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Pastor Paul on marriage-04-19-23

Pastor Paul on marriage-04-19-23

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Pastor Paul Talks on Marriage 1st Corinthians 1:18 Genesis 2:24

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Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning a brick of faith. I love it. I love it Even though I've seen it a thousand times. I love it a brick of faith Hmm That is good. Good morning Good morning, mr. Janet. Thank you so much Good morning. It's sister Rosemary. It's rosemary. How are you doing this morning? In our prayers and thank you so much. Good morning, Jim Good morning Jim Baker's at you. Oh My my my my Good morning today's title marriage Are you going a different route? We're talking about marriage since my son getting married. We've talked about marriage. We won't be too long this morning We'll probably go until about seven seven fifteen. Laugh out loud marriage, right? Blessings and good morning. Good. Good. Good to see you all this morning Yes Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good to see you Joseph's trial was pushed to the end of the year Hmm. Well, we're going to keep Joseph in prayer Know that God is in charge. There's a reason And so with that being said we're going to keep Joseph in prayer someone said new here now I'm afraid to pronounce your name, but I'm going to say on you new drama It will make it four years. Oh my my my my my my Well, let's remember the original Joseph He spent some time and so that's the last name and your first name though And your first name though Okay morning pastor Paul wanted to stop by and ask how you are doing friend I am doing good Okay, and I am doing great. I cannot complain. We had a wedding this weekend and Alicia Alicia. All right, Alicia. I'm gonna Follow you back. And there you go. At least so Alicia. I'm sure I'm messing that up But please forgive me, but we had a great weekend. All right, I Hope everybody's doing good. Please forgive me. We've been off the radar for a while. My son got married this weekend and folks What a wonderful wedding what a wonderful wedding I tell you Hang on hang on I Gotta I gotta read something to you real quick before we we get started something that last night. I was oh my my my What was the who? What was it? Hang on. I got it. I got to find something real quick Hang on Hang on Hang on Okay had to see something right there hang on first Corinthians 118 go there real quick First Corinthians 118 Let me say hi real quick. Hello everybody. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. You gained a daughter. I did I did grace I gained a daughter. Her name is Alyssa mrs. Abram now, and I I tell you what I Was so pleased but let me just read something to you for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing But to us who are being saved it is the power of God That is in first Corinthians 118. Why do I read that with regards to a wedding? so as you know in a wedding everybody must get up and the father the Mother the the other parents meaning us and family members get up and they share You know a word with the group with regards to the wedding and so the father of the bride got up and the mother and the brother and so on etc, but my son got up and He had written his stuff down like everybody else did and he says good morning And he says first I want to start by saying give honor to God Folks when he said I give honor to God because I am here Today and this is happening today because of God when my son said that Anything else he said after that was was was almost a blur. My heart was overtaken with joy Give honor to God because he's the reason I am here at this moment It's funny is a future sister-in-law said Good luck to both of you like most people they say good luck and this and that but my son hit the nail on the head Give honor to God. I am here because of Him and I tell you thank you miss Kim and I tell you what I I was moved but what a beautiful wedding You know a wedding Genesis 2 24 says therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall become one Flesh did you guys get that in the Bible? The Bible says that when we get married, right? We we we we if you will we become as one But that doesn't mean that we dislike our parents or we disrespect them or we dishonor them But but we become I miss Jasmine good to see you It says it says we become as one. Let me read it again Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother That means that that man is going to leave the house of his parents leave the authority of his parents leave the the the if you will be the the Discipline structure of his parents and now he become becomes as one Thank you. He become or she becomes as one with their spouse So now my son does not need to come back under the the authority of his mom or dad He is his own man. He's his own individual. He has his own family He is taking care of his wife and vice versa His wife is my my daughter-in-law now comes on the authority of her own Household and I thought that was so beautiful at the wedding and that's another thing a wedding You know, there was a lot. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much Nate You know a wedding is a very powerful thing and it takes months and months to prepare It takes a certain amount of money to to to to invest in it It takes a lot of people power and and and the vows that I did I cry I didn't praise God You guys are praying for me But the vows that I communicated with them and had them respond to only took five six ten minutes I'm not really sure but here's something you need to understand that a marriage takes a lifetime The preparation only a moment the the certain amount of finances to make it happen Only for a short amount Everything is only a short amount but the marriage is for a lifetime It's for a lifetime and so my son now is going to until death do his part he's going to be working and Perfecting his marriage you want to know why because marriage is a covenant. Let me repeat. It is a contractual or a covenant relationship look what Malachi 2 forces and you shall know that I have sent this Commandment unto you that my covenant might be with Levi sayeth the Lord of hosts. It is a covenant relationship It's a covenant relationship. It's not to be broken because we don't like each other It's not to be broken because you've changed it's not to be broken because I've outgrown you it is a covenant relationship that stays together It's a covenant Relationship an agreement before God before the church before the people to say that that was I'm so sorry That was Malachi 2 for that is a covenant relationship between God and man marriage What God puts together let no man let no woman put a thunder or separate Good morning marriage. Now. I'll tell you another thing a marriage is Is established by God to be between a man and a woman Let me repeat that Marriage was established by God the oldest institution established by God between a male and a Female now, I'm going to show you another observation that I made with regards to the wedding. Here we go How many of you out there Love to go To weddings and how many of you out there love weddings? Give me a give me a yes that you love weddings Are you love to go to weddings? Please pray for me that God connect me with flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone Yes, amen. Yes Yes, right. Don't we all love going to weddings? I do love being at weddings I want you to hear something on you. I was waiting to share this with you even in the wedding I wanted to share this with you at the wedding There was a bunch of people a lot of people from New York and from Florida from here there They were at the wedding, but every wedding I've ever been to right here we go there's Something special that's taking place in the weddings Well, I get the crowd thing I get the crowd thing but for the most part we like weddings There's something special that takes place in a wedding people of all all faiths all beliefs Some are non-believers for some beautiful reason when they go into a wedding It seems like the world is at peace And you know what God moved up on my heart with regards to my son's wedding or anyway, not just his way Done properly and what I mean done properly between a male and a female when we go to a wedding We know that we are pleasing God I want you to think about what I said when we attend the wedding when we are in the wedding when we Are at the wedding we know that we are pleasing God You get what I'm going with because we know that God established the wedding he invented the marriage he created or that created the template if you will of A male and female coming together as one once again as we as we looked at Genesis 224 224 Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall become one Flesh when we become go to a marriage When we attend a marriage in a wedding, excuse me Everything Seems right Everybody is crying their hearts are are As one with the wedding and what is going on because we know that we are honoring God with this time honored Institution called the marriage between a man and a woman. I am telling you folks Away almost a year ago, man. I became angry at God then Then we we we we Attend this way knowing this is what God ordained from the very beginning. It's not luck It's not it's you know, and when people are getting up at my son's wedding, they said we wish you good luck We hope it works. No, this is what God has put together and we were all at this wedding We were all at this wedding knowing that God has ordained this from the very beginning and I tell you what it was so So beautiful so glad I caught you this morning newborn life has been a little crazy. Well, you know what praise God praise God But there you go, can I hit you up with a mind-blowing question you you can't you can't I don't know if I can Answer it, but you can hit me up with that. But folks the wedding was just Incredible watches Genesis 2 18 and the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone I will make him help. I will make him a help me for him When God brings the right person in your life When God brings the right individual in your life, there is nothing better than that. Oh my my oh Here it comes the mind-blowing question laugh out loud pastor Paul Why is there such high divorce rates in all married couples including Christians? I think that is a powerful question and I'm gonna answer it this simple. Are you ready? Here we go. I Believe that there's a high divorce rate because we don't adequately understand our roles as husband and wife Let me repeat that. I think there's a high divorce rate because we do not understand Right, amen, mr. Jasmine. I was about to flow right into that one We do not understand the role of our positions as husband and wife the first role as Husband and wife. All right And the eyes of God is to be ordained by God to be kept together by God and to have God the center of your marriage Remember that the first miracle that Jesus ever did was turn the water into wine and where was it at? Anybody answer that question when Jesus turned the water into wine You were was that app? Can anybody answer that question when Jesus turned the water into wine? Where what event was taking place? Where was Jesus at when that took place? What was it a wedding? So someone had enough sense to invite Jesus. Oh, oh, oh, I'm preaching Someone had enough sense to invite Jesus to their wedding We need to have Jesus in our wedding. We need to understand our positions We need to understand our role and and so you see you ask the question so many divorces because guess what? Satan knows that if he can destroy the marriage He can destroy a people he can destroy the family You want to know something I've shared with you before I'm not speaking here as if I have never been divorced I know what it's like to go through a divorce. I know what it's like to to to to to I know what it's like to suffer loss to go to court to depend on lawyers to Counseling and the list goes on I would not wish divorce on anybody But if we would work on our marriages if we would understand our position our role as a man as a woman and know that Jesus must be in the center of Our relationship we will be fine Bible doesn't allow divorce the Bible does allow divorce under what? What does the Bible allow divorce? What is the only reason for divorce in the Bible? Can anyone tell us this? Can anyone tell us the only reason This is not pastor Paul's first rodeo. Amen. Amen Infidelity adultery that is the only grounds that does it now. Here we go folks. Here we go That doesn't mean we still have to get divorced That means that's the only grounds for divorce. There have been many people in marriages that A Adultery has happened and their marriage is better now than any other time Now that doesn't give you to go to the green light to go commit adultery and so that you can get a divorce But what about abuse? Abuse is not Likened to but I rest assured. I don't believe that the Lord wants you to be abused Rest assured. I don't sure the Lord does not want you to be harmed in any way spiritually physically mentally Emotionally verbally and the list goes on. However, the only grounds for divorce is adultery sexual relationship outside of the framework of marriage that is adultery so with that being said we We have to understand our roles in marriage we have to understand our roles as as as as as man and woman We get too overly concerned, you know Miss Jasmine I did I did a counseling with her and her husband and you know, we had some very incredible long Conversations and so, you know One of the biggest things beyond even them was just understanding the role as a man and to understand the role as a woman You know at the wedding my daughter said, you know dad weddings are so archaic And I laughed at her because I think she says things to try to get me aroused to get me, you know Fired up to get me, you know, you know, just uh, and I was like really Kiana however Marriage is very old But the thing about marriage is we have to understand our roles We have to understand our position as a man and a woman and then you're not called to sit here and be a dictator Oh, oh, should I preach on this just a minute? Okay, here we go Men you are not called To be an abuser You're not the master of the house. You are not the slave driver. You're not the dictator You're not the the one MC. You are the man. You are the head of the house Now, what does that mean head of the house? You're the head of the house with regards to providing for your family You're the head of the house by Leading your family to church You're the head of the you're the head of the house by being the example for the rest of the household You're the head of the house because you're going to be the one to put on to protect You're going to do everything you can to provide for your family The Bible says that a man who does not take care of his family is worse than a sinner those This is what we must understand as Men, we have a role. We have a position. It's not about you know, sex. It's not just about sex It's not just about you know, this or that and so on etc. Being a man is putting your wife and your children first You're not a dictator now, they'll understand this and hear me when I say this, please When a man is living a godly life the woman will follow. Oh Y'all didn't get that did you when a man is living a godly life the woman shall follow see a lot of you too busy playing video games and Not taking care of your family a lot of you too busy sucking down the alcohol and not take care of your family a lot Of you are too busy Out running with your friends and not taking care of your family If you would have your behind at home Providing for your family watching over them taking care of them being present and accounted for that woman will follow They will Trust me look at society We have so many women walking around and their signature title for men. Oh, they're dogs. Oh They're there, you know, they're this or they're that and so on etc You want to know why because men have fallen short of their responsibility when it comes to that wife and those children Think about it think about it Think about it Yeah, we have to be responsible we have to be accountable we have to take care of our families We have to nurture we have to love we should be the first one in prayer We should be the first one out the door on our way to church We should be the first one giving glory to God. We should be the first one living according to God's Word If we understood our roles men, I'm harder on men than I am women But if men would understand their roles, we wouldn't see the amount of divorces that we're dealing with Then we and we are so distracted by nonsense We are so distracted men. We can't even watch a television show folks I was talking to a young man the other day and he was talking about being addicted to pornography and he had been free of The addiction of pornography for four years now, but I said wow man. Thank God for you Thank God for you. And I said, well, can I tell you something? He said what I go? I've not I've never been talking about me. I've never been addicted to pornography I go, but I know how I'm wired as a man and even if I'm watching a show and Something comes on maybe we're watching Maybe the game of thrones. I'll use that as an example You're watching some game of thrones and all of a sudden a scene comes on that You know, it's a man that's going to cause you like whoa. I told I told him I get up and I leave the room He said what I said, I understand how I am wired as a man now, man I said earlier we get so easily distracted But we have to keep our focus at all times. What does the Bible say give no room to the devil? We got we can't be distracted man if we would be serious and If we would be serious and this all stems from the question someone said pastor Paul Why are so many marriages in that divorce? I think stats say that 50% one out of two marriages end up in divorce and I guarantee if you dig a little deeper I would have to say is and most the time folks don't need to get divorced if they would keep their focus on their marriage And let me tell you all something here real quick. Let me be very very very Sincere with you 1st Corinthians 712 says nevertheless to avoid fornication Let every man have his own wife and let every woman have his own Husband, let me read that again 1st Corinthians 712 says nevertheless to avoid fornication And that word fornication means sexual activity outside the framework of marriage But let's read it again nevertheless to avoid fornication Let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband Miss Debbie is my standard of beauty. Miss Debbie is the Individual that I share sexual relationship with and her and her only alone and that goes both ways But we lose our focus Because We are getting distracted from what is important that God put this marriage together now watch this People say well, you can look but don't touch that is the dumbest thing one could even say you can look but don't touch If you are sitting there lusting after an individual In due season that will take root and in due season you will get birth to that sin Now come on, let me take a sip of my coffee because I got I got to throw something out there All right. Let me do this. Hang on the adultery in your heart, right? Right adultery in your heart That's when Jesus said if you looked at a woman and you you've lusted over her you've committed adultery in your heart All right, we got that square away, but watch this Folks understand something hear me out You can acknowledge beauty You can acknowledge an individual is handsome but when you sit there and and and and and and lock your concentration Your mind your heart and fixate on an individual you've got to be very careful because that's going to slip into Adultery that's going to slip into Fornication that's going to slip into committing a sin So I can acknowledge. Wow, that's a beautiful person. Oh, that's a handsome person. I leave it there and go about my business. I Leave it there and go about my business. I Acknowledge it and I move forward you want to know why because Miss Debbie is my standard of beauty and When someone says now speaking of Miss Debbie my standard of beauty. I was looking at some pictures now This this is not a real old picture. This is a few years old, but there's me and Miss Debbie All right, look at Miss Debbie There's Miss Debbie. There's me I Don't know why I mean, it's not real old, but you can see she had dark hair then You can see I had a little more hair But that's my standard of beauty Now sometimes we get in a position of marriage where we say well, you know, you don't look the way you used to look You're not the same size that you used to be I've grown out of love with you. That is the dumbest. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude I don't mean to be rude But that is the dumbest thing that one could say and I tell you what the one who said it Do you think you haven't changed? The one who said it do you think that you haven't lost your hair or you have more wrinkles or you've gained a little weight? Or maybe you've lost a little weight or your attitude has changed a bit when we come together It's still death to his part it is a contract it is a covenant between us and God Number one not another reason Why there's so many divorces? Because Satan knows if he can cause divorce The ripple effect from that divorce is going to affect your children and your children's children How many of you have been okay, let's be honest with each other and good thing about tic-tac How many of you on here have been divorced? Let's I've been there me and miss Debbie was divorced and and and I was divorced many years ago We've been together now for almost 30 years. So it's been a long time everyone. Sadly, how many on here has been divorced? They've been through a divorce Somebody me I have Yeah, I have I have okay right there we're look look guys look at this Look at this. Okay. I'm with you. We're in that club. Not yet. Oh Lord brother Nate, come on Okay, we see it. All right next question. Here we go. I'm the child of divorced parents. That's where I'm going next How many of you have? experienced Some Sad events with your kids because of divorce your your kids have been affected by the divorce. How many of them I have I Have my oldest child. I don't have the best relationship with her because of divorce. How many of them have me? There you go, Jim Yes, I have see folks. Look at that. Look at that. Look at this. Yes This this is this this is the majority But in the people I have we Satan knows that when divorce comes into play that is going to affect your children and your children's children and even you have been the the the Child of divorce and you're an adult now. It is affected you It affects you It affects your viewpoint on marriage. It affects your viewpoint on on your children Viewpoint on the spouse or ex-spouse it creates a Immeasurable amount of complication and Satan knows this Satan knows this he knows that if he can affect the marriage between a man and woman Then he can affect the offspring What else does Satan do Satan tries to alter what marriage is folks? I'm telling you right now I don't care what anybody says the description or definition of marriage is between a man and a woman Let me repeat this the definition of marriage now you can try to change the definition you can try to change What it means to be married but the marriage between a man and a woman must be Ever Forever until death do you part? Why why death? Why do we say until death do you part? Death is the only thing that can break the contract. Oh Wait a minute. Wait a minute This is what I said to my son Do you take this woman and when I said to my daughter or do you take this man? Until what death do you part because death is the only thing that can break the contract Didn't Jesus go to the cross because why God said for the wages of sin is death Why if you eat of the tree of knowledge good and evil you shall surely die and did not Jesus go to the cross and die Why because he broke the contract You got the connection. Did you get it? Did you get it? Wow separated That's not divorce that's separated That's not divorce that's separated. That's it. That's that that's not divorce Somebody got that. Uh, what is that revive? You got that you got that brother Ab, what do I mean? Look look, okay. Watch this watch this. Hang on. Let me read something Hang on Wait a minute, wait a minute First Corinthians 7 to nevertheless to avoid fornication Let every man have his own wife and let every woman have his own husband first Corinthians 728 But if thou it but if thou marry thou has not sin and if a virgin Mary She has not sinned nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh, but I spare you. Hang on I'm looking I'm looking. Oh Let me read this real quick not read this but let me say this real quick The only way that a Marriage can come to a closing is through divorce. I mean through death All right, when me and miss Debbie went before God and said our vows We made an agreement a covenant a contract with God We made an agreement we made a covenant we made a contract before God we said I do before God now there were people there Well, they're in use my son because our wedding was not like a traditional wedding It was my dad my grandma my mom me and miss Debbie but in my son there were Maybe a hundred people there and they were there at the altar with me and when they said there I do They made a covenant agreement before God and it's the end of that covenant. Mr Ed at the end of that covenant agreement. They said they said I do I do in Front of who God not even though I was physically there. They did it in front of God A man pastor Charles Stanley a man. Thank you for bringing that brother James a mighty man of God a teacher of the word Went home to be with the Lord Could you imagine teaching all those years the Word of God the power of God and to wake up in the presence of? Jesus Christ There's a man that that that ran a good race I am saddened that He has left this world, but I rejoice Because he is with the Lord. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it back to our subject matter though so when we make an agreement before God with regards to our marriage we say we will not We will not divorce we will stay together until death do us part death When death comes in that breaks the contract When death comes in that's when the contract is broken That means at that point in time that if the man is left he can remarry if the woman's left she can remarry Because why the contract till death do us part is broken Jesus when God came to Adam and Eve and said if you eat of the tree You shall surely die Death came into the world For the wages of sin is death now Jesus went to the cross and Died and the contract was broken so we transition from the law unto grace because we put our faith Yes, you may ask a question miss Ashley about marriage. Please it mentioned again if I don't see it Jesus broke that contract that we May be free from the law and now we're under grace There we go, I love it, I love let me go back here I keep seeing this young man pastor Paul if we strive to be more like Jesus Why do we not celebrate Passover as he did curious? Hang on is divorce is sin if if it is adultery, why did you get a divorce on your first marriage? adultery adultery my ex-wife cheated on me she married she's married to the man that she committed the adulterous act with I Didn't want to get a divorce and I felt like a failure with regards to the divorce But however, it happened the Passover Jesus becomes our Passover Our Passover Jesus speaks of the Passover, but he becomes our Passover. What it was the Passover. It was a lamb What was that lamb? It was the sacrificial act by putting the blood on the door that they that the The angel would bypass the firstborn who had the blood the blood represented Grace with that being said Jesus is our Passover We celebrate the Passover or the type and shadow or the imagery of the original Passover I hope that makes sense So now I don't have to get a lamb because why because Jesus was the sacrifice Once and for all not only was he the sacrifice. He is also The high priest the king Jesus All right Do you have to be married by law or you can you be married in spirit or both just asking? I think that's a very good question but I think that you want to go before the church and I think that you want to go before the man of God and I believe by example That is the best thing but can I follow back on that because I've been asked that before I personally Because Adam and Eve were before God I believe that if we are going to If we're going to emulate that and imitate that that the church has been given the authority So with that being said, I believe that we want to get married before the church How beautiful that even Jesus likens his relationship with the church like a groom and a bride So that would be my my off-the-cuff answer to that However, I would I would personally seek God's Guidance and I would personally get married under the authority of the church and as the man of God that would be me Always ask God to reveal and direct your steps. Amen folks we got about five more minutes because I've got to get off here and I've got to head down the road and get over to Ace and and and check in so but um, there's some okay Matthew 19 6 Wherefore they are no more twain or two, but one flesh what therefore God has joined together Let no man put asunder The Passover was For and before Jesus. Amen. The Passover was before Jesus, but it represented Jesus the Passover was in the Old Testament But Jesus became our Passover the Lamb in the Old Testament Even if you look at the lamb when they crucified the lamb or killed the lamb It was at three o'clock even Jesus the time that his death took place with that three o'clock You seem genuine pastor Paul, but I don't believe any of this anymore after growing up in a cult You know what? I Understand what you're seeing if you grew up in a cult that within itself Sends red flags. However, please I want to back up. I want to follow you if you don't mind I'm gonna follow you Okay, and a Rastafari. I just followed you and would you please keep following me? and so I tell you what I can understand growing up in a cult and Understand thinking or being taught Nontruth but I teach from the Word of God and I believe the Word of God and it's never Misled me nor has it misled my family. So please in all love Would you please follow me because I just sure I can do that. It has completely messed with my mind. I Get it. I could understand being in a false teaching. I could understand that but with that being said Jesus would never steer you wrong. He will never steer you wrong. He loves you He loves you to the point that he went to the cross No other religion in the world that the founder of that faith that the founder died for that faith Jesus is the only one and he loves you and he's alive. He overcame death He overcame the grave and he proved to the cosmos that he was God Because no one no one ever went to hell and came back But Jesus did and he loves you He loves you so much that he wants you to be in the presence of his father He says no one cometh to the father, but by me. He loves you to the point and even though you might I I'm I'm lost. I loved him too so much. I dedicated my life to him. I'll keep watching. So keep your it Here we go. I leave you with this. I am sorry that you Found yourself in a cult because of your family, I'm so sorry, but Jesus is not a cult And I'm sorry there were some people teaching some false teachings with regards to Jesus Jesus is the farthest thing from the cult. He loves unconditionally The Bible says that we were while we were yet still sinners. He went to the cross for you and I We didn't he didn't even he didn't wait for us to get right He gave his life to get us right and he loves you. He loves me. And so with that being said, thank you Thank you, brother Nate, but please please just keep following Don't don't dismiss Jesus keep following and seeking that personal relationship with the Lord The Lord loves you. He knows you by name. He knows you and it's not by accident. You're Here this morning. It's not by accident that that that you and I are Conversating right now. It's not by accident that mostly 180 people are listening to what you say And I'm sure without a doubt some of them are praying. They are praying for you right now That's not by accident that is divine appointment that is that is something that that that God orchestrated and I am I Apologize for anybody that mistreated you or told you false teaching But I know with all my heart the Lord loves you. The Lord loves you. All right guys I'm going to share with you two more minute or with two more minutes, and I've got to get going I want you to pray for me and Miss Debbie, I Had to come to the hardcore truth That and someone asked us earlier. Am I really a pastor? Do I really pastor a church? I do I do I pastor a church my father started in the early 60s But I had to come to the hardcore decision that my church will probably never grow That my church will probably never be a big church and that's not a big deal Well, it used to be because you've got to remember that pastors Base their success based on how their church grows I've come to the conclusion that I you know in the last couple weeks. I was hurt by a Couple folks and I I'm sure I was just hurt and I had to come to the conclusion that here we go We're going to lose some folks again, and I just You If I lived in Arizona, thank you Um, I've just come to the conclusion that our church is going to be the small Intimate loving church that are going to have the same people God Lord willing every Sunday and then we're just going to love each other and we're just going to do everything we possibly can To grow closer to Christ. I'm I'm just not It's hard to explain and I'm trying to be very transparent. Is that I'm not A traditional pastor with a traditional church that offers all these traditional things for people We're just a loving church. Some people are in time. They're not on time. Some people have their Bibles They don't have their Bibles. Some people are really relaxed, but I just want to love on people That's all I'm trying to do is just love on people and I'm afraid because people come there that because we don't have a lot To offer people find themselves leaving and it hurts but on the flip side I've just come to the conclusion that we're just a small loving church that just wants to be here to love on people And so I hope y'all will pray for me. I know that's hard to understand what I'm trying to express But Eddie I in the past I've thought about giving up Because our church wasn't growing but that's Satan I'm not going to give up I'm just coming to the conclusion I'm going to have a ministry the size of The the size of thank you, Miss Jasmine. We're gonna have a ministry the size of Jesus's first ministry How many people were in Jesus's first ministry? Can anybody answer that question? Can anybody tell me what was the what was the membership number of Jesus's first church 12 Amen, and one of them was was faking So if Jesus can have a ministry that has only 12 then guess what pastor Paul is going to have a ministry that has what it has and so Now miss Susan you said something very incredible there miss Susan That is the alternative miss Susan said but your church is growing on tik-tok That miss Susan is where God he showed me something he showed me that that The church is beyond the walls that I'm at. I've known this Intellectually, but I feel that emotionally and spiritually that that that The church has gone beyond The four walls and now has Can barely stand to hear any Bible talk it's triggering but I stopped here and Okay, there you go. But here we go that the church goes beyond the four walls and now the church in this Ministry has gone Internationally has gone internationally. I mean we're listened by people from Africa the UK I think we've even had people on here from I think and I don't know but I think we even had someone on here at one time from Ukraine, so with that being said I Thank God Thank God maybe well, let's see maybe God led you to this church Well, I I'm led to this church Even from Anaheim praise God. I'm led to this church. My father started it in the 60s And I you just sometimes get a little down you get a little down But you know what just pray for us because I believe God is using us using me and I'm over that I don't think that way anymore. I used to think like that like ah, but look Louisiana we got somebody from Iran, Wisconsin, South Florida. Is there really somebody from Iran here? Are you serious? But it says Milwaukee, Wisconsin So you probably originate from Iran put in the comments where you are Chicago, there we go Houston, Texas Yeah, I love it. Indiana sad that this app may be taken down Are you on another app if you go to our web page our church web page Southern Avenue Missionary Baptist Church You can sign up and we are going to We're going to we're creating Jim our Our software engineer is creating New Zealand is creating something where you're going to be able to see us on other Platforms tick-tock when it takes down, hopefully love the Kentucky Cup, right? matter of fact this cup was sent to me by a Beautiful family. I think that the first year maybe the second year on tick-tock and I've drank out of it The majority of the time of all my views I love this cup This is a beautiful family who not only did this beautiful family Send me a cup their story is beautiful. They lost their child And and and the husband was struggling with anger but I was blessed to be able to counsel with him to talk with him and now they have a New child a new baby the other ones in the presence of the Lord And so with that being said they sent me a cup and I just praise God so for my Kentucky family But there you go guys. I've got to get going. I've got to get going Montana's making it illegal to have tick-tock That's too bad that's too bad but until they take it off we're going to we're going to keep sharing The Word of God so this morning guys we talked about we talked about various things marriage and weddings But my son's wedding was beautiful. Lord willing. I'll be here tomorrow morning Once again, if you want to if you want to follow us go to the go to the gym What how can they look at look us up again? I? Don't I don't to church because so many people are fake Out what is Jim? What's the where can they look good morning from from Boston pocket kind of have a guide seven day event 7th Avenue Baptist Church Southern Avenue missionary Baptist Church, but if you go to pastor Paul dot TV, there you go pastor Paul Dot TV you can you can Go on our website and you can follow what? Avenues or what platforms we're going to use so that you can hello from Pennsylvania What avenues and what platforms you may use to follow us and so you can do that also if you want to bless the ministry And prayer you can do that Please pray for us and if you want to if you want to bless the ministry monetarily you can do that Like I said, I'm not going to beg that's not my that's not my mo But if you want to support our ministry and bless our ministry Mo, but if you want to support our ministry and bless our ministry you may however folks Lord willing I'm so sorry. I reiterate that I have been off the radar for a while But once again, my son is married, and I'm so excited. I when I Called his wife mrs. Abram. It brought so much joy into my heart and so now we're excited about the next chapter in their lives and Out without a doubt the moment we find out that She's which I son his wife or on then that sound good. My son and his wife. They're on their honeymoon right now About to do all right how some say Paul didn't write certain books in the Bible. I believe he did Well, let's talk about that tomorrow. I will say this the the books that Paul Was pinned to it written he wrote Because if people say that Paul didn't then that dismisses what Paul said and if Paul didn't say it then we have a lot to deal with but I found that a lot of religions try to dismiss Paul and Dismiss him being the author of certain books because why do you dismiss it? Then you mess up a whole lot of doctrines and teachings of Christ. All right. All right, let's pray father God we thank you. We praise you. We lift you up. We thank you for this. We thank you for your son We thank you for grace and mercy Lord. I pray for the church. I pray for the ministry not my church, but the church I pray for all those that are the sound of my voice father God, and I pray that you will bless Lord I pray for Joseph Lord, you know his circumstance, you know what he's going through You know what he's dealing with I pray for him and his mother Rosemary. I pray for her I pray that you watch over that you would keep her that you would give her the strength of faith Understanding that's unmeasurable that she would just trust in you father God and Lord. I just pray for The individual who declared himself to be an atheist I declare that you would just reveal yourself to them for we know that the preaching Of the cross is foolishness to those who perished but to us we know it's the power of God father God And I pray that you would just bless that Individual to see the greatness of who you are and Lord last but not least we pray for our friend that Says that she was raised in a cult We pray for her that you would just comfort her that you'd watch over her that you would bless her That you would just keep her Lord in your hedge protection and father. I pray that she would just Get over the hurt of the church that church or that ministry or whatever. That cult was and And Lord that the true church the church is made up of people of love kindness gentleness just just Would embrace her they would love her and they would encourage her to serve you father. We thank you. We praise you We ask all of this in the name of Jesus, and we all say amen All right, everybody. God bless you have a beautiful Wonderful day keep your head up may the Lord lead you I choose love

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