Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Amen. Amen. Well, good morning. God is great. This is the day, as we said already, that God made, and we can choose to rejoice and be glad in it. I am glad that we are those who, we are they, who choose to rejoice and be glad in the days that God gives us, all of the days. You know, I remember the song that says, my good days, all of my days, my good days outweigh my bad days, and I won't complain. Well, every day that God gives us is an opportunity to choose to worship Him and to praise Him and to give Him the glory. And as we stand here today, as we sit here today in our respective places, wherever we are, the opportunity to yield ourselves, submit ourselves under the teaching of the Holy Spirit through whoever it comes, is one of the ways that we can rejoice and be glad in the day that He's given us. If you didn't wake up, everybody who is alive don't even know that they are alive and can't worship or praise Him. Some people are comatose this morning, but even in a comatose state, God is still with them. God is still speaking to their spirits, and they are still alive. So God, we bless you and praise you and give you glory and honor today. We thank you for everything that you do and all that you are. You're worthy of all praise. You're worthy of all glory. God, and we just choose to worship you today. We choose to submit to you, Holy Spirit, as you open our eyes and our ears and loosen our stiff necks and give us revelation, knowledge, and understanding of the things that you show us, the things that you teach us. Give us revelation, knowledge, and understanding as we go forth in this day. We bless you today. We praise you today. And thank you for every teaching and preaching and prophetic opportunity, Lord God, for every opportunity to travel to where your people are to deliver your word over the airwaves, in person, however it's done, God, however it's done, Holy Spirit. We trust you that when we open our mouth, you'll fill it with the things to say that is edifying and glorifying, edifying to us, glorifying to God, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. I don't want to wait till the end, Apostle, but right now, I want to give God glory and honor for what he's about to do in this, we'll call it a revival, but this time of prophetic release, this time of prophetic release. And so, God, I thank you for allowing your apostle, your prophet to go forth and release what you have for the people. You've made her pregnant with information, pregnant, Lord God, with instruction, pregnant, oh God, with warning, pregnant, God, with food, with words that we need to hear. We bless you and praise you. I thank you that every person who is in person, every person, Lord God, that hears over the airwaves today, over the next three days, every person that hears as a result of the recording over the year, whenever they hear it, Lord God, I thank you that our eyes are open and our ears are attentive to what you're saying to your people today, but not only let us hear it, God, but through the prophet, through the apostle, allow us to hear and to obey. Your word teaches us that if we love you, we obey your commandments. We obey your commandments today, even in advance. Thank you for feeding her. Thank you for strengthening her. Thank you for appointing her and anointing her with a special anointing for such a time as this. God, your word is truth. Your apostle, your prophet, your chosen vessel speaks your truth, and we declare it by faith in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Amen. You know, I'm happy that... Amen. Amen. Go ahead. We're going to wrap it up before we get started. Apostle... Oh, I was just saying, amen. Amen. Amen. And just when I... Just know that I don't... You know how God gives you this excitement even before you know what you're thinking about? That's what I'm experiencing. So I just thank God for what he's about to do in the earth through you, through Pastor Donald, because, you know, you guys are, you know, you're an awesome resource in the earth. Amen. So this morning, you know, or even last week, we were talking about, you know, getting back to basics. If you recall, I said that I had started a conversation and wrote some circles on a page, and the circles were... In between the page, I drew a line, the line representing the difference between eternity and time. So above the line, we had... Well, in the middle of the line, in the middle of the page is God, and above the line is God, and below the line is God, but, you know, man is also below the line. And so this morning, as I sat here, and now that page that I was writing on is actually in an Excel file that is being developed, you know, so I understand that the conversation that we're having is being developed, but every time, it's being developed. And so on the page, above the line, in eternity, you know, I said, well, the whole page is God. I am. He is the Creator. He's Elohim. But He's more than that, and He's all of that, right? So above the line, I said, well, God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and I was corrected. Above the line, God is Elohim, He's Creator, and above the line, in eternity, He is Word, and above the line, He is Holy Spirit, right? And we have that, we find that in Genesis chapter 1, verses 1 through 3. In Genesis chapter 1, the first three verses, the first three, yeah, the first three verses of Genesis, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. The Creator God, Elohim, is in eternity, right? And then the second verse says, the earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God, right? The Spirit of God was hovering above the face of the water. So in eternity, we have the Creator God, we have the Spirit God, and then the third verse says, then God said, then God said. And then in John, the gospel of John, chapter 1, verse 1, we understand that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Everything that was made was made by Him, and there's nothing that is made unless it came through Him. So God in eternity is Father, excuse me, God in eternity is Creator, He is Word, and He is Spirit. And then in the earth, we find that God is still God, He is I Am, He's the Creator God, He's everything that He is in eternity, in time. In time, we discover, and this is what God is doing, and this is why every time I go to one of those circles, I find scripture to support what He's saying, but the scripture is so good that I find myself, if you will, stuck here because what He's saying there is so good. And so it's not finished. But I can tell you that, so the three that are in heaven agree with it. Everything that God has said and He's planned, He didn't just say it or plan it, but all of God agrees with God. So in, the old people would say I John, but in 1 John, chapter 5, verses 7 through 12, but chapter 5 is so good, you know, when you go through a scripture, and then you back up a little bit, you find so much, I find so much goodness in it, that it's so appetizing, I don't want to leave it. But in here, it says, whoever believes, we're talking about God, so it says, let me see, who is He, verses 7 through 12, for there is, for there are three that bear witness in heaven, we just talked about it, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. But it goes on to say, and there are three that bear witness in the earth, right, three that bear witness in the earth, the Spirit, same Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the water and the blood. And these three agree, the water and the blood. And I'll pull the scripture, I don't have it at my fingertip right now, where when Jesus was on the cross and they pierced Him in the side, it says, the water and the blood ran down. And when it dripped to the earth, earthquakes and all kinds of madness happened, but the Spirit of God, the water and the blood, these are physical things, these are things that are within, inside of time, all agree. So God, in time, is the Father of Jesus, He is still, I am, He is still the Creator, Elohim, He's still the Word, He's still the Spirit, He is the Father. We know Him as the Father, our Father which are in heaven, hello, holy be thy name, reverence be your name. And then He is, at the same time, the Word, in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word was with God. And it goes on in that same chapter, John, 1 John, it says that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we knew Him as the only begotten Son of God. So God is, at the same time, the Creator, He's the Word, He's the Spirit, He's the Father, He's the Word in earth, and He is the Son. And through the Son, by the Son, the Spirit, the water, and the blood agree that God is God. And everything that He's saying, I'm saying this because everything that He is saying to us is real and is true and is profitable for life for every man and for every woman and for every boy and for every girl. And when He keeps saying, get back to basics, get back to basics, you can see in the news, you can see around you in your community, all of the ways that the enemy, because we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but all of the ways that Satan and his hordes have watered down the gospel, have watered down the truth, have begun to accept that which is what God does not allow as being godly, as being okay, right? As being okay, because God is love and God is love, but God is also just and He's righteous. And His word is truth. He is the source of life. And so, we must get back to the basics to understand who God is and to preach who God is, because as we lift Him up, Jesus is God, the Holy Spirit is God, the Creator is God, the Word is God, the Spirit is God, the water and the blood that agrees with the Spirit is God. The words that we instruct, the words that you'll teach tonight, that will come, that will flow from you tonight, that flows, apostles, that will flow through you, that's not written on the pages, right? The Word of God is alive and is active and it creates, it does that, which God will have it to do. We need to get back to the basics in that if they don't understand who God is, they cannot understand who we are or who they are, because the picture, the explanation, the examples that are given, the half-truth, part-truth, total lies that is communicated confuses the mind of the lost and confuses the mind of the faithless, right? Faithfulness is necessary. The Word says in 1 John chapter 5, it says, Who ever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begot also loves Him who is begotten? In other words, everybody who loves God, how do you know, how can you love the Son if you don't know who God is? And they're not teaching God now, they're teaching higher power, right? They're teaching a source, not necessarily a source of life, just a source, a higher power, a different, they're not talking God, they're not calling God, God, we're not teaching and preaching and sharing who He is, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Father, Word, we're not teaching who He is and so it's time to get back to basics. He is the way, God is the way, He is the truth, He is the light, He is the life of men, He is the Holy Spirit, He is eternal, He is just, He is righteous, and He is judged, and His judgments are righteous and they are fair and they're altogether good. And so we must live in agreement with and in accordance with what God is saying in this day and in this time, and I won't be before you long today because this is what He's saying, we must focus the people back on the things of God, we must focus the people, not, you know, we can shout, I saw a video that just turned, you know, it kind of turned my stomach of a preacher who was, you know, everybody was just getting down, rocking, and doing everything that they do in church, and it looked like, you know, because he was in church and the man of God was on stage, that it must be okay, it must be all right, because, you know, He's approving it, but brothers and sisters, it's time to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but God's truth, and to live it. You see, a person is usually drawn off and away from God when they are, when the light comes in little doses, right, in small doses. If I can get you to begin to focus, I tell you what, my partner Ray always talks about how he used to like to go and get in his boat and go fishing by himself, and he says sometimes when he's on the water, he, you know, it's a nice, calm, beautiful day and he's out there and he's fishing and he's paying attention to what he's doing, but if you don't, if you're really not paying attention to what's happening around you, the water is always moving, right, the wind is always blowing, and you may find yourself starting in one spot, but when you look up, you've drifted all the way to a place where you didn't really want to be. So he says that he learned to anchor his boat, but also he learned to focus on a certain point on the shore so that he could really tell where he, when he looks up, he could tell where he is, how far he's drifted off. But when people are taught to lie a little at a time, they don't notice that they're drifting, and if they're not even saved, I'm talking about the saved folk, don't recognize that they're drifting. So if I input the lie a little at a time, if I allow this or that a little at a time, and I speak more about the wisdom of the world, I apply it more of the things that are going on around me rather than the Word of God, people will begin to drift, their understanding will begin to be clouded, and they won't even know that they're drifting, they won't even know that their understanding is clouded. So we who are rooted and grounded in faith must speak the faith, must speak faith, must tell the truth, and must use the Word of God as our foundation and the rhema of God as our explanation, as the Holy Spirit allows us to share what God is saying to his people now. God doesn't change, he's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and his Word never returns to him void, and it doesn't fall to the ground when we speak it, it returns to him when we allow the words of our mouth to fill their minds, their hearts, and the airways with faith-filled words, faith-filled words float, faith-filled words are not heavy, faith-filled words float and cause the person to focus on, focus up, focus on the things of God. God is real, you know, his Word is truth, he is living, he's active, and he desires of all to return to him. Prophetess, when you step into the arena this week, I hear that you're not stepping in as an apostle, you are, you are that, but this prophetic encounter, this prophetic encounter is coming straight from him. So I know you're not afraid, I know you're not afraid to say what he said, and some people may not be able right now to receive what you're about to release into the earth realm, but be instant, be instant, in season, this is the season for God's truth to be released, this is the time for the prophet to say what thus saith the Lord, and it won't always sound good or won't always feel good, but it will result in good when the people hear it and obey it. God says, if you love me, you will keep my commandments, speak his Word, speak his commandments, explain it to them, and release it, and let it go, amen? That's all I have to say today, that's all I want, I want to open it up now for conversation, but that's what, that's where, that's where my heart is, amen? Amen. Amen, Pastor Brown, let me just encourage you on your accuracy, on last night, I think it was early this morning, you know, as the Lord knows, he's definitely dealing with a different bus, he did tell me, I was literally looking to see what I was going to wear, and he spoke so clearly, and said, you are not going as the apostle, but you are going as the prophet. And then he said to me, he had me write down some different examples, because the theme scripture is Matthew 3 and 11, so of course it's talking about the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit, and one of the words he had me to literally just dissect was, you know, like visitation, or, you know, do you want to encounter, and so you're using exact words, so I want you to know how sensitive you are in the Spirit, because I was leaning my ear to the Holy Ghost and it was so different, so I know everything you're saying definitely is in line with what the Lord, because even with how you said release it, let it go, and there is an excitement for me, because the Lord is showing me the ones that are hungry, so in a nutshell, he gave it to me like this, he said, you're going to explain their now, and that's the foundation for tonight, he said, and then you're going to talk about their next, and then on Tuesday, I'll wrap it up with the after, so it's now, next, and after. I'm telling you, Christy Brown, you all, you're there, so I bless God with even the shift that the Lord is doing in your life, and again, I thank God that even with our Sunday School, I was going to message you about what we were going to call it, but as I was sending it out to the individuals that I normally send it to, he had me to put, because it's not just a Sunday School, there is definitely a discipleship that's going on, so it's going to be Sunday Discipleship School, until God says different, amen, but I love you all for joining, I did hear another chime in, so I'm not going to prolong, but I'm just excited about what God is doing, because he's also dealt with me about our focus, and getting back to the basics, so we're all in the same, so the line is open, if anybody else would like to comment, and God bless you all. Amen, amen, well, with that said, no other comments, we're just going to leave it right there, we're going to, if I gave you a scripture, it would be 1 John, chapter 5, 7, focusing on those scriptures, and we'll talk again next week, this is our Sunday Discipleship Training, and we'll be back next week at 930, invite somebody, come with your paper, come with your pen, and come prepared to share what God is saying to you, because this is a discipleship, everybody gets to say something, and God is talking to all of us, I love you. Pastor, are you there? Yes, sir. Can you close it out with a word of prayer, I want you to come in and then close it with a word of prayer. Yeah, I'm just enjoying the lesson this morning, the word that went forth, that I encouraged the both of you Apostles and Pastor Brown, that in this season, how sensitive that you both of us are to be listening to God and how to convey His words, that people will look to Him, you know, with so much that's going on in this season and this time, we definitely have to be sensitive, and we spoke this time and time again that we have to obey His words, you know, and it was just, you know, profound how you said, there's a little here and a little there, keeps you drawn away, and the illustration of the brainwaves drifting away, that's what happens. We drift so far away from what God has established for us, but I want to encourage the people as well to say that God is an ever-present God, so when someone has brought forth the word of warning, that's why we have to be sensitive to hear the Spirit of the Lord, that we have a hold to that, and we find out with that, the reality, and not be drawn away, because it's easy to be like, well, it was okay last week, and then two months later, we don't see that in us, and, you know, it's not three months, and it's again, now we've grown, because we wait for that excitement to be pulled further and further away. Amen? That's all I have. Praise God. Amen. Close it with a word, Pastor. Yes, sir. Oh, gracious eternal Father, we just thank you for this day, oh God, God, we thank you for allowing us to wake up on today, oh God, we thank you for the words that went forth on today, oh God, God, we thank you for your leaders, oh God, we ask that you continue to bless, oh God, bless me today, oh God, that the sound of my voice upon today, oh God, oh God, that we be sensitive to hear, oh God, and be obedient to do, oh God, in the word, in the mighty name of Jesus, Father God, I thank you right now for what's going to take place on tonight, oh God, as the word of the Lord, God, we thank you for traveling in this time of this cold weather, and God, we thank you for your protection, oh God, oh God, we give you glory, we give you grace, and we magnify you, in Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Well, everybody be safe, and we'll talk again soon. God willing, I'll be watching you tonight, listening, listening. Well, at least three days. Amen. God bless you all. Thank you all for doing this. God bless you.