I and I see my mother my father oh there goes the Apostle Paul oh there goes Daniel oh there's King David and as I look across the room I see all these people we're just worshiping God I just we're worshiping the Lord folks that's what I'm waiting on don't waste your life don't waste your life redeem the time the days are evil let's redeem the time it's important let's be serious about our walk if you're on the fence right now trying to make a decision make a decision today to choose the Lord if you're a Christian and you're not really full throttle get full throttle make a decision today that I'm going to serve God that he went to the cross for me he paid the price in full he restored me I'm not going to listen to the peanut gallery I'm not going to listen to the so-called experts I like what Joshua said he said time doesn't stop so start now time does not stop before you take that last breath and it will come just talked to a young man yesterday he said he saw his mother two weeks ago and said that yesterday she passed away in her sleep I heard him I was listening to him I said brother how old was your mom he said she made it to 93 I go you had your mom that long he said yeah I said it's hard losing her he said yeah I'm hurting I said amen I go but where is she at he goes she's with the Lord I said amen she's not lost she's with the Lord would you what do you what does that mean to you you got to keep running this race because you and I are still on assignment y'all did y'all hear me if you still got breath in your body take a deep breath you with me you're still on assignment God has got you in the mission field soldier let's buck up let's get I said buck I didn't say anything else b-u-c-k let's buck up and get serious let's get let's get serious about our walk with the Lord if you got breath in your body you're alert and oriented oriented let's start fighting a good fight let's start pressing in let's start declaring decreeing that Jesus Christ is my savior my Lord time for me to start influencing we'll pass this law I don't know enough you'll never know enough we get prayed up God will give you the words well Pastor Paul I'm scared you don't need to be scared let the spirit lead you well Pastor Paul I'm fearful we don't have the spirit of fear but love and sound mind and if you don't know how to say anything say what God has done for you it's time it's time to get serious folks Jesus is coming soon let's get serious amen we are being watched you don't you don't think I I step in ace no one you don't think someone's not watching me yeah I'm being watched I'm being critiqued I'm being watched so live for the Lord man get out of here with that nonsense white man and this and that man get out of here with that nonsense see you're too consumed with ethnicity you're too consumed with culture that's the problem if you think about it and science has proved it all of us derived out of Africa the cradle civilization comes right from there let's get out of here with that ethnicity that proves the Bible we are all descendants of Adam and Eve we are of of creation we are all brothers and sisters when it comes to creation get out of here with that mess we're too overly consumed with culture and ethnicity two three hundred four hundred years of American history and we've got ourselves in a pit of anger forget that mess the problem with the with civilization is sin and this is why Jesus Christ came to nail that mess to the cross get serious about your walk folks I got to get going folks you know what I say if I've if I've done what I need to do today for the glory of God partner with us I want pray for me pray for my wife my son's wedding's coming up here in a few more days guys I'm excited he's getting married but pray for my family pray because I I I made my mind up I'm a long time ago I'm running this race I'm 60 years old I'm running this race until the wheels come off and when the Lord calls me home I want to stand before God knowing that I did what I was supposed to do now I know I wasn't faithful in all things but I sure hope that I'm faithful in some things so join me in prayer if you want to bless and partner in this ministry we welcome go on our website go on our website get plugged in and we'll go back and forth but you know what I praise God for each one of you get serious about your walk don't allow this resurrection day to just pass by to be an Easter holiday where you hide a's and this and so on etc let this be serious Lord I'm serious about my walk all right you're an all right you're an influencer and wherever you are God is going to give you some people to influence influence them by what you studied in the word all right all right everybody I hope this was helpful this morning what time we got okay real quick I hope this was helpful this morning I'm ready in the name amen in the name of Jesus lamb a book of life if you make it to heaven color will not matter color see this yeah I agree with you ethnicity folks the biggest problem with man now man and woman's culture is culture see that's what separates my culture your culture culture culture don't mean nothing culture is something that you accumulate over a period of time a tradition culture and I embrace culture there's things in our culture in my culture in this daddy's culture that I embrace but that doesn't define me that's my culture my ethnicity I trust if we are all from the cradle of Africa trust me we all look the same at one time if we're and we're descendants of Adam and Eve let's not get caught up in race and ethnicity and culture let's get caught up in the blood of Jesus let's get caught up saying that we are brothers and sisters in Christ that's what we get caught up in all right I really got to go I love you guys let me pray for you father god thank you we praise you we honor you we lift you up lord father I just pray that that today as we we leave this this fight and as we do what we do in the world that we are influencers in the name of Jesus that we give you all the glory and all the praise that everything we do is to honor you father god and lord I pray blessings grace and mercy I pray father that as we go into this resurrection weekend that we keep our focus not only that day but every day about what you've done for us and how we don't deserve it but we honor you and love you father we ask this in the precious powerful name of your son Jesus our savior amen all right everybody god bless you have a beautiful day may the lord watch over you keep you and show favor take care

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